THE COLOMA COURIER WHOLE NO. 1373 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1919 VOL 25. NO 30 — ' ' •.! I - - ! • Law to interest everybody present. The i muY mv is PUBLIC IHPRDPENTS PASTOR Will OPEN SEXIES ATTEND THE PICNIC Courier will not tell you what the at- (OlOMA COM tractions will lie, hut wo warn you that mi u is mmt m srac OF COSPEl CHEER SEKES you will miss a treat If yon do not NEXT nttend. flAY mm A Great Lecture. ACAIN AN ACM ORGAN Only One Cmdidate FUed Petition Rev. PeUock Will be Assisted by Coloma's Community Enterprise Second Community Potluek Sup- A full bouse greeted Itev. Oeorgs on Each Ticket. Able Choir Leader. Elliott D. D. at the Methodist abnrefa Officers Were Elected at Meeting If the property owners along the route Th^re will be no county primary Receives Much Advertising. Itaviva' Is a common word in the per Will k- a Rare Treat. Tueeday evening to bear his leotars on will proceed lo tbe tame manner as this spring to nominate candidates for vocabulary of men. There are revivals the problem of tbe roconstroctioa per- Lut Monday Night. those south of town have done. county scbocl commissioner. The re- of business, revivals of patriotism, iod. It was probably the greateat ad- Supervisor A. W. Baker was called publleans wlU have but one candidata- revivals of learning, revivals of art. dress ever delivered in Coloma. Dr. upon and spobe of tbe ' the prsssnt commissioner, Mrs. Emma RETIMG SOLDIERS iST Every springtime is a revival of life and EM EAHIET IN TOKNIP Elliott is an orator and a great stadsnt of the Berrien County Road of tho world and Its people. He has mm H. Cole. The desfiocrats will have but beauty. Every morning is a revival of aboui 60 Am Commlailon and how their work Is one, (taorge E. Phillips of Oallen. SOON BE GIVEN WMN activity. It Is a good word. It mean-s also traveled widely, and to listen to governed to a certain extent by tbe IS INVITED TO ATTEND Hence Connty Clerk Baker will simply there Is somewhat of an article and It him is a liberal education. He is a lANQHn A1 i L state highway departnant. In no osrljfy to their nomination to tbe county Is so desirable that people want more of member of Bishop Hendereon's Area other way can this vicinity hope to eleotlon commission and will notify the What Haa Thla Vicinity to Offer It. It Is Just in this sense that a revival staff, and spoke in tbe intorsat o( the secure Improved "highways than by Good Program Haa Been Prepared cities and townships. Thus the ex of religion must be understood. There great centenary program of tbe church. united effort, and Mr. Baker endorsed Her Fighting Men? E 0. Krake Was Chosen to Head pease of printing ballots and tabulating Is already some of the article and It is and Good Time is Aaanred. This propram proposes to take tho tbe reorganization of tbe Chamber of »he vote will be vacated. The Berrien County Journal, pub- so good and desirable that people want moulding inAuenco of tho ideals of the Booster Qui). Commerce as the best step to be taken Nobody who attended the first mid- Tbe Interest In the primary election ILsbod at Eau Claire, In commenting on more of It This Is the prompUng of Jesus Christ to tbe nations of the for co-operative work. winter picnic at the Cengregatlonal at Benton Harbor for the nomination of the start that Coloma has made to se- the Methodist Episcopal church at this world while they are In their unssttled L. W. Krake, wbo moved to ColOma church two weeks ago will want to OmCRRS CHOSEN FOR ward candidates Is oantered In the cure a Memorial Community Building, | time. Through the ofticial membership state. In order that thaw ideate nay a few montbl ago from Wisconsin, was miss tbe second party which will be fourth ward where there are five candl published tbe folfewlng article in its of tbe church the roinest has been given help fashion a democracy that b safo COMMERCIAL CLUB called upon by President Ball to tell of held on Friday evening of this week at dates for tbe office of alderman. Tbe last issue. the pastor to hold a series of Oospel for the world. I bis experiences with booster organ the same place. It is hoped that every candidates on the republican ticket are The citiKens of Coloma are agitating Cheer services with the happy purpose i ixatlom in other places and Mr. Krake family In Coloma township will be rep- PmidMt-H. 0. Knkt. A. P. Cady. Charles Peopples, H. 8. the building of a Comunnlty building of revival in mind. Mr. P, A. Stockton Death of John Derhy. < told of nianrelous results that bad been resented by at least one member,. If Vice PreaUont L. 8. Quy. Annls, Charles H. Davis and Kdward as a memorial for tbe local soldiers, and has been secured to lead tbe community accomplished Id Waupaca, Wis., aad Impossible for tbe entire family to at- John Derby of Covert, quite well L. W, Kr«k« Warner, tbe last named being a candi- incidentally as a means of furnishing In (toapel Cheer singing. Ho Is also a other points. He pointed oat different tend. This Is a "Get Together" meet- known in Coloma. died at bis home, —Wm. Ft. Ball. date for reelection. In the third ward employment for those who ore return- soloist of merit and cornea for tho cam- plans that had been worked out and ing to promote good fellowship and to Monday, February 17, 1019, after a long for Two Vmn?. W. there are also two candidates for alder- ing from service. This Is a most com- paign as the pastor's assistant. Tho which proved very valuable as an ad- discuss community interests after din- lllnen from tuberculosis. He was 00 Cochran, D. W. Notl, Xloorgo Fri- s-Wm. Weber and M. J. Hall. mondable Idea and one which Is being pastor has been asked to do all the vertisement for the communities. ing with your neighbors and friends. years of age and has lived in this sso- day aiul Lonla Kooli. Both have served on the council before. favorably considered In many other preachlngdurlngthecampaign. Speak- Village President Ira O. Leedy ww All you have to do is to pack yonr lunch tion since he was two years old, continu- Trmtw* for One Yaar-W. B. Tbe democrats are not taking much parts of the country. ing for himself he professes very mod- oalled upon and made a plea for united basket with something good to eat and ously residing on tbe one farm. H# Hill man. A. W. Baker, Abram Interttt In the city affairs, as they have In reference to similar projects. est attainments as an evangelist. A work on the part of tbe citizens ot Co* lie present at tho church at 0:80 p. m. leaves a wife, six children and (wo Bachmnn and Peter Becker. filed petitions of but three candidates Colonel William Boyoe Thompson, busy pastorate, with nameless and loma and Coloma township for the mak with your voice in trim to enjoy a good' sisters. Funeral services were held for alderman—E. P. Barry In the sec- president of the "Home Paper Service" numberleas calls upon bit time and sing. Ins of a BUwer and Better OetaAa ond ward. F. A. Jensen In the third from the late home on Wednsaday after- The Oomnierdal dob was a«ain of America, which was oriKnally organ- strength leaves very little opportunity Brief remarks were also made by Loals The commHtee in chsrgs f>f the party noon with Interment in the Fish ward and A. H. Landon In tbe fourth Iced to pat the "home paper" In the for special preparation for that which placed on Iti feet at a rooeing tneetliiK has arranged a program which bi bound Koob. D. W. Mott and Dr. W. T. ward. itery. of about alxty members at fho Method- trenches, gives this oplniorf as to the by many Is mode a distinctive vocation. Bertrand. A large number of women have regis- way In which these things may be However, he undertakes this special ht church last Monday evening. New The sentiment of the need of a live tered In Benton Harbor and expect to brought about: task feeling that he has the kindest offleen were elected wbo will instill booster organization pervaded Caoh vote at tbe primaries. This will make "I believe the -country editors can sympathy of the entire community, and new life Into the club and make It a address and it was evident by the iman it vary uncertain to forecast the results greatly remove the difficulties of our with an Invitation to all to participate valuable aawtt to tbe upbuilding of the tmous vote given when tbe opportdnity of the election. national plight by forming public opin in what he desires to call Gospel cheer conunonlty. was presented that Monday evening ion and urging action to meet this services. These services will Iwgin < Tbe boalnem aeatlon was preceded by was tbe time to effect the rsorgtalzation. iltuatlon. This can be done in a var- Sunday evening and continue each a flae chicken bonquet which was 6n motion of George Friday, the dub iety of ways such as starting all mu- evening for two weeks. If religion is •erred by tbe Ladtw Aid Society of tb« proceeded (o the election of offlattt.
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