OUTSIDE WEATHER Temperatures in the 70s Baseball team loses to for Joe College Weekend, The Chronicle li ttle chance of rain today. Duke University Volume 72, Number 135 Friday, April 15,1977 Durham, North Carolina Search reopened for Trinity dean By George Strong to his discipline," Turner observed. The University is again searching for a "There is a real sense in which a staff replacement for David Clayborne, the as­ position is a detour for someone who is sistant dean of Trinity College who re­ getting started." signed last summer. In late March, Wright informed John George Wright, the history graduate Fein, dean of Trinity College, of Ken­ student hired several months ago to be an tucky's offer. "I felt obliged — though assistant dean beginning this fall, has ac­ regretful — to release him from his ob­ cepted a faculty position at the University ligation to Duke," Fein said. of Kentucky, his alma mater. "I don't know whether I expected this or His decision leaves Trinity College once not," commented Richard Wells, associate again without a black academic dean. dean of Trinity College. 1 thought maybe Wright maintained that neither qualms it would work out But good people are about the Duke administration nor finan­ always in demand" cial considerations had entered his de­ Wells is heading up the screening com­ cision. mittee for applicants to the vacated posi­ Couldn't refuse tion. Fein and Gerald Wison, coordinator 1 knew I would eventually move into for the dean's staff, join Wells on the com­ "What kind of kids eat Armour hot dogs?" Harris Asbeil, Joe College chef, my academic field," he said, "and once the mittee. eyed his Few Quad clientele last night. (Photo by Dan Michaels) Kentucky thing opened up, I felt I couldn't Representation turn it down. Kentucky was the one place Turner said it is "unthinkable" not to I wanted to go other than Duke." have a black dean for Trinity College. Wright was hired last fall as a replace­ 'Tm sure a lot of other people feel that UFCAS approves plan ment for Clayborne, but his appointment way too," Wells commented "Other things was not effective until fall, 1977 to allow being equal, you've got to have the proper him to complete his doctoral dissertation. representation of people." forpremed experience The advising gap was filled for this year "I think they can fill the position with a with the October appointments of Marcia qualified black person," Turner said By Mary Jeffers 30-17 with 21 abstentions, and the development of a Ladd as part-time assistant dean and Wright said he anticipates that the The Undergraduate up to 15 students would be definitive statement on the Kevin Moore, a 1976 Duke graduate and University will "have no problems" find­ Faculty Council of Arts and accepted into Duke Medical objectives of a liberal member of the Board of Trustees, as an as­ ing a black for the job. Sciences (UFCAS) yester­ School after their education. sistant. "But I don't know if they can find so­ day gave its less-than- sophomore year, but they Pre-meds William Turner, dean of black affairs, meone at Duke," he mused wholehearted endorsement would continue to take un­ The early identification said the administration "should have ex­ Hopes for black to the early identification dergraduate courses until program is designed to ena­ pected" that Wright would receive and ac­ ASDU President Gary Burchill said he program for premedical graduation. ble a few promising pre­ cept an offer like Kentucky's this year. hopes Duke "finds the best man for the students. The program is support­ medical students to "It's just a matter of a developing job." Under the plan, which ed by a health sciences broaden their under­ scholar taking an opportunity to move in­ (Continued on page 4) was supported by a vote of education grant from the graduate educational ex- Commonwealth Fund perience after the In other business, Peter sophomore year without Jeffs, chairman of the coun­ worrying about jeopardiz­ Andrus seeks establishment cil's Admissions and Finan­ ing their medical school ap­ cial Aid Committee, an­ plications. nounced plans for a study of Objections to the pro­ of national forestry policies the admissions process gram centered mostly which would compare the around the 15-hour per By Wendy Cohen adequate legal position of regula­ trol) would be a great windfall for criteria used for admission week hospital experience Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus tion." Indiscriminate strip mining, the oil companies." to a student's academic requirement, which many said at a Duke University Forest which ruined large plots of land in Andrus also remarked that he did performance at Duke. felt was too ti me- symposium yesterday that a na­ the past, would be prevented by not know how the President's Groups such as foreign stu- consuming to be taken tional forestry policy needs to be passage of two bills presently before energy message will address the de­ dents, athletes on without credit Ernestine established. Congress according to the Secretary. control issue and speculated that scholarship, transfer stu­ Friedl, chairwoman of the "The time is at hand when we He also stated that President Carter probably hasn't even made dents, and minorities will Health Sciences Education have to sit down and reason together Carter "came down very strong for the final decision on the matter yet be studied separately. Committee, said the volun­ about how we are going to proceed controls and the support we need" Local planning Thomas Spragens. tary nature of the hospital with resource development," he said He expressed bis continued op­ Questioned about this opinion on chairman of the UFCAS program, only one of "A balanced approach to resource position to the decontrol of prices on federal designation of land use, he Curriculum Committee, several preliminary screen­ development [is my goal]." domestic crude oil. 1 am concerned emphasized, "I feel very strongly told the council that a sub­ ing stages, would serve as "We have adequate community about the consumer... This (decon- that land use planning should be de­ committee on distribution "an index of interest and forest land, not only to maintain, but termined by the people in the dis­ requirements would be ex­ seriousness; students who also to increase our production. But, trict where the plans are to be amining ideas such as the want the program should we must treat it as a renewable re­ made." reinstatement of a be willing to do something source. So future generations will He said he thinks that federal re­ language proficiency re­ extra and different" have what they need," Andrus said gulation is necessary to ensure ac­ quirement, a compulsory In objecting to the overall Community forest land, according tive citizen participation in plan senior thesis requirement, to the U.S. official, is designated for (Continued on page 4) construction. private hunting, fishing and He mentioned that it might be backpacking. necessary to set a limit on the Marijuana seized Limited influence number of people who would be Andrus said that certain pro- Duke police seized some marijuana from a dormitory permitted to visit certain national room in House DD Wednesday, according to Paul Dumas business groups had had their in­ parks each year to better maintain roads in the Department of Interior, director of public safely. these resources. "If we don't limit Dumas said no arrests were made and the case was but stated that their influence the number of people who go we will would become more limited still under investigation. He said it was "not a matter of destroy the very resource itself. It is any huge quantity" and not "that big a deal." Andrus acknowledged that pre­ the responsibility of the government The marijuana was spotted by an officer responding to servation and protection of re­ to see that this doesn't happen." sources has been a federal ideal in a noise complaint, he noted Cecll Andrus, secretary of the Andrus said he is directing his at- the past, but protective legislation Pat Kelly, a Trinity College sophomore, confirmed last Interior. (Photo by Dan (Continued on page 4) he is supporting would "give us the Michaels) night that the marijuana was confiscated from his room in the Beta Theta Pi section. Page Two The Chronicle Friday, April 15,1977 SPECTRUM? Danny Kalish in exclusive WDUR in­ CHANCE for an appointment for a term TODAY terviews about their predictions. 6:45 DUKE BASEBALL IS ON THE AIR!! Fri. p.m . after the evening Report, on WDUR ference librarians in Perkins or East GYMNASTICS EXHIBITION — the Tune to WDUR 1600-AM Sun. at 1 p.m. All are welcome to join Hillel in for live coverage of the first game of 1600 AM. Campus Libraries to show you the re­ source and search strategy for that term ••xhibition in Ironl of the East Campus worship at 7 in the East Campus Center. Duke's doubleheader with Atlantic SHAKESPEARE POETRY READING GENERAL I'mon From 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The exhibi­ Following services. Ma. Bobbie Benavie — an informal Sonneteering workshop speakson The Holocaust 1933-1945'' will be held at 10 p.m. in the Wilson tion u being held to draw support for the This Sun.. WDUR NEWS presents • May new East Campua Center House Purple Parlor. We will psych up for TAIH GAME" with Danny Kalish and the SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE 7:30 p.m. THIS WEEKEND Dudley Hudspeth. Tune in Radio 16 at 7 ANACHRONISM'S Bill's Birthday Com­ p.m.
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