SPARTAN DAILY SPARTANDAILY.COM Volume 141 | Issue 31 Serving San José State University since 1934 Thursday, November 7, 2013 ACADEMICS Budget problems cut deep, faculty not amused James Tensuan | Spartan Daily Students and faculty listen in as talks about budget cuts go underway. An emergency meeting was held Wednesday to discuss cuts to departments to save money. By Jenny Bennett, Jeff Arts, stated in an email to the de- worse to offer classes to students classes and either lay off or lessen He said they are looking at hold- Gonzalez, Samantha partment chairs and directors, “By for the spring and then take them the work load of 10 lecturers. ing classes in Morris Dailey Audito- Mendoza, Tanya Mutz June 30, 2014, SJSU will have taken away after they registered. “You can’t make smart cuts rium with as many as 300 students and Allison Williams our second $16 million plus cut,” when you have 15 hours to make per class. @JennyDaily, @JeffVGonzalez, which will get the university to a I’ve never seen the cuts,” said Pam Richardson, an Hadreas said he would other- @sam_mendoza_, @Tmmutz, balanced budget. faculty as occupational therapy professor. wise have to cut nine people, but @all3ybobally Bullock stated that President “You just have to take an ax and hasn’t made the cuts yet. Mohammad Qayoumi identified demoralized and that’s not the way to do it.” Jonathan Roth, Ph.D., a his- Provost Ellen Junn, Deputy a $32 million base budget deficit as fed up with the Lydia Ortega, department chair tory professor, said Qayoumi an- Provost Andy Feinstein and Chief when he arrived at SJSU. of economics, said she is concerned nounced a two-year budget for the Financial Officer Shawn Bibb met Qayoumi was appointed presi- administration about the pain this will cause stu- 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years. with department chairs Wednes- dent of SJSU in 2011, according on this campus as I dents in the spring. “The president announced a 30 day to answer questions about base- to the California State University see them now. “You have seats for the number percent cut divided over two years,” line budget cuts that San Jose State website. of students we have, but it may not Roth said. is facing. “All colleges and all depart- Jonathan Karpfp be in the courses that they need to He said people may have SJSU chapter officerer oof the Department chairs questioned ments/schools will have to make take to finish their degree,” she said. thought with the passage of Propo- California Faculty Associationsociation why they were not notified of the significant cuts in Spring 2014,” Feinstein said classes are not be- sition 30, the second 15 percent extent of the cuts for the Spring Bullock said. “The cuts will not be John Engell, department chair ing eliminated. wouldn’t happen. 2014 semester until late last week. (at) one time. They will be base bud- of English and comparative litera- Classes are being cut to “in- “A lot of chairs and deans “The ‘13-’14 institution has not get cuts.” ture, said he received an email last crease the size of other classes to thought (the) budget cut would taken a budget cut,” Bibb said. “This Junn said cuts to class sections Thursday evening notifying him of meet those needs,” he said. only be last year and not this year,” is not new news ... 18 months ago were made before students began cuts he had to make for the spring Peter Hadreas, department he said. “The president made it the budget was established.” registering for the Spring 2014 se- semester. chair of philosophy, said he is try- clear (that it would be) 15 percent Charles Bullock, dean of the mester courses on Tuesday. Engell said he had to cut 10 ing to make sections as large as pos- College of Applied Sciences and She said it would have been classes, increase the caps on some sible to prevent faculty layoffs. SEE DEFICIT ON PAGE 5 CAMPUS FOOD foods provided at the SJSU Dining Commons,” she said. International Education Week The three teams that win the A.S. combats most points will win prize baskets, Pendleton said. “I do help put the baskets to- hunger issues broadens horizons for students gether, but I don’t like to emphasize By Tessa Terrill 543 of Clark Hall for advising and According to Lu, the Dining the prizes, and say what they are By Sydney Reed @tweetybirdTT assistance, Lu said. Commons will serve international specifically, since it’s really about @SyydNee_Daily foods all week long. coming together to have fun,” she International Education Week Participants will be On the last day of International said. Based on a spring 2012 National 2013 will kick off on Nov. 11 and able to select lunch Week, the International House According to Christian Hip, an College Health Assessment report last until Nov. 15. will present an International Quiz, International House R.A., the quiz of 2,260 SJSU students regarding There will be a cookie reception from the wide variety funded by Associated Students and will consist of six categories. student hunger, it was found that a at the International Programs and of foods provided Spartan Shops, according to Kris- Questions on culinary arts and portion of students on campus go Services Office, online quizzes and ten Pendleton, the International food, sports and Olympics, flags, without eating because of financial international lunches throughout at the SJSU Dining House office manager . maps and symbols, business, cur- struggles. the week, according to Gail Lu, In- Commons. The quiz will be held in the Din- rency, technology, brands, film, This issue grabbed the attention ternational Program Support ser- ing Commons from 12:30-3:30 music and art and famous people of Associated Students members, Kristen Pendleton vice coordinator. International House office manager p.m., Pendleton said. and places will be included in the who are now looking for ways to During the cookie reception, Students can sign up on the In- quiz, he said. solve the current problem. current, prospective and study She said those who are interest- ternational House website, she said. “The IQ is basically a trivia Mykel Jeffrey, A.S. director of ex- abroad international students in ed in the quizzes can visit the SJSU Students can form teams of game where people form teams ternal affairs, said it was Tova Feld- addition to alumni and interested International Week Facebook page four to eight students to play, Pend- of eight and as a group, decide the manstern, a licensed clinical social faculty and staff can have a cookie to test their knowledge on subjects leton said. best answer,” he said. “The more worker in the SJSU counseling ser- and visit the International Pro- such as international trivia, geog- “Participants will be able to se- grams and Services Office in room raphy and flags. lect lunch from the wide variety of SEE CULTURE ON PAGE 5 SEE MONEY ON PAGE 5 INSIDE FORECAST Partly Cloudy P. 3 A&E: Fresh fall fashions on a budget 74°F P. 9 Sports: Spartans prepare to crush the Aztecs 48°F P. 11 Opinion: Editorial cartoon: Qayoumi cuts it up Second issue of Access Magazine inserted inside! Printed on recycled paper 2 | Spartan Daily A & E Thursday, November 7, 2013 REVIEW After 17 albums, Toby Keith still rocks the country billboard charts By Jamie Ramirez The country singer has been around for @jlreports two decades, releasing his first self-titled al- bum in 1993 which earned him more than Country singer Toby Keith released his 300 million hits on the radio for his debut album “Drinks After Work” on Oct. 29, single “Should’ve Been A Cowboy,” accord- which sold 35,000 copies in its first week, ing to Billboard. according to Billboard. It’s clear this cowboy knows a thing or Keith’s 17th album is a 13-song set load- two about writing music and compiling a ed with a good mix of honky tonk fun, bal- strong song set for this album. lads and satirical tracks that are bound to “Call a Marine” is sure to bring nothing make listeners laugh out loud. but smiles by poking fun at life and imply- The album’s opening track, “Shut Up and ing that the answer to every problem is to Hold On” is the perfect introduction and call a marine. fits right into the drinking theme that’s evi- “Now my sister’s husband didn’t love her dent in multiple songs. no more, he runned off with a skinny little “Before We Knew They Were Good,” whore and left her sitting around the house “Last Cowboy” and “Show Me What You’re with a couple of kids,” he sings in the second Workin’ With” are some of the tracks that verse. set the tone for some good ol’ drinking en- Keith writes that the only thing left to do tertainment. is to “Call A Marine” because “they’re built to improvise, adapt and overcome.” Photo courtesy of tobykeith.com It’s clear this The mood shifts from funny to serious when Keith’s comical track is followed by side of the new man in his ex’s life. original “Margaritaville” by Jimmy Buf- cowboy knows a “Chuckie’s Gone,” about the death of a fel- He wonders if she thinks of him, despite fet by offering a laid-back vibe, unlike the low bandmate. being in a new relationship and it’s aw- typical Nashville country song formula thing or two about On this track, Keith sings about what it’s fully heartbreaking and powerful as Keith found in many of his tracks.
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