Winter Edition * advocacy * health * community news * opinions * arts * reviews * events A Publication of For The Good, Inc. www.uticaphoenix.net Radio:95.5FM Facebook.com/The Utica Phoenix Tom’s Natural Foods A Wholesome Clinton Tradition Continues page 9 By Kurt Krumme The Hot Seat With Cassandra Harris-Lockwood LISTEN LIVE ON 95.5 FM Mon-Thur 5-6 PM STREAM @955theheat.com or Uticaphoenix.net Phoenix Editorial Page By Jess Szabo The Myths and Truths About White Privilege Phoenix Art Editor The term “White privilege” is ing about privilege based on skin If you are perceived as White, you heard everywhere from the news to color is to eradicate the practice of are afforded White privilege. social media to in-person conversa- treating people differently due to Est. 2003 tions today. Everyone knows it has skin color at all, not to start treating A White appearing person of something to do with racism, par- a different race of people badly. The mixed racial background may be ticularly racism that benefits White reason we specify “White” privilege better able to imagine how it might Editor-in-Chief: C.Harris-Lockwood people. is because throughout our country’s feel to be targeted due to being a Photography: CHL, Dawn Laguerre, history and into today, White skin different race. They might be able Eamon Handzel, Lester Henderson But many do not fully understand has been held above other skin col- to imagine how their life would be Layout Editor: C.Harris-Lockwood what it means, and what it looks like ors. This does not mean White skin is different if they appeared to be the Copy Editor: Stephen L. Lockwood, in everyday life. Some even claim it a flaw, or that White people are bad other race, or know how family Jessica Szabo, does not exist, as there are several people. It does not give anyone per- members who do are treated. But Webmaster: David Laguerre myths and misconceptions about mission to treat a White person badly they still haven’t experienced it News: Eamon Handzel, Jess Szabo, White privilege circulating. Many simply because they are White. themselves. They are still afforded CHL, of these can be found in memes and White privilege. Columnists: Roger Chambers, Ted Rajchel, Joan Shkane, Doug George posts on social media. Myth: “White privilege” blames Kanentiio, Mark Ziobro, Jessica Szabo White people for everything. Myth: Declaring “White privi- Myth: White privilege means no lege” means White people are not White people had to work for what allowed to stand up for themselves For The Good, Inc. Truth: The term “White privilege” Board of Directors they have. does not mean all White people are or report illegal activity anymore. to blame for everything. It means that President: Cassandra Harris-Lockwood Truth: White privilege means there having ivory to beige skin, and being Truth: The problem isn’t White Chairperson: Onama Tanner-Connors are privileges in society afforded to people standing up for themselves someone perceived to be Caucasian, Vice Chairperson: Frank Drayton those who have White skin that are is favored by society as a whole. It or reporting illegal activity. If you not afforded to those who have Black means White people do not have to are being treated unjustly, or see Treasurer: Charlene Levonski or Brown skin. It does not mean deal with discrimination due to skin something illegal, you absolutely Secretary: Stephen L Lockwood “All White people are privileged” color nearly as much as people with can do something about it, regard- Denise Prince, Loretta Johnson, Sparkle in the classic definition of the word Black or Brown skin, that “standard” less of your race or the race of any- Anthony, Eamon Handzel in which “privileged” means “born traits are typically “White” traits, and one else involved. The problem into a high socioeconomic status” that society is set up to favor those arises when reporting crime is used Utica Phoenix Radio or “granted an easy life.” Nobody is with White skin. as a weapon against someone you 95.5FM denying that many White people in simply do not like because of that “The Heat” this country work hard for what they Myth: You don’t have White privi- person’s race, or when you just as- Classic Hip Hop, Rhythm & have, or claiming they were handed lege if you are not one hundred per sume someone is doing something Blues, Funk, Blues, Soul, Jazz, everything simply because they are cent Caucasian. wrong because of their race. White. Gospel, Daily News, Talk, Truth: Some people mistakenly Myth: The term “White privi- Opinion. Streaming Online at Myth: Talking about “White privi- think they do not have White privi- lege” created the “Karen” stereo- uticaphoenix.net or lege” is just giving yourself an ex- lege because they are not technically type, which is a racially charged 955TheHeat.com cuse to discriminate against White completely “White people.” That is, term for a White woman. people. they are mixed with another race. Contact Us: But privilege is afforded according Truth: The name “Karen” used Phone: (315) 797-2417 Truth: The whole idea behind talk- to your appearance, not your DNA. as a term is not based on race. A Fax: (315) 797-7025 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ads: [email protected] Address: 1113 Linwood Place, Utica NY 13501 www.uticaphoenix.net & www.955theheat.com The Utica Phoenix reserves the right to edit submission for space constraints or content Contents copyright 2014 by the individual authors; all rights reserved • For permission to reproduce articles in any form, please contact the paper • The opinions expressed in the Utica Phoenix are not necessarily those of newspaper’s staff • For reprints, back issues, subscriptions, and advertising inquiries, contact the Utica Phoenix at (315) 797-2417 or e-mail at [email protected] • The Utica Phoenix is not responsible for typos or grammar mistakes in submitted ads. Marquis Palmer: Utica Native Hamilton Scholar & Marshall Recipient the systemic disadvantages confronting Latinx Student Union, and the founder of with Brooklyn Defender Services. immigrant communities in this country.” the Hamilton Philanthropy Committee’s “While I have known individual stu- “[T]hese struggles all but guaranteed a Young Civic Leader Scholarship for lo- dents with some of Marquis’ talents, I dismal future for me,” Palmer said, but cal high school students. don’t think that I have known students local community organizations such as “Although Marquis shines bright aca- with all of his talents put together as he Occupy Utica, the Mohawk Valley Ju- demically,” Franklin said, “he perhaps does,” said Werner. “He is a work of art nior Frontiers, and On Point for College shines brightest in terms of leadership. -- style, grace, and beauty.” helped him “reorient my focus to educa- Like most impactful leaders, Marquis tion and community activism.” leads by example. Whether it’s pressing The Marshall Scholarship During his senior year at Thomas R. those in power for answers, building and Proctor High School in Utica, Palmer shaping coalitions, or organizing peace- The Marshall Scholarship was estab- Hamilton College - Marquis Palmer approached Phyllis Breland, who at the ful demonstrations, Marquis has always lished by the British Parliament in 1953 grew up less than 10 miles from the time was director of Hamilton’s Oppor- stepped forward and stepped up in the in gratitude for the United States’ estab- Hamilton College campus in an envi- tunity Programs, to discuss his interest in service of social justice.” lishment of the Marshall Plan, a U.S. ronment where poverty rates were high attending the College. She immediately Palmer spent his junior year studying program providing aid to Western Eu- and expectations were often low. Now recognized “a diamond in plain sight.” philosophy and literature at Oxford Uni- rope following the devastation of World Palmer, a 2018 Hamilton College gradu- “During my 19 years as director of versity in the UK, where his existential- War II. Up to 50 young Americans of ate from Utica, N.Y., has been selected Opportunity Programs at Hamilton ism tutor characterized him as “a most high ability are selected each year for to receive a Marshall Scholarship, one College,” Breland wrote in her recom- brilliant student” who “consistently de- postgraduate study at an institution in the of the most competitive and prestigious mendation to the Marshall Scholarship livers near perfectly argued and very pro- United Kingdom. The Marshall Scholar- postgraduate scholarships awarded to Selection Committee, “I have witnessed foundly illuminating papers that display ship was modeled after the equally com- U.S. citizens. many success stories, but never with a powerful independent voice, highly petitive Rhodes Scholar program, which “I have not known a person who has the consistency, focus, motivation, and critical thought, very sophisticated rea- was established in 1902. Applicants are come so far, so fast, so well,” said Rick accumulated accomplishments as Mar- soning, and very original scholarship.” evaluated based on academic merit, Werner, professor of philosophy emeri- quis. The story of Marquis is a testa- Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, the na- leadership potential, and ambassadorial tus. Added mentor and Professor of Phi- ment to what some say is the impossible. tion’s oldest academic honorary society, potential. losophy Todd Franklin, “I’ve never be- Marquis came from a low-income fam- Palmer was Hamilton’s 2018 recipient of Palmer is the third Hamilton graduate fore worked with a student of the caliber ily from Utica, New York. His family’s the James Soper Merrill Prize, awarded selected for the prestigious scholarship. of Marquis Palmer; I’m confident that he early interaction with the penal and jus- to the member of the graduating class He follows John Hewko ’79, general will rise far beyond me —and as he does, tice systems could have swallowed him “who, in character and influence, has secretary and chief executive officer of I will count my lucky stars for having had up with anger ….
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