High Rise Rejection Hailed in Mddletown SEE STORY BELOW Rainy and Mild Rain, heavy aHimes, today and tonight Becoming cloudy, 1 Red Bank, Freehold f FINAL windy and cool tomorrow. I Long Branch J EDITION M onmonth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 20 PAGES VOL.94 NO.90 RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1971 TEN CENTS Woman's Social Role: Itfs Different Today By HILDY FONTAINE woman's role in the 70's were need for personal achieve- • more women in politics. Mrs. Lois Ann Galbraith, di-, are at today." how you feel about yourself, wife's "loving responsibility aired last night at a meeting merit. Dr. Greta Singer, professor rector of Tower Hill Co-oper- Basically, she said women and if it is what you want for to hearth and kin," she said, BED BANK - No matter of the Northern Monmouth "Women," she declared, at Butgers University gradu- ative Nursery School and are always "ready to cut each your own daughter. "Don't feel guilty for pursuing •how you look at it, the role of County branch of the Ameri- "are brighter than vacuuming ate school of social work, sees founder of the Monmouth Day other up. You don't support "Is there another way to what you want to do. women in society has changed can Association of University requires." women as innovators and in- Care Center, wants to make each other." live? she queried. "Women deserve some free- drastically over the last dec- Women (AAUW). This concept was echoed in stigators in the business world sure that children are well "Think about what you talk Apparently Dr. Butler feels dom of pursuit," said Mrs. ade. Achievement Needed remarks made By the remain- who can afford to take risks. cared for while mother works. about," she said. perhaps there is. Martel. They need a variety Even for the "typical subur- Speaking as a wife, moth- ing five speakers. They are "lucky enough to A careful scrutiny of one- "Think about who you re- Another Way Seen of interests," she said to com- ban housewife," her basic er—and substitute teacher in Women have potential. have a back-up person (their self—and other women—was spect," she urged. "In the Ws, you haven't be- bat the problem of vagueness role-tor basic duties-are the Eatontown school system They have abilities to use in husband) to support them urged by Bed Bank psy- "Basically we don't respect gun to tap what you can and of feeling incomplete being influenced by a freer when time permits-Mrs. various professions. They should they be fired because chologist Dr. Gloria Butler. women...we don't respect do—what you can be." which she feels is the "house- outlook perhaps gleaned from Bonnie Mattel said, "To us, should rise to the situation. of their innovative ideas," she Women have incredible kinds ourselves," Dr. Butler stated. The same idea was ex- wife syndrome." higher education not so typi- women's lib is perhaps a bit Mrs. Gertrude Berman, explained. of problems," she declared, Furthermore, urging a deep pressed by Mrs. Martel, albeit Mrs. Berman sees women cal of a generation ago. removed. Things are very president of Long Branch City Acknowledging the great adding she is "pessimistic evaluation, she said, "If you- not as strongly. today as capable of unleash- Six different opinions of a routine, but we all have a Council, would like to see number of working mothers,. about where I think women have accepted your role, think Acknowledging the house- See Woman's, Page 3 On Legislature, Bonds TRENTON (AP) - A light ing strength of the scandal- the legislature, faces the stif- paignto keep his seat. forecast a light turnout with turnout despite record voter ridden Hudson County Demo- fest challenge of his 34-year Voter enrollment in New expectations that it will not .registration is expected in cratic Party organization, ac- career as a legislator from Jersey swelled to a record exceed 65 per cent. In 1967, New Jersey today when vot- cording to most analysts. Democratic candidate Dr. Jo- 3,341,775 this year largely be- the date of the last off-year ers choose a new legislature . One legislative contest has seph McGahn. Farley says if cause of passage of the 26th election in which there were and decide three statewide also attracted considerable at- he wins it will be his last term Amendment which gave 18- no major offices at stake, only referenda. tention. Sen. Frank S. "Hap" in the Senate, but the senator year-olds the vote. 64 per cent of the registered The polls open, Farley, R-Atlantic, dean of has waged the toughest cast But most observers have voters turned out at the polls. throughout the state at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Paper ballots are being used in six counties, Sa- lem, Gloucester, Cumberland, MCAP Votes to Evaluate Hunterdon, Warren and Sus- sex, while automatic polling stations operate elsewhere. At stake are 40 seats in the <». AP Wlrephoto Senate and 80 in the Assembly Performance of Director ACROSS THE GAP — Cambodian Army soldiers face each other across as well as many county and local offices. The election also gap left when highway bridge was blown up by Viet Cong frogmen along By DORIS KULMAN Several board members Rt. 6, 30 miles northeast of Phnom Penh. The destroyed bridge sealed off will determine whether Demo- OEO, who is to present the turned off and that the press, obout 30,000 troops on the country's northeast front; including Operation crats or Republicans control charged that the OEO intends OEO "documentation" on Mr. the public and, with three ex- Tchenla II whlcji Is trying to reoperti?t. 6 to the "besieged province capital the boards of freeholders in 13 LONG BRANCH - Acting, the "evaluation" to be an "in- Taylor's performance at that ceptions, those MCAP staff, of Kompong Thorn. All supplies for the northeast moved over this bridge. • of the state's 21 counties. on what some board members quisition" that will make Mr. time. present for the board's regu- Mayor Awaited describe as "a strong .sugges- Taylor, now on sick leave, the It isn't clear what kind of lar monthly public meeting, One local contest, the may- tion" and others say was a de- scapegoat for MCAP's fiscal, documentation' Mr. 'Crichton be barred. oral election in Jersey City, mand by a representative of administrative and program will bring or what it's in- Staff members permitted to has drawn special interest. Al- the Office of Economic Op- troubles, the federal OEO is tended to document. remain were Wilbert C. Rus- though 17 candidates are portunity, the board of MCAP's parent agency. Parley Is Private sell, MCAP deputy director vying for the 18 months re- trustees of Monmouth Com- The board's executive com- He did all his talking to the and top man in Mr. Taylor's MddletownComplex munity Action Program last maining in the'term of former mittee, sitting as a special board last night in a 1^-hour absence; William T. Crolly, Mayor Thomas J.' Whelan, night voted "to evaluate the committee, is scheduled to session' behind closed doors, its newly-hired comptroller, only three - Thomas Gang- performance" of the county meet behind closed doors next insisting over the objections and a secretary. Board mem- emi Jr., Dr. Thomas Jordan antipoverty agency's execu- Monday night with Victor E. of several board members bers said it was the first time and Morris Longo — are con- tive director, Joseph E. Tay- Crichton, a field representa- that the tape recorder which Mr. Crichton had permitted Rej ection Applauded lor. sidered'eontenders. tive with the N.Y. regional records MCAP meetings be official notes takeiTat one of The outcome will be consid- their meetings with him. MIDULETOWN - Approxi- inadequate and the proposal joining supermarket and sat- ered a measure'bf the remain- Mr. Crichton permitted the mately 35 residents waited al- would not be in keeping with ellite stores behind the Food secretary to remain after pro- most two hours last night for the character of the neighbor- Circus supermarket. tests from board members the Planning Board to agree hood. The complex will be an an- seek to save Stavola Entrapment Oliver Davenport, who said in two minutes that a pro- The complex is proposed by ticipated $2 million ratable to the meeting should -be taped posed high rise apartment Anthony P. Busch, a local the township. "because that's been a diffi- complex overlooking the Na- contractor who estimates the The board on referrals from culty in the past... things ratable could yield $135,000 in Foreign Aid Question Ruled Out vesink. River is in conflict the Zoning Board ruled the taken out of context. .-."and with the master plan. revenue to the township each applications of Mrs. Alice M. Joseph" Mahon and Oliver The residents waited pa- year. Shaffer of 287A Main St., East By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI - Mr. Walder, of Newark, rep- session today because it is Murphy who said the public tiently as the planners waded Mr. Busch stated the 1%. Keansburg, to sell home WASHINGTON (AP) - resenting Stavola, first asked election day. has a right to know the through an extra heavy acre tract, which is zoned for grown produce in a residential White House lobbyists are FREEHOLD — Defense at- the detective if he recalled his Mr. Walder's attempt to in- agency's problems. agenda then made known professional office buildings, zone; and D.T.
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