April 2014 Volume 21 Number 3 A NEWSPAPER FOR ASBURY METHODIST VILLAGE Residents, Associates, Families & Friends www.asburymethodistvillage.org By Phyllis W. Zeno, Wallace “There are 13 more here now.” ...nor gloom of night stays these No question about it, our little couriers from the swift completion Neither snow nor team would be there! We raced of their task... down to Hefner auditorium, and as No, I’m not talking about the post- we walked in the door, the gang of al service...in fact, all of the above rain nor heat ... 15 were singing the opening cho- kept them from their task on that rus and dancing the steps devised fateful snow day at Asbury. But not for them by choreographers Aurora the intrepid cast members of “Vil- Sevilla and Doreen Sexton. lage Life: The Musical!” What dedication and what enthu- Who in their right mind would siasm! And 30 chorus members have come out in the cold and the snow been showing up regularly every to attend a show rehearsal when Thursday morning at Hefner audi- nothing was plowed yet? torium or Rosborough Theatre for At 10 a.m. Sylva, Gail and I were rehearsals of “Village Life: The Musi- huddled in my Wallace apartment, cal.” How do we know who was going over details of the show, when there? Gail Flanagan, Production the phone jangled and interrupted Assistant, keeps tabs on all the cast our meeting. members on an extensive data base It was Bob Wood. “Where’s every- Photo: Joon Kim she’s set up to keep them advised of body? We’re here at Hefner ready rehearsal times and locations. for rehearsal!” “Who’s we?” “Well, that’s pretty disappointing!” Don’t be surprised if you hear the “Didn’t you get the message on “Artha Jean Snyder from Diamond “I’ll tell you what. Hang around solo voices of individual performers ATV and at the Gatehouse and the and Donna Schramm from Trott and for ten minutes and if anyone else like Tony Barnard, Artha Jean Sny- Hefner Front Desk?” me from the Villas!” shows up, give me a call.” der, Lydia Page and Mary Waldron “No. We’re here and we’re raring “I’m sorry, but we can’t come to a Ten minutes later the phone rang coming from music director Sylva to go!” rehearsal for three people!” again. Continued on page 4 This Takes the Cake! By Trudy Meissner, Edwards-Fisher ow many of us have been able to achieve our career goals by doing the work we most love to do? Hear now the Hstory of George Snowden, Wallace resident, who has truly accom- city-bred artists. However, before plished this. he could launch his career, along George began to draw what he came Pearl Harbor. observed around himself almost as George and his brother imme- soon as he could hold a pencil. In diately enlisted in the Navy, with his Parkersburg, West Virginia year- basic training in Norfolk. There, book, his detailed linoleum block George volunteered for guard prints gained him a full duty, and through a series of scholarship to amazing coinci- the Pennsyl- dences, he was vania Academy soon assigned to of Fine Arts in Photo: Dorothy Harris a group of artists/ Philadelphia. He illustrators drafted Above, George Snowden at work soon discovered from the Disney in his art studio! that this “ole coun- Studios and work- try boy” could keep ing at the Navy Yard Cakes are just one of the mediums up with the best of in Washington, D.C. in which artist George Snowden those sophisticated works. Here are some samples! Continued on page 10 The Gaithersburg Book Festival: VILLAGE “In Celebration of the Written Word” LIFE By Jeanne North, Trott Festival drew nearly 18,000 visitors, overarching vision of a Councilman Asbury Methodist Village ith unbridled enthusi- nearly tripling the number of visi- dedicated to promoting a Book Fes- 201 Russell Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20877 asm, Gaithersburg City tors since its founding, and marking tival along with the works of estab- the emergence of the Gaithersburg lished authors and new lights on the [email protected] Council member Jud General information: 301-330-3000 W Book Festival, says Ashman, as a cul- literary scene, is claiming the Festi- Ashman, businessman/politician/ Website: www.asburymethodistvillage.org tural phenomenon. val’s status as “one of the nation’s promoter and devotee of books, This year, on Saturday, May 17, the top literary events.” Village Life brought to you in part by appeared at a Keese School lecture grounds of Gaithersburg City Hall Saturday, May 17, 2014, in late March to present his story in the City’s Olde Towne will once 10 am - 6 pm of the growth of the City’s Book again be transformed into a magical Attendance free Festival from a local effort in 2010 land of fantasy, fiction, non-fiction On the web: Editor to a regional presence; in 2013, the and literary craftsmanship. But the gaithersburgbookfestival.org Linda Williams Aber Director of Communications 301-216-4106 [email protected] CORRECTIONS Resident Editors Photos and captions of (1) Anne Porter, Mund Doris Jakubczak and (2) an Marilyn Gaut, Trott unnamed player of the Chi- Mac McCullough, Diamond nese violin were incorrectly Mercer Cross, Wallace associated with the article Gladys Silcox, Edwards-Fisher Al Tholen, Park View "The Dream Goes On: Fourth Maria E. Roberts, Courtyard Homes Annual Edwards-Fisher Night Bill Brown, Villas at Crawford " (Village Life, POSITION OPEN, Kindley March 2014, Volume 21, Num- ber 2, page 4). The former Resident Staff Courtyard Homes: Peter Cascio photo had been associated with "Edwards-Fisher Apart- Diamond: Mac McCullough, Jan Garman and Hal Garman ments' Christmas Party" (Janu- ary/February 2014, Volume 21 Edwards-Fisher: Joan Dunlop, Dorothy Harris, Luella LeVee Number 1, pages 10-11), and and happy spring to Betty Goen! the latter photo should have Photo: Rhoda MacKenzie been. Mund: Gil Snyder, Jack Brinley, April 1st Blossoms & Buggies Open House Welcomed Many! Anne Porter and Bob Tedesco Park View: Duane McKenna, Anita Taylor, John Eberhard and Tom McIlrath. Bluebirds of Happiness Trott: Bettie Donley, Copy Editor; Jeanne North, Hal Gaut, By Bill Brown, Villas of habitat and nesting sites. How- Joan Brubaker, Becky Ratliff, orry, Vera Lynn, but there will ever, in recent decades, their num- Jack Hutchings and Dr. Bob Hartman not be bluebirds over the bers have rebounded thanks, in part, white cliffs of Dover. The to the placement of nesting boxes, Villas: Carol Dennis, Dan Muller, S often in bluebird trails, including Jean Hubbell, Jay Hatch, song may be terrific, but bluebirds and Bill Brown. are found only in North America. twelve here at Asbury. Since 2007, Thanks to the determined, sustained we have multiple bluebird nesting Wallace: Keith Steele, Phyllis W. Zeno efforts of Asbury residents, these boxes around the campus, where Design/Layout: symbols of happiness can be found Wildlife Habitat Project Team volun- Mina Rempe @ Electronic Ink on our campus. teers feed nesting pairs mealworms Printing: Chesapeake Publishing Corp.. Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) are daily in elegant, mounted blue and native to the United States east of the white teacups. Last summer, Lydia Rocky Mountains. Year-round resi- Photo: John Villforth Page saw three generations of blue- dents in every county in Maryland, birds feeding at the same teacup at they are most commonly found in of Ornithology website has pictures, one time. While we do not know open country with scattered trees, videos, and recordings. how many young have actually on farms, and along roadsides. Blue- Bluebirds eat insects and berries. fledged, we do know that several birds are easily recognized by the While they do forage on the ground, of the houses have consistently had brilliant royal blue on their heads they often hover to pick up insects active nests. Those nesting boxes and backs. The warm red-brown on or catch them in midair. They nest are also sought out by tree swal- their breasts extends up onto the as early as mid-March and as late as lows, as well as the occasional wren, early September, laying up to seven and the ever-present sparrows. “The mission of Village Life is throat and around the ears. They are to provide timely, interesting and about 7 inches long with a 13-inch eggs, having up to three broods a The Wildlife Habitat Team wel- entertaining news about the lives, wingspread. Female coloring is sim- year. Both parents and older sib- comes any volunteers who would concerns and activities of the peo- ilar but duller. Juveniles are spotted, lings feed nestlings. Young blue- like to help in monitoring and/or ple who reside, work and volunteer at Asbury Methodist Village.” but sport at least some of the blue birds fledge in about 18 to 19 days feeding our bluebird residents. If after hatching. you might be interested, please con- coloring. Their call is a relatively Village Life is published by short, low-pitched warble with a Bluebirds had suffered a serious tact Lydia Page, ext. 3134, or Anita Asbury Methodist Village few scratchy notes. The Cornell Lab population decline due to the loss Taylor, ext. 3101. Communications Department 2 April 2014 VILLAGE LIFE By Marolyn Hatch, Villas Adventist Home Health (301-592-4470). [Source: elieving that sometimes something needs The C.O.I.K. Linda Wooge (AMV at Home), Dr. Jack Hutchings] to be said more than once and in more (Clear Only If Known) Factor And Who Was that Man in the White Mask, I B than one way, I hope to clarify the dif- mean coat.
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