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LTD. 44 14 73 91 442 04 1 3 Editorial SPOT HL IG 'FORTNIGHTLY I As we predicted earlier last week, political settlement still remains elusive in the country. Given the current political trend, the nation is unlikely to see the change of guard of the present government any time soon. Whether political leaders hold the elections or revive the CA. Nepal's political instability is likely to continue for some years to come. Although the country has been passing through a series of political instability, Nepal's business leaders organized an international conference of business leaders of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry. This conference helped boost the confidence or international investors. We have covered this and all other contemporary issues of the last fi !'teen days. llowcvcr, we decided to make Trishuli 3 A and its issue or Augmentation as the POLMCS: At A Standstill 5 CACCI CONFERNCE: Opening Opportunity 9 cover --~- story for this issue. We NEWSNOTES 2 discuss different aspects of BUSINESS BRIEF 3 augmentation of lrishuli 3 A and VIEWPOINT: Dr. Tilak Rawal 4 COMMENTARY: Yubaraj Ghimire its costs and benefits on Nepal's 6 OHCHR REPORT: Right or Wrong? 7 own perspective. All is not well in FACE TO FACE: Pampha Bhushai/Rajendra Mahato 8 the country. llowevcr, the restive ENCOUNTER: Tatiana v. Lechilina 10 NRN DAY: Call For Investment mood of Dashain has 11 already OPINION: Jaideep Mazumdar 1 2 made people jubilant and the AIR ACCIDENT : Human Error 13 market has already surged PERSPECTIVE: Batu Krishna Uprety 14 BOOKWORM: Bipin Adhikari 18 because or buying spree for the DEVELOPMENT 19 fest ival. New Spot li ght family DELHI DIARY: Abijit Sharma 20 wishes all its subscribers, patrons. DASHAIN: Festive Offers Galore 21 FOOD 22 well wishers and readers Happy ENERGY 23 Dashain 2069. TRENDS: Ad iti Aryal 24 ENTERTAINTMENT 25 TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE 27 HEALTH: Buddha Basnyat, Md 28 Editor and Publisher : Keshab Poudol, Senior Editor: Alok l vmbahangphey, Senior Correspondent: Saroj Dahal, Correspondent: Uma Kania Khanal, (Jhapa) Abi)•l Sharma (New Dalhi).i Reporter: Dobijsh Adhikari, Niraj Aryal Marketing Manager : Madan Ra, Poudel Tel 9841320517, Nabln Kumar l;laharjan Tel 9841291404 Photograrhet : Sandesh Manandhar Cover Design/Layout: Hari Knshna Bastakoti. 9841456791 Editorial Office: Tei· 977-1-4430250E-ma1 spothghlnepal@gma•l com PO Box:7256 Office : Katlvnaodo Nepal Printers PioneerOffsetPrinle!S(P.) Lief , Ohapasi, Kalhmandu. Ph: 4363624 KathmanduDAORegd No.1<W111063 64 CenlralRegooPostaiRegd. No. 3610671068 US Ubrary of Congress Catalogue No. 91-005060.1SSN 2091-1>711 (Pnnt), ISSN 2091.0754 (Online) NEW SPOTLIGHT NEWSMAGAZIN4 Oct. 19, 201211 NEWSNOTE Experts Discuss Region's seeurity data to be used by decision makers, Sanitation allo\\'ing thl'm to take coordinated and Experts, practitioners and policy timely action to alleviate food insecurity in makers in the field of rural \\'atcr supply the country. NcKSAP was established in and sanitation in South \sia gathered 2002 by wrr and is currently managed in here n:c:cnlly to share their experiences collaboration \\'lth ~lo,\0. and kno\\'lcdgc ol he'>l pracl ices a., wd] ~'\cKSAP has CYolvcd O\'er time based on as challenges in Implementing rural stn1np; coli.Lboration between \'arious \\ an:r sup pi} and SilllltiltiOn llllti,lti\'CS national institutions," said \VFP Deputy in the region. Thq' shared their \'icws en<;urc drinking \\'atcr supply w ,til Country Director, Nicolas Oherlin. and insight.., on cnti<.:al 1ssucs like thL Caroline ~1ills of J\ uo;AII1 Indian Aiel For Tanahu School long term susrainahility nl rural \\',Iter highlighted the role or l he The Fmh,LSS)' of India, Kathmandu, and supply schemes, increasing aLcess to Australian go\'ern ment in hel rIng the J)i-.trict J)evelopmcnt Committee, san it ation, ch,dlcngcs ol declining water devck1ping nations achieve hctrcr l'anahun, and Shrce Sh i\'a Saraswati Higher quality and quuntity, rnon it l)ring and service delivery of p ot:~hlc water and Secondary School signed a memorendum o[ evaluation and puhlit: privalc open udecatinn free cnvlmnmcnt untlcr!-. Landing for provid ing fncl ian grant partnership in rural water surply and with one overriding goa l of s.tvi ng assislanct· of NRii. 22.23 million for the sanitation. lives. consli'U Cl iOn of a douhlc Storied school "The barriers to hctlcr opportunities The three day South /\sia Regional hui ldinp, under Nepal l ndia Economic as a result nl lack of ill'l'ess to impmvl'd Conference on Rural Water Supply Cnope r :~t i on Program. This is the fifth water supply :11H..l sanit.ttion arc huge; and Sanitatinn was nrg:mi::cd hy tht· tlcwlnpmcnt project in the T~mahun District more S(l, if you .ln.' pnm, rcm,de and Iivc \Vorld Bank in partnership Wit h hcing undertaken with the Indian assistance in a rural <.:ommunity," said I ahsecn Au.,Aid. Around 80 high lc\'d undcr Small Development Projects. Sayed, the 'v\'nrld Bani< Country officials from Afghanistan, According to an Indian Fmbassy prc:.s l\ t.magcr for \Jep;tl. Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nep.tl, Pah.tan rdt•asc, the project will be implemented by Ch,tirin~ the maugur.tl scss1on nf the .lild Sn Lanka, as well a ... t'XIWrh .md 1 hl' Dhtril'l Development Committee, conference "-ishnre rhapa, Scl retary <I( prallitwncrs from Bra::J!, Vietnam, I .m.thun, 111 accon.lancc with the existing the f\linistry of l rhan Dcn:lnpment, tht: '-Jcthcrlands and the l nitcd norms and rcgulauons of the Governmem of stressed that th~.: go\'crnment h,Js ~tvt·n States of AmeriLa, partu:ipatcd in thl· 1\:cpal. top pnnnt >' as per its national policy w conference. Sui<I<Ot r:cstival One of the higgcst .Jewish festivals, Celebrating 20 Years Of Support categories if rhey have heen "'>ukkot" wac; celebrated in the residence of comrletecl manuall y. For DaJit Education I fan.ll1 (;odcr Goldberger on 3 Oct,2012 and Peter W. Hodde Onlin e applications and U.S. Ambassador 6 Oct, 2012 in which dignitaries from for attended a special event nrgani:::cd by appointments w ill be mand,Lted different srheres were invited. the Nepal National Da lit Social Welfare al l vis itor \'isa applicntions, for Sukkm, a lie brew wo1·d meaning "booths" Organization (NNDSWO), a leading example for tourism, business or to or "h Ulii," reft•rs to the Jewish fesciv<d of giving Da lit rights Mganization, to ce lebrate sec fanlily, and applications under thanks for tht: fall harvest, as wel l as the I, 4 5o[ based the 20th yenr of ils Nepal C hildren Tiers 2, and the poincs eommcmorat inn of the fo rty yea rs of Jewish will Scholars hi p Endowment l)rogram on system. Please note, applicants wandering in rhe dcscrr alter Sinai. ? not be required to 111 ake settlement 0 cto be r 8, 201-· SLLkkot is an seven day harvest holiuay l1 er )'his program Started in 1992 with visa applications on line L111Li l lat that arrives du ri ng the Hebrew month of support fmm the U.S. Government <.late. rishrci. It starts four Jays after Yom Kippur through the u.s. Agency for WFPHelpForFoodSccurity and is followed by Shmini Aczeret and International Development (USA[I)) Monitoring Simchat 1 orah. Sukkot is also known as the with an initial grant of $600, 000. The World Food Program (WrP) Festival of Booths and the Feast of Of those receiving the support, 1,208 signed an Agreement with the 1 abcmacles. completed secondary education; 217 National Planning Commh.'>iOn Germ an Embassy Hosted Reception completed higher education; 145 received (NPC) and the Ministry of Fmbassy of Federal Republic of Germany scholarships for technical education; and Agriculrural Development (MoAD) celebrated German National Day in some became <.loctors and engineers. to transfer and institutionalize the Kat hmandu. German Embassy also hosted Online Applications For UK Visa national food security monitoring a reception on the occasion and chief guest From Monday IS October 2012, if you system under the ownership of the of the program was vice presidenr are making a UK visa application as a Government of Nepal (GoN). Parmanncla Jha. Senior government officials, visitor or under the poims based system, The Nepal Food Security dignitaries and foreign diplomats based in you need to make this application and Monitoring System, popularly known Kathmandu attended t he reception. your appointment at the visa application as Nepal Khadya Surak!';hya Addressing the reception German centre online. Anugaman Pranali (NeKSA P) , has ambassador to Nepal Frank Meyi<e From this elate, the UK Border Agency the primary objective o[ collecting, highlighted German Nepal relations.
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