UKRAINIANS IN FREE WORLD MARK SEVENTIETH BIRTHDAY Shevchenko Memorial Committee DR. DOBRIANSKY RECEIVED BY ANNIVERSARY OF METROPOLITAN-MARTYR JOSEPH SLIPY Reports Progress in Its Project PRESIDENT CHIANG KAI-SHEK PASTORAL LETTER OF THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC NEW YORK, N.Y. (Special). sociation of Ukrainian Artists, OF FREE CHINA HIERARCHY OF THE FREE WORLD -On Monday, February 12, the Association of Ukrainian 1962 the executive, committee Writers "Slovo," and the As­ On the occasion of the HOLDS CONFERENCE Of the Shevchenko Memorial sociation of Ukrainian En­ WITH U.S. AMBASSADOR DRUMRIGHT SEVENTIETH BIRTHDAY OF HIS EXCELLENCY, Committee of America held its gineers to designate two mem­ THE MOST REVEREND JOSEPH 8LIPY business meeting, at which a bers each to the Art Commis­ Metropolitan of Haiych and Archbishop of Lviv number of important problems sion which will advise on all Was discussed. Among the matters pertaining to the Shev­ t МАХШЕ HERMANIUK. CSSR, D.D. matters which were reported, chenko statue contest: chair­ Archbishop of Winnipeg and Metropolitan were the following: man of the Art Commission is of Ukrainian Catholics in Canada 1) The fund for the Shev­ a member of the executive t AMBROSE SENYSHYN, OSBM. D.D. chenko statue has reached a Committee; Archbiahop of Philadelphia and Metropolitan total of $187.039.76, and the 5) It was decided that the of Ukrainian Catholics in the U.S.A. interest accrued from the Shevchenko Certificates < Hra- money deposited in banks is as raota) to be given to those do­ t JOHN BUCHKO. D.D, of today $1.797.25, which nating $25.00 or more, will con­ Archbishop of Leucadia and Apostolic Visitator makes a total of $188,-837.25; tain a portrait of Taras Shev­ for Ukrainians of Western Europe 2) There are 184 local Shev­ chenko; chenko Memorial Committees 6) It was also decided that t NEIL SAVARYN. OSBM, D.D. which are taking part in the the Shevchenko Memorial Com­ Bishop of Edmonton, Canada general fund-raising campaign mittee will publish a special 11 ї ISIDORE BORETSKY. D.D. of the Committee. Their num­ Shevchenko Memorial Book, Bishop of Toronto, Canada ber increases every day, and which will contain the history, the Committee appeale- con­ background and operations of ' t ANDREW ROBORETSKY, D.D. stantly to those Ukrainian com­ the Committee, as. well, as the Bishop of Saskatoon, Canada munities which have not ав yet names of all those* who con­ eet up such committees, to do tributed to the fund for the t JOSEPH M. SCHMONDIUK. D.D. President Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China received so immediately; etection of the Shevchenko Bishop of Stamford, U.S.A. Dr. Lev E Dobrlansky, chairman of the Ukrainian CongreMH statue in Washington, D.C. 3) The present fund-raising Committee of America, on пін viait to Taipei, Taiwan, on t JAROSLAV GABRO, D.D. campaign embraces 34 states An extensive campaing will January 31, 1962. Bishop of Chicago, U.S.A. and a total of 382 localities; be launched in March. 1962 for the overall sum collected has the purpose of embracing the t JOHN PRASHKO, D.D. been contributed by 20 central remaining Ukrainian American TAIPEI. Taiwan (Special).— 19C2, in which Dr. Dobriansky Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainian Catholics in Australia Ukrainian American organiza­ communities which have as yet Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky, chair­ dwelt on the parallels of trag­ т PLATON KORNYLAK, D.D. tions and 450 local organiza­ not entered the fund-raising man of the Ukrainian Congress edies between Captive Europe Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainian Catholics in Germany tions, and by over 12,000 in­ drive in order to attain its an­ Committee of America and the and Captive China, and where dividual donors; nounced goal of $400,000.00 National Captive'Nations Com­ he was introduced to 1,500 t VOLODYMYR MALANCHUK, CSSR, D.D. 4) It was decided to request The meeting was attended by mittee of the United States, listeners by Mayor Cheng; , Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainian Catholics in France •the following organizations: Messrs, Joseph Lesawyer. Dr. waa received on' January 31. lecture given 'on January 29, the Shevchenko Scientific So­ Jaroslaw Padoch, Ignatius Bil 1962. by President Chiang Kai- 1962. to the Chinese Armed tMOSEPH MARTYNETS, OSBM, D.D. • METROPOLITAN JOSEPH SLIPY Auxiliary for Ukrainian Catholics in Brazil ciety, the Ukrainian Academy linsky, Vasyl Mudry, Walter \ sbek of the Republic <of China Forces Staff College in Taipei of Arts and Sciences, the As- Dushnyck and Julian Revay in' a half-hour audience in the on the "Fiction of the Monolith1 t ANDREW SAPELAK. SDB, D.D. Bishop Schmcmdiuk Will Celebrate Presidential і office here. I The Military Power of the Apostolic Visitator for Ukrainian Catholics in Argentina conference was devoted to the U.S.8.R.," at which eome 200 JVUiss for Metropolitan Slipy at Pearson Assails Russian basic importance of the cap-1 colonels and naval captains t AUGUSTINE HORNYAK, OSBM, D.D. Enslavement of Ukraine live non-Russian nations of I took part, Auxiliary for Ukrainian Catholics in England [ St. George Church the rU.S.S.R, to- the cause of у On January 30, 1962; • Dr. ь. і : . fl* ,. ' Editor'a Note; Flowing,!Flowing (i*s an extract from Lester B: mainland і China's liberation.] Dobriansky held a final preas WlLL ATTEND SHEVCHENKO.,gCflBNWIC, BESWQN І ^rAreOri^'^peecli/in tithee House іo f Commons on January 22,, TO THE VERY RRVEREND AND REVEREND CLERGY, DEDICATED TO MARTYRED .METROPOLITAN* и •' The* President of the Republic* conference tn Taipei, at which THE VENERABLE MEMBERS OF THE RELIG10U8 -COM­ 'іЩІ, Ottawa. Canada. Mr. Pearson, leader of the opposition of China wa.i keenly interested' І& reporters representing all MUNITIES, AND THE FAITHFUL, PEACE IN THE LORD ТЛЬегаІ Party,—is Canada's former Minister of Foreign Af-j in Dr. Dobriansky "s views on n STAMFORD, Conn. (Special) is 70 years old today and who frirs and head of the Canadian delegation to the U.N. major Free Chinese newspapers «i AND EPISCOPAL BLESSINGS! —••- THe Most Rev. Joseph M. has been a prisoner of Khru­ number'«tif problems connected were present. He was asked to "I am the good shepherd. The SchmOndiuk. Exarch of the shchev since 1945, and who is with Russian communist im­ give his impressions of Free ' good shepherd giveth hie life "Ix?t me say a few words today as I s]>eak on the forty- perialism and colonialism.., as for his sheep."—(John, 10:11) Ukrainian Catholic Dioc e s e still languishing in a Soviet about the speech from the fourth anniversary of the es­ phjna. as well as to give his weH as the efforts in the free views on U.S. foreign policy of Stamford.. will be the dungeon somewhere in the throne itself. It is not a very tablishment of the independent world to bring about the lib­ regarding Red China and the Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers, Religious, and principal celebrant at the Mass north oft the USSR. ambitious document but I do Republic of Ukraine, the short On Saturday night, Febru- eration of all captive nations incessant struggle of Free •Dear Brethren in Christ who reside in the Free World: dedicated to the Most Reverend not intend on this occasion to lived and tragic history of ary 17. 1962 Bishop Schmon- of Europe and Asia. ц China to liberate mainland Joseph Slipy. Archbishop of '-y to deal with all the refer­ which we all know. That his­ LvfV and Metropolitan of the diuk will attend a special China from the communist A very signiljcant anniver­ in his epistle to the Galatiane: ences contained in it. My col­ tory surely brings home to Us On the same day Dr. Do­ Ukrainian Catholic Church m session of the Shevchenko yoke of Mao Тоя-tung and his sary in the history of our "With Christ I am nailed to the leagues will deal with some of that while overseas colonialism briansky was also received in Western Ukraine, at St. Scientfic Society, dedicated to allies in Moscow. Church is the occasion for this cross. And I live, now not I: the proposals and some of the and imperialism of the older a special audience by the Hon. I George's Ukrainian Cathofft the martyred Ukrainian Cath­ Dr. Dobriansky was also re­ jointly issued pastoral letter to but Christ liveth in me. And type is on the way out and has Everett F. Drtimright, U.S. Church at 22 East 7th Street. olic Metropolitan, who is also ideas, and I shall not attempt ceived by the Chinese Women's ybu, dearly beloved in Christ. that I live now in the flesh: almost disappeared, the kind Ambassador in Taipei. Am­ New York City, on Sunday. an outstanding scholar. The to cover the whole field today. Anti-Aggression League in Tai­ On the seventeenth day of Feb­ I live in the faith of the Son of colonialism which imperial­ bassador Drumright showed a February 18. 1962 at 4:00 P.M. session will be held at the pei on January 31. 1962. where ruary of this year, 1962, occurs of God, who loved me and As far as international af­ istic communist powers impose particular interest in the ac­ The Mass will be offered for Ukrainian Institute of America, Miss S. L. Chang presided. Dr. the Seventieth Birthday'of our delivered Himself for me" fairs are concerned there is by moving across adjacent tivities of Dr. Dobriansky and the health and speedy libera­ 2 East 79th Street. New York Dobriansky spoke on the role Metropolitan and Head of the (Galatians 2:19-20).
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