'It t.,? 1. ./ / "I' - I\ -All'. 10: F WESTERNAUSTRALIA. by Authority at 330 p.m.] Iil.!1. , ICE, PEICT11, SOP VEANSMISSIONEx'POST .15A NEWSPAPER.] N.1.4. L1925. /''i(i3O 'id Labour. Tice Electoral 1907. fln lot,1919. rio occi- lstrict. PROCLAMATION rre tuA, 1 By His Excellency Colonel Sir William Ii:: d 1.11, T TON J Robert Campion,lcoighi Commander ,N1 Diet ingui shed 11.i.;:11 :it:: A USTIIALIA, 1.I H I Er Colonel Sir William otthe Order to veer. 1-;:night Comin.unit r SI St it huel rdSt.I verge,0.8.0., oftheMost!Usti oguished Ordeiof Got el no,.Inandov,,rtheStateof W. R. CAMPION, St Slit 11,0_1 andSt.George,D.5.0., Westot n.A.UStroll.:anditsDepend- Governor. to el tooinend overtheStateof encies in the ("to nion wealth of AUR7 nAustraliaanditsDepend- tralia. [i.e.] tot.i, in the Commonwct Rh of Aus- ti yt: !.;ii " The Electoral Act, 1907," itis pro- 1'.\\.. 17:i/25. Rolls for any Province or District and \\IIENL.\;-4 aidedit:-li1e! 2.I i; ) " rally shall be prep f!, A under the super- Roml I ric 1919," tiet, 1 'one..1 inC VoLt, in ;!/..uedby, the OilierElectoral Officr, o I left 'It',I, I Ia -,cpose 'of ally tolt.m.itr tc.1 ch,d.h,- Proclamation. and shall come into OT latt;:Cow tutu] dot-, Hie same or :my Vt11.11, It 14, 410,11Ott I" define tisly:, herchm Ion :A id whereas the Chief El, 11111'11 1'0 koad 1'.o L.!! torsi0::,!!! rocit1i.' Proclamation dated the ; oomm1 mc, 1, the of volus; b!! X8i. i,day of 1925, to preitare under his super- said loV.O'Hor, ;iii v.]:11 11' -It, of o -I. vtioa and issueo,,,tv[tollsfor each District :And IlieI.:Novi-Jive Coo o, define tic:tiolloa:im_!.. sreo i I v. II col:J.:nu:1h Road whereas new Rolls wore duly prepared and issued: Now rind AI:thot al vicio,..:;!.Location therefore T.,the said Governor, acting by and with the trn; 1 ,o1 : stmt.!! on "'hles Office SVIR'*(1,' of the Executive Council do hereby fix Prldny, 1 8 1 1, hou !Modavrut I. a point Diottro a l doy of.March., 1925, as the date upon which ii!;-locil; 2 ehb Iiront the South o1 :two, tel lending 246deg. Polls for each District will come into operation. choIs lOOtifICttcC32Ideg. 18min., 9 .cto h.-Easternside lint:- :1 ham of ouit my hand, and the Public Seal of the him:ler:11,1c!siit : deg. Stint., 25 chains 56.5 hem' ..;! id !i.15 clout's 41.7 links along St. a to,at Perth, the 26th day of March, Elm Sou::: He-atoll-.ode d Yo. 5022, and thence illOnYea!of our Lord, One thousand nine 180deg. X eta., 5 el:NI:Is !!!.7alcs to tile ,starting point. l!!! mired and twenty-five. Given moier my littndaiut the Public Seal of the :a:idslob:, at Perth, this 14th day of March, By His Excellency's Command, 192:1 By File Ex,,-hlcc:\ 'N command, :T. WILL COCK, A L E ALLEM, Minister for Justice. aec t- \A: o and Labour. GOD SAVETHE KING ! ! GOD SAVE THE:Ii.R,:e;;I I! 566 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [MARCH 27, 1.025. M.P.H. 3128/24; Ex. Co. 773. shall be nbso in lieu of seven as heretofore, and shall be The Factories and Shops Act, 1920. allocated as shown in the Schedule hereto: PROCLAMATION Schedule. WSSTERN AUSTRALIA, 1 By His Excellency Colonel Sir William North-West Ward ..3 Alembers. TO WIT. .1 Robert Campion, Knight Commander S'rffilL-Wr'St Ward ..2 Members. of the Most DistinguishedOrder of s.eHielldet -Ward 2 Members. W. R. CAMPION, St.Michael andSt.George,D.S.O., Governor. Governorinand overtheStateof SOULII-Eire[ Ward 2 Members. WesternAustralia anditsDepend- elides in the Commonwealth of Aus- tralia. 9 Members. WHEREAS by Section 101of "The Factories and To come to force on and from the 3th day of April, Shops Act, 1920," it is provided the Governor may by 1.925, and that ew election shall he held for the whole Proclamation abolish any Shop District, and may by of the District. Proclamationconstituteanydefinedportionofthe State to be a Shop District for the purposes of the said All the in,mbers shall retire upon the 22nd clay of Act: Now therefore I, the said Governor, with the ad- April, 1b2d and that an election shall be held to fill all vice and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby the vaeatu tee so created upon the 6th day of May, 1925, abolish the Shop District of Dumbleyung as constituted and that Mr. Charles Bounces, Secretary of the West by Proclamation published in the Government Gazettte Arthur Road Doara, is hereby appointed to be Returning on the 11th day of February, 1921, and do hereby, with Officer Jo hold such election. the advice and consent aforesaid, constituteallthat H. T. STITFOLD, portion of the Road District of Dumbleyung which is Acting Clerk of the Council. West of the Rabbit-proof Fence to be a Shop District for the purposes of the said Act. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. said State, at Perth, this 18th day of March, Premier's Department, 1925. Perth, 27th March, 1925. By His Excellency's Command, HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has ALEX. MeCALLUM, been pleased to approve of the appointment of: Minister for Labour. Carlo Henry Georgy, Esq., of Pithara, as a Justice of the Peace for the Swan Magisterial District. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! Frederick. Aubrey Launder, Esq., of Perth, as a jus- tice of the Pence for the Perth Magisterial District. Norman Claude Stonestreet, Esq., of Wongan Hills, as AT a Meeting of the Executive Council held in the a Justice of the Peace for the Swan Magisterial Dis- Executive Council Chamber, Perth, this eighteenth day trict. of March, 1925, the following Order in Council was George William Ma.adock, Esq.,of Wilgoyne, asa authorised to be issued: Justice of the Peace for the Northam. Magisterial Dis- The Government Railways Act Amendment Act, 19017. trict. ORDER IN COUNCIL. And toaccept theresignationof Alfred Butcher, Esq., as a J slice of the Peace for the York Magisterial WHEREAS by "The Government Railways Act Amend- District. ment Act, 1907," it is provided that the Governor may H. T. STITFOLD, from time to time, by Order in Council published in the Acting Secretary, Premier's Department. GovernMent Gazette, declare that any branch, spur, or other railway shall be a district railway:And whereas it is desirable that the undermentioned branch or spur railway should he declared a district railway: Now, THE AUDIT ACT, 1904. therefore, His Excellency the Governor of Western Aus- The Treasury, tralia, by and with the advice and consent of the Execu- Perth, 19th March, 1925. tive Council, does hereby declare that the branch rail- Treael lo. 110/23. way known as the Narembeen-Merredin Section, 54 miles IT isI., ;:ublished, for general information, that 6 chains, or thereabouts, and running from Narembeen the foiiewiiim: officers have been appointed Receivers of to Merredin, shall be a district railway. Revenue the Harbour and Light Department: H. T. STITFOLD, If. Gothorp, Derby. Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. B. E. Bardwell, Broome. AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in the THE STAMP ACT, 1921. Executive Council Chambers, at Perth, this 26th day of The Treasury, March, 1925, the following Order in Council was author- Perth, 20th March, 1925. ised to be issued: Treasury No. 450/22. IT is hereby published, for general information, that The Road Districts Act, 1919. Mr. Adrian Benedict Amodeo, of 459 Hay Street, Perth, West Arthur Road District. is licensed' to vend Revenue Stamps under the provisions Increase of Membership. of The Stamp Act, 1921." ORDER IN COUNCIL. P.W. 2384/24. GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BANK. WHEREAS under the provisions of "The Road Dis- The Treasury, tricts Act, 1919," the Governor may, from time to time, Perth, 20th March, 1925. by Order in Council, declare and determine the number Treasury No. 633/24. of Members constituting a Road Board and the number IT isilec.1,y published, for general information, that of Members for each Ward thereof, also direct whether the Agency of the Government Savings Bank at Bilbarin a new election of Members shall be held for any District has been transferred to Mr. A. L. Smith, Storekeeper, affected thereby: And whereas the Governor by Order vice Mr. T. A. Wilkes, resigned. in Council published in the Government Gazette of the 23rd day of January, 1925, declared the number of The Treasury, Members and determined the number for each Ward of Perth, 23rd March, 1925. the West Arthur Road District: Now, therefore, His Treasury No. 506/25. Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and IT is bereb5, published, for general information, that an consent of the Executive Council, under the provisions of Agency ofthe Government Savings Bank hasbeen the said Act, and all other powers enabling him in this opened with the Lake Grace-Newdegate Railway Con- behalf, doth hereby revoke such Order in Council and struction Works, and that Mr. Harry S. Mowday, Time- in lieu thereof declare and determine that the number keeper, Public Works Department, has been appointed of Members constituting the West Arthur Road Board Agent. Mittwif. 27, 1025.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 567 cto. E T SA VINGS BANK. 7111trehison (Jffice,vice The Treasury, Court- 11m. Perth, 25th March, 1925.
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