enota Meeting The Weather '111trt will ue U I'Cllulul' IIIccliJlg Partly cloudy through tonight s oC the Student Senate tonight at Ind continu.d mild. Today', 7: 45 in the House Chamber oC Old highs from the law 40. in . the Capitol. .ast to the upper 40. in the west. owmn Partly cloudy and mild Wed· The meetings are open to the ail public, Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City nnday. Established in 1868 United Press International and Associated Prell 1eaJed Wires and Wirepboto lowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, January 8, t963 HUAC Center Civil Control State of SUI Of Controversy I In Katanga; Talk Today Meredith Urged SUI President Vi rgil M. Han ­ cher will speak on tile State of I - the University at a joint service On Capitol Hill lshombe Out club meeting at the Iowa Me­ Swedish U.N, Troops morial Union al noon today. Groups for, Against I Hosted by the Rot:Jrians, the To Stay R~ , ~ meeting is an an nual event. A by House Com mittee Seize Railroad Town, luncheon will precede Hancher's Gather in Washington Neutralize Airstrip I talk, WASHfNGTON CUPI) - Oppos­ LEOPOLDVILLE. Congo LfI ing factions began a drumbeat of The United Nations' milltary take­ Negro May Withdraw; J * M* -t~ conlroversy on Capitol Hill Mon- I over of Katanga rolled on Monday The News day over the House Commillee on '~ and the Congo Central Government · G d V· I ury ee s Un-American Activities. set up civil control over Ule seces­ CItes ra eST 10 ence leb ' sionist province. I Groups buttonholed Congress In Brief WASHINGTON (UPl ) - U.S. Atty. Gen. Robert F, Ken- I men in their offices to urge abol­ It was the first lime Katanga Compil.d From Loe.led Wirn • To De era.t~ , nedy Monday urged egro James Meredith to consider "hopes I Ishment while a representative of President Moise Tshombe hns been UNITED NATIONS. N.Y_ - The W Ik F- - the American Legion prepared to superseded politically in the cap­ United States and the Soviet Union of many of his fellow ci tizcns" before withdrawing from th a er sate supporl increased appropriat ions ital of his mineral-rich domain. wrote a formal diplomatic end Lo University of Mississippi. lor Ihe committee. Swedish U.N. troops seized the the Cuban crisis with a joint state­ Meredith announced Monday that he would leav!' th Uni- OXFORD, Mis~. (UPJ) " ment ending their long negotiations vcrsity. wh re he is the first cgro knowingly enrolled, "u nless Federal Grand Jury which cori­ Among those opposing the com­ railroad town oC Kaniama, 360 miles but leaving a number oC major is· venes here Tuesday is scheaule<! mittee were about 50 members of northwest oC Ellsabelhville, and sues unresolved . The United States definite and positive changes are made." to consider charges against for- the "Women StrIke for PeOlce," a neutralized its airfield wilhout 8 did not get its demanded "ade­ Kennedy also appealed to state mer Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker and group which was investigated by fight, the U nit e d NaliDns an­ quate inspection" on the removal and ~miver8ity officials !O meet the sufficient intelligence to make the 10 olher persons who were arrested nounced, &r Soviet weapons systems from condItions, If Meredith leaves the grade but Ihe pressure apparently in connection with the University the committee last month. Mem­ t uba and, failing that, it did not school, he said, "It would he a was too much, oC Mississippi inlegration riot_ ' bers of the women's group wOI'ked The action tlghtened the U.N, Issue the "no invasion" pledge de­ reflection" on liIe entire United Kennedy said Meredith "is as free Charges in th case include in- In Pairs in an effort to collar as grip on north Kalanga and further tnllnded by Russia and Cuba. box e d up Tshombe's bottered States. He a~ed the officials "to 110 leave the schOOl as he was to terrerence with federal officeri many Congressmen as possible. The effect of the joint statement make it possible for Mr, Meredith enter it " but said he hoped Mere- in perrormance of their' dut ies, In the same dispute rival groups forces at Kolwezl , his emergency was an agreement to disagree. A headquarters 150 miles northwest ~ conli",:ue . ~i8 education without dith will consider that "the ener- con~pira~y to impede officers, re­ picketed the White HQuse. One con­ ~ubnn statement denounced the of Elisabethville. mterrupllon, gies and hopes of many of his Ibelllon, lIlSUI'l'ectlOlI and. eonspir- sisled of a busload of New Yorkers tI,S,-Soviet accord for not bringing News oC Meredith's announce- [ellow citizens have been involved ac~ Lo oppose the authol'lty of the urging abolition ; the other, mem­ U,S. Air Force Globemasters "an eHective agreement" capable ment attracted about 200 students in his admission and continued at- United States, bers of the American Nazi Party, flew in tactlcal supplies as the 6f guaranteeing Caribbean peace outside one of the Negro's class- tendance." It , will be a , re~ular gl'and ju.ry About 15 po licemen posted along United Nations continued its mili­ I'manently. , room building8 later ill the day . There were cattered reports sessIon. not IImlte~ to lhe -rIOt Pennsylvania A v e n u e preserved tary buildup and a pu h southeast­ • • Most of lhe students watched lhat a vocal group of strongly c~ses . Anyone IndIcted probably order, There were no incidents . ward along the border of Norlhern . LONDON - InCormed sources silently as Meredith walked away, segregationist students who call Will not be ll'led I~ef~re. M~y, wh~n Rhodesia. Said serious diCferen ces exist be­ Another group - the National , but several jeered him saying: themselves the "Brick and Bollle the U,S, No~th Mlss,s~ IPPI DI.stl'lct Moving in behind the U,N, lake­ ween Britain and the Un i ted "Goodbye James" and "He had Minutemen" in handbills distribut- Court ~olcJ.s Its nex l lnal ~sslonc Committee 10 Abolish the House tlltes over Con~o policy, but that Un-American Activities Committee Youth Accused in Slaying . over, the Leopoldville government to get him some publicity, because ed about the campus would at- Any Indl~tments would likely lie named an administrative head or rltalo is papering over the cracks tfootball star Glynn) Griffing was tempt to create disturbances of lhe made PUbhC soon ~fter d~~Y- ~~ - planned to present Rep. James h Eighteen-Yllar-old Kenneth Hammond of Middleboro. Mass _. peers Katanga to secure economic and to avoid any new crisis in Anglo­ getting too much " Depuly US sort that Meredith implied he could return ed, T 0 e c arge In t ,~ Roosevelt (D-Calif.> with petitions tight-lipped out of a Sigourney jail cell where h. wu held Monday American relations. The y said l calling for abolishment of the com­ political victories for the central Marshals followed' Meredith do~~ no longer tolerate, case are current y fre~ under benu . night on a charge 01 murdering an Omaha. Neb_. taxi driver. Th. Congolese government. Britain was unhappy aboul the . All were arrested eIther on lhe mittee. the stre~t In ~ car_ , Other pamp.hlets ~ Ircula ted about n' ght f the riot or the followIng driver. William R. Edwards. 59, was shot in the back of the h.. d United Nations use of Corce in the The abolishment group said they There seemed Iitlle choice for MeredIth saId he has conSIdered the campus, including one Sunday I 0 Sunday. -Photo by Allan Carter Congo and uneasy about the U.S, had 5.000 signatures on the peti­ Tshombe but to accept defeat and role, including the military buildup his course of aClion for some time night that promised to "separate day . tions they planned to present to console himself with a measure of for Central Congolese Premier and said his considerations inelud- the coon from the curriculum" and Roosevelt. The petitions were to power as a provincial leader or to Cyrille Adollla's government. ed "all the elements pertinent to brashly called [or the impeach­ be presented by Mrs, Dorothy Dor­ fight a guerrilla war that Cew be­ the 'Mississippi Crisis' and its ment "and execution" oC Pres i­ lieve he could win. · . , deepest meaning and of all the dent Kennedy for backing Mere­ othy Marshall, chairman of a Los MOSCOW '- The Soviet press Hammond Pleads aspects of my person'll relation- dllh's enrollment. Angeles group called "The Citizens Diplomatic informants told AP and radio gave unusual prominence Committee to Preserve American correspondent Dennis Nee I d In a nd publicity at hcvne and abroad ships in it, with It and to It." The University's chancellor, Dr. Freedoms" and past president of Elisabethville, the Katanga capital, \0 the Moscow-Peking riCL and the UPI reporter AI Kuettner was F. D. Williams, said later the told last month by school sources school had complied with all Fed­ lhe Catholic Women's Club of Los that the United Nations probably Kremlin's warning that the only al­ Innocent to Omaha that Meredith was llipping schol- I!l'al court orders and Justice De­ Angeles. will present Tshombe an ullimatum ternative to "peaceful co-existence" astically. School sources said at partmcnt requests and had, in his demanding that he surrender Kol­ t.f! - Tom L, Hoag oC Anaheim, Calif., with the West is thermonuclear lhe time the Air Force veteran had words, "done all thaI was reason- NEW YORK A fact-fi nding a member of the American Le­ wezi without Il fight.
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