1------------..:....---=-- --~"- ;..:."-..:..::- ::..--=.--::..::.-- ::..:- -.:..:.... :.:.: - ::.:...- -=-==-=-=====-- April 2 1993 PM gets engaged ramatic jump in\- -HIV cases CHRISTOF MALETSKY A TOTAL of 51 per cent of the 4 4 10 HIV cases recorded in Namibia over a seven-year pcriod were reported in 1992 alone, showing a dramalic increase, according 10 fi gures just released by the PRIME MinistltT Hage Ministry of Health and Social Services. Geingob will formally HIV cases among children under five years old announce his engage­ have shot up by 140 per cent in one year, while ment tomorrow. See overall the incident ra te for 1992 shows a startling s tor~.. page J jump - up to 146 per 100 000 people compared 10 >-;:======:::; 0,3 per 100 000 in 1986. I The. HIV Infection Repon for 1992 fCveals that HIT your the most cases oCHrY infection for anyone month during the seven-year period (1986 - 1992), were weekend reported in December 1992 with 253 cac;es. There has also beel.l an increase of L28 pe r cen! in style. in HIV infections in the group of people aged 45 Don't MISS years and above. FUllher, 54 per cent of the cases were male, 44 your free per cent female and two per cent unknown. HIV infection increased by 62,6 percent from Weekender 1991101992 and the incident rate for HIV infec­ in today's tion for 1992 was 146 per 100 000 people, a Namiblan! Continued on page 2 Lu COMPION ph ~.ceutic~ l s Law firm pleaded for COMPION PHABMACY TEl (061) 229260 Andt' Compion (B.Phann.) FAX: (06!) 231161 3.4.93 WHOLE LEG OF release of Ananias A pharmacist available 24 hours per day for medication. Just phone Rodlopage at S2222 in on emergency and we will open LAMB GWEN LlSTER release broke many the Pharmacy within ten minutes at NO EXTRA CHARGEI accllscdthe President of an "arbitrary" pardon, GUARANTEE OF EXCELLENCE! R9.~k9 IT HAS ~ l1l erged that representations were but it has emerged that. MARINATED made 10 President Sam Nujoma by 1I local whatevcr the meri ts or SOS~TIES law fi rm to pardon NDF member Sinwn otherwise of lhe case, .<\nanias, who was convicted of the murder representations were Compion Pharmacy in Gustav Voigts Centre guarantees I)r lO·yea,.·c"l ld Pl'emarco Dunn. made to him. you the best service a pharmacy can possibly offer you· R11'~kg The law finn argued Hi s release came after For some days ,lftcr his re l c, L~ , Govcmment Ih:lt It \V as "Iragic" Ihal Ananh'i had only served Open every Saturday and Sunday· Mornings and Afternoons CHAMPION orncials re fu sed to ,\llanias lx' made to four months' irnprison- Open until 7 oIclock every night! BRAAIWORS eommcnt on the speci:1.1 i>llrrcr imprl~on rn cnl"al men!. Deliveries of your orders unti" 19hOO anywhere and absolutely pardon, ;md it ;lppcared Ihe h:uld.<; of the ~a lll e The speda' Pn;sidcll· FREE! ,L"though Ihe authorilie~ R7. 9~rkg ;;oclcly and ~truC 1L1 rcs tial pardon sparkcd The best selection of perfumes for ladies and gents in Namibia! which he imended to COIl,>idcrable controversy Ccmt.un page 2 Open an Account and let us claim your payment for your CHAMPION rrolccl". andpublicdcb3Ic.espe- =====:::==:-'11 medication direct from your Medical Aid· We are contracted in An;mia,> \VetS convicted d all y in vicw of the with all possible Medical Aids! FRENCHI latc last year of Ihe President's Independ­ murder oflne youth and encc Day annivcTS.ary 9 given a 10 ycarselltcncc speech, in which he SO IF YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE THE BEST SERV ICE YOU R3. lG nfwhl(;h four years were stoned Ih;!! pri~oncrs rc­ CAN GET FROM A PHARMACY, GST EXCLUDeD cnnlhufllletlly suspended. leased fin ,lI1lrlcsly ex­ PHONE 229260 RIGHT NOW, OR COME SEE FOR YOURSELF SATURDAY 3.4.93 cluded tho.~e who had He was rele;tsed WHAT WE CAN OFFER YOUI OPEN UNTIL 1SHOO \t1oruby a week :Igo alter committed violent WHOLESALE SHOP hClIlg grarlled ,I spcdal crimes. TEL 6121 1 p:I tl Presidcnt. Allcr new~ of A nani 1~<;' New AIDS figures shock _I C onf. rrom pug," 1 I lions ~ay~ the report. TIle g r o up as wd l:t ~a m on8 l hc . infl'clion ;1 111 0118 chi ldren child be:u-lng group :Uld as dramatic increase: fmm 0,:1 under five hm: increased infected p'll~ts die th :. Sla!e peT 100000 ill 1986. by 140 percent in one year will be left lOCate for mMy 111(' I... · pl.'rt ~ Iales th:u .which i~ described as orphans wilh the accom­ FOR fl EAI.TII !lIOn' dl':tlhs from AIDS "nl:'lmung" as Ihose chil- pnnying ftnancial burden. SA KE _. Sw/:{Ii.,h Am· are beill!! reponed probu+ tlren nJre:1dy diagno:'!e!\ HIV TIle Mini51er of Health ba.~.Ii;ulor SI ... n Rylan· bly because the Heahh In· posilivo;. lire likely to de- and Social Services Or r~lJ"malioll sy~t('m i~ now velop AIDS in the coming Nicky Iyambo said yester­ dcr /lefo ' . ' \ ill opc mlioll. dec;,de. TIlis emphasises tl ay thal the figures repre- dunatcd " DrtllC de:lt1l.~ from AIDS tile fact Lh.11 more amI more sente,j "only lhe ti p of the wHrth R70 000 to in 1992. 60 per cent oc- children are born with the iceberg"' because Ihou~1Ilc.Is i. Hf clIm:d i.n the nOl1h·west disease from infected of people had never been I"egmll. mothers. tested for HTV. he uSl'd by H[V in Namibia h.u Deaths were high among Iyambo pointed out that tiomll AIIlS C"nh'" _,c;":':"C:' J:'~P:',:',:n:" :' :P:"'~""::;" ::;':h:e:=::;d:"::;fi:"e;;;;y~e,~,~, ~,~g_'l the reponing of deaths Program me (NACPI , where mv was the causal throughout lh."o",. ' factor was poor as the try. Receivingthekeys TransNamib registering of de;, ths was is the M inister or nol full y opern ti onal in the country a$ yet. HeaJth a nd Social Li mited Speaking at the official Services, Or- Nicky SALE OF COMPUTER HARDWARE hMdinworth Rg70 overof <XX> froma mi Sniwedbu$- ~~~~~====::::::::::::====~~~==~~~~~~=I=y=a=m=b=O=.~~~~~ ish Development Agency TENDER 5.93/3 (SIDA)wru,hwill bo .. " d City law firm called for Ananias' for AIDS education, Iyambo 5aid th.a1 only those Tenders are invited for the purchase of the v.m had access to !he media I Cont. rrom page I I he was pan of a battalion TIle letter from Kan l· n(l\' ,o:;nI~,,~ :;" :::;::'~ ::d,~;~'r. had learnt about the dan- . moved to Rehobothdue to ame added thal after this 10 hi following computer hardware in good gers of AIDS. The mini- wanted 10 keep the whole the "unstable and rebel- incident people were in fuct 10"' ~o'Id"",h ... , W",". ~ working condition: bus would beip 10 reach maner under wraps. Houl conditions" there at arrested for sloring fire- ncted with th" l. I x IBM 3380 Storage Controller It has now emerged that the lime. anns and ammunition on belief that h j ~ '01'om., - the people in the rural ar- ,"- I,w "rn. JP v·ru,ih, On o . c . 24 An ."- , " 2. 4 Banks IBM 3350 Disks, 2.5 geg n c: ....... ~pte m uo: r , a- u>c a nn where the inci- directed towards eai' and Company. who de- nias and two other soldiers dcn:OOCUJTCd,namelyTwee ing and ~':~ ~~l~ yarnbo5aidthaf!hempid fended Ananias. made k. f Ri . , d ' spreading o f the disease ....-_ _. A'•. _ . 'o .., ~, ..• were la en 10 a ann on Vler,an appeare mthe country, it ~' Tender documents are available from: .. ... _"'", .... ""... ...'" instructions of their sup<:- Regional Court on related hadmeantlookingatotber v ihe • • • Manager. Procurement • • d ' I ',n,on"-h.I'o"-'-'"UC" ........... u nor. 10 stop and scare h c ....c. rges. " ..ana argu= that T ransNamib limited optlOl\.S m e ucallngpeope ;"',-.... ''',....o'Se-,. ·on68o' ve hic Ie s c""_ Ileve' d to cU<'. Whil e the coun con- casewarranlcdonlyailU< such as a video progrnnune .., Pn·,on, A...- , No 9 0" carrymg weapons 10 R e- lend e d hwlc. lUl<IIuaL . ,,' s ha d pended ~e nt e nc e . 365 Independence Avenue which his Ministry . was 1959. I.'C"C.". ' P,O . Box 254, WINDHOEK rod . LIUUU. WlIl mleRicd 10 ~Sl acted recklessly and con- They Mid theirclienl hi p ucmg. in a letter to the Presi- h h ' Go hi . .. _ ~ .L _ _ . L 'This film in which t e aut onty 0 ,.cwe v_ trary to s tnSt rucllom "tt request"", U lCm to the: IlWl A Fooc (061) 35210 dent, dated November 26 emment. is our contenlion that it is the rep re ~enlalion s to tb: people affected by the dis- 1992, the law firm sk.etched When a certain vehicle not always easy to be wise head of state. an d ad Enquiries: ease will speak out on its A-'-'·"·.~ .. , .......C-- kg,......._ ""' . ""., . re fu',se 0 so, p. Anama· s a"• erth eevent,ortoad opt tlatI IleyI Ila {" u nhe r R- Technical: Mr M Loubser Tel: (061) 298-2397 effect s will help us spread ing that he was a repatri- "frred IWO warning shots an armch.nir approach". fcrm:1 the n1.1l1er toW hi the me ssage". aled former fighter of th e and one which he aimed at "Our cHenl is not a very" command nf the Na miho Tender Documents: Mrs L Thirion Iyambo expressed hi s People's Liberation Army the wheels of the vehi cle literate man and as Slated Defence Force to sinuln J.
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