DISTRICT HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE SAMITI PURBA MEDINIPUR DISTRICT Registration No. S/IL/10904 of 2002-03 Tamluk, District – Purba Medinipur , Pin – 721 636 E-mail : [email protected] Tele. No. (03228) 270-437 Memo No. DH&FWS/MID(E)/ 1362 /2020-21 Dated: 13 / 10 /2020 NOTICE INVITINF E-TENDER NO- ENGG/CIVIL/DH&FWS/ 27 (Through Pre-qualification) (Submission of Bid through NIC e tender portal) CMOH & Secretary, District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, PURBA MEDINIPUR invites bids through E- tenders in two bid systems (Technical and Financial Bid) for the construction work. For details and downloading of tender, interested parties may please visit website: https://wbtenders.gov.in (Organization-Health & Family Welfare Department). For any further assistance, please visit o/o the CMOH, PURBA MEDINIPUR during schedule on & from 14-10-2020 to 03-11-2020. 1. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: In the event of e-filing, intending bidder may download the tender documents free of cost from the website: http://wbtenders.gov.in directly with the help of Digital Signature Certificate or from the Health & Family Welfare Department’s website www.wbhealth.gov.in . Requisite earnest money to be submitted using the online payment mode. 2. SUBMISSION Of BIDS: Both Technical bid and Financial Bid are to be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed by the Company personnel only (having Authorization from the company management) in the website http://wbtenders.gov.in. All papers must be submitted in English language with Page Marking. 3. Time Schedules for the e-tender The time schedule for obtaining the bid documents, pre-bid meetings, registration with the tendering authorities, the submission of bids and other documents etc. will be as per the list provided, as given below. Details of construction work follows as under: Please find the specification/schedule in the BOQ Estimated Earnest Work Sl. Period of Maintenance Name of Work Amount Money No. Completion Period (Rs.) (Rs.) Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Sagarbar Sub‐Centre under 730806 14616 36 (Thirty 1 60 Days Sagarbarh GP, Panskura‐II Block, Purba Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up 772937 HWC at Gorkila Sub‐Centre under 15459 36 (Thirty 2 Nilkuntha GP, Tamluk Block, Purba 60 Days Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Padumpur‐I Subcentre under 686043 13721 36 (Thirty 3 60 Days Padumpur‐I GP, Tamluk Block, Purba Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up 771846 HWC at Gopinathpur Subcentre under 15437 36 (Thirty 4 60 Days Kurpai Post office, Tamluk Block, Purba Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Chatradari Sub‐Centre under 800616 16012 36 (Thirty 5 Pandumpur‐II GP, Tamluk Block, Purba 60 Days Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Sabalara Subcentre under 699099 13982 36 (Thirty 6 60 Days Santipur‐I GP, Sahid Matangini Block, Six) Months Purba Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Sibdattapur Subcentre under 659736 13195 36 (Thirty 7 Kumarchak GP, Nandakumar Block, 60 Days Six) Months Purba Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Dk. Harkhuli Subcentre under 699486 13990 36 (Thirty 8 60 Days Moyna‐I GP, Moyna Block, Purba Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Deuli Subcentre under 770054 15401 36 (Thirty 9 Naichhanpur GP, Moyna Block, Purba 60 Days Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Agadore Subcentre under 633341 12667 36 (Thirty 10 60 Days Guaberia GP, Sutahata Block, Purba Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Guaberia Subcentre under 767237 15345 36 (Thirty 11 60 Days Guaberia GP, Sutahata Block, Purba Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Chaitanyapur Subcentre under 732166 14643 36 (Thirty 12 60 Days Chaitanyapur GP, Sutahata Block, Purba Six) Months Medinipur Extension & Renovation works to set up HWC at Barabari Subcentre under 697144 13943 36 (Thirty 13 60 Days Debhog GP, Haldia Block, Purba Six) Months Medinipur SUBMISSION OF THE TENDERS: The tender is to be submitted in Two Bid System. Technical Proposal:“BID A”: Technical Documents:-Statutory Cover containing the following documents : A Notice Inviting e-Tender. B Copy of the receipt of online submission of EMD. C Application to participate in e-tender as per prescribed format (Annexure-I). D Check List in the prescribed format (Annexure-II) E Affidavit for Non-Conviction (Annexure-III) Non Statutory Containing the following documents:- (a) Company Specific Technical Documents:- (Single file multiple page scanned) Sl. Sub Category Sub Category Description No Category A Certificates A1. PAN Card of the Bidder/Authorized Signatory (Digital Certificates Signatory Holder) GST registration certificate with a copy of last return filled (During last six months) B. Company B1. Trade Licence 2020-21 Enlistment from competent Details Company authority on Contractor ship, Registered Partnership Deed Details 1 for such type of firm / co-operative society by laws / company registration certificate. Professional Tax Enrolment with paid challan FY-2020-21 B2. Bidder must apply the bid on the original letter head of Company the Bidder. Seal & Signature of the authorized signatory Details 2 are mandatory. C. Credential C1: Credential in form of payment / completion certificate Credential- from the competent authority including copy of work 1 order of a single work (similar type) executed within five years counted from the date of issue of this notice amounting to minimum Forty percent (40%) of the tendered amount. 1. Income Tax Returns submitted for the AY-2018-19 and AY-2019-20 D1. Financial 2. P/L , Auditor’s Report & Balance sheet FY-2017-18 Financial Information audited by CA Information 3. P/L, Auditor’s Report & Balance sheet FY- 2018-19 audited by CA “BID B ”:FINANCIAL COVER : BOQ The folder as “Financial Bid” shall contain: Base Rate as per PWD Schedule w.e.f. 01.11.2017. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER 1. Minimum Eligibility Criteria: a) Only those Agency (having Trade License for such type of business) who have experienced in such type of job will be eligible. b) The bidders shall have satisfactory completed as a prime agency during the last 5 years i.e. Service rendered after March, 2015 at least one work of similar nature under the authority of State/Central Govt., State/Central Govt. under taking, Statutory bodies constituted under the statute of the Central/ State Govt. and having an amount of minimum Forty percent (40%) of the tendered amount N.B.Estimated amount, date of completion &detail communicational address of client must be indicated in the Credential Certificate. Similar nature of work in building is to be mentioned clearly with the quantity of works and amount. (Non- Statutory Documents) c) PanCard, Professional Tax registration certificate, Professional TaxChallan deposited (upto dated), ValidGST registration certificate, GST return filled in last 6(six) months from scheduled date of technical bid opening of e-tender is to be accompanied with the Technical bid document, Income Tax return for FY 2017-18 (i.e AY 2018-19) and FY.2018-19 (i.e. AY 2019-20), Trade License valid for FY.2020-21 (from concerned Municipality, Panchayet) is to be submitted.[Non Statutory documents] d) Proprietorship, Partnership firms and Company are to furnish Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts for FY.2017-18 & 2018-19 with the schedule of Bank accounts and all the documents along with schedules forming the part of Balance sheet and Profit and Loss account should be in favour of applicant. No other name along with applicant’s name in such enclosure will be entertained.[Non-statutory documents] e) Registered Un employee of Engineers' Co-operative Societies/Un employed Labour Co-Op. Societies are required to furnish valid Bye Law, Audited Profit &Loss account and balance sheet for FY.2017-18 & 2018-19 with the schedule of Bank accountsalongwithotherrelevantsupportingpapers.[Non-statutorydocuments] f) Registered Labour Co-operative Societies Ltd. Are required to furnish valid Bye Law, Audited Profit &Loss account and balance sheet for FY.2017-18 & 2018-19 with the schedule of Bank accounts along with other relevant supporting papers. [Non- statutorydocuments] g) Thepartnershipfirm shallfurnish the registered partnershipdeed along with power ofattorneyto signonthe tender document(ifrequired)[NonStatutory Documents]. h) Annexure-I of NIT to be furnished in the Company’s official letter head with full address and contact number etc., otherwise it will be treated as cancelled. i) Joint venture will not be allowed. 2. Before submission of the tender, contractors must visit /inspect the work site at own cost to judge the local situation /condition, approachable road etc. No plea/complain about the site, approach road etc. shall be entertained afterwards. It shall be presumed that the agency offered the rate after taking into account the entire position of the work site. 3. Be for issuance of the work order, the tender inviting authority may verify the credential & other documents of the lowest tenderer if found necessary. After verification, if it is found that such documents submitted by the lowest tenderer is either manufacturer or false in that case, work order will not be issued in favour of the tenderer under any circumstances. 4. The financial proposal should contain the following documents in one cover (folder) i.e. Bill of quantities, the contractor is to quote the rate (percentage above/below/at par) online through computer in the space marked for quoting rate in the BOQ. 5. Earnest money: The amount of Earnest money (mentioned in page-1) is 2% (two percent) of the estimated amount put to tender. Earnest money is to be deposited online by the bidder in the way as described in Memorandum No.-3975-F(Y), dt.-28/07/2016 of Finance Department, Audit Branch, Government of West Bengal.
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