Volume 122 ■ Number 31■ www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com THE RECORD ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY,AUGUST 2, 2012 [email protected] ■ 603.279-4516 ■ 75 Cents The “Power of Doug” helps local children attend summer camp By Ashley Finethy [email protected] who feel a child would benefit from camp but cannot neces- PLYMOUTH —Summer- sarily afford it identify the time offers so many amazing child through a letter to the opportunities for children to Douglas DiCenzo Camp enrich themselves through Fund. Upon recommenda- summer camps offered local- tion, the fund works with par- ly and statewide, but unfortu- ents, the camp and the person nately,some families can’t af- making the recommendation ford the extra burden of pay- to create an appropriate as- ing for expensive summer sistance program. camps. “We don’t offer full scholar- With the help of the Cap- ships because we want tain Douglas DiCenzo Camp campers and parents to be in- Fund, 54 youngsters were vested in the camp experi- sent to five different camps ence,” said Crane. “We offer this summer alone. partial scholarships to make “We will usually cover be- it more affordable to go to tween 60 and 70 percent of camp.” camp costs,” said Doug’s Once a participant has at- mother and Camp Fund tended camp, their only other Board of Directors member requirement aside from be- Cathy Crane. ing there is to write a thank- Teachers, coaches and you letter sharing their camp COURTESY school guidance counselors SEE CAMP, PAGE A15 Basketball phenom Matt Bonner (far right) poses with members of the Captain Douglas DiCenzo Camp Fund Board of Directors during the organi- zation’s recent Golf Classic. Search for missing North Plymouth Chamber gathers the region’s Carolina man continues best for Second Annual Taste of Newfound By Ashley Finethy [email protected] evening, the miss- By Ashley Finethy ing man had yet to [email protected] turnout for our second year, RUMNEY— Al- be found. A team of with over 400 in attendance,” though officials five Fish and Game BRISTOL — On July 25 said Plymouth Regional have called a halt officers were con- from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on the Chamber of Commerce Ex- to the full-scale tinuing to search shores of picturesque New- ecutive Director Scott search effort, a the area surround- found Lake, the Inn on New- Stephens. “It is good to see small team of offi- ing Stinson Lake, found played host to the Sec- the summer vacationers cers from New COURTESY and a regularly ond Annual Taste of New- come out in large numbers to Hampshire Fish & Hugh Armstrong scheduled Fish and found event. taste all the good food that Game were contin- Game dive team This event was organized was here, and see some of the uing the hunt earlier this training session that had pre- and held by the Central NH other businesses from our re- week for clues to the disap- viously been scheduled at Young Professional Group gion.” pearance of a visiting North Newfound Lake was moved and the Plymouth Regional Carolina man who went to Stinson Lake, providing of- Chamber of Commerce. Residents and visitors missing while on a morning ficials with an opportunity to ASHLEY FINETHY alike were able to sample the walk in the vicinity of Stin- search beneath the water. “We had another great Renaissance Floral provided flowers to event goers to wear on their SEE TASTE, PAGE A15 son Lake last week. Armstrong’s family mem- shirts. Last seen going for a walk bers have described him as at 6:30 a.m., 72-year-old Clay- standing five feet, four inches ton, N.C. resident Hugh Arm- tall, and weighing 175 Chief organizer thrilled with success of Rock the Park event strong disappeared on pounds, with brown-gray Wednesday,July 25. hair and gray eyes. He was By Ashley Finethy Fish and Game officials last seen wearing glasses, a [email protected] people in attendance before said about 60 volunteers white Red Sox baseball cap, a the afternoon storm, McDon- searched around the Stinson red or blue t-shirt and shorts. ASHLAND — Despite the ald felt his message and ideas Lake area last Friday,July 27, The weather has been what late afternoon rain on July reached a large audience. searching deep in the woods officials call “survivable,” 28, the inaugural “Rock the “All of the feedback I have and following brooks and and the family hopes that the Park” event still proved suc- heard is positive,” said Mc- other drainage areas. The warmer weather, Arm- cessful, showing that faith is Donald. “I have gotten a lot of search was called off late Fri- strong’s good physical condi- alive and well, not only in feedback in the past few day night, and resumed at 8 tion and survival skills will Ashland, but around New days.” a.m. on Saturday,July 28. bring him home safely. England. With that positive feedback With heavy rains dampen- If anyone has any informa- “I am so happy,and I could- continuing to spread his mes- ing search efforts through- tion about Armstrong’s n’t be happier,” said the sage of happiness and doing out the day Saturday, the whereabouts they are en- event’s director, Jeff McDon- good, McDonald has started search was called off early couraged to call State Police ald. “It is the first one, and we looking ahead to his next big ASHLEY FINETHY and picked back up on Sun- Troop F at 846-3333. definitely met our mark.” event in September. A diverse roster of performers took to the stage during the inaugural day. With K-9 units, more With between 300 and 400 SEE ROCK, PAGE A16 Rock the Park event in Ashland Saturday. than 80 volunteers, helicop- ters and boats covering the local terrain, but still no sign Holderness select board of Armstrong, state officials made the difficult decision earlier this week to scale to host Summer Meeting/ back the search effort. As of press time Tuesday Open House Tuesday HOLDERNESS — The an opportunity to meet the members of the Holderness Select Board members and Index Board of Selectmen are department heads, hear brief ■ inviting residents and/or presentations about local taxpayers of Holderness to BUSINESS...........................B8–9 SEE HOLDERNESS, PAGE A15 join them for a summer CALENDAR OF EVENTS .........B4–5 CHURCH NEWS .................B9-11 “town meeting” and open CLASSIFIEDS ...................B12–17 house Tuesday evening, Aug. HEALTH,SR., FITNESS...............B7 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Town OBITUARIES..........................A12 Hall. OPINION ...........................A6–7 According to board Chair- SPORTS .............................B1–3 man Peter Webster, “Al- TALK OF THE TOWNS..........A8–11 ASHLEY FINETHY though this is not an ‘official’ Ready for anything town meeting, the board Several members of the Plymouth Police Department worked at Plymouth Elementary School on wants to offer our summer Saturday, July 28 to take part in Active Shooter Training, which prepares police personnel for school residents/taxpayers who shooting situations, ensuring that police know how to respond in the event of a mass shooting such as aren’t able to attend our offi- those at Columbine High School or, more recently, the movie theater shootings in Aurora, Colo. cial town meeting in March Serving: Alexandria ■ Ashland ■ Bridgewater ■ Bristol ■ Campton ■ Danbury ■ Dorchester ■ Ellsworth ■ Groton ■ Hebron ■ Holderness New Hampton ■ Plymouth ■ Rumney ■ South Danbury ■ Thornton ■ Warren ■ Waterville Valley ■ Wentworth ■ West Rumney Local News A2 THE RECORD ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY,AUGUST 2, 2012 ■ Fun for all at the Hebron Fair HEBRON— On Satur- Church hosted its 60th annu- The event was held rain or day, July 28, Hebron’s al Hebron Fair,beginning at 9 shine, and drew in a large Union Congregational a.m. on the town common. crowd with free admission and something for everyone to enjoy. The fair included more than 90 craftspeople, pony rides, kids games, rummage, white elephant, baked goods, plants, books and much more. There was also an auction starting at 1 p.m., and a chick- en BBQ beginning at 5:30 p.m. With a wide variety of fun and food, no one when home Kids soaked up the sights of the Hebron Fair on horseback. Pony rides disappointed. were one of the many events at the Hebron Fair on July 28. ASHLEY FINETHY The Hebron Historical Society tried to stump community members with their Antiques Matching Game during the Community members arrived early to get a good seat for the auc- Hebron Fair. tion starting at 1 p.m. Rumney gets ready to “rock” during Old Home Day Youngsters enjoyed several differ- RUMNEY — The public is sprint to the finish. With two tivity,the Baker Valley Band ent face painting booths around Kids stepped right up hoping to hit the target and soak friends at the invited to Rumney Old Home different loops out from and (11 a.m.), the Cable Guys (2 the Hebron Fair on July 28. Hebron Fair on July 28. Day Saturday, Aug. 11 on the back to the common, there p.m.), and Kelly Bartlett (af- Rumney Common off Route will be enthusiastic specta- ter 7 p.m. at the Russell 25 for an all-day event. tors cheering participants on School) are sure to deliver, Whether you are from here at the beginning, middle, and and the Granite State Clog- Quincy Bog to host botanical or would just like to be, come finish of the race. Register at gers from Manchester will “home” to renew friend- www.runwalkjog.com/rum- perform at 1 p.m. Juggling ships, make memories with ney.
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