Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 3-25-1961 The Ledger and Times, March 25, 1961 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, March 25, 1961" (1961). The Ledger & Times. 4970. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/4970 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. a -s s. Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper Dirt 4 Largest The Paper Circulation In an The City That More Largest Circulation In Farm People Buy The County Dntly MURRAY POPUL/ '147 10.100 No. 71 r the farmer International IN OUR 82nd YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, March 25, 1961 Vol. 1-XXXII gram. United Press cash for their le to get cash Lees. But whe- grower takes ually all the reieemal for nuve at mark- farmers who LAOS larket because US FORCES DRAWN TIGHT AROUND or price sup- Reply rghum growi Russia Fires West Nervously Awaits will be limit- amount the normal yrelds. First Defeat Is Another Rocket Of Russia On Peace Proposal )e .iupptr. By HENRY SHAPIRO By STEWART HENSLEY or peace in Laos. Secretary of State Dean Rusk was en route to Bang- nPierd 1'n-so 1..iernallsoull I oiled Prr. Intermotional Kennedy MOSCOW flIPS — The Soviet kok where he will meet for three Handed Union today launched, orbited and WASHINGTON WIT —The Unit- days beginning Monday with other safely returned another "space- ed States today was drawing its foreign ministers of the eight-na ship-satellite," t h e official news forces tighter around Laos. tion Southeast Asia Treaty Organi- lost battle as Charles Donahue, s By ARNOLD SAWISLAK that provided his last agency Tass reported. zation (SEATO). The organization Labor Department At the same time the Western so United Press International a senator. There was immediate specula- will decide on collective action to when the same aolititor, was Plumb- nervously awaited Russia's WASIIINGTON (UPI -- John F. But as he did tion in Moscow whether the space- world save Laos if the Red advance con- Democratic co- ers' rewards chief. reply to a compromise British pro- Kennedy's string of charmed vic- Republican-Southern ship carried a man aboard. tinues. him last summer posal to end the civil war in Laos. tories has ended. For the lock of alition whipped The Tass announcement failed to Jerry B. Holleman, assistant minimurn wages. Kennedy was Officials declined to disclose Communist - led Laotian rebels a single vote, he has tasted the on give the size, weight or cargo of Labor secretary, was Electrical fight back. specific fleet and air movements were reported within a few miles bitter defeat that sooner or later expected to what it called a "spaceship-satel- Workers member and head of Senate supporters pledged to they acknowledged deployment of the capital city of Vientiane. touches every president. His lite." AFL-CIO In Texas. but Kennedy's bill and then put of forces throughout the South Pro-Western Premier Prince Boun Kennedy's shaky honeymoon with pass It said the vehicle landed on sharp- the pressure on the House to ac- China Sea and Gulf of Siam in Oum claimed nine new battalions the Democratic-controlled but command from the earth in a pre- cept a -compromiae that would be Sotitheast Asia. The grim Military ly divided Congress ended Friday selected area of the Soviet Union. close to the President's request. moves emphasized President Ken- night just 61 days after he took of- Tass said the entire operation— The White House didn't com- nedy's pledge to save Laos from Lir. Defeat of his $1.25 minimum launching, orbiting and return to $1.15 ment on he vote, Labor Secretary conquest by Soviet-backed rebels if !lige bill and passage of a earth—occurred today. A similar nar- Arthur Goldberg expressed regret efforts fail. measure chopped 'olf 3 list of feat was accomplished March 9 peace rowly won tests that started with and called for renewed effort in when Spaceship IV safely returned There still was no hint from his election last November. the Senate. a dog a n d other animals and Premier Nikita Khrushchey Ironically, but perhaps not sur- The bill that passed the House Soviet plants. Whether he would accept the prisingly. Kennedy's first defeat as would set a $1.15 hourly minimum as to The March 9 effort with the dog British plea for president came on the same issue wage for 24 million workers now American-backed under the federal wage-hour law "Little Blackie" aboard led Soviet a cease-fire in the civil war. The Mot of them already make more scientists then to declare the achie- truce would be verified by a three- than that. It would provide a $1 vement had carried -them to the than 1.4 threshold of manned space flight. Nyman Book- Blast Injures minimum wage for fewer VIENTIANE, Laos MPS — Com- million workers in large chain stores Then, 11 days ago, Premier Ni- binder, aide to including North alio are not now covered by the kita S. Khrushchev said in a speech Commerce secre- munist troops law. They would not advance to in Siberia the "time is not far off Arthur Goldberg, Labor sec- tary, was AFL- Mrs. Esther Peterson, tabor Depart- Viet Nam were reported Sunday 10 In Bomb when the first spaceship with man C 10 legislatis e 54.15 and there would be no re- retary, was the Steelworkers ment Women's Bureau director, %%BS to have captured the town of on board will dash into outer „1 • general representative. quirement that they be paid extra counsel. union education department official. Kham Kuet in a move that vir;• space." overtime rates for than 40 hours ADMINISTRATION—Kennedy administration appointees from the Explosion Observers here immediately dub- LABOR 'EGGHEADS' IN ually splits Laos in two. a week. ...ranks of labor include five 'eggheads" and only one elective official, Jerry R. Holleman Dean Rusk increase bed the latest ship "the Kennedy wants a 25 cent mystery ,Of Texas. The "egghead" not shown here is Jack Conway, deputy Housing and Homo Kham Kuiat, 145 miles east of present $1 minimum wage, Sputnik" because of the lack of from Red North Viet Nam had in the Finance chief, who was a, top aide to UA.W President Walter Reuther. Nheteiaae..le 11% ties narrow waist *read over a 28-month period. He dorsails. In the past Russia has an- been thrown Into th e fighting Laos By WALTER JACOBSON wants new coverage foo at least nounced almost immediately the of the jungle kingdom where against his forces. He appealed for CHICAGO (UPS — A blast tore 3.7 million workers. These provi- size, weight and other information is only about 75 rmles wide be- more American military aid to trough a crowd near North Side sions represented substantial r e - about its space efforts. tween Communist North V l• t stem the advancing rebels, heavily Invern Friday niifht injuring at treat on several fronts from the "The fifth Soviet satellite-space- Memphis Firm Strange Tale Told Of Boy Nam and Thailand. supplied by a Russian airlift of least 40 persons. Authorities said administration's original request. ship was put into orbit around the more than 50 tons per day. the explosion may have been caus- which sought new coverage and a earth on March 25, 1961," today's Official Laotian sources admit- st by a bomb gradual rise to $1.25 for 4.3 million initial Tass announcement said. Low Bidder On Who Died, Then Lived Again ted Kham Kuet probab:y was lost. same day At least five of the injured were workers. "On the the satellite- U. S. mil.tary observers said the spaceship landed on command from in critical condition. royal Military the earth in a pre-determined area CHICAGO (UN — Doctors have learning again the sounds and garrison pulled out of the A police bomb squad was assign- Youth Repays Part of the Soviet Union." MSC Building revealed a strange tale of a boy sights he once knew well town three days ago. The military ti investigate the blast, which This was the briefest communi- who -died," was revived to a coma- radio there went dead then. He learned lAction Being was traced to the basement of the Of Stolen Money que since the Russians launched tose state in which he lost his abili- again to crawl, to Club. The probe was due to their first space satellite—Sputnik ' A Memphis, Tennessee construc- ty ta talk and walk, and then re- grasp, to bit, finally to walk and Western military observers sad tion firm has won the low bid for covered. run. in today. Henry Skinner. 17 year old Neg- I—on Oct. 5, 1957. confirmation of the capture would Memorial Hospital of construction of a new building on The boy, aged 2la when he began Considered 'Wesley ro youth. a junior at Douglas High .Reports that the launching of a Today, tests show that Kemal is lend support to charges by the that one person, who the Murray State College campus. a second life, now is 5 years old reported School, has admitted spending man into space was imminent grew just like any other boy his age.
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