THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. LXVII-No. 49 NAIROBI, 2nd November 1965 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETIT NOTICES OAZE~~ENonces--(Contd.) P*OE / PAGE Appointments, etc. .. 1298 1 Liquor Licensing . 1312 The Interpretation and General Provisions Act- Patents . .. Temporary Transfers of Powers . 1298 Probate and Administration . The Land Adjudication Act-Appointments . 1298 Bankruptcy Jurisdiction . The Regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employ- ment Act-Appointments, etc. 1298, 1309 The Companies Act-Dissolution . The Agriculture Act-Management Orders, etc. 1299 The Trade Unions Act-Registrations . The Agricultural Development Corporation Act, 1965- The African Christian Marriage and Divorce Act- Appointments .. .. .. .. .. .. 1299 Licensed Ministers . The Kenya Tea Development Authority Order, 1964- The Societies Rules-Registrations, etc. Appointments . 1300 Lost Policies . The Local Government Regulations, 1963- Nominations .. .. .. .. .. .. 1300 South African Mutual Life Assurance Society-Notice of Annual General Meeting . The Prisons Act-Appointment . 1300 Local Government Notices . The Probation of Offenders (Case Committees) Rules- Changes of Name . Appointment, etc. .. .. .. .. .. 1300 The Dairy Industry (Inspectors) Regulations, 1964-- SUPPLEMENT No. 84 Revocation . .. 1300 Legislative Supplement Vacancies . 1301 LEGALNOTICE No. PAGE 271-The Constitution of Kenya-Proclamation . 459 E.A. Customs and Excise Department-Auction Notice .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1303 (Published as a Special Issue on 1st November 1965) The Trust Land Act-Setting Apart of Land . 1306 1 SUPPLEMENT No. 85 The Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa--Court Calendar, 1966 . 1309 Legislative Supplement LEGALNOTICE No. PAGE The Mining Act-Declaration 1309 . .. 272-The Constitution (Amendment of Laws) (Promissary Oaths) Order, 1965 . 461 The Cotton Lint and Seed Marketing Act-Seed Cotton Prices, etc. 1309 273-The Stamp Duty Act-Direction . 465 Kenya Stock . 1309 274-The Agricultural Development Corporation Act, 1965-Appointed Date . 466 High Commission Stock . 1310 I 275-The Tea Act-Imposition of Cess . 466 Tender .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1310 276-The Plant Protection (Importation) (Amend- ment) (No. 2) Order, 1965 . , 467 Transwrt Licensing- . 1310 277-The Children and Young Persona (Appointed The Industrial Court-Awards . 1310 I Local Authority) (No. 3) Order, 1965 468 1298 THE K ENYA G AZEU E 2nd N ovember 1965 CORRIGENDA GAZETTE NOTIG NO. 3963 ln Gazetto N'otice No. 3778 of 19th October 1965- (CONST f . 1/2/21) or- THE REGISTRATION Os psRsoxs ACT THC INW RPRETATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS ACT read- Lcap THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT . 2) TYMPORARY TRANSFER OF AIINISTERIAL POWERS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of the ln Gazette Notice No'. 3745 datod 19th October .1965- Interpretation and General Provisions Act, and of all other Second paragraph: tirst line- powers thereta enabling me, I hereby direct that, during the for the words : <fdelineated in black on Plan No. absence beginning on 25th October 1965, of the M inister for DRG.CI /5,' substitute the words ) ftdelineated in red Economic Planning and Development al1 the powers conferred, on Survey of Kenya Boundary Plan No. 518'' and all the duties imposed, upon that M inister by or under any Act, shall be had and may bo exercised 2 and shall be Schedule : penultimate line- performed, respectively, by the M inister for Pmance. jor $:20* 10* '' substitute 4420 10' '' Dated this 26th day of October 1965. ln Gazette Notice No'. 3191 ef 1965- JOMO KENYATIW , President. Jbr 'tFufus W ahinya'' read ç'Rufus W ahinya'' G AZET'I'E N ozqcE No. 3961 GAzsrrB NorncE No. 3964 THE PUBLIC SERVICE COM MISSION O1? KENYA (LND. 26/5/1 /1/& APPOINTMBNTS THE LAND ADJUDICATION ACT DIJDLEY LBONARD BEARDMORE to act as Stores Sugerintendent, Supplies Branch, Ministry of W orks, Communlcations and (Cap. 283) Power, with elect from 19th M arch 1965. APPOINTMENT OF ADJUDICATION OFPICERS DAvlo WAINAINA KINYANJUI to be District Oflicery M arsabit IN EXERCISE 'of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) of District, Eastern Province, with effect from 26th July 1965. the Land Adjudication Act, the Minister for Lands and Settle- S'ILvANo WAMBAKHA OXYANGO OcœssA tp be District O'ëcer, ment hereby, with effect from 13th September 1. 965, appoints- Central Nyanza District, Nyanza Provmce, with offect from 231-d September 1965. (c) Elusl'us KAMAU MAXASEH JOHN MAGIRO 'IRAMPATI te be District Olcer, Kedcho Distdct, to be Adjudication Olcer for any adjudication Rift Valley Province, with effect from 4th October 1965. Kakam ega, Bungom a and Busia Dlstricts ; and ONDIBKI NYAKIJNDI NYAMANGA to be Distdct Olcer, Muranga District, G ntral Province, with effect from 7th Octobor 1965. (b) SAMOEI- MwAxGl JONATHAN EvAxsox M BUGUA KAMAU to be District Olcer, Central Nyanza to be Adjudication Oëcer for any adjudication area in the Distdct, Nyanza Prevince, with esect from 7th O'ctober 1965. Central Nyanza, South Nyanza and Kisii Districts. MAAI EI-IIJD WAHOME to be District Oëcer, Elgeyo-M arakwet Gazette Notice No. 3492 of 1964 is hereby cancelled. District, Rift Valloy Ptovince, with effect from 11th October 1965. Dated this 21st day of October 1965. PROMOTIONS MATHBw MUSALIA MwENBsI to be Administrative Secretary J. H. ANGAINE, (Supernumerary), Kenya Police, with effect from 14th August M inister yt)r Landz and Settlement. 1964, and to bo Administrative Secretary, Kenya Police, with elïect from 1st April 1965. JOHN PATBRSON Wooo LOGIB to be Chief Conservator of GAZETTE NOTICE No. 3965 Forests, Ministry of Natural Resottrce,s and W ildlife, with efect from 1st M arch 1965. THE REGULATION OF W AGES AND CONDITIONS OF J()HN MAc M ILLAN to be GoveTnment P'rinter, M inistry of EM PLOYM ENT ACT W orks, Communications and Power, with efect from 23rd Jtlly 1965. (Cap. 229) BASII- HolucB EDwARD DlcKlNs()x to be Chief Accounvnt, THE BAKIN G ,FLOUR CONFECTIONERY AND BISCUIT National Social Security Fund, Ministry of I-abour and Social M AKING TRADES W AGES COUNCIL Services, with esect from 10th August 1965. JBssE MwIGARITJRI Glctmu MUHORO to be Senior Education APPOINTMENTS O'Ilicer, Ministry of Education, with elect from 1st October IN EXERCISE of the pewers confen'ed by paragraph 2 of 1965. the Second Schedule to the Regulatien of W ages and Conditions PRAN SAGAR Soob to be Principal Auditor, Exchequer and Audit of Employment Act, the M inister for Labour and Social Services Department, with effect from 1st Octobor 1965. hereby appoints tho following persons to be members of the ltBvBRsloyls Baking, Flour Confectionery and Biscuit M aking Trades W ages JAMES BBNJAMIN M ALOBA BtiKtisl ceased to act as Senior Council : - Education Officer, M inistry of Education, with effect from (a) Independent members 6th October 1965. Hon. A. A. Ochwada, M .P., who shall be Chairman HSNDRIX Jcux W zrl-sM Wssrrxzlârzttl ceased to act as Town of the Baldng, F'lour Confectionery and Biscuit Making Planning Adviser, Town Phnning Department, with effect Trades W ages Council. from 13th October 1965. Hannington H . 0. Awori, who shall be Deputy Chairrnan By Grder of tho Commission. of the said Council. J. *W. M UREITHI, M usa Om elo. Secretary. (b) M embers to represent employees P. M utabi ; S. M ahagwa ; S. K inyeki ; (CONST. 1/2/21) J. B. Odero ; THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS B. Ujiji ; ACT S. W amimbî and (Cap. 2) D . M ugo. TBMPORARY TRANSFER OF M INISTERIAL POW ERS (c) M embers to reprcsent employers IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 37 of the J. D avidson ; lnterpretation and General Provisions Act, and of al1 o'ther N . Batchelor ; powers thereto enabling m e, 1 hereby direct that, during the B . 1. Lilani ': absence beginning on 25th October 1965. of the Minister for S. H. Gilanl ; Commerco and Industry all the powers confe'rred, and a1l the A. M. Esmailjeo ; dtlties imposed, upon that Minister by or mi der any Act, shall S. Kihuga and be had and m ay be exercised, and shall be performed, P. Dodds. respectively, by the M inister for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. Dated this 28th day of October 1965. Dated this 26th day of October 1965. B. N . M WENDW A, JOMO KENYAI'TA M înister jor Labour and Prestdent. Social Services. 1299 (CAB. 16/ 11/ 199) (C.4S. 16/ 11 /20t8 TH E AG RICULTU RE ACT THE AGRICULTURE ACT (Cap. 318) Lcap. 318) M ANAGEMBNT O'RDER No-lqcs To SHow CAUSE (Section 1 87 (1)) Lsection 187 (3) (c) and (17)) W HEREAS I am satisfied, and do hereby certify, that- Farm L.R. Ne. 8276/2 (63 acres), owned by John Malise To : Sîr H enry A rthur Dalrymple-W hite, 7 K ingstone House Graham and Edna Muriel Graham and situatod in the Njoro North, Prince's Gate, London, S.W .I, England. area of the Nakuru D istrict, W HEREAS a M anagement Order is in force in respect of- (hereinafter leferred te as the holding) is being managed or Farm L.R. Nos. 5165/ 17 and 5165/18 (1,760 acres), and supervised so inadequately that it is necessary for preventing situated in the Laikipia area of the Laikipia District, or delaying the deterioration of the holding to make and serve this Order : (hereinafter referred t'o as the holding) : Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by N ow, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub- section 187 of the Agriculture Act, and after consultation with section (3) of section 187 of the Act, the Minister for the Rift Valley Provincial Agricultural B'oard, 1 hereby order Agriculture and Animal Husbandry hereby called up the said and direct that as from 21st October 1965, the holding shall, Henry Arthur D alrym ple-W hite to show cause, within one subject to the provisions of section 187 of the Act, be occupied month after the date of service of this notice, to the satis- arjd managed by the Minister for Agriculture and Anlmal faction of the Minister, why an order should not be made by Husbandry to the exclusion of the owner.
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