(dtaMtSed AdvertMsg Oa Pdf* IS) MANCHESTER, CONNi, FRIDAY, MAY 2. 1941 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CE VOL. LX„ NO. 182 , .5? on Commences Shelling Airport at Dawn .oosevelt Asks 24 Outbreak in Oil-Rich 1 ■ Hours Daily Work I j '■a-: Middle East Kingdom Seven Days Week ' 7 On Birthday of King < M . fo r ^ State Acts dustry to Relieve M b- chine Tools Only for To Collect British Women and Chil­ Cabinet Jobs Large Scale \ Overhaul and Repairs; dren Taken to Airport Appeals for Expedited Leary Bond For Protection Before | Are Changed Help Asked '^Supply of New Tools. Artion Begins; *Coun* Attaches Every Bit of ter Actions' Being Tal Washington, May 2.— (^P)— j By Churchill B y Menzies Real Estate (honed by en by Empire's Units; President Roosevelt called to­ day for defense Industry to | Mother o f Former Names Beaverbrook to Australian Prime Minis­ Premier Said to He work its machine tools “24 i Mayor of Waterhury, Aske<l Aid of N hours a day and seven days a Newly-Created Post of ter Appeals to United wieek,” relieving them only Minister of State; To Waterbury, April —The States for Aid to Short-, ' Buiretin! for overhaul and repair. He state of Connecticut today attach­ Control W ar Industries New York, May appealed through the Office en War Effeclivelyt ed every bit of real estate owned The British Broadcastii of Production Management by Mrs. Ellen E. Mayes, mother of London, May 2. (P) — Prime London, May 2 — UP) — Prime Corporation launched a shi for an expanded and expedit­ formSr Mayor ^ Frank Hayes, in Minister Winston Churchill an­ Minister Robert G. MensiM of wave propaganda offensive i ed supply of new machine connsetion with a $83,000 civil ac­ swered critics of his administra­ Australia appealed to th* United day designed aJ^gaining tools and said he believed ex­ tion filed in Superior court to re­ tion today by shaking up hit cabi­ States today for war help “on a overthrow of the pro-Gcraud isting ones could be uw d cover on a $60,000 bond posted for net and naming dynamic Lord Daniel J. Leary, fugitive exrcomp- great scale” and Mid “ we cannot government of Iraq. caUiiq hours longer without boosting Beaverbrook to the newly-created troller of the • city of Waterbury. Just before he began a broadcast f r ^ the White House to launch the defense bondNiales cam­ post of minister of state with the approach this war in an amateur on Iraquis to oust, “ these sMuj workers’ individual hours. paign, President Roosevelt bought the flrsi\bond from Secretary of th* Treasury Morgenthau. '.Here he manner." Included in the 23 pieces of prop- apparent intention of making him Mr. Roosevelt made the plea to hands the secretary a check in paymenL \ \ ' Menxles told a.preM conference cenary intriguers and let lai ert^attached today was the Hayes virtual dictator of Britain's war- meet what he called the “ ever In- fantUy home at Grove and Pros­ that “American help, if it is to and order reign once more.” -r -— tinta industries. creaalng demand* for munition*, pect streets, In iins with this sweeping move, shorten the war effectily, must be plane* and ahipe, caused by the Leary, who was sentenced to Churchill merged the minlstrlM on a grM t scale. N ew York, May 2.— ( critical aitliation which confront* from 10 to 16 yhars in state prison “ We ar* looking hopefully and Move to Curb of shipping and transport and en- Hostilities between the Bril our nation.” for hla part in the W^aterbury con­ 'ifusted the Importsat new port­ confidently to the matarlai help Party Leaders Back we need from the United States,” ish and the. pro-German To Speed Plane Boliding spiracy case, dlaappetrqd March 6 folio of wartime communleatloaa he added, “ not help to be given a In another defense dlacuBsion, at after the Supreme Court'of Erroi* to k virtual unknown—67-yMrspld ernment of Rashid All . hia pres* confarence, th* president Power on Axis weak people but help to ta given bad uftaeid his conviction. Nine Fre^leilck Thomas Leathers, who Gaildni of Iraq broke out was asked whether plana be­ others including former MByor to a strong people who need extra « Merit System Report simultkneously was made a baron. strength if the war is not to iMt that oil-rich Middle E ing considered to speed up plane Hsy'ea who .lost sppeals sre now J. T. c. Moore-Brabasop,' for­ production by increased use of au­ serving their terms. Ships Develops too long. kingdom today with Ii mer mlnikter of transport, was tomobile plants and replied that May 1 Set a* Deaidltoe "Everyone must become profea- troops opening artillery named to toceed Beaverbrook as aiocal and treat the war m a efforts have been directed along The bond whichAfn. Hayes had Sweeping < j.n g e , i (^ermaus Claim minister of aircraft production. on British forces! a Bri this line for several months. poated^r Leaj^'^ben he took the whole-time busineM,” Mensiea de­ Provision to Give Au­ ommended in state Ronald H. CroM. relieved of- the broadcast heard in New Yol He added the Idea waa to have appearand Wka granted a stay of clared. post of minister of shipping, wss said today. Thie report, h' the auto makera turn out some­ thority tio President to CivH Service by Bi- appointed high cdmmissloner to British Losses (Continued On Pag* Fifteen) both by NBC and CBS, thing, and where they could not lued O* Page Twelve) Australis. Turn Over Vessels to Partisan Co m>m it tee. _______ turn out planes they produce parts Chaagea Oeaerafi; the Iraqis began shel! for them. Britain Is Prbt^sted. These changes, generally com Habbaniyah airport, 60 mi Mr. Roosevelt could not State Capitol, Hartford, Of Two-Thirds mended by the press— w n i^ has -------- - X Tobruk Forts ' any figures, he said, whe Tax Exemption Washington, May 2 - (P )—An May 2.—(/P)—A report rec-; -—— been Insisting that “ new to n ob- (Continued On^Page F< whether the present Mio'ivas to vtoualy have become necessaky for unexpectedly strong move devei- Voinmending sweeping changes I Naris Write Official Fin have plane and autojMctories turn more efficient conduct of the w|ii‘'' out 800 four-enginSd bombers oped In th* Senate today for j in "Gpnnecticut’s civil service | —came aa Churchill prepared ta Still Resist Slash of Half is to Greek Campaign; month. curbing the proposed authority of | aystefit WHS submitted to the face Parliament next weex in V to Boost Numto bate on Britiah reverses ta Greece the president to turn over mized | General Assembly today and! Complete Occupation In s e t t e r made public at hla Plan Is Urged Axis shipping to Great Britain. and North Africa. Axis Attacks Flashes! , i^tasa conference, he told William promptly r ^ e ^ e d the en- TTiey apparently were’ designed (Late Btalettas of tke (P) W1r*)1 Projected aa an integral part of O f Southern Peninsula '^^STKnudsen and Sidne^ Hillman, dorsenieut of Kbpj^liCsn snd to answer two outstanding objects OPM directors, that it waa caasn- legislation which would permit Democratic leader^. Pledging Berlin, May 2—UP)—Germany of criticism— delay in production Some Tanks Penetrate Nsvsl Fliers Indicted tial that ‘‘indiwtry continue to in­ Farm Bureau Federa­ the president to requisition and of vital war materials and Iqck of Bay Mtaette, Ala., May crease the number of vital ma­ pay for about M foreign flag ves­ himself to work for “the one wrote an official finis to the Greek Out^ Perimeter; Ex­ tion Backs Adoption of coordination between land and sea —^TWo Naval filers were chines manufactured and^' that sels lying idle 'in UnitetJ States hundred per cent adoptlOTM^ campaign today, ‘claiming thpt in ports, this provision was said to communications. for maaoslaughter todsy ta $hte latest Nazi victory the Brit- pect British Navy Aid every single critical machine in the Flexible System to have aroused' a storm of protest the report’s recommenda­ Beaverbrook,. who hM been dbath of aa Alabama tana s United States be used the msxl- idltlost two-thlrdZ of the Imperial within the Senate Commerce Com­ tions, House Republican Floor credited generally with apMdtag Will Repulse Tlirust. aa bebeadad Mareh 26 by a | mum number of hours each week.' Offset Inflation Effects. troolM Mnt to Greece. up airplane manufacture to' meet mittee. Leader William L. Hadden fBy Britain's own figure on the that swooped low over a ti He said he appreciated the in­ Some committee members as­ the German challenge In the air, field aedr kobertodale. Ala. creased number h f hours existing praised a bi-partisan legisla­ strength of the Bhepeditionary is expected to have undivided con­ London, May 2—(87— The Brit­ Bulletin! set ted that the transfer of one Iff W. R. Stoart said Easlgas machines were being worked, but tive committee which pre­ Force, tw o-tbito would be 40,000 trol of the production of guns. ish garrison at Tobruk, Libya, 'WaaUngtoB, May 2— <JP) — belligerent's ships to another bel- tacn.) C*. Tb®mp*on, 28, of Heal Speaker Baybura saM today pared it. SO miles wM t of the burg, Cafif., aad Paol C. Bros (Oonthiaed On Pn g* Fifteen) The high commahd. announctag (Continued On Pngo Fifteen) that be planned to transmit to (Oontinoed On Page Fourteen) The'Republican Meader asserted frontier, is still holding out'* 22, of Chicago, were a completion of the occupation of P resident Roboevelt ”at the that Uie conclusion which must Greece's Peloponnesian iwpinsuia against Axis siege, authoritative troe bills voted by tbe Brst opportunity” requests ef be reached from reading the re­ assarted “ there is no fightln[ quarters nported today.
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