1934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8125 allotment to said non-profit-making associations of at least 4522. Also, petition of the Home Owners' Association ·of 25 percent of all radio facilities not employed in public use, the twenty-sixth ward, Chicago, Ill., regarding the advisa­ and approving the valiant struggle of the non-profit-making bility of amending the Home Owners' Loan Act; to the Com­ associations conducting radio stations to preserve their ideals mittee on Banking and Currency. of serving in the public interest; to the Committee on Mer­ 4523. Also, petition of the Young Ladies' Sodality, of St. chant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. Agatha's Parish, Canastota, N.Y., urging adoption of the 4509. Petition from the Holy Name Society, St. John the amendment to section 301 of Senate bill 2910; to the Com­ Baptist Roman Catholic Parish, New Haven, Conn., support­ mittee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. ing the amendment to section 301 of Senate bill 2910, provid­ 4524. Also, petition of the Holy Name Society of St. ing for the insurance of equity of opportunity for educa­ Agatha's Parish, Canastota, N.Y., urging adoption of the tional, religious, agricultural, labor, cooperative, and similar amendment to section 301 of Senate bill 2910; to the Com­ non-profit-making associations seeking licenses for radio mittee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. broadcasting by incorporating into the statute a provision 4525. Also, petition of the Rosary Society of St. Agatha's for the allotment to said non-profit-making associations Parish, Canastota, N.Y., urging adoption of the amendment of at least 25 percent of all radio facilities not em­ to section 301 of Senate bill 2910; to the Committee on ployed in public use, and approving the valiant struggle Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. of the non-profit-making associations conducting radio sta­ 4526. Also, petition of the Immaculate Conception Cathe­ tions to preserve their ideals of serving in the public in­ dral, Rapid City, SDak., urging adoption of the amendment terest; to the Committee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and to section 301 of Senate bill 2910; to the Committee on Fisheries. Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. 4510. By Mr. RUDD: Petition of the Interprofessional 4527. Also, petition of St. Joseph's rectory, Spring Valley, Association for Social Insurance, New York City, favoring the N.Y., urging adoption of the amendment to section 301 of passage of workers unemployment and social insurance bill Senate bill 2910; to the Committee on Merchant Marine, CH.R. 7598); to the Committee on Labor. Radio, and Fisheries. 4511. Also, petition of the Central Committee of Em­ ployees of the Financial Districts of the United States, fa­ voring the appointment of special commission to administer HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES control consisting of 1 eminent industrialist, 1 banker, 1 SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1934 broker, 1 Democrat, and 1 Republican; the National Securi­ ties Exchange Act; to the Committee on Interstate and The House was called to order at 12 o'clock noon by Foreign Commerce. Hon. South Trimble, Clerk of the House, who read the f al­ 4512. Also, petition of Recovery Associates of Woodhaven, lowing letter from the Speaker: MAY 5, 1934. Woodhaven, Long Island, N.Y., favoring the enactment of I hereby designate Hon. WILLIAM W. ARNOLD to act as Speaker the Wagner industrial disputes bill; to the Committee on pro temp ore today. Labor. HENRY T. RAINEY. Speaker. 4513. Also, petition of Recovery Associates of Woodhaven, Mr. ARNOLD assumed the chair as Speaker pro tempore. Woodhaven, Long Island, N.Y., favoring the Wagner-Lewis The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, DD., offered bill CH.R. 7659) to establish a system of unemployment in­ the fallowing prayer: surance; to the Committee on Labor. 4514. Also, petition of the National Association of Letter O God and Father of our spirits, bend low over all Carriers, Forest City Branch No. 40, Cleveland, Ohio, favor­ hearts and lift upward the fragments of our humanity. Let· ing the Sweeney antifurlough bill (H.R. 9046) ; to the Com­ us hear Thy beating heart as we breathe: " Emanuel, God mittee on the Post Office and Post Roads. with us." Heavenly Father, we pray that the Divine One 4515. Also, petition of the Constitutional Liberty League, may form Himself in every soul. Hold us all to that deep Boston, Mass., opposing the Fletcher-Rayburn stock ex­ and abiding realization that it behooves us to be watchful, change bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign energetic, and enthusiastic in the devoted service of our Commerce. country. Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, 4516. Also, petition of the Veterans' Association, Thir­ human nature in its needs and emotions is one. The heart teenth Regiment National Guard, New York, Brooklyn, N.Y., speaks a language that is heard everywhere and the voice condemning certain alien groups and commending the pres­ of the soul makes every tongue immortal. O let the whole ent movement to build up and maintain our Navy to the earth come to its ripeness and more and more may it learn point of strength and efficiency; to the Committee on Naval to love and obey Thy laws. Keep it back from the sins of Affairs. violence, of cruelty, greed, and avarice. Bind every section 4517. Also, petition of the American Society for the Pro­ of our country together in the bonds of brotherhood and tection of the Moving Picture Theater, favoring the passage may the peaceful victories of all industry lay a crown of of Senate Resolution 225; to the Committee on Interstate rejoicing on the brow of the Republic. In the name of our and Foreign Commerce. Elder Brother. Amen. 4518. Also, petition of the New England Section of the The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and National Association of Amusement Parks, relative to the approved. responsibilities of publicly owned parks, pools, and beaches ORDER OF BUSINESS under national industrial codes; to the Committee on Public The SPEAKER pro tempo re. Monday is suspension day. Buildings and Grounds. The Speaker has given the present occupant of the chair a 4519. Also, petition of the Eighty-sixth Street Board of list of the bills that may be called up on Monday under Trade, Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y., opposing the passage to the pro­ suspension of the rules. Without objection, the Chair will posed Narrows Bridge to Staten Island, N.Y.; to the Com­ have the Clerk read them for the information of the House. mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The Clerk read as follows: 4520. By Mr. STUDLEY: Petition of James A. Atwell and SPEAKER'S SUSPENSION LIST FOR MONDAY, MAY 7, 1934 other residents, of Yonkers, N.Y., urging the Congress of the H .R. 9410. A bill providing that permanent appropriations be United States to repeal that part of the Economy Act subject to annual consideration and appropriation by Congress, which permits department heads to impose payless-furlough and for other purposes.-11.{r. GRIFFIN (Mr. BUCHANAN). H.R. 8644. A bill to provide warrant officers of the Coast Guard days on their employees, etc.; to the Committee on Appro­ parity of promotion with warrant officers of the Navy.-Mr. priations. WARREN. 4521. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the American Society s. 2568. An act granting a leave of absence to settlers of home­ for the Protection of the Motion Picture Theater, supporting stead lands during the years 1932, 1933, and 1934.-Mr. DEROUEN. H.R. 6550. A bill to remove the limitation on the filling of the Senate Resolution 225; to the Committee on Interstate and vacancy in the ofilce of United States district Judge for the dis­ .Foreign Commerce. :tnct Qt Massachu.setts.-Mr. ;HJw.i:l;o LXXVIII-513 • 8126 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 5 H.R. 6803. A bffi to regulate the distribution, promotion, retire­ exhibits in charms or beauty, and therefore no importations ment, and discharge of commissioned officers of the Marine Corps, in­ and for other purposes.-Mr. VINSON of Georgia. are necessary. Though I myself have made no personal H.R. 9068. A bill to provide for promotion by selection in the vestigation of these exhibits, if the gentleman from Texas or line of the Navy in the grades of lieutenant commander and lieu­ any other Members desire to see real works of art and the tenant; to authorize appointment as ensigns in the line of the latest in important matters of great and elevating interest, Navy all midshipmen who hereafter graduate from the Naval Academy, and for other purposes.-Mr. VrnsoN of Georgia. I hope they will not miss this year's great exhibit at our fair, H.R. 7290. A bill authorizing the President to present a gold as I have the dependable assurance that it will far excel the medal to George M:. Cohan.-Mr. ~EYSER. greatness of last year's fair in every respect. H . J.R~s. 317. Joint resolution requesting the President of the Mr. BLANTON. Usually I am in hearty accord with my United States of America to proclaim May 20, 1934, General La Fayette Memorial Day for the observance and commemora­ good friend from Illinois [Mr. SABATHJ. He is an able, tion of the one hundredth anniversary of the death of General earnest, energetic legislator here and never overlooks an La Fayette.-Mr. CONDON. opportunity to be of service to Chicago and to Illinois. I am_ S.J.Res. 36. Joint resolution authorizing the President of the United States of America to proclaim October 11, 1934, General willing for Chicago to carry on her splendid and instructive Pulaski's Memorial Day for the observance and commemoration of exposition for another year, but I am against the proposal the death of Brig.
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