DAR Developer’S Assessment Report

DAR Developer’S Assessment Report

GLOSSARY Air Photo A photograph taken from the air that covers a relatively small area, and which is used in conjunction with other, similar and overlapping photos Archaeologist Someone who studies historical evidence of communities and civilisation Cumulative Effects Effects from one project or site which add to effects from one or more other projects or sites DAR Developer’s Assessment Report DPD Developer’s Project Description Exacerbate Make worse Monitoring The observation, sampling or other measurement of prevailing conditions Mulch Material (usually vegetation, such as grass) used to provide nutrients and protect seeds and young plant shoots Natality Birthing Orthophoto A photograph taken from the air that covers a larger area than an air photo, and which is used in conjunction with other, similar photos that do not overlap but provide a photo map of a region Perma-frost Permanently frozen ground Reclamation Return the ground to a useable condition Rehabilitate Fix, mend or make better Revegetation The process of restoring plants, usually by surface preparation and seed addition Scarify To break up and smooth out the surface Sedimentation The blinding of a stream bed from the settling of fine particles Talus The weathered material (rocks and sediment) that collects at the bottom of an eroding slope TOR Terms of reference and work plan Page 42 of 81 May 2005 APPENDIX B Noise Data Page 68 of 81 May 2005 APPENDIX B Noise Data HEARS NOISE DATA LISTING II (ALPHABETICAL) EQUIPMENT TYPE NOISE CATEGORY LEVEL AH-64, Attack Helicopter steady-state 87 dBA Air chisel steady-state 125 dBA Air conditioner, 36,000 BTU steady-state 71-73 dBA Air drill steady-state 92 dBA Air grinder steady-state 96-101 dBA Air sanders steady-state 94-98 dBA Page 69 of 81 May 2005 Air wrench steady-state 90-98 dBA Aircraft cargo loader steady-state 85-87 dBA Arc welder (mobile vehicle) steady-state 86-97 dBA Armored carrier, M113 steady-state 117 dBA B & D 1/2 inch drill steady-state 93-97 dBA B & D 3/4 inch drill steady-state 93-97 dBA B & D 6 inch portable grinder steady-state 95-100 dBA B & D angle grinder steady-state 110 dBA B & D bench grinder steady-state 110 dBA B & D Grinder steady-state 105 dBA B & D shorty drill steady-state 87 dBA Baker 4,000 lb. fork lift steady-state 85-107 dBA Baker fork lift steady-state 85-90 dBA Band saw model ML (Metal) steady-state 92-94 dBA Bandsaw Doall, Metal 26 steady-state 96 dBA Bandsaw, Crob steady-state 114 dBA Bandsaw, Delta-Milwaukee 20 steady-state 110 dBA Bandsaw, Moak steady-state 100 dBA Baumfolder, 333 steady-state 91 dBA Baumfolder, Bell and Howell steady-state 85 dBA Binder, Martinez, EB steady-state 92 dBA Black and Decker, Sander/Metal steady-state 96 dBA Blower pumps sewer Tx. plants steady-state 90-109 dBA Page 70 of 81 May 2005 Bradley fighting vehicle steady-state 116 dBA Bridge erection boat steady-state 87 dBA C-141 steady-state 92 dBA C-141A steady-state 91 dBA Card Processor, Univac 1004 steady-state 92 dBA Card Processor, Univac 1005 steady-state 93 dBA Card Reader, GE steady-state 92 dBA Carrier, M114A1 steady-state 109 dBA CAT 933 steady-state 95 dBA CAT 966B steady-state 96 dBA CAT 988 steady-state 96 dBA CAT D7 (Dozer) steady-state 100 dBA CAT D8 (Dozer) steady-state 103 dBA CAT D9 (Dozer) steady-state 89 dBA CH 47C Chinook steady-state 110 dBA CH 47D Chinook steady-state 104 dBA Chain sharpener steady-state 86-89 dBA Chansaw, Homelite Super 77 steady-state 125 dBA Chainsaw, McCullock MAG 10-10 steady-state 108 dBA Charparral impulse 2 146 dBP Chipping Hammer, MC121 steady-state 118 dBA Circular Saw, Delta-Rockwell steady-state 104 dBA Clark fork lift steady-state 86-91 dBA Page 71 of 81 May 2005 Claymorette mine on M113 PC impulse 148 dBP Clayton dynamometer steady-state 110 dBA Collator, Didde-Glasser, Inc. steady-state 92 dBA Combat Field Feeding System steady-state 89-96 dBA Construction Saw, Dewalt steady-state 96 dBA Conveyor, Link Belt Co. steady-state 104 dBA Crane, 220 HP Diesel, 100 Ton steady-state 101 dBA Crane, 22 BM steady-state 99 dBA Crane, Crawler Shovel steady-state 101 dBA Crane, Drag Line, LS-68 steady-state 101 dBA Crane, Hanson, H446A, 5 Ton steady-state 91 dBA Crane, Rough Terrain, 20 Ton steady-state 101 dBA Cross-cut saw, Automatic 1-H steady-state 94 dBA Cross-cut Saw, Dewalt steady-state 100 dBA Crusher, Eagle, Diesel 5157B steady-state 95 dBA Crusher, Eagle, Roll 5230B steady-state 105 dBA Crusher, Pioneer Jaw 54VDE steady-state 109 dBA CUC-V (Drivers position) steady-state 70-86 dBA Cutoff/Rip combination Saw steady-state 112 dBA Cutoff Saw, Dewalt GE steady-state 107 dBA Cutoff Saw, Dewalt GL steady-state 112 dBA Cutoff Saw, Porter 43-20J steady-state 98 dBA Disintegrator Size 10BC steady-state 100 dBA Page 72 of 81 May 2005 Ditcher, Parsons 624VI steady-state 104 dBA Ditcher, Pow-R, Vermeer Co. steady-state .99 dBA Dragon impulse 6 184 dBP Drill, 3/8-in Skil steady-state 103 dBA Drill, Rock, Gardiner Denver steady-state 112 dBA Drill Rock, Ingersoll-Rand steady-state 116 dBA Electric duct joiner hammer steady-state 96-110 dBA Evinrude Skeeter, Snowmobile steady-state 96-110 dBA F10000 Rg-r Refrigeration unit steady-state 90-92 dBA Folding Machine, Dexter, 5R23 steady-state 93 dBA Fork Lift 6K steady-state 95 dBA Fork Lift, 10K steady-state 100 dBA Generator - 1.5 kW steady-state 98 dBA Generator - 60 kW steady-state 94-102 dBA Grade-All, Warner & Swasey G600 steady-state 96 dBA Grader steady-state 96 dBA Grader, CAT 12 steady-state 108 dBA Grader, CAT 120 steady-state 99 dBA Grader, WABCO 330 steady-state 106 dBA Grenade, Launcher, 40 mm impulse 3 154 dBP Grenade Launcher, XM182, 40 mm impulse 2 150 dBP Grenade Simulator, M116-indoor impulse 5 178 dBP Grenade Simulator, M116A impulse 2 146 dBP Page 73 of 81 May 2005 Grenade, Hand, M-26 (25 ft.) impulse 5 171 dBP Grenade, Hand, M116A impulse 2 142 dBP Grinder, Dayton Power 17853 steady-state 95 dBA Grinder, Tooline steady-state 92 dBA Gun, 175mm impulse 4 170 dBP Gun, M41, 90 mm impulse 6 181 dBP Gun, M68, mounted, 105 mm (13 ft.) impulse 5 179 dBP Gun, mounted, 20 mm impulse 2 145 dBP Gun, tank, 105mm (13 ft.) impulse 5 179 dBP Gun, tank, 152mm impulse 6 188 dBP Gun, tank, 152mm, XM625 impulse 6 189 dBP Gun, tank, 152mm, XM657E1 impulse 6 191 dBP Gun, tank, M48A2 impulse 6 187 dBP Gun, tank, M48A3, 90 mm impulse 6 181 dBP Gun, vulcan XM197, 20 mm impulse 3 159 dBP Gun, vulcan, M61A1, 20 mm impulse 3 153 dBP HMMV - ambulance steady-state 79-97 dBA Hobart mixer/grinder steady-state 86-90- dBA Hose maker steady-state 96- dBA Hough, H100 steady-state 98 dBA Hough, H120 steady-state 100 dBA Hough, H400 steady-state 95 dBA Hough, H70 steady-state 93 dBA Page 74 of 81 May 2005 Hough, HM steady-state 91 dBA Hough, Hog steady-state 98 dBA Hough, TD 300 SL steady-state 100 dBA Howitzer, 105 mm (gunner pos) impulse 6 189 dBP Howitzer, 155mm, medium, M1A2E3 impulse 6 185 dBP Howitzer, M198 impulse 5 179 dBP Howitzer, self-propelled, M110A2 steady-state 112 dBA Hystor 1,500 lb. fork lift steady-state 70- 97dBA Impact wrench steady-state 95-107 dBA International, INT TD 30 steady-state 103 dBA International, Travelall D-1000 steady-state 71 dBA Jointer, GE steady-state 100 dBA Jointer, Oliver 166CD steady-state 87 dBA Jointer, Powermatic 50 steady-state 86 dBA Keypunch, IBM 26 steady-state 86 dBA LACV - 30 Ton steady-state 96 dBA Launcher, M20-A, 35” Rocket impulse 5 171 dBP Light Infantry Assault Weapon impulse 5 180 dBP Liquid Distributor, Universal steady-state 91 dBA Loader, AC, 645M steady-state 98 dBA Loader, Euclid, 128 HP steady-state 100 dBA Loader, Hough, H90 CM steady-state 104 dBA Logistic Vehicle System steady-state 85-90 dBA Page 75 of 81 May 2005 Lull 7 C1-31 steady-state 92 dBA M1059 smoke generator mounted steady-state 73-104 dBA M151 Jeep steady-state 61-66 dBA M1911 Pistol impulse 5 161- 162 dBP M1E1 Tank system (Firing) impulse 151- 176 dBP M60A3 TTS Tank steady-state 80-109 dBA M9 ACE Bulldozer steady-state 93-112 dBA M915A1 Truck tractor steady-state 78-88 dBA Machine Gun, 50 Cal impulse 3 160 dBP Machine Gun, M60 impulse 4 165 dBP Metal Cutter steady-state 95-107 dBA Metal Shearer steady-state 74-94 dBA Minigun, 20 mm impulse 3 155 dBP Minigun, 7.62 mm impulse 2 146 dBP Mitre Saw, Rockwell Electric steady-state 95 dBA Mk19 Granade Launch Simulator impulse 1 126 dBP MLRS Crew Compartment steady-state 108 dBA Mortar, 81 mm impulse 5 178 dBP Moto-ski, 399, snowmobile steady-state 92 dBA Moto-ski, 500, snowmobile steady-state 87 dBA Moto-ski, Zephyr, snowmobile steady-state 87 dBA Multipurpose 4X4 fire truck steady-state 73-94 dBA Nailer, Bostitch N2 impulse 2 142 dBA Page 76 of 81 May 2005 Nailer, Duo-fast CN-137 steady-state 104 dBA North American routermatic steady-state 99-104 dBA Offset Press, Multilith 1250 steady-state 86- dBA Offset Press, Multilith 2550 steady-state 87- dBA Oster pipe and belt threader steady-state 88-89 dBA Panel Saw, Black & Decker steady-state 114 dBA Paper Shredder, Model 22 steady-state 96 dBA Paper Shredder, S.E.#3 steady-state 110 dBA Pinsetting machine steady-state 92-106 dBA Pipe Threader, Ridged 3000 steady-state 93 dBA Planer, Buss Machine Works steady-state 104 dBA Planer, Craftsman 112 steady-state 98 dBA Planer, Newman 600 steady-state 105 dBA Planer, Oliver 361 steady-state 90 dBA Planer, Powermatic steady-state 103 dBA Planer, Rockwell Motor steady-state 100 dBA Pneumatic Hammer steady-state 132 dBA Polaris Mustang, Snowmobile steady-state 84 dBA Polaris TX, Snowmobile steady-state 91 dBA Poulan multi-purpose saw steady-state 94-112 dBA Power Saw, Delta steady-state 94-112 dBA Power Saw, Newman-surfacer steady-state 100 dBA Printer, GE steady-state 93 dBA Page 77 of 81 May 2005 Printer, High Speed, Honeywell steady-state 103 dBA Pulverizer, Paper steady-state 101 dBA R.T.

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