Members of Hose Co. No. 8 of Mrs. P. R. Brannlck will be chair*, 8L Margaret’s Orcle, Daughters the Mancbeater fire department are man a t the committee In charge of of Isabella, bavs beea Invited to a t­ to have a dinner served to. them on the weekly card parte Wednesday the' meeting night December 16. tend the InstaUatloa of Father evening in St. Bridget's parish- hall. Oeedoa’s Clrele at Windsor Locks Th« Derou wcictjr o( Um Bmao- William Knofia, a member of Na 3 Shb will be assisted by ifra. James S p a r e R i b s company, was one of a party that ’tomorrow ^evening a t 8 o’clock- uel Lutbenn church will follow tu Tierney, Mrs. John Holden, Mrs. Members planning to go are advised r^fulor iDMtlnf Wadoeodoy eveiilnx went hunting In Maine recent!^ Edward Brosnan, Mrs. Thomas Sul­ 3IETTWURST and brought back a deer. This to get In touch with the regent, Mrs. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM with o Chrlitiaaa party for the livan, Mrs. Mercedes Prior, Mrs. Philip 'CBmey. .Krauit lO e Ecidiardt's FRANKFURTS mothera of the glrto and a few la- haa been held In storage to be Edward " M orlarty and Mips VOL. LVIL, NO. 51 LEAN PORK ENDS properly seasoned and It will be btephanle Tunsky. PIkying w«l I Fkg* vltad fueata. Hie board a t admlnla- _ to r serving a t the meeUng The Brdtherhood of the Ooncordla MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER SO, ,1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS GENUINE tratlM haa alao been Invited to par- begin promptly a t 8:15 and will In­ s n». e and dinner to follow on DecesJber clude, bridge, whist and* setback, Lutheran club and the Oerman- 2 5 tafee a t refreehmenta aa the men are 18. Mr. Knofia win furnish a suf­ Amerlcan club will bowl tonight at CANADIAN BACON bavlnr their meeting that nlcht with cash prises for the winners. ficient amoiwt of venison to see The door prise wUl be a turkey. P.e- 7:80 prompt at the Charter Oak al­ The iHiaineaa meeting of the Oorcaa "that all are provided with- what ’reshments and a social time will leys. A t Moderate Prices From Duke and Duchess Accept Tribute of Britons in Paris BaM win App:l e s 4 aodety haa been called for 7:8U they want and there win be the foUoa The games. ms aharp In the church auditorium. 68TH REGMENT’S usual “fixina’* Ever Ready Orcle of King's BROCCOLI Beekerts Cleaa, Native Electloa of oOlcera will be held and Daughters has set the date of Fri­ Hale *s Great TOYLAND other bualneaa transacted. The ao- Mra Elisabeth Chambers of 30 day afternoon, December 10, for Its BRITISH AND FRENCH CHICORY ctal will follow In the church baae* The Girl Scouts of Troop 9 will Knox street has returned after aimual Christmas sale and brid^ ITALIAN ENDIVE SPINACH meat about 8:80. T te program will hold their meeting at the South spending two weeks with her daugh­ party- It will be held in the direc­ ONLY 22 SHOPPING DAYS TO XMAS. 112,040 BELONGS Include a marionette ahow, vpcal Methodist B p lsc o ^ church, at 6:30 ter, Mra. Eugene Raiimud of South tors' room of the Whiton Memorial GREEN BEANS i p e c k |3 c aelectlona and ebogrua ainglng of this evening. Hadley Falls, Mass. library building. Lay Away A Gift A Day. A Small Deposit Will HoM RIPE TOMATOES Cairlatmaa caroU. Them Until Xmas, SEEK ‘BROAD’ PARLEY CELERY peck The Red Mea bingo committee Chemistry Sets by Gilbert. .$1.00 to $3.50 TO ITS SURVIVORS and an Interoated memberi will meet tonight at 8 o'clock In the Pyroto Pencil Woodbumingr Art Red Men'a aodal clubrooma on Fund I^ised For Soldiers ^pAncfiai'ist QiT>cen/9nc. Bralnard place .to dlacuaa Important S e t s ........ ......................... $1.00-$1.98 F. 0 . R. URGES TO CURE WORLD WOES'*'v • Di a l -^151 ^ 302 MAIN STRttT bualneaa Table Tennis S ets .......... .. 50c-$1.00r$1.98 Dnriiif War Should Go To V.;;’'/, Of POST o ff'C E ■ o n e Block fROM sJATf a p m o r y Nomlnatlona for ofFlcera Shooti^ Star Marble Game .................50c the laat meeting of the Painters and Tbein, Judge Foster Roles DEEP SLASHING Chamberlaffl Asserts No 5 o r Paper Hangers union a week ago, Quarrel Over 50 Cents will be elected to office a t a special Watch HALE'S Monday lotion Can Cone From meeting to be held Saturday after* BADMINTON lo Superior CcHort SoH. OF R W AID ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-IT PAYS! noon. Theodora CS. Zimmer will be the new president Advls. For Tuesday Double Ends In The Murder Talks Between Two Or SETS Norwich, Nov. 80—(A P)—A fund Arouses OppositioB Of West- Green Stamp Day amounting to over $13,000 that wax Three Nations; Others SETBACK •klxed by pubUc subocrlptlon for the em Senators; Freskieot _ Of Hartford Resident Hifhfauid Parii Coninanity 89c ^ $1.00 benefit of the membera of the 68th Most Be Indoded h Ci% Regiment fJoart ArtlUery Oorpe Hartford, Nov. 80.'—(AP) — An .son made to them, Chib during the World War belongs to WoaM Cancel Whole Ap­ . Jackaon ''sald JMCHAU CHRISTMAS argument over 60 cents paid tor a that 'four montha ago hs sold EVERT TUB8UAT NIOHT "every survivor of the 68th Regi­ bag of rags endsd In the death of ferences, He Says, Bid AT 8 OmANlK MANCHiSTtp C o m m . Brown a bag of rags for 50 cents. WOODEN ment," Judge Carl Foster of the Su­ propriation For 1939. Shib Brown, deacon In H t. Olive The rags were not delivered, and perior Court decides In a decUloa Baptist ebureb, and arraigned on a , haixled down today. Monday evening Brown met Jack- The Time Is Not T o t SPECIALS murder charge In Police Court today son on Wooster street, and de­ Self Serve and Health Market The American Legloo, Depart­ of Shigena Jackaon. Washington, Nov. 80.-i-(APT — manded return of the 60 cents. PULL TOYS ment a t Connecticut, made claim to Brown, 57 years old, of 86 Belle­ Fight FoDows the fund, but Judge Foster states Prudent Roosevelt asked Congress HOME-MADE TUESDAY SPECIALS in gay colors. vue street, arts found on the side­ An argument followed and Jack- London, Nov. 80.—(AP)-^ that every survivor of the 68th today to reduce greatly the govern­ walk In front of 140 Wooster street, son tdd the poUce..tbat Brown Prime Minister Neville ChaRto PIES and CAKES Double ib o C Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Regiment has more interest *>««" ment’s immediate financial ' ouUay with his head battered. He died on “went after him with a knife." Ey Order haa anyone else. the tray to Municipal bospItaL ChU- Jaduen oUd tliat Iw pulled a picket berlkin and French Forsign AH Day Tneaday. Judge Foster sets forth In a tor aiding the states In highway dren in the neighborhood told poUee Minister Yvon Delboa isaijRt TELEPHONE 88S8 construcUeo. Aaasrtlng that "deft- from a fence and attempted to hit MBS. M. McKEEVEB 25c — 50c memorandum of decision that three that they hod seen another man hit Brown, but they were too close to­ declarationa today IndlcaAiBg ntto steps” are necessary to balance tnutoes should be appointod by the Broam with a picket taken from a gether. Jackimn pulled anotlMr that they planned - broad ooto Loom Weaving and Knitting Superior Court for New London the bud^t, Mr. Roosevelt proposed fence. picket from the fence, and Mt EGGS STRICTIT^H ESH Doz. county from the survlylng membera in a special message: Jackson, who Is 39 and lives at 47 Brown in the face with It. aultationa with other powati S e t s ................................ 50c-$1.00 of the 68tb Regiment upon nomina­ 1. Cancellation of a $314,000,000 Kennedy street, surrendered him­ Jackaon said that aftor the fight looking toward a genei^ a4^ / tion of InteresM parties to hold of­ apportionment authorised tor dis­ self io the police today after be OnbePe Bagar Onred / tribution among the states during he went to hts home. When be heard tletnent of world unrest. ;• Hand Embroidered Toy Lawn Mowers ............................ $1.00 fice tmtll superseded by such court learned that Broam had died and that Brown bad died, he gave him­ SPECIAL jCannon / a t Its own motion or on motion of the 1988 fiscal year. -. that the police arete seeking bis as­ self up today to SeigreBat Francis Chamberlain’s statement saM Hooks to Color With Paints any interested party. Hie trustees 3. Spreading over the next two sailant. W; Spellman and Policeman Joaepb Germany’s, colonial detnanM Smoked Shoulder^Lb. 2 1 ^ would be compelled to give a blanket fiscal years a 8300,000.000 appropri­ Oats Oontbraed F. Derby. could not be considered "in iai^ I n n e r ^ r i n g PILLOW CASES or Crayons ................................. 10c ation balance authorised for the Hs araa arraigned before Police Luge Package Gold Medal Towel S^ls bond sufficient to cover the amount present (1938) fiscal year. Brown ,)iad lived In Hartford more lation.” of the fund to the state of Connecti­ Judge William J, Burke on a murder than 30 yeara. Hs leaves bis wife, Five patterns — Q c u t 8. A Umit of 8135.000.000 an­ charge, The case was continued It declared France and Brit> five colors—boxed.
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