TriE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHROmcLE, THURSDAY/JUNK ';,J958 " "— class ring committee. He/formerly be the sermoli topic of 'the Re.v". openp - house helld at thJir home L Walter 9. Pugh pastor, at,the" 11 a member of thp college g StPaul's Plans ( SundaVSundaV . thth e couplcoel was'mart-it' d Italian Exporter club and The Sctonian, college ' hi i Suaday Hold Closing Meeting Young \Pe.oplje's Fellowship- will Arrangements . were' made to newspaper! . ' ••''•-'< hildren'sDay ; and came to the United States in Heads Rotary iecure a motion pictuire film on He played varsity, soccer in his meet at 7 p.m. '• , ' ''" ' - junior year and also ^as chair- Pageant Sunday There will.be a meeting of. the 'Care, for the Aged"' at a meeting Church .Consistory at 8 p.m. .Mon- International , if the Cranford ,HaH Nurses' Guild man of-the-fr-eshman. Hazing corn- GAR WOOD — Featured during Officer Slate ApprbVed 1 •• Gian Pa^lo. Lang, an exporter mittee in his sophomore year. he Children's Day program'in the day,'and the Sunday School staff t Crqnford Hall on Monday night. •'. Mr;. Duffy is "majoring in com-Sunday School ofSt/Paul's "E«an- will jneet at- 7:45"p.m.-Tuesday; By Teachers Asgociatioi) GARWOO G RANFORD KENILWORTH This 'was the (trial, mbeting of icaiions aWs, specialfcin^ in elical and Reformed .Church from The Ladies Aid Society will meet GARWOOD — Fred White" - president of. Rotary International 7ei.rbqshbw? 1 4Th d J Wil S Entered u wcoad cbn mall m«tt»r -»» .'for' 1956-57 at" the 47th...annual radio and~lelevision. i:S0--to-10 .45-a.miT-iunday—wilL-bc: tectedPt'eaidenieMhf an. No. 21. ','•' CRANFQRD, 'NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1956" The'Post Office at Craaford* N. J. .4 .Sections,. 28 Pages—10c . ;": s the guild begins the new .seasb'iT rpageant, "Good-.New;s to tell." Teachers' Association for the com- convention'.-'el.' that world-wide A.itH a regular, meeting on Sep- 'service organization,- which -com- Vfiss Janice Smolley is 'in charge ing school year at a' mbetirtg in- .erfiber 3. " ' • •. Seventh Graders f the program. \ _. - . Church Members Franklin School, last,' Thursday pletes its five-day-, sessionjjn Phil- • Hostesses for.the.evening were 1 Horstmar Horlb.eck' will play ,the, afternoon. • • •• ' . Scene oiGeremotxies Sunday Afternoon adelphia, today. The co'nventioj) Mrs. Donald' Herishiiw , and Misjr Visit New >art- of . Mark, and: others taking registration of more than-O.OOOHo- iorrnan. • Mrs, Margaret Warner Surprise Couple Other members, of- the uiinnL Business Area Survey Arranging Secon 1 ^ — Seventh part,will include'members of the " tarians hiiti'• guests, represented presided. ' .——-.'•-'•' •-".:.. mously. approved slate as present Jrades of. Ha'rding. Schooh-werit to Youth Fellowship as a speakin;' ed by Miss Erdeaii P.helps; chairl: 0,1-00' Rotary Clubs with a monv Slew York-_laRt Thursday. Highr- hoir, the. Junior Choir, junior and 1 •GARWOOD — Mr. and Mrs;,•man'pf.th. e nominating commiiioc: • " borshin of 430,1)00 ^business and eii" Duffy Heads ' ights w.ere the viewing of the cih-senior high school boys' as disci- Albert Gascoigne of Fanwood were are: Joseph Troiano, vie'e-prcs^,' Contract Signing W ples '-and members • of o\her de- HerefotLast in professional * executives in 09 :rama-".fllm, "Seven "Wonders • of : honored 'on their 50th wedding, ident; Mrs., W; Joseph .Choborda Community:PlanninTownship Committeg Associates,,Inc.e Tuesday nigh, otf Princetoentered ninto to"ctmdue, a contrac( at studywith I! '..Arrangements' are being made units of vaccine for clinic use in to provide, second shots for the 2,- . , countries. ... -• ' • .-. ...: Setonltfoil Class .he World," and'taking the .boat, artments of the'school represent- ; Fred Duffy, son of Mr. andivrirs: anniversary • ai a surprise: party, secretary, and Mrs/Nettie Zicg- of the business .area of the township, determine the extent of the-for a .second clinic for adrriinistra- Cranford.•anford.- ' ... .i .. 345 persons who" took-advantage of,. ae .bH».-i±v.. • MiS Lang ,is a director of the .rip around Manhattan Islands— " ing -[mothers and children, the.sick v times P. Dully, k 1; Sylvester ind the listening peorile.•/. , given'by lOp memjjera.bf the Gar-ler, treasurer. • . ", ..'-••. trading area, nature of prpblcms'involved in improving, the status of tion' of Salk anti-polio "vaccine to. '•Administration of this 'second •[ tho first .clinic program and also vorno Branch of-the Bank of Italy .. WeathCr-was beautiful 'and. pu- Wpo'd.Presbyterian. Church on.Fri- An auditing committee consist- th business area and present rccomriicndations. Cost of the.-survey, j Cranford children up- to the age of PrO st and has served a"s .vice-chairman street, has been elected •presidertt aila and teachers alike proclaimed Arlen'e Fairchlid and . PautTup e ^i2t^^^hSStj ^ roreligiblp'persons who. day evening' at the church. A gift ing of Mrs. Verno'n' Brooks' jt-nri :5'15 years^and d pregnant women, to • of. the Chamber of... Commerce- in of next ' year's senior ' class at che-day "a huge success." '• •..' Mason will, present -a ._duet and which, is to be completed. wfthin — „ . the first.-clinics here last|aid not -appear lor inoculations :• Seton Hall. University, 'South Or-' members-'of-'the Primary Depart- of nioiiey. was presented to thcirii. Mi's. Jlvelyn Sutton-was anpoim' be hold in- the'Walnut Avenue^ ed. Livorno. HeTJecame'.n nieiuber of. -.",.Children in Mrs. Mae Kook's 1 threc, months, is $3,850. •• • 1/^*1 '' • '• ' mpnth," the'mayor stated,-"but be- | during last month's program. ••• ••. nee,'• the Rev., Edward Larkin; ment, will sing/Tell-Mc the.Stories '•.' Former' long-time residents of ed.-" - .'.•' .-.'• ' .' • ' • ' 1 The following.items' will be 'in-, I n*l 11*1115111 School on Juno 25, 26. arid 27.;-' the Rotary Club of Livnrnp in director >of Studqrit Affairs, an- Second^ grade' ..celebrated^' Diane ... Mrs. Charles Bahr.reported- Unit, • -This anouncenient was made- by cause the schools will be closed,! "And if we run short, we'll make Patwnr- 1940,- is 'a* ;-,nst president, oi that .Prawer's birthdity anniyei'sary re> of Jesus." ; .. ': ..'•••• Garwood, the Gascoigries have been -vestignted-by-Gommunitj-PlahninK! -^-*A^AAJLii<*-ML ripunced today. -* ';•,• Assisting with the program will as pension chairman, she ;itu.'i,icl5<i Associates; Land iise in the b'iis- t?X T JMiiypf"Fred P^'.-'Andersen, pro'si- the public will-have- tblcoma ,toj^ -e(tor-t-tp.,get-as. mueh more i'ehtly with, a .party. : . ' members of the Garwood church four conference' rrieetings anti'twd them at the one school instead of: , • T^ —The": "local resident - '•attended- : be_ Richard Harpfer, Sr,. Sunday -for 29 -years. JMr..:_;GascQigne['has iness area, regional-shopping ehar- jdent of the Board, of Health,• f-pl- ctv inily01 Ji-niationnl as vice-president, dis- J-"Mrs7. Pearl Budefman's^fourth' special^meetings iry Elizabeth ana low.ing receipt yesterday b.V Health the clinic moving,from school to | • . .... _."., .._.-' Janor'/.y , trict governor., nnd as -committee Crianford High School and 'was chool • superiritendenf, ar/d" "MTST served a^ arrelder-, for many years r acteristics, re&ional and local da'tu trade has started its.uhi.t-on mag- Trenton, • .- ". ""~; ••;"" Officer William P. Smith of a tele- school/' ' ' |.deelared. lie added,.however, that' eardslr chai'-rnnin. and member. ' > iraduated • from Pingry School, Harper, }Wrs. Kurt'" LerWe,, Mrs; and his wifq.is past.president of on reuiil trad'e,_existing -and (u- Eli7.a,beth, where, he played var- nets. Mrs. Catherine Hcnner's sec- Alan Howell, Miss Phyllis .Smol- During a' social hour, refresh. ture needs in' parKingTTyposshbps L gram from Trenton., announcing Tho allotment of vaccine will be there is. no assurance that there' • Klocieu lYj KntT.v' internn-tiopaVs ind grgde is planning a class pic- (he Ladies-Aid Society and a mem- pillage;-; ity basketball, track, golf and ey, Mrs. Raymond Rarribo,.Harry ments were- sqrved in honor «• and "••services offered by the bus- Robert P. Leary pf 519 Clare-'ailotment 'of an additional 2,!448 ' Ample? Mayor "Andersen declared, -will be a further clinic -program to • boaitl. of 'directors, were Rotarians- aic now' that "picnic weather" has ber of the missibntfrjKsociety. ;' almler'-.-' ibecer.. ' • ; . ' McDowell and Louis. Angelo* . tcac.hers who observed their.birth.. iness^' area,.'a sample survey • of imorit place has been appointed' provide second shots for those get- 3eddes, • from Canada, Lebanon/Peru,, the arrived. •.*•••., •. '•';._ r •.•Over .150 guests attended an day .anniversaries-recently. ting~lhelr. tlrst ones "this time. ' Union of South Africa and ihe •Since entering' Setbn Hall, he "The Seen and thd" Unseen' will the shopping habits of local r.es<- ec.ulive chairman for trie 1956-57 Also* , . The fifth grade^taught. by Mrs. Because of the yshort notice of , United'States. *"• ..-. ' '. lias served as treasurer of .the idents, a sampln survey of shop- Cranford .United Fund Campaign nglish Marilyn Dauber recently hc'id a it was-, announced today-by Nelson GHS Class Numbering the second allotment of rvaccinc • In the fovninl. convention ;ad-'. ophomore class arid was president — • —Photo .by Al Bcndlin pers in the business area,''com- ; 511 ' S r picnic at Echo Lake- 'Park, West-. Ligh'tcap, United Fund president.. for Crnnfprd, there, 'are still- many dresses' .by Rotary 'international's of this year's junior class. He,has .- New headqu'arters building of the Crariford First,Aid Squad as it appeared recently "before pilation of the desires, and needs Harold ..fleld^Children cooked -frankfurt- In this capacity, Mr. Leary will be details.to be arranged, Mayor An^ President,' A. Z. Baker, of Cleve. heldj.mcmbership'-in - the.Pershinp J73T3 completion Q£ drjycway and parking lot and finishing touches to building.'and grounds, Public is of both, shoppers in the area jjind Street; : Rifles, honorary military society: ers on ihe grfll~arfd' ate"salads r residents in the township, .and.
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