. EV EVERY pioneerlocal.èómDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2008 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * $1 25 ... EPATDNILES PE THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS CLICK ON OUR WEBSITE TO SEE PLAID BOYS THESE STORIES AND MUCH MORE Musical comedy 1Forever Plaid" staged in Edison 24/7 COVERAGE . Park. Daily news from PAGE B7 Your Local. Source DIVERSIONS ENTERTAINING IDEAS j Musings on pop culture and the arts MOVIES Reel Time blog with Bruce Ingram STANDARDS FARE Kimber Leigh Nussbaum Tobt Adeyemo, 10, of Des Plaines, practices with two balls during the chu- -performs"Songs from My AIR dren's juggling lesson Saturday afternoon at Niles Public Library. Page 12. Heart" in Skokie. BALLS PAGE Bl SERVING OUR READERS SINCE 1951 * YOUR LOCAL SOURCE Start here withahealth care career. sBtt4 Attend a free Health Care Information Session. o:-i9 -ii:M 0969 .LS HOL) Massage Therapy Certificate $1IN - __sIaAaI1 OI-l8fld I N u_sIci I1 3I.fld S1 Tuesday, November 18, at 6 p.m., Skokie Campus, Room A151 çoo:zs)9 . cnn_'. t t For more information, call 847.635.1957. (Irfrrì.'._I..tL'%.L.Ji L 7701 N. Lincoln Avenue, Skokiewwwoakton.edu y CommunityCollege Z Thursday, November 13, 2008 A Pioneer Prese Publicadas Thneoday, November13, 2008 I3 A lAssoer Press Pablinatios MWBIIGBDNIWe Meen AO.de Maximum ListingExposure 24/7/365: News eeneetoøpleoeeefasN,sonm I (47) 4.06sflS9 24/7: ControuallystrtvtngtoprovidetlsemostcompleteoutioeadvertioiogloroorlistiogsBuird&Waroerhwdeoelopeda Deadline to powerful presence ou the coorpurtioo websiles olrsearly 100 District 63 officials blámelanguage city aod suburban publications. We also hurnessthe Check out unprecedented reach uf the lotenoet by neodhrg apply for our listings to hsrodreds of heavily trafficked sitenacross the web. pioneerlOcal.combarrier for inadequate.ISATscores Make sureyou clsuose the real estate fims tlsuiprouides the rosal comprehensive FEMA aid noi irre odverfisirsg exposure tomankel for more By TONY TOTUCA - and shiv mas the liest year Progress, or AYI7 stood. - nieed by the alato last polir property us todays competitive ensiroriment. Tone br ronximom exposure? $bedoco®pioneerionaicom illinoss strudento vnstla lion- rag. - year because ofita geins is Dec. 2 ited English profinieney, "Clearly, the omission os the ISAT, and this is FOOD East Maine Sehool Dis- nr English Lsnguegr By TONY BENTUCA of meng morco tram the the first pear District 63 trict 63 and sOiree uf ito Leersinre, s'ere s'eqnired staRch IMAGE sssemmest lbs rtoce@piaererleoatoom schools foiled meSse ade- tu take the ISAT cam. fsiledto make AYO? fO504llO Apoflo, Slevessonand Time for Baird & Warner. quate yesrtp progress ev- pletely is Esgilab. - The village of Hilos in- carding totha standards Before 2008, English nun-er lionited-Esglisb. Mark Tsvaao schools were nards statement to resi- 51041000 PRICE nf Na Child Loft Behind Lesguoge Learners fELL) peoBeicet ntudosats to take also recagniend lent year desta last weeb reoaiediog und the Illinois litoosdards steidosta 1mb thaIllinois the osene as Beguob. because of thnir ISAT them Dec. nm the dead- Academic Achievement Mesaure of Grosetis m peofocicat otoadeets made galos, sed nane mode AYP tineta apply te FEMA for Tess, bat school ollieinls English (IMAGE) test, s buge difference in nur this year, 0usd ossintonce, said Choir-test acores soll Village officiels nuid which was geared toward scores, aa We suspected But Williams said a bred because many uf only 500 Riles renidento ebildreovnith lhnited Eng- they would," she sold. sew siLL mam siensilar to eOOG,net saie,' t their atudests mere forced Sub proficiency "Thene of nur mhoolu did hove valled and registered IP Nage $428,000 cliMi - 1420,000 to tabo thia year's tent is a the IMAGE sont would be with YEMA ainee Septom- rep niOaeBasflraannupsa/i445 n is, abnassrnd u- MAVEN OF CRAVINGS District 63 Superinten- foreign language - Beg- dent Itoiblees Williaasss the sssnn sebauls that bed suad daring thu nest test. bern tloudn even though Cloef/aulhor nnds llover hob, asid the olimiaetinn of the beru recognized by the ing periud in Marsh, they suspect there ore nod fun in familiar foods. Mura than 80 povuest IMAGE test mss respomi- illinois Stola Buard of Ed. "We hope the new ELL many othero who may of students at Baut Maine bin for the puar rnudiog ucotiun fer aslutendiug tent edil level Ihn playing qseS' but huye sot regis- 000.Plo,eeeiömtmm Elementary School Dis- Goures at several schools genvvth in ochiovonsnnl Bold," she neid. tered. trict 63 come fremono. thot hurt Ihn dintriet's lost year" "The No.1 remen for English-spenhisrg homes nel calling MEMA is shet B LO G S oeereli Adequate Yearly Diateict 63 woe rocsg. Comment: ploneertocaimm 5555, 1429,000 6561, ihey ibioh only Ivano are $424.804 Skikis 1570,000 skill, -- $569,000 Un lm,,a SPORTS available," aovoeding tu the sillage nlatroueoot. Heard io she Halts Service definesnewtrio of '207's Best' "Thin is not true. Low-in- dtlriniie klug. Dy TONY BERTUCA terest toano ore aveoeble, oiagapicnocriomtmprviccen lborlico®pioneerloaataom but foderol money in the form of grantn also ooistn." Moine Tosconhip High FEMA hes already dis- - DIVERSIONS Sehuol Dinicict 207 roceg- tributad more than $3 mil- 5104l, 9pflMasisGOsse oued three saviors fur tien in grant aosioiasace to their elforin in the vom- renidcntn in Ceoh County. mutity, and presented "Sowr of the ibiugo each vs'ith 0207k Broi that are cuvered by FEMA Award foe Cummaeity end the Small Eusieoso Administaatioos ISBA) go GAMESIIOW The otudnelo arel ebova nod bryuvd moor- OF DESTINY Neator Zavala, 01Mai00 anar rlaimn," uccerdieg ta the statement. Brune tngram reviews WonS, Furcob Meuh, uf eSilio 5090,900 "Temporary hosaicg, sopranes lss,,,e Sk,kue Msino East, and Alenuv. Cori un s3n-n,y $205,000 503555 5000,000 Sd,Sll,spsnk $204,00 Opi 0CC 5,551 ei,e,ir,.lnad a,ped Is reueen,srn ORths,,n PSI5,e,IilaCO eaerdnesneaees,/de-- 4nlul Cusu OssAS 61 Danny Boyle's dmnling dra Amurez, uf Maine home repair, replecement esosi Cnuftrlss ir MtttvrnwisgipHtGHsonu brous nun. of household ilems, med- "Siamdog Millinosirn." Sooth. n Noeember tona,s05'207's Beet' rocaqs,leod fe, Oficie mo,aecotfy-cepelee cOcOn lneIodod icei, onomployceent pay- 010W paSce Meine South Priecipol Aheoandro Blooms. cl Moled teeth: tOreeN MaIllot 0015m Ecott and Desloe Z050le, of Halen West, mecca scericmidcm menlu, and law-intereot David Clayponi said Al- and sereen ao president uf snclsdw a vveehrnd eneol, ClsS where he usgsniend varen is iovolncd in nuise. Meine BestS Nattonol a raIlle,004change coure. frmd.rainerv, dance deem V'rilego officieln also SUBURBODDITY leer ovtivitios 011th Honor Society. tien at Maine Eeot High retiuna, Kiwanis Prenut 0950reaidrnta to coarleat Lutheren Genere? Hospi- "She bao coordinated CRAZY CRIMES School. Wslh Ihusu fature Day, visito In senior con- FEMA if they had damage tal, the Moine Township three events nutoide of PodRido. evonlo, use Meise Bent toro, food end clothing te their furnaucs er hot- - 1550,500 ennsssroe,,505055hnrrr,rsa.5010,040 SkiM, $269,9000,0813,,, 5055,009SEnIle mentor program end sum- - 0575,00 Mind eut about neseky achool and ahuse tuonino. chapter hopeo to bring io drives, and cempus Weter heotres. od m mer camp, and lit. Posi cf a e ad leer hoe Saturdeys and $6,000. Ferreisk hurd cleanups. Residents can cell nraahs and their crimes, the Crens' elforis with Sondoys to benelit the morh, mocegement und The 287k Best Awards FEIaIA, I-8llB-621-S3GI (1- WerapiooeCeiecuienm llobiiaat for Humanity, and MDA," seid Maine Bent dediration aro roident in are gives out roch meoth 500-462-7585 TrY), gote Learn orso aIent any u? the homes strane those else Curves me bilingual PrincipeS Sturen buye. the outcome of this brad- te Ihrer acodero ehe beve nnwanfcaao.gos, er gale Multiple Pbstea by simply enlacing lire10 SamIas le ose lrsinepcge voluntenr foro meal elan "Su far, Pareah han helped rnsieg effurt." evaded io various erean, the Disentor Recovery ltnhsalOeleila Quick Leekup boo. Also os sue nebsite, turd usinpiete menisry-seheel district. our chspter raise $1,400 cf Maine West Principal nuco os ecadensic, athlet- Cenier, 1480 Miner Bi., Dynurstu Mapping Meith, of Meine Best, inlormslrsn suait our Opnn liRuses lirio unehend, bairdwarnercom its $6,000 genL Tb crear e Aodvey bagan noid ins, cuovonanity nernice Den Ploines. s-Mad Alerts parlicipatts in the Moses-mero cuculs being Zurda woo o leader in Ihn and the arts. lar Dyoteophp fausociolioor, pIasaaed by Facrela. These Hrspanic Clnb sind Kay Comesaek ploceeelosol,ssm Thursda November 13, 2008 S 4 1 Thursday, November 13, 2008 A Pione'Press Publiçation A Pioneer Prs Publication INDEX NEIGHBOR,. CLASSIFIED ADVERTÍSING Cl win:in Vietnam vet tèlis of:fañiiily bonds i.-- Shakowsky breezés to CROSSWORD V B26 POLICE BL'OTTÉR DEATH NOTICES' 72 PROPERTYTRAÑSFERS 7l 9th çongressional District DIVERSIONS Dl formed with fellow sèiwicemen SCHOOL DIGEST 14 By KAThYROLJTLIFFE September, and roughly FOOD - 67 ByTONY BERTUCA ';;.. " [email protected] 280,187 registened in SHOWTIME 86 [email protected] FORUM 13 Chicago. MOVIE REVIEW 85 SPORTS V 74 Jan Schakowsky easily Schakowsky's own It was winter 1966 won three-way race for campaigñ was very low- when Nick Sarich was the 9th U.S. House Dis- key, despite having elec- drafted into the U.S. i trict she hasheld since tion two opponents. Niles Army. 1998, beating Nues busi- businessman and Air The country was at VUS nessman Michael B. Force veteran Michael war in Vietnam, and the Send your news,photos Younan and Chicago re- Benjamin Younan, said 21-year-old Maine East Join the Pioneer news We want your take on tiree Morris Shanfield. last June he ran in-part graduate from Des Plaines and photo teams by send- what's happening in your With 524 of the dis- because he felt was soon on his way to ing in your stories, news town: your block party, the trict's 587 precincts re- Jan Schakowsky Schakowsjy was too lib- fight.
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