

‰Èψ¯‰ ÈÓÂÁ˙È·‰ ÊίӉ The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya pays tribute to –Ï „·Π˜ÏÂÁ ‰Èψ¯‰ ÈÓÂÁ˙È·‰ ÊίӉ YAEL ARAD „¯‡ ÏÚÈ Yael Arad was born in Tel Aviv in 1967 to Aryeh and Nurit Arad, both journalists. At ÔÓ‡˙‰Ï ‰ÏÁ‰ ‡È‰ ÆÌȇÂ˙ÈÚ Ì‰È˘ ¨„¯‡ ˙ȯÂÏ ‰È¯‡Ï ¨·È·‡ Ï˙· ±π∂∑ ˙˘· ‰„Ï „¯‡ ÏÚÈ the age of eight, she began training at Maccabi Tel Aviv’s judo club. Due to the absence ¨ÌÈ·‰ ˙ˆÂ·˜ ÌÚ ‰Ó‡˙‰ ‰Î¯„ ˙ÏÈÁ˙· Æ·È·‡ Ï˙ È·ÎÓ Ï˘ „’‚‰ Ô„ÚÂÓ· ¨‰ÂÓ˘ ˙· ‰˙Èȉ˘Î „‘‚· of female competitors, Arad trained with the boys’ group. When she was 22, she rose to ‰Ù¯ȇ ˙ÂÙÈχ· „¯‡ ˙ÈÈÏ„Ó· ‰˙ÎÊ ∫˙ÈÓÏÂÚ‰ „’‚‰ ˙¯Óˆ χ ‰ˆ¯Ù ≤≤ ˙· ‰˙Èȉ˘Î Æ˙· ˙¯Á˙Ó Ôȇ· the top of the international judo scene, winning bronze medals in the 1989 and 1991 Ʊππ≤≠· Êȯ٠¯È¯ÂË· ·‰Ê ˙ÈÈÏ„Ó·Â ±ππ±≠· ‰Ù¯ȇ ˙ÂÙÈχ·Â ÌÏÂÚ‰ ˙ÂÙÈχ· „¯‡ ˙ÂÈÏ„Ó· ¨±π∏π≠· European Championships as well as in the 1991 World Championship, and a gold medal „ÂÓˆ ¯Ó‚ ·Â·ÈÒ ¯Á‡Ï ¨‰Âψ¯· ˙„‡ÈÙÓÈχ· ‚”˜ ∂± „Ú Â„Â‚’‰ ˙¯Á˙· „¯‡ ‰Ù˙˙˘‰ ±ππ≤ ıȘ· in the Tournoi de Paris in 1992. ‡È‰ Æ˙ÈÙÓÈχ ‰ÈÏ„Ó· ÌÈχ¯˘È ˙ȇ˯ÂÙÒ Â‡ ȇ˯ÂÙÒ Ï˘ ÌÚ٠ȇ ‰Â˘‡¯‰ ‰ÈÈÎʉ ∫ÛÒÎ ˙ÈÈÏ„Ó· ‰˙ÎÊ In the summer of 1992, Arad competed in the judo half-middleweight (under 61 kg) ÆÔÎÈÓ ˙„‡ÈÙÓÈχ· ¯Â¯Ë‰ Ú‚ÈÙ· ˙Èχ¯˘È‰ ˙ÁÏ˘Ó‰ ÈÁˆ¯ ¯˘Ú „Á‡ Ï˘ ̯ÎÊÏ ‰ÈÏ„Ó‰ ˙‡ ‰˘È„˜‰ event at the Barcelona Olympic Games, and after a close final round won the silver medal, ˙ÂȯÁ˙· ÆÌÏÂÚ‰ ˙ÂÙÈχ· ÛÒΉ ˙ÈÈÏ„Ó ˙‡ Ì‚ ‰Ù¯‚ ‰Ù¯ȇ ˙ÙÂÏ‡Ï „¯‡ ‰¯˙Ή ÔÎÓ ¯Á‡Ï˘ ‰˘· making her the first-ever Israeli athlete to win an Olympic medal. Arad dedicated her ˯ÂÙÒÓ ‰˙˘È¯ÙÏ ‰‡È·‰˘ ≠ ‰˜È˘‰ ˙ÏÁÓÓ ˙Ï·ÂÒ ‡È‰˘Î „¯‡ ‰Ù˙˙˘‰ ¨±ππ∂ ¨‰ËÏˇ ˙„‡ÈÙÓÈχ· medal to the memory of the eleven Israeli victims of the 1972 Munich Olympics terrorist Æμ≠‰ ̘ӷ ‰‚¯Ȅ ˙ÂȯÁ˙‰ ÌÂÈÒ ÌÚ È˙¯Á˙ attack. The year after her Olympic win, Arad was crowned European Champion, and also ÌÂÈÒ Ê‡Ó Æ‰Èψ¯‰ ÈÓÂÁ˙È·‰ Êίӷ ÔÂÒȯ‡ ¯ÙÒ ˙È·· ÌȘÒÚ Ï‰Ó· Ô¢‡¯ ¯‡Â˙ ˙¯‚· ‡È‰ „¯‡ took home the silver medal at the World Judo Championships. Arad participated in the ÆÌÈ„ÏÈÏ ÌȈÚÓ È˙ÂÎȇ ÔÎÂ˙ ÁÂ˙ÈÙ ‡Â‰ Ô‰Ï Û˙¢Ӊ˘ ˙¯·Á· ÌȯÈη ÏÂ‰È È„È˜Ù˙· ‰‰ÈÎ ‰È„ÂÓÈÏ 1996 Olympics in Atlanta though she was suffering from a virus, which resulted in her ˙ÂÓÏÂÚ Á˙ÙÓ˘ ”ȷ‚ÂÓ” Ù‡≠˯‡ËÒ‰ ¯”ÂÈ ¨ÌÈ„ÏÈÏ ÌÈÙÒ‡ ˙˜Â¢Ӊ PMI ˙¯·Á ˙ÈÏ”ÎÓÎ ‰‰ÈÎ ‡È‰ retirement from competitive sport after she finished in fifth place. ˘‡¯ ‡È‰ „¯‡ ÌÂÈ‰Ï ÔÂÎ Æ”˜¯‡Ù ‚ÂÓ” ÌÈ„ÏÈÏ È·È˘‡¯Ëȇ‰ ¯·ÈÈÒ‰ ÌÁ˙Ó ÈÓȘÓÓ ‰˙ȉ ¨ÌÈÈχÂ˯È Arad holds a B.A. in Business Administration from IDC Herzliya’s Arison School of ˙ÂÏÈÚÙ‰ ÏÎ ˙‡ ˙Ï‰Ó˘ ¨”ÒÒ˜‡Ò ¥ ËÙÒ˜” ˙¯·Á Ï˘ ‰ÈÏڷ χ¯˘È ̘‡ÈÂ Ï˘ ˙ȯÁÒÓ‰ ‰·ÈËÁ‰ Business. Since completing her studies, she has held senior management positions in companies ÆÌÈ¢‡¯‰ Ì˙ÂÁ˙Ù˙‰ È·Ï˘· ÌÈه˯‡ËÒ ‰ÂÂÏÓ ¨Ï‡¯˘È· Ô‡ȄÂÏÂ˜È Ï˘ ÌÈ„Ïȉ ÈˆÂ¯Ú Ï˘ ˙ȯÁÒÓ‰ whose common denominators are the development of quality content and the empowerment ÌȯËÒÈÂÈ ˙˙ÂÓÚ·Â ¨˙ÈÂÒ ˙˙ÂÓÚ· ¨ÌÈÈÁÏ Ò¯Ù ˙˙ÂÓÚ· ÔÂȯ¢¯È„ ˙¯·ÁÎ ˙·„˙‰· ˙‰ÎÓ ‡È‰ ¨ÛÒ· of children. She served as the General Manager of PMI, a company specializing in trademark Ï˘ Ï‚„‰ ˘È¯٠ÆÂÏ˘ ˙ÈÚˆ˜Ó‰ ‰„Ú‰ ¯”ÂÈ ÈÙÓÈχ‰ „Ú‰ ˙ω‰ ˙¯·ÁΠ≠ ¯ÚÂ È·Ï ˙ÂÓÊÈ „„ÈÚÏ toys, founded the startup Mogobe, which developed virtual worlds, and was a co-founder ÚÈÈÒÓ ”ÌÈÈÁ¯Ê‡‰” ÌÈÈÁÏ ‰˘È¯Ù‰ ÍÈω˙· Ìȯ‚· Ìȇ˯ÂÙÒ ‰ÂÂÏÓ‰ ¨’ȯÁ‡˘ ÌÂȉ’ ‡Â‰ ÂÊ ˙¯‚ÒÓ· „¯‡ of the interactive playground “Mogo Park.” Today, Arad is the head of Viacom Israel’s ÆÌ‰È¯Â˘ÈÎÏ ÌÈÓȇ˙Ó‰ ‰„Â·Ú ˙ÂÓ˜ӷ Ì˙ËÈϘ· commercial division and the founder and owner of Concept 4 Success, which manages all Æψ¯‰ ¯‰· Ҙ˷ ˙‡¢Ӊ ȘÈÏ„Ó ÌÚ „¯‡ ‰˙Ó „”Ò˘˙ ˙‡ӈډ ÌÂÈ ·¯Ú· of the commercial activity of Nickelodeon’s children’s channels in Israel, and assists startups ¨ÔÂÁËÈ·‰ È˙Â¯È˘ ¨È˜ÒÚ‰ ¯Ê‚Ó· ÌÈÏ‰Ó ÈÙ· ˙ÂȈӠ˯ÂÙÒ ÏÚ ‰ˆ¯Ó „¯‡ ¨ÌÈÈωȉ ‰È„ȘÙ˙Ï ÏÈ·˜Ó· in the early stages of their development. In addition, she serves as a member of the Boards ÏÚ ÌȘÒÚ‰ ÌÏÂÚ· ˙ÂȈӠ˯ÂÙÒ· ˙ÂÈÂˆÓ ÔÈ· ˜Â„‰‰ ¯˘˜‰ ÏÚ Ì˙ȇ ˙¯·„Ó ¨¯Ú ȷ ÍÂÈÁ È˘‡ of Directors of Prize4Life, an organization dedicated to the discovery of a cure for ALS, the ¨˙¢ÈÁ ‰„Ó˙‰ ¨˙ÂÈ˙¯ÈˆÈ ¨˙¢„Á ∫ÌÈ·ÂË ÌÈωÓÏ ÌÈÓÊÈÏ ¨ÌÈ·ÂË Ìȇ˯ÂÙÒÏ ˙ÂÙ˙¢Ӊ ˙ÂÂÎ˙‰ Snunit Center for the Advancement of Web Based Learning, and Unistream, which teaches Æ̉Èχ ‰¯È˙Á‰Â ÌÈ„ÚÈ ˙·ˆ‰ ¨˙ÂÂÏ˘ÈÎ ÌÚ ˙„„ÂÓ˙‰ entrepreneurial skills to disadvantaged youth. Arad is also a member of the board of the ÂÓʉ ÒÎÏ Æ˙Â˙„ ÌÈÓÚ ÔÈ· ¯˘‚Π˯ÂÙÒ‰ ‡˘Â· ¨‡Ó¯· Ô˜È˙‰ ˙ȯ˜· ÒÎÏ „¯‡ ‰Óʉ ≤∞±∂ ˙˘· Israeli Olympic Committee and chairwoman of its sports committee. In this framework, ÈÚˆÓ‡ ‡Â‰ ˯ÂÙÒ‰ ¨‰ÈÈÚ· ÆÌÏÂÚ‰ ÏÎÓ ¯·Ú·Â ‰Â‰· ˯ÂÙÒ ˙ˆ·˜ ÈÏ‰Ó ¨ÌÈÓ‡Ó ¨Ìȇ˯ÂÙÒ ≤μ∞≠Î Arad’s flagship project “The Day After” helps retiring athletes in the process of their return Ư˙ÂÈ ·ÂË Ì˜ÓÏ ÌÏÂÚ‰ ˙‡ ÍÂÙ‰Ï ª˙ÂÓ‡ ÔÈ·Â ÌÈ˘‡ ÔÈ· ‚ÂÏ‡È„Ï ÏÈ·Â‰Ï ÏÂÎÈ˘ ÈÎÂÈÁ È˙·¯˙ to “civilian” life and assists with their absorption into places of work suitable for their skills. On the eve of Israeli Independence Day in 2004, Arad was among those chosen to Á¯ ÏÚ ª˙ÈÙÓÈχ ˙Èχ¯˘È ˙ÂÈÈˈ‰Ï ¯Ú˘‰ ˙‡ ‰Á˙Ù˘ ÏÚ ªÌÏÂÚ· Èχ¯˘È‰ ˯ÂÙÒ‰ ÌÂ„È˜Ï ‰˙Ó¯˙ ÏÚ light a torch at the official ceremony on Mount Herzl. ˙·ÈÂÁӉ ˙ÂÁÈÏ˘‰ ˙˘ÂÁ˙ ÏÚ ª‰ˆ¯ÓΠ˙ωÓÎ ¨Èχ¯˘È‰ ÌȘÒÚ‰ ÌÏÂÚÏ ‰‡È·Ó ‡È‰˘ ˙ÂȈӉ ˙ÂÓÊȉ In 2016, Arad was invited to a conference in Vatican City on the subject of sports as „¯‡ ÏÚÈÏ ˙‡Ê· ˜ÚÂÓ ÈÓÂÁ˙È·‰ Ï˘ ˙¯‚· ‰˙Âȉ ÏÚ ˙„ÁÂÈÓ ‰Â‡‚ ÍÂ˙Ó ‰ÓÚ ˙‡˘Â ‡È‰˘ ˙È˙¯·Á‰ a bridge between peoples and religions. Approximately 250 current and former athletes, coaches, and sports managers from all over the world were in attendance. In addition to her managerial positions, Arad lectures on sports and excellence to business ˙È˙¯·Á ˙ÂÓÊÈÏ „È ˙‡ executives, security personnel, educators, and youth. She speaks about the close connection „·Π˙˙ÈÓÚ ¯‡Â˙ between excellence in sports and excellence in business, and about the qualities shared by top athletes, entrepreneurs and good managers - innovation, creativity, persistence and ‰Èψ¯‰ ÈÓÂÁ˙È·‰ ÊίӉ Ï˘ determination, the ability to cope with failure, and the successful setting and achieving of goals. In Arad’s view, sport can be a cultural and educational tool that can lead to ÔÓÎÈȯ χȯ‡ ßÙ¯٠dialogue between people and nations and ultimately make the world a better place. „ÒÈÈÓ ‡È˘ In recognition of her contribution to the promotion of Israeli sport in the world, her Á”Ú˘˙ ÔÂÈÒ· „”Î role in opening the gate to Israeli Olympic excellence, the spirit of entrepreneurship and ≤∞±∏ ¨ÈÂÈ· ∑ excellence that she brings to the Israeli business world as a manager and a lecturer, her χ¯˘È ¨‰Èψ¯‰ sense of mission and social commitment, and with special pride that she is a graduate of IDC Herzliya, Yael Arad is hereby awarded the Wind Annual Social Entrepreneurship Award and named an Honorary Fellow of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya Prof. Uriel Reichman President and Founder June 7th, 2018 Herzliya, Israel.

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