tssN 0815-189X PTUA NEWSLETTER TRANSIT DECEMBER 1985 NEWS AND VIEWS Volume 9 Number 4 The Newslefter of the Public Transport Users'Association Incorporated. Registered by Aushalia Post - Publication No. VBG 3534 2 TRANSIT NEWS.N.VIEWS The Publlc Traneport Ueere' Accoclatlon EDITORIAL Role of the PTUA *;31'il:'u:5 The PTUA is a voluntary, non-party policical, tt.tr profit' organization of public transport users. Mr Roper has some off-beat ideas about the role of a community group like the PTUA. ing) Doug.-Sherman lts fuiction is to lobbu the Government fot n During his address the sll'l tl _ to PTUA's Annual General Meeting in September, he said that the acknowledge in the same issue PTUA should offer more conshuctive help instead of engaging in pie-throwing. lhose tireless workers who assemble the Newsletter t',1:;' Mr Roper seems to think that the PTUA exists just to throw pies pies, .rnd prepare the mailing out, but that isn't possible . for the sake of throwing of tltr or that the PTUA enjoys it. because the Newslefler is printed first. Instead, we environment. It also calls for the incorporation <;f llrr include the names of those who have assisted in He has overlooked two crucial facts: recent issues, and without whose help norre of this a Backin 1982in itsforward-lookingTronsportfortheEighties, thePTUAlaunchedoneof the would be possible most comprehensive and constuctive plans for the rehabilitation of the sadly neglected public ,lohn Alexopoulos, David Bowd, Bill Devine, Ken hansport system. Many of the proposals co-incided with the Labor Party's promises. Mclntyre, Pahick O'Connor, John Prideaux and Co., Has the Government acted on it? The Government has reneged on promises to extend the l)oug Sherman, Robin Vowels, and Denise Young. railway network. Copyright O 1985 by the Public Transport Users' a The very r€ason the PTUA was formed nine years ago was that the railway leaflets. system in Vicloria Association distributes was so bad. Meetlngc nrrrl The fact is that the railways in particular have become even worse than they w€re in 1976. So Artictes and material in this Newsletter may be Members are invited to attend PTUA Council annual qeneral meetinqs. much so that it is now a running joke. Every day the press carries stories of appilling incompetence reproduced provided that the source is acknow- -meets The P=TUA Council on the first Wedncsrlnv and maladministration. The Herald says that Metail sleeps in on Monday mornings note is included to the effect thal I3/9/851. lcdged, and that a (except at the YWCA, R, u of each month January) 'rr' What Mr Roper that the 1985 recidivism of the railways has taken permission was grantecl 10. 489 Elizabeth Sheet, Melbourne at 5.30 pnl - performance_ to Titani as hit an iceberg is (And The Annual General Meeting is usually heltl trr and sinking fast. in spite of July. The guest speaker is usually a V.l'P ll,o thousands of millions new equipment.) while com;uters previously'might have been. just plain OFFICE.BEARERS FOR 1985/6 business segment of the meeting includes electktn "l c me decidedly ropable. And justifiabl! so. Th-ere tas office bearers and the presentation of annual rep(rrlt been a call for Mr Roper to step down. lAge 73/9/851. Precldent: Memberchlp is l)r Douq I That the message for Mr Roper from travellers. Sherman Nswr Vlce Preildenl & Publlc Relatlone: We_ would be delighted to have nothing to complain about. We would loue the problems to go Patrick O'Connor lr A r'ttlt -But Secretary: ntlnll! away. In such an event, this Association would cease to have a reason to exist. while the Ken Mclntyre I ec( lllll performance of the rail system in particular continues to become worse, we the havellers' freaeurer: per year, or to make dotrnl consumer gro-up are obliged to be vociferous about our public's- I Donor Members at $10 Members' and the case. If that l)avid Bowd printing, postage, hire of lrnllr makes - Councll: ions towards the cost of it hot for Mr Roper, then so be it. for meetings, and so on. All members have etlttnl Psler Brownbill If Mr Roper can't stand the heat from the stove, he'd better retire from the kitchen. Rod Bryant rr rlr status Malcolm Higgs ll Neweletter Line Closures Stevc Howard (059) I I I published proposed I'aulMees The PTUA Newsletter is by the I'l(lA The closure of two bam lines is unthinkable now, as it was five years ago when the readcttlrt;' Margaret Pullar .l principallv for its members. The intended Victorian Transport Study recommended the closure of 5 ham lines and 7 suburban tain lines. f1'rbin Vowels ilso ii-rcltides members of parliament and the pr,'rn Then as now the proposed withdrawals were the product of mere cost-cutting measures llay Walford I radio and television. The content of this Newsletlcr lr - - often of a different kind from what one nrllllrt and ignored the enrichment that the particular public tansport services bestowed on the MTA REGIONAL BOARD REPRESENTATTVES newstetter' Articles maY lx' community. Inner South - Eaelem: oPinionated and/or havc n Hay Walford iIt The Footscray-Moonee Ponds tamline serves the shopping cenhes in both those suburbs. It is is in keePing with lhe aitrrr Inncr Northern: " This a vital spoke in the hubs of major tuansport interchanges lr I bearing in mind its intendr"l at Footscray railway station and Moonee lvan [)owel] Ponds. The route passes a tertiary institute, Inner Western: readership. schools, and Highpoint West shopping centre. I | )r,reen Parker to contribute articles t'r Members are encouraged _ The Prahran-City bam runs the gantlet of the shopping megopolis of Church and Chapel Greencborough: the Newsletter. Members may like to offer their help Steets, and links residential areas with the city. How could our han-sport operators overlook ihe I )avrcl Bowd l. preparing the Newsletter on a regular or casual Moorabbln: in super housing development at South Yana, right at their doorstep? The importance of the basis. [{r rr I Rryant ll cross-connections with 9 other tam routes cannot be under-estimated either. Chapel Steet trams l)orrdenong: Because a great deal of manual labour is involved lrl provide the only means of bringing residents from radial ham lines to the shopping region and l)arrra Ozolins L preparing eacli isue, mistakes occasionally occur. lf y'rrr Rlngwood: students to Prahran College. Chapel Steet Iike St Kilda Road conhibutes i6 the netwrork by T ihould receive a faulty copy o{ the Newsletter. ring providing - - llobcri [,owe and a new copy will be sent. mobility across those nine radial rout€s, a facility without which renders the motor car a St Albanc: far more attactive option ('lrarlcs Vella Sr Albans 3021 The community expects more of the Met as a Ijrankcton: . Address all conesDondence. , to'l'lrv than a management which views its charge llav Scoft l. Secretary, PTUA, Addrurr sacrilicial lamb whose services can be butchered whenever the going gets tough. and payments to ll'o STA BOARD USER REPRESENIATIVE subscriptions tI The community expects the Met I,,rrarneDean I 1 ,\ryonthaggi Treasuier. I r to manage, to improve, and even to extend services. 1056) rr (work) {056) 'ra([ome) Melbourne hos one of the finest and most ertensiue homway networks in the world. To improue our transport system requires a uisionory monogement that has the will to motntorn rohat ue haoe ond to bttlld on lt. opuBlrc rRANspoRT NEws FRoM ARoUND THE woRLD PUBLIC TRANSPORT NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD (Cont.) TRAVEL ON ANOTHER PLANET A novel feature of the bus service in Penang ls their colour-coded bus system. Buses on each My wife Stella and I spent a three-month holiday from May to July_stopping in.the-9_ou_nhies route or service are painted a distinctive colour. This assists the tourist who cannot read the Malaysia, Belgium, Holland, West Germany, Aushia, Switzerland, Italy, France and the UK. I took destlnation boards, and has only to look for the colour of the bus running in his direction. public hansport services. the opportunity to observe Compared to Melbourne, the public hansport services in European cities are on a different The level, standard and efficiency of the public bansport services_- from the 24-hour' planet. At the present rate, it will take us a century and more to reach their standards. seven-day-a-week tram and bus services in Brussels to the Meto in Paris and the fabulous Ken Mclntyre compared to Melbourne, it was like tavelling on another planet. - London Tube - is so high, that RAIL FARE SYSTEIIfS IN SOI}'E EUROPilN COUNTRIES The rolling stock - hams buses and hains - E ngw, clean and free from graffiti.and slashed seats and so oi that are ate found in our trains. Pride and civic consciousness in the people is FRANCE: (SCNF - SOCIETE NATIONALE DES CHEMIN de FER FRANCNS) evident everywhete. France's rail fares are on a par with other European systems. Rail cards and season Ticketless havel is rare and virtually impossible as automatic ticket sales and validation is the tickets are offered at two tariff levels one for commercial and the other for social. norm. [n Switzerland, automatic ticket machines are situated on the pavement near main bus stops. Tariffs are fixed for the most part by ministerial- decree. Companies can pay half the cost pass through a non- Despite the thousands who use the London underground daily, one cannot of an employee's season ticket and can claim the payment as a tax deduction.
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