THE AQUATIC FUNGI OF THE LAKE ITASCA REGION T. w. Johnson, Jr. Department of Botany, Duke Ur::.iversit.y and Di.a.ne TeStrake Wagner Biological Sciences, University of SmJth Florida California State College, Fullerton (on leave) Duke University September, 1967 \ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This compilation is not solely the result of collections by the authors, although they are-responsible for the determinations. We acknowledge with gratitude the materials provided by Messrs. Baker, Colingsworth, Granovsky, Hobbs, and Tainter. Particular thanks are extended to David Padgett for many collections, particularly of the leptomitaceous species, and to Stephen Tarapchek for so graciously providing samples from the Red Lake Bog region. We are grateful for the facilities provided by, a.nd the cooperation of, the personnel of the Lake Itasca Forestry and Biological Station, University of Minnesota, and especially to its Associate Director, Dr. David French. The laborious task of preparing final copy fell to Mrs. Patricia James, Administrative Secretary, Department of Botany, Duke University. To her our special thanks. .,. 1 INTRODUCTION ~nis account is a first attempt at compiling an annotated list of aquatic fungi of the Lake Itasca region. As such, it is in­ complete (as all compilations subsequently prove to be), hence its intent is merely to provide a guide to those species encountered. Future collections undoubtedly will yield many species suspected to occur in this region but which are as yet uncovered. The aquatic fungi are a notoriously difficult group because of their ephemeral nature and the paucity of precise information about them. As a group, they embrace a wide diversity of forms, from the unspecialized unicell that converts entirely into a single reproductive unit to the extensive, mycelial type of growth in which many reproductive centers are formed~ Although there is great morphological variation, there is also a degree of remarkable similarity--even among representatives of separate and distinct orders. Consequently, there is no simple formula for ~he identifi­ cation of these organisms. This, coupled with the fact that these fungi are seldom seen in the field (and can never, be identified . save through microscopic observation), makes their taxonomy laborious and often uncertain. The common morphological denominator for the aquatic fungi is the production of an indefinite number of motile spores (planbnts; zo~spores) in a sporangium. Whether the fungus is collected from water or soil (as many are), it is aquatic provided its asexual spores are motile. Motility is effected by one or two flagella on the planonts, and it is in this most fundamental feature that the chief diffi­ culty in identifying unknowns lies. Orders, indeed classes of aquatic fungi, are established on the characteristic of flagellar insertion on the planont (among other features, of course), hence flagellation becomes the very first character that must be determined. There are ways of circumventing this observational step in some measure, but critical, definiti'\e or revisionary taxonomy dictates that flagellation be determined in all instances. The importance of these organelles is illustrated in .the following. paragraph. Modern systematists of the fungi will usually recognize five classes replacing the time-honored (but hardly adequate) Class Phycomycetes: 2 Class Chytridiomycetes .......... Single, posterior flagellum Class Hyphochytridiomycetes ..... Single, anterior flagellum Class Plasmodiophoromycetes ..... Two laterally or terminally attached heterokont flagella . 1 Class OOmycetes ....•••.....••.. Two laterally or terminally attached isokont flagella Class Zygomycetes ............... Flagella ~bsent Irrespective of the similarity in gross structural features among certain members of the·· Chytridiomycetes and OOmycetes, for example, the fundamental distinction remains the number and insertion of the flagella. Similarly, filamentous fungi are grouped with unicellular ones (as in the Chytridiomycetes) because all possess planonts with a single flagellum directed posteriorly (see classification to orders). OCCURRENCE AND COLLECTION Occurrence:-- The aquatic fungi occur as saprobes or parasites on various plants and animals or their parts, and in water or in soil. Some are in a sense amphibious, others are so well advanced in the evolutionary scheme of things that they exist solely in vascular plants, and members of one group do not even produce motile spores. Obviously there is no rule of thumb to apply in determin­ ing what does and does not constitute an aquatic existence. Fortunately, this pro.blem is seldom. bothersome in matters of identification. While some aquatic fungi are indeed uncormnon, the supposed rarity of these organisms is largely attributable to uncertain knowledge of proper collection methods. In natural habitats these fungi utilize a wide variety of substrates--algae (filamentous, unicellular, or colonial), other aquatic fungi, decaying plant debris (roots, stems, leaves), microscopic animals and their eggs, exuviae of aquatic insects, to name a few--and direct microscopic examination of these substrates, while laborious, is often the only way to find certain species. 1class Phycomycetes according to some authorities. 3 Collection:-- Algae, planktonic or nonplanktonic, are brought to the labora­ tory and examined directly, "cultured" in gross quantity, or baited. Only dead or obviously dying algae are likely to yield fungi. Small amounts of algae, placed in Pe~ri plates filled about half-full of distilled water or $terile:,pond water, are allowed to incubate at 22-2s0 c in diffuse light for a few days (5-10). These cultures when examined often show scattered or abundant infestation. Chytridiomycetes ~nd ~mycetes predominate in such cultures, but it should be remembered that not all collections will yield fungi! (Phycologists will usually part with cherished material if informed that the alg~~-- may be infected. ) A second method for obtaining fungi from algae is to bait cultures (such as those just described) with bits of boiled algae (Cladophora, Chara, Nitella, for example), sterilized pine pollen or bits of boiled, soft, herbaceous stem material. A half-dozen or so bits of bait can be added, but large quantities create nutritive condit_ions in the dishes that favor fouling by increasing populations of bacteria and protozoans. Heavily contaminated soil-water or alga-water cultures simply will not yield aquatic fungi~ this seems at variance with the fact that many will grow· in fouled environments! Algae may be sought anywhere in.the waters of the Itasca area. Particularly fruitful sources are plants from plankton tows in the various lakes-, the floating "scum" on ponds, pools and shorelines, and. the moribund algae fortuitously attached at the water line to emergent culms of various grasses,. rushes, sedges, and !ypha. Among the local algae of most promise are members of these genera: Cladophora, Chlamydomonas, Oedogonium, Ulothrix, Mouqeotia, __ Spiroqyra, Zygnema, Closterium, Asterionella, Staurastrum, Chara, Nitella, Vaucheria, Melosira, Navicula, Pinnularia, Synedra, Tabellaria, Euglena (including encysted individuals)_, and Nitzschia. The Cyanophyceae also harbor aquatic fungi, but in far less frequency than do the .filamentous greens, the desmids and the heterokont groups. Dead cells of Chara and Nitella, for instance, very seldom fail to contain the chytrids Diplophlyctis intestina and Entophlyctis helioformis. Two points should be borne in mind in the examination of local algae. First, the fungi which attack these plants seem to show a seasonal "preference." Summer collections, therefore, may show a very different mycoflora than do spring or fall collections. There is simply no general way of predicting what will occur, and when! Second, fungi will be found in the algal cells and on the surfaces (though in these cases, a portion of the fungus' thallus will penetrate the cells). Thus, one must 4 be alert to endobiotic as well as epi-endobiotic forms (a few species which attack algae or occur on bits of bait will be interbiotic, with their sporangia produced in the water rather than on the substrate surface). One of the surest ways of collecting aquatic fungi is by the addition of "bait" to gross cultures' of soil, water, and plant debris. Gross cultures are prepared in Petri plates. A teaspoonful of soil or plant debris is sufficient; to this is added enough distilled water or sterile pond water to fill the dish about half­ full. If water samples are to be baited, about 10 ml of the sample is sufficient; again fill the dishes about half full of distilled or sterile pond water. Soil and debris should be stirred to break up large clumps, and the baits added. Collections may be made in any area--dry soils from cultivated fields or woods, wet soils from the edge of ponds, streams, lakes, roadside ditches, or sediment and debris from various bodies of water. Water, similarly, can come from any area; stirring up the sediment before the sa.111ples are collected usually results in a greater yield of fungi. Soils from wooded areas are slightly less. satisfactory than are those from wet areas, and, of course, saBay soils are far less suitable than are loam soils. Soils from b~lew moss mats, around roots of vegetation, and under forest litter (hardwood types are better than coniferous ones) harbor aquatic fungi. Soils may be collected in paper or disposable plastic bags; water samples are best taken in small vials or bottles (15-25
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