f{~"**] 'tyfa^'j^^tiy^• '••'•> * Superfund Record of Decision: Wade SiteA ,P 000466 INSTRUCTIONS i, REPORT NUMBER Inxn Hit LPA icpoii number 11 li ipptui on the com of the publication. 2. LEAVE BLANK J, RECIPIENTS ACCESSION NUMBER Relented for UK by cavil itpon recipient. 4, TITLE ANP SUBTITLE Tlllc ihould indiciic clculy mil briefly ihc lubicci covcrafc at HK< report. and tw Ji<|il.i) i-J imnmiu'nil> .so wiunl?. n1 md, in iiiulu<> type or oihcrwlK lubordlnilc II lo mun Hilt, when * report l> prepiied IP mure Nun MV loluiiic, wpiMi llw iininaiy IIIK< jilj toluim' numbe d includrin e lubiul ipccifli ih r tcfo ink. I, REPORT DATE h reporbc t (full cisr dili y c Indicilln Icail fi l monl yeard hin . IndlraU w I unttliuln N 'U i n.i.wkMcd ns Jai c ,11 iuue dih-ol tpproHl.tliltofprtpintian.tle.l, ' ' I, nflrORMINQ ORGANIZATION CODE Utii blink, 7. AUTHORISI Olit nimtiil In wnrentionil order IMm R, Pot. / Ketxrl Dot, eie./. U»i juihur't alllluuun II' II iliilvit Iruni iliv ivrliiimiiii: »iuin- ullon, I, MltFORMINQ ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Inmt If performing or|ininiion WIITIII 10 anifn ihi> number, t, PIHroilMINQ ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Give rum, incti, cily, line, mil ZIP code. LIII no more ihin 1*0 lutli ol an oif jni/jimnjl liinuMi) . 10, ritOGRAMILIMiNT NUMBER profne (h K mU element number under wrik rcporc prcpircdh\ Ih lwj , Suboiilnulc nunik iiuliulfiN I > hnu l in luti'iiilu'wv 11. COflTRACT/QRANT NUMBER IBMI nmBKi M pint number under which upon w» prcpucd, 12, IWWORINaAOBNCY NAME AND AOOREK IneludtZtfcodt, 1J, TYPE OF RlfORT AND PERIOO COVERED Imilciie inlerim fuul, elf,, ind If ipplitible, dilci t,o*cred, 14, tPOttURINOAOkNCYCODE Insert ippropriale code. IB, tUPPLEMENTARV NOTES Enter Infomulion not included elwwneie but uteful, luch »: Prepared in vooperniiun wnli, I r,in>Uiiini ul, I'H-H'IIMI ji uniii'i.'ii,,' m, publlitii« b o T SupcrKdci, dIn , Supplcmcnli, etc, IB, AKTRACT Include i brief (100 watli or Iml ficluil wmmirx of the moti M^niliutii inluirrwiinn lunumnl m ihr iqmii. II iln' iv|»ni nmjw, i ilinmctni blblloiriphy or liieriiurc lutviy, mention n here. WORDY 17 .DOCUMENKE D SAN T ANALYSIS DESCRIPTOR) (I SSelec• t Thcuuru froc Ih m Lnjmminf o i Stmilild »an n Itrnis ihv piupti juilmn/tU inim ilui iilcnlily th\ em concept of the KKirch and ire luffiefenlly ipecilic «nd prcciw lo be uwd t\ mdvx cntnci lur i (b) IDENTiriERS AND OPHN^ENDED TERMS • UK IdinnOen for proieul ninns tudc nimtt, vquipmvnt dvMcnitors rlv. Uw linen, ended tctmi written In dcicrlpior form for thoK Hibfccii for which no dcwnpiw CMIII. (c) COSATI I ICLD GROUP • Held ind fioup iul|nmcnli ire lo be Mm dam Ihc I ¥65 «>SA1 1 Suli|vvl CaU'pny I,IM, lilniv Ihc mi. >orli documentf yo mullldlKlpllnire !ir niturcn yi Primarc ,Ih (tld/GiouI y p imiinmuiui tnnililv » lMb N liuiwiplincl n u.J m n,a Mduvor typr , o phyiio f eo l object ippliciuonlie ,Th ) wil croMieicrvnne lb h wi'umljrdwu ii'liir(iiiMi|I y > ^Mpninvul* that will Inllim Iht pclnwy poitinilil. IB. DIITRIEUTION STATEMENT Denote rehiubilllv to Ihc public or linniiiion for rciwnt other Ihin wtuniy for tmmplc "KdvjM' li'iiliiuiiul," <'ilv tm auiljluliiy in Ihc public.Vnh iddrci pnccd ian , It. fSECURIT. tM Y CLASSIFICATION DO NOT Hibmll cliulflcd icporii lo ihc Nilionil Technical Informmiun wrvitc. 21, NUMBER OF PAGES Inwi Ihc loul number of pi|«, includini ihii one ind unnumbered pj|t\ tiui eiduilv dhtnbuiiun IIM, il any. PRIC. 22 E Inurl Ihc puce KI by the Nitloni! rcchnicil Informxion SvrvKi1 ur Hit Coiurnmcm I'tinimt Olfkv, il known . • 000467 EPA F«m J2JO-I (Ri>, 4.771 (Ri..rit) TECHNICAL REPORT DATA Ifltut nail Imintliem on tht mint it/on compliling: 1, REPORT NO. EPA/ROD/R02-8V009 4. TITL SUBTITLD EAN E 9 REPORT DATE ' "~ SUPERPUND RECOR DECISIONF DO : OB/30/8.1 Wade Site (ASMA P ), 0. PERFORMING OROANIZATIONCODE 7. AUTHORISI IS PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT It >. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAM ADDRESD EAN S -:.....,-.,,«..,.-,. 1J. SPONSORING AGENCY NAM ADDRESD EAN S 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD CO VERE U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Fina D ReoorRO l t 401 M Street, S.W. 14 SPONSORING AGENCY CODE Washington, D.C. 20460 800/00 10, SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES i«, ABSTRACT The Wade site i? a three acre parcel of land on the banks of the Delaware °,iver. It is located nine miles .->uth of Philadelphia in Chester, Pennsylvania. Prom approximately 1950 until the early 1970's the site was the location of a rubber re- cycling facility which shredded tire othed san r post-consumer rubber products. During the early 1970' site s convertesth e wa illegan a o t d l industrial waste storagd ean disposal facility. Drum wastf so e were emptied either directly ont" groune 4- oth r do trenches, severely contaminating soil and the ground water, Approximately 150,000 gallon wastf so e cherricals remain on-site, The recommended alternative selected for this site consists of: removal, decontamination and disposal of on-site tires and tankers, removal of on-site waste pilesi demolishing buildings, leveling the site, and filling and grading the property inche2 1 o t s p oveu existine th r g grad coveo t eprotrudiny ran g subsurface structures which have not been removed) removal down to the depth at which the first acceptably contaminated sampl s founewa d (base contaminatioa n do n cutoff level recommendei th y db RI/FS contractor) coverind ;an site gth e with top-soio t seedind p lan ca e gth minimize erosion. Key Words; Compliance with Environmental Laws, Negotiations, Capping, Excavation, Ground Water, Cost Recovery, Potential Responsible Parties 17, KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS 1. DESCRIPTORS b.lOENTIPIERS/OPEN ENDED TERMS c, COSATI Field/Group Record of Decision: Wade Site (ABM) , PA Contaminated media soil, gw r :,ai Key contaminants: over 100 organics, metal ,nd inorganics II. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT None 30 PRIC, 21 E SECURIT. 90 HonY eCLASS iTHll flfll I PA P«M 1220-I (Hi*, 4-771 rnivioui C.OITION it onomt 0004.68 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20«0 J'.'L 30 1934 SUBJECT: Snisrsement Decision Memorandr Approvar fo a f o l Remedial Action at the Wade s.ite,,/ Chester, Pennsylvania FROM: Russe Wyer. H l , Hazardous Site Control Di^siofc (WH-548E) : TO Gen Lucero. eA , Director Office of Waste Programs Enforcement (WH-527) The Enforcement Decision Memorandum and the Focused Feasibility Study for the Wade Site has been reviewed by my staff. : I Concur * I Do Not Concur ConcuI r with Comment r?Q ENFORCEMENT DECISION DOCUMENT REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVE SELECTION ^ Site: Wade Chester, Pennsylvania Documeats Reviewed I am basing my decision on the following documents describing the analysis of the cost and effectiveness of remedial alternatives for the Wade Site: - Focused Feasibilit! y Study, Wade site, Chester, Pennsylvania, Metoalf & Eddy, Inc., April 1964. - Draft Report, Result of Soil Analysis and Cost Estimates for selected Remedial Activities regarding (•he Wade Hazardous Waste Site in Chester, PA, RoWeston. F y , November 1983. - Summar f Remediao y l Alternatives Selection - Public Comment d Recommendationan s s - Responsiveness Summary Description of Selected Remedy - remove and dispose of tires and tankers - remove on-site waste piles - demolish buildings - test contentsi remove contents, and close two underground storage tanks The building on this site will be demolished and the remaining slabs wil e lefb l n sittr o futur fo e e usel Al , demolition rubble will remain on the property and used for fill material. - level debris, filgradd an l e property - remove and dispose of contaminated soil purpose Th f thieo s activit removo t s i ye froproperte th m y any contaminated material and any material that will,hinder subsequent effort o fild gradt s sitee an l th e . cove- r with topsoi seed p an lca d i - operatio d maintenancan n i f sito e e o 000470 r -2- Peclarations Consistent wite Comprehensivth h e Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and the National Contingency Plan (40 CFR part 300), I have deter- mined the removal, decontamination and disposal of tankers, tire d debrisan s ; destructio f buildingso n , leveling, filling and grading the site; and covering with a seeded topsoil cap at the Wade site is the least costly alternative, of all the remedial options reviewed that provide r currenfo s d futuran t e protection of public health, welfare and the environment. The State of Pennsylvania has been consulted and agrees with the approved remedy. In addition, the action will require future operatio d maintenancan n e activitie o ensurt s e th e continued effectivenes e remedyth f o s. Settlements have been reache e responsiblth d d betweean A eEP n parties based on the selected remedy. havI e also determined thaactioe th t n being taken which include off-site th s e transpor f contaminateto d materiala o st RCRA approved lined facilit e leasth ts i ycostl y alternative when compare othee th ro t dremedia l options revieweds i d ,an necessary to protect public health, welfare, or the environment. rDater M. Thomas Assistant Administrator Offic f Solio e d Wastd ean Emergency Response ono4.7i •S _£*_ \ Ul ITET STATES ENVIRONMENTAL, PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 '"N :««iet ct AU63 I9W SOilDWAS't I'.: SMSRdlNC' RESPONSE MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Enforcement Decision Document Approvae th r fo l Remedial Action at the Wade Site, Chester, Pennsylvania FROM: Gene A.
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