Resumé 1/5 CV Carsten Haitzler Cambridge Ph +44 7 !5 "11 75 United Kingdom @ raster@rasterman#$om % Citizenshi&s % • 'ustralia • (erman) % *+ills % Technical & related skills • (,U/-inux /&en *ource de0elo&er 1or o0er 25 )ears • -ead de0elo&er 3 1ounder 4nlightenment5 htt&5//666#enlightenment#org % 711+8ayland 6indo6 manager 3 com&ositor9 a&&li$ation tool+it libraries :(U;9 <iddle6are9 et$#=9 >ideo + <usic &la)er :Rage=9 ?erminal emulator :?erminolog)=# 1#5 million lines+ o1 C • (ra&hi$s 3 rendering $ode :lo6 le0el routines/assembl)9 hard6are inter1acing9 /&en(-9 /&en(-% 4*9 'R< *oC@s) • (ra&hi$s la)ers 1rom image &ro$essing 3 rendering u& to a&&lication (U;s :U; tool+its9 in&ut too et$#= • >irtual +eyboard de0elo&ment and design • A engines :6rote m) o6n &rotot)&e engine ba$k in the da)s o1 Bua+e be1ore (PUs 6ere a thing= • 'nimation • 'udio mixing and eCe$ts • (?K+9 711 :7%8indo6s)9 8ayland display s)stem/&roto$ol9 AR</K<* • <edia code$s :<P4( et$#= • Core a&&lication loo&s9 ;PC and Dueues • 8indo6s C4 • .E! :<<79 **4 et$#=9 'R< :'ssembl)9 ,4/,= • C/C++ • *hell scri&ting :sh/bash= • H?<- :PHP9 Fa0ascri&t= • Ha0e used Fa0a9 Perl9 Python9 <odula%29 <!Ek assembl)9 <iranda • Cluster/ser0er/cloud management • /&erating s)stem build in1rastru$ture • ,et6ork management • Consumer/embedded devi$e so1t6are de0elo&ment • Gast booting • 'rchite$ture • *)stem library 'P; de0elo&ment9 design and im&lementation • ?izen /* :smart&hones9 6atches9 ?>s9 smart 1ridges9 ;o?###= Soft skills • ?eam/grou& lead :0arying sizes 1rom H5 to H25= • ;nternational teams spread across countries • ProIe$t management and dire$tion/&lanning • 't 0arious le0els • (lobal e.&erience • ,orth 'meri$a • 'ustralasia • 4ast 'sia • 4uro&e Resumé 2/5 % 4ducation % University U,*89 *)dney ,*89 'ustralia Jachelor o1 *cien$e9 Com&uter *cien$e :began as $om&uter engineering=# % 4.&erience % ARM - Technical Director - ~3y (Ca !rid"e# U$% Client side technology tra$+ing :'ndroid9 Chrome /*9 ?izen9 Gu$hsia and other client related te$hnologies)9 (PU dri0ers9 $ross%grou& influencing and strategy + advi$e9 ar$hite$ture 1o$us in0estigation9 0endor/su&&lier &roIe$t and $ontra$t management9 -inux +ernel :APU display dri0er maintenan$e9 fixing9 hard6are bring%u&=9 /** (PU dri0er :+ernel and users&ace debugging and L.es=9 CPU &rofiling :&er19 $oresight=# Joined 'rm as ?izen 6as no6 mature and ; really belie0ed 'rm has a lot o1 o&&ortunity to gro6 and inKuen$e much o1 the 6orld o1 com&uting# Certainly e.citing o&&ortunities# <y role at 'rm has been more o1 a cross%1un$tional &osition to 1ocus on client space :any 'rm device 6ith a screen= and ensuring our technology 6orks best 1or 6hat is needed there# ?his has been a combination o1 some s&ecific 1ocused te$hnology sta$k in0estigations9 tra$+ing9 L.es and hel&ing filling some s+ills ga&s to 1ormulating strategies and ne$essary dire$tions that need to be ta+en to ser0e customers no6 and in the 1uture# ?his in0ol0es 6riting u& anal)sis o1 s&ecific technology and reasons 1or changes as 6ell as finding 6a)s o1 $onvincing other grou&s outside the /** :/&en *our$e *o1t6are= grou& to 6ork 6ith us or $onsider alternate &aths# ?his in0ol0es e.amination o1 ne6 CPU archite$ture 1eatures still in design and analyzing their use1ulness or the im&a$ts they 6ill ha0e on the so1t6are ecos)stem# *till +ee&ing hands dirt) as &art o1 m) Iob 6ith code in the lo6er and middle6are areas o1 the -inux//** sta$+# Sa s&n" 'lectronics - Master 'n"ineer (V( e)&ivalent% - ~*y (So&th $orea +,% <obile9 *mart ?>s9 8earables M /*9 '&&li$ations9 (ra&hi$s :-i<o9 *-P9 ?izen=# *amsung (ear 6atches9 ,7 Aigital Cameras9 'll *amsung *mart ?> models since H2N159 *amsung O19 O29 O 9 O4 smart&hones :1NNs o1 millions o1 devi$es)# 8or+ed 6ith teams on the &rodu$t side to su&&ort them9 add 1eatures9 o&timize9 guide teams to 1ulfill these tasks ma+e releases9 a$t as (ra&hi$s 'rchitect 1or ?izen# Hired into Korea 1rom my &osition as Consultant in *ydne)# -ed the (ra&hi$s and U; teams :mi.ed bet6een R3A members a$ross 0arious 1oreign business units in the U* and 4uro&e as 6ell as lo$al Korean teams 6ith their line managers)# -ots o1 in&ut on the o0erall dire$tion o1 the ?izen o&erating s)stem as it e0ol0ed 1rom 71 to *-P then ?izen o0er the )ears# Provided advice on ar$hite$ture and ho6 6e should ada&t our /* eCorts to be more o&en and easier to 6ork 6ith 1or de0elo&ers as 6ell as ho6 to $on1orm to /&en *our$e li$ensing reDuirements# Aire$ted an im&ro0ement in so1t6are &a$kaging and ecos)stem integration# /0ersa6 and &artici&ated in $hanges in display s)stem 1rom 711 to 8ayland :; designed and 6rote the maIority o1 the code in this sta$k including the 8indo6 <anager9 Com&ositor9 U; 6idget set/tool+it9 rendering $ode % so1t6are and /&en(-//&en(-%4*9 shaders9 $an0as s$ene gra&h 6as designed and built by me o0er )ears as 6ell as the maIorit) o1 core 6idgets9 theme subs)stem design and im&lementation=# -o6 le0el dis&lay :1ramebuCer % 1b$on9 A<R/K<*=9 display s)stems :7119 8ayland=# /ther rele0ant middle%6are su$h as net6or+ing 6ra&&er la)ers9 ;PC/&roto$ols and 6ra&&ers :A%Jus9 custom &oint to &oint ;PC et$#=9 main a&&li$ation $ore loo&9 thread and other handling9 1ast Iob Dueues9 debugging in1rastru$ture9 1ast $om&ressed data stru$ture encoder/decoders 1or conLguration9 data storage et$# image code$s :saving9 loading/de$oding=9 o&timized &artial decode o1 JP4(s9 audio control and &layba$+9 &h)si$s engine 1ront ends :bullet=9 obIe$t in1rastru$ture and multi%language binding generation9 async ;// 1ront end and notiL$ations9 1ile management :file managers)9 in&ut methods :CFK et$#=9 1ont rendering :1reet)&e= and $om&lex te.t la)out9 other generi$ in&ut handling :tou$h9 +e)board9 Resumé /5 mouse et$#=9 video codec &la)ba$k in1rastru$ture and handling 1ront%ends :(*treamer9 7ine9 >-C 6ra&&ers)9 6eb bro6ser glue bet6een U; tool+it and Chromium/Jlin+# 40aluated &er1ormance o1 engineers and discussed their goals9 liaised 6ith o0erseas business units on hiring and retention o1 engineering talent and budgets9 6rote u& strategy do$umentation9 &roIe$t &lans and status &resentations9 strategy and meetings 6ith e.ecuti0es et$# -nde.endent cons&ltant - ~/y (Sydney% <obile tou$hscreen U; tool+it de0elo&ment 1or *6isscom9 *6itzerland mobile R3A9 mobile touchscreen tool+it tuning9 e.&ansion9 de0elo&ment and $onsulting 1or *amsung <obile Plat1orm -abs9 *outh Korea9 (ra&hi$s ar$hite$ture $onsulting 1or >enray technologies9 ?e.as9 U*' 1or ne6 Chi& archite$ture# ; ran my o6n inde&endent $onsulting business 1or 2 )ears 6ith 0arious clients9 the maIorit) o1 the 6ork being 1or *amsung in Korea :remotel)=# ; im&lemented s&ecific solutions 1or their ne6 71 /* :a 0ariant o1 -i<o= su$h as s&ecific a$$eleration 1or rendering :/&en(-%4* s&ecifically as o&&osed to 1ull /&en(-=9 0arious 6idgets and other display related te$hnology and education/seminars on -inu.9 ecos)stem9 /**9 Can0as/s$ene gra&h display te$hnology :&ioneered this sin$e 2NN1=9 ga0e advice on technology dire$tion et$# and 6as Lnally hired 1ull% time and mo0ed to *eoul/*u6on# ; also 6or+ed on <obile related te$hnologies 1or *6iss ?elecom9 and >enray :,A's)# 0.enmoko - 1ra.hics Architect - ~2y (Ta.ei# Tai3an% -ead all things gra&hi$s9 1rom dri0er to U; tool+its# /&timize9 consult on ne6 *oC@s to be used9 inter1a$e to international team spread a$ross 5 $ontinents# 8or+ed 6ith /&en4mbedded :Pocto= and built /* 1or smart&hones# 8as enticed out o1 the in0estment ban+ing 6orld by the coolness o1 building a -inux &hone :be1ore 'ndroid 6as a thing=# ; a$tually had been &ushing the idea o1 -inux &hones since 2NNN 6ith m) trust i&aD !!N as my e.am&le 6ith a -inux build and m) o6n /&en *our$e (U; sta$k on to&9 but most 0endors didn@t 6ant to hear about it :ne0er $an be done M -inu. is not &o6er eQcient9 no one 6ants it9 ?ron is the 1uture9 *ymbian the only 6ay et$# et$#=# /&enmo+o had a &rotot)&e 6ith a 1airly rough and horrible user e.&erien$e# ; 6as hired to im&ro0e that and ma+e it more o&timized9 ni$er to use# 8e shi&&ed the &hone ultimately a1ter much eCort and some interesting &roblems9 but the com&any s6itched dire$tion due to the rising com&etition 1rom (oogle and 'ndroid :mo0ed to doing a lo6%end 6i+i&edia%on%a%devi$e li+e an ele$tronic di$tionar)=# ; dire$ted 6hat &eo&le should be doing as 6ell as took in U; design ideas and im&lemented many o1 them or liaised on changing them# Morgan Stanley 4a.an - U5-6 Systems Architect - ~2y (Tokyo# 4a.an% Responsible 1or ensuring the U,;7 o&erations team and a&&li$ation teams 6ork together in the smooth running o1 the trading s)stems# ;denti1ying &roblems and re$ti1ying them9 organizing training9 net6ork securit)9 statisti$s monitoring9 mentoring and training/edu$ation# ; ha0e al6a)s maintained a +een interest in business9 finance and in0estment :brought u& 1rom a )oung age 6ith discussions about the e$onomy and such matters o0er brea+1ast be$ause 1ather 6as an e$onomist by training and com&any general manager=# ; still manage my o6n in0estment &ort1olio to this date and +ee& tabs on 6hat $om&anies to in0est in 1or gro6th et$# % thus in0estment ban+ing seems to address that side o1 m) interests# ; 6as one o1 4 global regional s)stem archite$ture :; 6as responsible 1or ?o+)o9 others 1or Hong Kong9 ,e6 Pork and -ondon=# ; educated our su&&ort teams in ho6 -inux 6or+ed under the hood9 ho6 best to su&&ort9 manage and monitor our -inux based trading in1rastru$ture9 our 1ail%o0er in1ra :both 6ithin%region and cross%region=9 global files)stem :'G*=9 o&timization and other s)stem maintenance utilities :mostly a combination
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