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~' ·~~~ 81-ccltJ 1ielt/ • . ' ' 1lie OBSERVER BROOKS FIELD liwneset.~!~~ $25,000 produc1 is. stomped!!!:. '!wiL"t ~~the silver wings®~~~'!t?!!t~~ oJ Amenca ond 1he 9old bo:rs o/ on officer in Democracy's finest service ... The Untied Slales Army Air Corps. Pos1 and Present, the roll call oi Brooks men reads like a Who's V.fho in intern(Iljonal avi.ahon. Among these famed men ara:- Fronk M. Hawks, holder oi several world speed records {Brooks 1918.) Or'V'il A. Anderson, co-holt;ler of world's altitude record .. 77,394 feet vta balloon !Broo.ks 1922). Lester C. Maitland. lirsi trcm.s-f'acific flight (Brooks l 923.) Charles A. Lindber9h, first non-s1op solo across the Atlan11c <Brooks 1924.) Stanley Ums1ead, chlef army test_pilot, who """ HEADQUARTERS THE AIR CORPS ADVANCED n YING SCHOOL BROOKS FIELD. TEXAS OFFICE OF TSE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER MEMORANDUM TO: The Reader The importance of such o b ook as !his is not to be overlooked. It may not be a literary masterpiece, bu1 represents as mucn effort. It won't ever be a best seller, hut will be more valued by its re.oders. ll ls worth more thon o maS\erpiece. ll js dearer than a best-seller. 1l lives over again ihe soul and mind of the cadet. h &hows him """ oth<>rs S"le ~'lim . It tells of Brooks and of the men who are trained here. Therefore; I am J')roud to set my hand to this document as advisor. T.1-- if' ~ '7 •,,,/- .., BR\JCT K. BAUMGARDNER 2nd Lieut.. Air Corps. 7Ae 7cp 1li9At Gen George H. Brett Gen. Gerold C. Btanl Mena/r ~ .look to.~ '1, ~' l/1Jcdck Ute ah CO/lfU <JO ... , ;~·~··' - Men~ ~-made 'IANV. f/U-Yurv. , ()'a~ . , d!ad tlw a/Unlf. COJzfM, dlad .. 42-1 With the graduation o1 42-I from Brooks Field, each graduate shall enter into a new world. Even with the months of intensive training behind us, it will not be easy tq first acclimate ourselves to the life of a flying officer in the Amertcan ·Air Forces and later to the life of a citizen in a peaceful America. Perhaps in the not too distant future, each of us will have time te pause 'in our new rea lm to reflect on the training that opened the doors to his po­ sition. It is to that end this book is dedicated. In Memoriam Aviation Cadet Lt Harold F. Matsler Col. Stanton T. Smith Cotnmonchnq Otf~r of Btoek• ft.e=-ld - --- Lt. Col. J. W. Turner Olnictor of Troinln9 \ - t-. ... Lt. Col. S. S. Murphy £xecutJve Olfmu Lt. Col. N. T. Perkins Director of Flying Mai. R. W. Lowery f11aht Surqeon MoJ. R W. Csborn Aat [' mc1 r I flyin9 Mai. E. C. French Capt. A. B. Hawkins Oirectcr of Ground School S"CrelOry Capt. r. R. Oi1.k.,y Lt. A W. Robertson Co!llmcndont ol Cadets Pool AdJutOJll ' IJ. A Plemons Lt. A. T. Carrow ISi Sq Toct>col Olhalr 2nd Sq Tadlml OU-. Mau Oil.- PcuflOf\.Oe"l Ad u1 :m1 •• ' • a LE Gross . - Squodzo:>Mo1or Co~ander ..\ CoPI- F. I &hue\: Com-mwkt B fl)Q!u Lt. J. M. Clayton, Lt. J. N. Farr. Lt. D, 0. Lundberg, Lt. R. H. Meinu, L1. F. M. Wood, Lt. W. C. Rice, Lt. H. R. Penny Lt. G, L. Stanton. ti· IW.L. Lmick, Ll G. M. Dw1qht, Jr.. Lt. W. Parsons, Lt. J. B. Christian, Lt. B f. Sm11h, Le. W. R. Schuler 1. • H. Newion, Lt. J. 0. Wright, LL D. C. Wilson. D CADET OFFICERS J, J. Meyers, I st Capt. L. ). Allain, Jr., Lieut. R. J. Cho:pman, LieuJ. R JC Bohle, Lieut. J. N. Davis, Lieut. C. A. Pease, A di . STAFF E:DJTORS \ -:::-......-. , D. D. Int-Hout Editor E. I. McD1mnot1 N. S. Orwat Asal. Editor A.sst. Editor • SCOTI M. ALEXANDER LEROY J. ALLAlN, fR. JOHN C. ALSUP JR. Des Plaines. ru. New Orleans, La. Houston. Texas THOMAS G. ARCHIBALD JOHN H. ARNOLD ROBERT M. BARkEY Union Spnnqs, Ala. San Antonio, Texas Wyandotte, Mlcb. DONALDS. BA'ITEN fDWARD H. BEAVERS. JR. W AlT£R C. BENEKE Chor1ottesville. Va. Scranton. Pa. Oranqe-, Texas ..' MELVIN G. BERTZYK JACK R. BLACK ROBERT K. BOHLE Racine, Wis. East Hiclc:ory, Pa . Chicago, Ill JOHN W. BRISTOL JOHN L. BROWER JAMES M. BURNS Brooklyn, N. Y. Huntmg1on, W. Va. Goliad. Texas BRUCE W. CAMERON Apple1on Wis. e -- GLENN S. CAUTKORN JOHN F. CLARK San Ar.tonic, Texos Shrevei::ort, Lo. ?.1ICHAEL A. CONFORTO JOSEPH A. COOK ROBERT DALY Ph:lo::!elph1a. Pa. Ely, Mum. Clucaqo. Ill. Ct ORIN C DARI.INC. JR. IEROME N DAVIS IAMFS D DESLONDt: Lewton O ltln Ware Sho:rls. S. C. Flomaton I.la. ROYMOND T. DONNELLY JOHN F'. EMERY DANIEL L EVERETI Polly. Texas Milwaulteo. Ww. Salido, Colo. ':~AfMO'FARO"­ HENRY L. FRANCfS, JR CHARLES W GARRA TT Homn. Ill. Roonoke, Vo. McKoesport. Po. 4.C~ o.,t.AJ..!> W GOERKI. DIC!: GROVES nro MAS w HANSD.' Lot Anqeles. Coi1I Matador Texo• Portlond o,.. HAROLD HENNES ARTHUR W HILL Chicago, Ill. San Antonio. Texas DUANE D. lNTHOUT PAUL K. JENSEN DONALD W JOHNSON Gordnm, Ill Cl neinnot1, Oluo Detro:t. Mich JAMES M. KATZFEY CHARLES F'. KLAUBER ERNEST ).KOVATS Milwaui<ce W:s. Chicago. Ill. South Bend Indiana ERNEST J. KULIK JAMES D. LeMEILLEU NEWTON P. umETON Ch1ca<,ro. 111. Iraan, Texas Belmont, Texas WA YNf. L LOWRY WIWAM E LYNCH M nC y Nev San A t n o Texas EDWARD J. McDEF.MOIT THOMAS f McGOVERN ~N l ( ~l.... :Jrr .J'• ;R Ho.lywoco. Ca:i. SI.. Paul Mmn_ c . ..;s .,.e xas JOHN J. MEYERS JOHN C. MINARj W IWAM f' MONCREIFF W..01 r:.s, Mir..~ Hmsrlo!e. m. Lmoo:n Park. ~ L.E:'iTER C. Mc;.1RE~ Ct.AHr:NCE: E. ND...«;ON MrnLIN K NORRIS m Albuq11P.rq1.1e. N. Mex Rocin" Wis.. ·~n Ma1C011 Texas JESSE C. O'BRJEN RICHARD B. OLANDER NORMAN S. ORWAT San Antonio. Texas Racine. Wis. Phlladelph1a, Pa . 0 • (' ru:IDet\ ).~EASE DENVER M. PORTER THOMAS D. REALE C.eor la(e. Iowo Amarillo Texas Bronx. N. Y. ROBERT A. REIF'f WILLIAM M. RIDGWAY FRANCIS X. SCHOENBERGER Ann Arbn1 M <-h Dellos Texas Pou9hkeepsio. N Y - SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE. JR. ROBERT J. SlKORS CLAYTON E. SMllH West Grove. Po. Grond Ropids, Mich. Muskeqon. Mich. ~ , ' - . DENVER W. SMITH LAWRENCE S. SMITH JOHN 0. SPANGLER Dundee, Ohio Peona. DI. Clucaqo. Ill, LAVERLE K. STOUT JOHN W STUBBU:FJ[LD JOHN H ST ARING Son Anl<lnlO Te<'1• Doltas. Texos Aikslo N Mex l KO!lEfff P. SUMBERG DA YID H. SW AlN JEAN D. TARBUTJ'ON Detro.I Mich Dallas, Texas Hous:on, Texas --... FREDERICK L. UT!'ENWEILER THOMAS C. VANHYNING DICK W. VAN SICKLE Bndqeport.Conn Chicago. lll. File 1.o<e. Mich. UOYD S. WADDINGTON, JR. GCORCC W WAllACE. JR. ERNES':" J Wli!TTU:. JR Mmc1u•. T"xas \lfa<:o, rexes Allentown. Pa. ROY AL G. RIGGLE JOE 0. Wil.SON CARL L ZIMUCH Canonsburg, Pa. Foreman, Ark. Dalhan, Texas • ~ ELEMENT I PEASE POOR PlLOTS ELEMENT 2 WOOD ' S KNOTH£ADS I CLCMCNT 3 LAUCK'S TOUGH LUOKS ELEMENT 4 GREGG ' S GROPING GOSLIN GS • ELEMENT 5 M::RRITT'S AND HOON'S GOONS ELEMENT 8 SCHULER'$ SIMPLE SEVEN ELE M ENT 7 WILSON ' S WlLD WHATNOTS ---· ELEMENT 8 WOOD'S WOULD IF THEY COULD ELEM E NT 9 WRIGHT 'S KITES ELEMENT 10 NEWTON S NIFTY l\'UMSKULLS ELE MENT 11 SIX SLUGS AND A PENNY - ELEMENT 12 RICE ' S PUDDINGS .... .., ELEMENT 13 SMITH 6 COMPANY ELEMENT 14 STANT O N' S STA RD USTERS ' . ' ELEMENT IS OW IGHT'S OODOES ELE MENT 16 l \ BETTCR PILOTS BY FARR L •.r~v I \l• ,. S QUI l\.\'t."""" ve '\\,•I n Whauo lite! Get " Who's 9eliinv stuck here? Are you m ! s1 =less. Mi.s:er? - II 42·1 s Ex·Aqqies. That momln9 <lher. Hey l,.>ll" R"POhL From Airlines to Alr Corps. Our losl parado H H u: com nQ up Gouiq up co oxy..-i;.>n. A S·a 1 Tower. Missed again. Wheels up? Our "Co1erplllers" Serve. Our "G-2" qets o Lule resl All outl Give me two. OU to mess. "A" Staqe 'T". "Now 10 do a slow-roll- - -" He il.lst looks at the pictures. The vultures watch - and wail. '8" ball in !he side pocket. -- Off 10 the lllgh\-line. Cetner thal .boll. ---··--- Our c;iround·ec:hool 11'\Stru.etors (THAT MEN MAY FL'() I've jlrst spent .the most int~~deslitlkng ane\ beneficict.l 1seven and one-hall months ol my lite, and, since I think my case ;s overage, 1 e to te11 you a 111t e about It. The firsl time I ever sow an airplane I decided that someday 1 would be a Uier. When !he opportunity came along to lake the mmy course, shortened &-om twelve monlhs to seven end one.ball. r asked for end received the chance to take !he physical for codet application. The examination was very thorough and covered everylhinq imaginable, pasl hislory, present physical condition, and probable future qbilily. Much surprised, I found al the end ol the day that I had passed. My name W® senl in to the kea Headqum\ers, and soon I received notification tha1 my name had been placed on the list and tha1 I may be called any day. About six weeks afler l took my exam l received a leti.er saying that I was to raport to primary ~ool when the next class started.

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