![Carroll Vs. Bowling Green, 1949 John Carroll University](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
John Carroll University Carroll Collected Football Programs Athletics Department 10-28-1949 Carroll vs. Bowling Green, 1949 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/football Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "Carroll vs. Bowling Green, 1949" (1949). Football Programs. 14. http://collected.jcu.edu/football/14 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Athletics Department at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in Football Programs by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact connell@jcu.edu. • 9£l.J1UL )nllJlJ:a.AL The . John C'arrolJ t night \vill h :lriving t keep ~n tact a p rf ct r cord against inva ling Bowl­ mg Green ~ta t e niv rsity of Bowlino· Gr en, 0. ATHLETIC REVIEW Th , t rcal<s and Falco n, hav meL three t im . with the forn r \\'inning in 1921 (.-1-0), 19' ' • (:20- 0) and la:t ~ · ear gaining- a 10-1:3 ti in the i:nal quarter. Offic ial Football Magazine The 1!).18 thriller at Bowling Gre n, which Lroug-llt together two of Ohio': fine, t co lleg Price T wenty-five Cents For g-ridiron heroes tean: s, produced the only mar on the Falcons' otherwise I erfecl r cord. • or grandstand quarterbacks ••. This.\' ar the offensive-mind cl crevv of oach Dob \\'hitLaker has dropped l~ e hind iL· '4 pace John Carroll University and is ct:rrentl.J riding a two won-tl11· e lost r ecor l. All indications, however, point to a SEA SON OF 1949 the All-American family car! wide-open, free-sco ring donn.vl)rook tonight. orne next Friday night, ~ovembe r -l, the THOMAS C. BYRNE, Director of Advertising Blue Str aks \\·ill entertain the ;; s Rouo·h Riden; ancl a word to the wise should b suffi­ cient. There's u ~; ually nough blood a nd thun­ CONTENTS der in this one to Ia. t an entire ,·eason. Game Forecast and Ticket Info rmation ....................... .. President's Message 3 ]iduzL 9nfn1Unalinn_ Carroll's Athletic Dir·ector a nd Coach 5 Tic:kcts for the remaining home gam . of Eisele's Assistants ........................ 7 th Streak can be purcha. e l at the John Carroll niversity Ticket Orfice, located in the Blue Streaks ................. .......................... 9, I I, 13 , I S lobby of the Admini tration Building on the All -Time Record Against 1949 Opponents ................... 17 univ rsity campu. at Miramar and an·oll John Carro ll Unive1 sity ..... ... .. ..... ....................... 19 Blvd ., niver ity II ights 1 , 0 . Ticket can also b obtained aL th ticket office of Richman Carroll 's 1949 Squad Roster ......... ................................ 21 Brothers, 736 Euclid Ave., in downtown Cleve­ Starting Lineups ............................ ........................ 22, 23 land, during the week of ach home game. For Carroll's final away gam \\·ith Canisius Coll eg·e Opponent's 1949 Squad Roster ............... ....................... 24 f Bufl'al , N. Y., ticket can be purchased at Band and 1948 Game Statisti cs .................................... 26 the univer ity. Opponents' 1949 Schedules and 1948 Results ..... ... 28, 30 Ticket prices are a foll ows: All -Time Record a nd Highlig hts .. ...................... ............ 32 $., ....... (1) '2.50 box and reserved eat -upper deck only -•l'tttt (1· served . eats are the first ix row · behind Carrol l's Development Plan .................................... ....... 34 boxe ) . The Alumni Association .............................................. 36 (2 ) $2 reserved seats-upper deck, all sec­ t ions. Placement Service .. ......................... ................ ............... 38 (3) $1.50 reserved section (students)-lower Cheers and Songs .......................................................... 40 deck, sections 6, 7, 8, 9. Visitor ' sections are Opponent's Coaching Stoff ............................... ............. 42 sections 36 and 37. ( 4) $1 general admission- lower decl< all Opponent's Campus and Hi story .......................... .......... 44 ••. World's first 2-cars-in-one sections except tho e hown in (3). (Ge~eral admissi n not sold at Richrran Brothers.) Yon call t1r e signals! Y, ur Kai rTravcler pu t two cars Dri·virr g powe r to spare ! Velve t-smooth T hunderhead The Streak ' remaining home games, all at at your d i, posal. In 10 , econds. you a n convert th i b ig, engi ne kee ps you ahead of the fi eld on long runs ... ~ lip ~ Cleveland Stadium, ar : bcaut ifu l 6-pa sen gcr h1xur)' ~r dan tn a husky ca rgo you through traffic smooth ly. 7.3- to-l hi g h ·ompre s ion Friday, Iov. 4-Ca e Tech, 8 :15 p.m. 1 c r u is r .. r ady to hel p pay its own ' ay. ratio s la he gas cost . Saturday. ov. 19-Balclwin-Wallace, 2 p.m . Compliments {,QQ/.- Ut thaf Ui •Y, Ul/ rly boc/;! J\ ) O-f00t lo ng, Steel- bod Plenty of ex tra. points! The Kai er Travel r g ive you hold, wi th 130 cubic f c t of room to haul football gear or an 'extra car' for your money . .. two kinds of cars fo r th e Incomparable of oak veneer . .. boats, box or ha l · o f hay. price of only o ne. o ' hy it on the idelin wh n you can clr·i e a Kai e r Traveler ! A m erica. s s martest litr e pfa.y! T he we pin g lin s f a For Cleaning FLOORS, WOODWORK, PA INT IJig, b ig car add to you r prid t-, pi Pa~urc and riding case. SPe y our f(ai.•Pr-Frnzl'r d,o{er for n d em ou.•trotion Walter Davis Bi g 123 1~" wh I base ends ·~ hort ear fati" ue'. Jl ear V a ltt•r \\ inc hell. En·ry Sunday evening. .B.C. and FURNITURE SOLD EVERYWHERE * Faclory delivered. equipped. Fed. tax paid.. 1Ta'fi.JpOr,ation, localtoxe.s (1{anyJ add"l. C>J 949 KAISE R• FRAZER SAL[S CORP .. WILLOW RUN, MIC"· 1 • ga.J11.Jl_ )n!UlmAL The . John arroll t night will he :trivi ng to keep mtact a perf ct reror cl against invadi ng· Bowl­ mg- Gr en 'tate niversity of B wl ing Gr en, 0 . ATHLETIC REVIEW The t r aks and Falcon,· hav met three time, with th forn er winning in 192 1 (5 1-0) , 19" 8 • (20-0) and last ~ -e ar gaining a 1:3-1. t ie in t he fnal quarter. Official Football M agazine The 19-V thrill er at Bo1ding Green, which Lrought together two of Ohio's fi ne:t c lleg Price Twent y-five Cents For gridiron heroes tc<:m~ s. produced the onl y mar on t h F alcons' other wise perf ct record. • This. · ar the fl' nsive-minded crew of oach or grandstand quarterbacks •.. Dob \\'hittaker has drop ped lehind its ' 8 pac John Carroll University a nd is ct.: nently ri ding a t wo won-three lost record. All indication ·, however , point to a SEASO N OF 1949 the All-American fantily car ! wide-open. fre -scoring do nnybr ook tonight. Come ne).:t Friday nig ht., ?\ovember cl, t he THOMAS C. BYRNE. Director of Advertising IJlue Streaks will enter tain the ase P ouo·h Hider s and a word to the wise should be suff i­ ci nt. T here's u. uall y nough blood and t hun­ CONTENTS der in th i;-; one to last an entire :eason. Game Forecast and Ticket Information ........................ .. President's Message 3 ]ichL 9njnJUnafion_ Ca rrol l's Ath letic Director and Coach 5 Tickets for th rema ining home ·ames of Eisele's Assistants .... ................... 7 the Streaks can be p urchased at t he J ohn Ca rroll Univ rsity Ticket Office, locat d in t he Blue Streaks ............................. .. .. ............. 9, 1 1, 13 , 15 l bby of the Admini stration Building on the All-T im e Reco rd Against 1949 Opponen ts .................... 17 university campu. at Miramar and an·oll John Carro ll Un ive• sity ..... .. .. ..... ............ .... ... .... 19 Blvd ., University Heights 1 , 0 . Ticket s can a lso be obtained a L t he t icket office of Richman Carroll's 1949 Squad Roste r ...................... ........ ........... 21 B roth rs. 736 Eucli d Ave., in downtown Cleve­ Start ing Lineups ................................................... 22, 23 land, during the week of each home game. F r Carroll 's final away game with anisiu College Opponent's 1949 Squad Roster ........................... ........... 24 of Bufl'a lo, . Y. , t icket s can be purchased at Bond a nd 1948 Game Sta tis tics ................................... 26 the univer it y. Opponents' 1949 Schedules a nd 1948 Results ........ 28, 30 Ticket prices are a follows: A ll -T ime Record a nd Highlights ........... ......................... 32 $., ••••••. (1 ) $2. 50 box and reserved eat - upper deck only - • •tttt (re erved seatst are he fir t ix rows behind Carroll's Development Pl an ............................................ 34 lJ oxe ) . The Alumni Associat io n .. ............................................ 36 (2 ) $2 re erved eat s-upper deck, all sec­ t ion . Placement Se rvice .................. ........ ................................ 38 (3 ) $1. 50 re erved section (student s )-lower Cheers and So ngs .......... ................................................ 40 deck, section,· 6, 7, , 9. Visitor ' sections a re Oppone nt's Coa ching Staff ............................................ 42 sections 36 and 37. ( 4) $1 general admission- lower deck all Opponent's Campus a nd H is tory .................... ..... ........... 44 ••• World's first 2-cars-in-one sections except those hown in (3). (Ge;1eral admi · ion not sold at Rich man Brothers.) Yon r·aJlthe signa ls ! Your K a i e rTravcle r put two cars Drir ing power to .~ pare! e l v r t-~ m oot h T hun le rhcad The Streaks' remaining home games, all at a t your d is posal.
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