JIDRJournalofInterdisciplinaryResearch Goethe’s Plant Morphology: The Seeds of Evolution TANYA KELLEY It has long been debated whether botanist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778), and the scientific writing of Johann the continuous view of nature, as Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) exemplified in the work of the English provided the seeds for the theory of naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882). evolution. Scholars have argued both Although best known for his sides with equal passion. German literary works, such as Faust, Die Leiden biologist and philosopher, Ernst Haeckel des jungen Werther, and Wilhelm (1834-1919) wrote, “Jean and Lamarck Meister, Goethe was also deeply and Wolfgang Goethe stand at the head involved with the sciences. Some of his of all the great philosophers of nature biographers lament that Goethe’s literary who first established a theory of organic productivity was impeded by all the time development, and who are the illustrious he spent pursuing his interests in fellow workers of Darwin.”1 Taking the comparative anatomy, metallurgy, opposite stance was Chancellor of Berlin meteorology, color theory and botany.3 University, Emil du Bois Reymond Goethe himself said that he valued his (1818-1896). Du Bois was embarrassed work as a scientist more than his poetic by Goethe’s forays into science. He work.4 He pursued a wide range of wrote, “Beside the poet, the scientist interests over the course of his 83 years Goethe fades into the background. Let of life. Until the very end of his life he us at long last put him to rest.”2 I argue was vitally interested in science. In his that Goethe’s scientific writings carry in last letter, Goethe wrote about the them the seeds of the theory of evolution. debates on fixity of species taking place Goethe’s works on plant morphology in the French Royal Academy of reflects the conflicting ideas of his era on Science. Goethe’s thoughts on science the discreteness and on the stability of are both original but also reflect the spirit species. Goethe’s theory of plant of the times. morphology provides a link between the Goethe is described sometimes as discontinuous view of nature, as an Enlightenment and sometimes as a exemplified in works of the Swedish Romantic thinker, for indeed his life spans both of these periods. In many 1 Goethe, Wolfgang Johann von. Goethe’s Botanical respects, Goethe’s approach to science Writings, translated by Bertha Mueller. Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 1952. 15. 2 Magnus, Rudolf. Goethe as a Scientist. translated by 3 Goethe’s Botanical Writings, 6. Heinz Norden. Leipzig: Henry Schuman, 1947. xi. 4 Magnus, 42. 1 Goethe’sPlantMorphology:TheSeedsofEvolution reflects those typical of eighteenth more accurate and suitable for science by century Europe. Goethe, as were most of adopting universal languages either, as in his contemporaries, was swept up in the case of Linnaeus, by using Latin in a geometrical spirit ushered in by the systematic way, or, as in the case of German mathematician Gottfried György Kalmár, by using calculus as a Wilhelm Leibnitz (1646-1716) who is basis for an invented universal language. credited with the dissemination of Goethe was also interested in the debates calculus.5 Scientists of the eighteenth about accuracy in scientific language. century embraced mathematical method, On his journey to Italy from 1786-1788, exact definition, and proof of Goethe wrote about the arbitrariness of propositions, and applied these rigorous nomenclature and played with the methods of analysis to the development descriptive and labeling functions they of systematic. The Enlightenment fulfill.7 Goethe is often described as an ushered in an era wherein people turned Enlightenment thinker who was fully away from religion to explain the natural immersed in the age of quantifications world, and sought explanation instead and, as we shall see, his work in the through the search for the laws of nature. sciences reflects much of the geometrical These effects could be felt not just in the spirit of that era. sciences but also in the daily lives of the Goethe’s work in the sciences, eighteenth century Europeans. People however, also reflects the subsequent were witnessing the rapid dissection and Zeitgeist or spirit of the times. Although classification of the world around them. he partook in the spirit of quantification Since 1673 the measure of time had of the Enlightenment, the following era become more accurate through the of Romanticism equally influenced him. invention of Christian Huygens’ “Goethe’s Faust spurns knowledge pendulum clock. ‘extorted with levers and screws’, Goethe was also affected by the longing instead for a grasp of Nature’s controversies surrounding the adoption secret elements, her hidden active forces, of a more accurate and uniform system the harmony of the whole of her parts.”8 of measure, the decimal system. In Instead of the geometrical spirit, which Faust Goethe has the witches toy with strove to dissect, systematize and find alternate numbering systems not based the mechanisms of nature, the guiding on ten.6 Even people’s vernacular spirit of the Romantic era became known language was slated for improvement in the German-speaking world as during the age of quantification. There Naturphilosophie or natural philosophy. were several proposals to make language The Romantic scientists revolted against the analytical methods of their 5 Leibnitz vies with English physicist Isaac Newton (1642- predecessors and sought to apply more 1727) for credit for the invention of calculus. It is Leibnitz’ synthetic methods; instead of looking for system of notation, however, that came into widespread use. 6 “Desired Reconciliations: On Language as Experiment,” 7 “Italienische Reise” Werke, 11: 461. MLN, Vol. 103, No. 5. Comparative Literature. (Dec., 8 Andrew Cunningham and Nicholas Jardine in their 1988) 1056-1071. Preface to Romanticism and the Sciences, xix. 2 JIDRJournalofInterdisciplinaryResearch fine differences Romantic scientists the bean counters and aggregators, we looked for similarities. The German will take as our example the field of biologist Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus botany. Goethe devoted many years to (1776-1837) wrote that in the new the study of plants and in his voluminous science of life “the observations of the writings on the topic, we will see, vital phenomena of animals and plants portrayed the struggle to come to terms … receive their proper place and unite with perhaps the most pregnant question themselves into a whole…”9 The French of his generation, namely the anatomist Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire discontinuity or continuity of nature. (1772-1844) believed that nature made Some botanists believed species to be all living beings with one unique plan. discrete and stable, whereas others Immanuel Kant (1723-1804) emphasized believed that species blended from one to that scientists should examine the idea of the next with difficult-to-discern a whole in its natural context. Kant’s boundaries and that species also changed thought guided the German explorer and over time. Goethe’s work on plant naturalist Alexander von Humboldt morphology reflects the conflicting ideas (1769-1859) to describe the vegetation of of his era. After a brief look at the new world in its native geography contemporary ideas on fixity of species instead of merely bringing back plant held by prominent Enlightenment and specimens in order to classify their parts. Romantic natural scientists, we will Just as he had been intimately immersed place Goethe’s botanical work in context in scientific developments of the by examining primarily the botanical Enlightenment, Goethe was involved systems and of Carl Linnaeus. with the scientific enterprises of Goethe’s contemporaries all came Romantic thinkers, and is credited by from a tradition of natural history that some as one of the leading figures in the placed high value on accurately passing promotion of synthetic method. on information collected by ancient At the heart of the difference authorities, whether Biblical or between the Enlightenment and Christianized knowledge of the ancient Romantic worldview lies the question of Greeks. Over the centuries ancient how much of the world is knowable to authority was passed down through man. Many scientists of the manuscripts, which were repeatedly Enlightenment believed that it was just a copied by hand. Such manual copying matter of time until every last word, led to the perpetuation and accumulation mollusc, tuber, and compound was of mistakes. Scientists of the cataloged whereas many scientists of the Renaissance paved the way for Romantic era doubted that this feat could Enlightenment science in that they began ever be achieved. Although there are to look for answers in nature instead of many fascinating studies in in written documents. By turning to the encyclopedism and the backlash against natural world with a fresh eye, scientists found that neither the Bible nor the 9 My translation from Biologie, oder Philosophie der ancients had fully accounted for all of lebenden Naturfür Naturforscher und Aertzte, 7-8. 3 Goethe’sPlantMorphology:TheSeedsofEvolution nature. In the Renaissance science specialization, natural selection and became the hobby and occupation of evolution of species are accepted and are numerous upper class men. Much of the seemingly obvious, but in Goethe’s era scientific work these people did had to creationists and transmutationalists were be done in secret because new on more equal footing. Enlightenment discoveries and interpretations could scientists who placed great store in the propose a threat to church order. One past, generally held views of natural famous example of such a case is that of history based on religion and Galileo, who was tried for heresy Aristotelianism. There were those who because of his views. By the eighteenth believed in remnants of the ancient century the belief in the absolute authorities and the creation story, others authority of the Bible and of the ancients who were, with varying degrees of had begun to wane, and it had become vociferousness, secular possible for men of varied classes to transmutationalists, and a whole range in engage in science without the fear of between.
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