PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA ARCHIVES PUBLIQUESW CANADA MANUSCRIPT DIVISION DIVISION DES MANUSCRITS Hon. M.J.W. COLDWELL MG 27, III C 12 Finding Aid 493 / Instrument de recherche 493 Major James William Coldwell Originals, 1926-1969, 57 feet. Major James William Coldwell (1888-1974) was born in England and received his formal education there, emigrating to Canada in7910. Following a career as teacher, principal of a Regina school, alderman on the Regina city council, and President and Secretary of the Canadian Teacher's Federation, Coldwell became an active participant in and leader of various farm and labour organizations which sprang into existence with the alvent of the depression in 1929. He was Provincial leader of the Farmer-Labour Party of Saskatchewan from 1932 to 1935. He was active in the formation and subsequent development of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation as a national party, serving successively as National Secretary 1934 to 1937, National Chairman 1938 to 1942, and National President and Parliamentary Leader of the C.C.F. from 1942 to 1958. He was Member of Parliament for Rosetown-Biggar from 1935 to 1958. Correspondence Files, 1937-1969. 41 feet, vols. 1-56. These files are mainly nominal files, although there are some subject files as well. They are arranged alphabetically. Subject Files, 1926-1968. 4 feet, vols. 57-62. Major topics within these files include the history and organization of the C.C.F. and the New Democratic Party, and subjects of personal concern to Mr. Coldwell. Speeches, Addresses, Press Releases, Radio Broadcasts, 1933-1966. 9 feet, vols. 62-76. Press Clippings. 1933-1966. 3 feet, vols. 76-81 Photos were transferred to the Picture Division (Acc. 1974-163). Subject and author newspaper indexes to various Saskatchewan newspapers, 1939-45, compiled by the Legislative Library, Regina,transferred to Archives Library. all The finding aid which follows is a file list to the entire collection. A subject card index to the corres- pondence files 1954-58 is available in the Public Affairs Section. COLDWELL PAPERS - CORRESPONDENCE - FILE LIST Vol. 1 Abarous, V. 1949 Re Abbey, N. 1947-1949 It Abbott, D. 1954 If Abbott, M. 1943 f Abel, W.G. 1941 Aboltins, E. 1949 Acadia University 1954 f Accolas, M.E.J • 1944 te Acland, P. 1949 et L' Action Catholique 1947 If Action Christian Youth Committee 1944 Acton, R.E. 1949 Adamack, N. 1955 Adamack, Nick 1958 e Adams, Joan 1949 et Adams, Julia, A. 1945-1947 't Adams, P.M. (Fitch Bay P.Q.) 1964 If Adams, Phyllis (Ottawa) 1965 It Adams, Phyllis (Vancouver) 1969 et Adamski, S. 1943-1944 Adamson, D. 1949 Addison, (Lord) 1945 Mie, S. 1947 Adler, J.O. 1958 et Adult Education Div., Sask House 1962-1963 tl Affiliated Veteran's & Dependents Bureau 1944 et Africa Bureau 1955 Agnew, T. 1944 te Agnew, T.D. 1949 If Agriculture-Federal Dept. 1957 Agriculture, W.H. Golding 1943 Agriculture Minister 1948 te Agriculture Dept. SaskatChewan 1949 et Ahrens, E.L. 1969 te Ahrens, F.C. (See Reconstruction Dept.) 1944-1947 Ahrens, F.C. (Saskatoon Sask) 1948 Ahern, J.E. 1949 's Ahmed, S.H. 1959 el Aicken, J. 1949 Aickens, M.R. 1944 le Ainlay, H.D. 1944 et Ainlay, Harry 1963-1964 Ainlay, H. (British Columbia) 1969 te Ainley, H.D. (Edmonton) 1946 Ainley, H.D. (Hammond, B.C.)- 1957 Air Cadet League of Canada 1949 It Air Canada 1961-1963 et Air Canada (Winnipeg Man.) 1966 't Air Canada (Montreal) 1967 et Air Canada (Montreal) 1968 Airey, John W. 1944 f Aitken, W.M. 1944 /2 COLDWELL PAPERS - CORRESPONDENCE Vol. 1 Akerman, Mrs. Frank 1950 Alan, Rev. Father 1956 Albany, Chief Constant 1949 Albert, Edouar, J.B. 1944 It Alberta Association Municipal Districts 1949 It Alberta C.C.F. 1957-1958 Alberta C.C.F. Office 1947 Alberta C.C.F. Provincial Office 1952 Alberta C.C.F. Provincial Office-Edmonton 1951-1957 Alberta, C.C.Y.M. 1950 Alberta Civics Theme Committee 1964-1967 Alberta Farinera Union 1945-1947 Alberta Federations of Home & School Assocs. 1957 Alberta Live stock Co-op 1947 Alberta Motor Transport Assoc. 1947 Alberta New Democratic Party 1965 Alberta N.D.P. Edmonton 1966 Alberta Old Age Pensioners 1949 Alberta Provincial Office (C.C.F.) 1949 Alberta School of Religion 1948-1949 Alberta School of Religion (Redcliff, Alta) 1952-1954 Alberta Teachers Assoc. (Edmonton Alta) 1949 Alberta Teachers Assoc. (Lethbridge & Edmonton) 1962-1964 Alberta Young Members of N.D.P. 1963 Albu, A. (M.P.) 1957 Alcorn, Gordon (Winnipeg Man.) 1961 Aldergrove, Junior-Senior High School (Aldergrove B.C.) 1958 Alderson, William 1957-1958 Alex Young Monumental Co. 1954 Alexander Art Studio 1944 Alexciewich, N. 1956 Algoma East New Democratic Party (Walford-Ont.) 1963 Algoma East Riding Ass. (Espanola, Ont.) 1949 Allan, M.T. 1944 Allan's Travel Service Ltd. Ottawa 1964 Allan's Travel Service Ltd. Ottawa 1965 Allcock, P. 1947 Allen, A.R. 1961 Allen, Eileen 1968 Allen, G.B. 1958 Allen, Dr. J.S. 1944-1947 Allen, Norman 1957 Allen, Norman V. 1943 Allen, P. (Mrs) 1944 All Saints Church 1957 Alley, H.R. 1944 Allinson, C.L.C. 1944 Alsbury, Tom 1953 Altman, B.D. 1951-1952 Aluminium 1943-1944 Alvin Sal, Potash 1967 allumpr-w.T /3 COLDWELL PAPERS - CORRESPONDENCE Vol. 1 Amalgamated Building 1944 t. Amalgamated Unions of Canada 1944-1947 American Assoc. For Democratic Germany 1944 Vol: 2 American Christian Palestine Committee 1952 American Civil Liberties Union 1949 American Farm Economic Man. 1958 American Federation of MOsicians 1948-1949 American Labor Party 1944 American Legation 1944 American Psychiatric Assoc. 1949 American Wheatito Japan 1957 Ames, C.C. 1945-1952 Amherst College 1952 Amy, M. 1952 Anaesthetist (Dr. D.N. Bell) 1965 Ancevich, F. (Doctor) 1957-1958 Ancevich, F. (Doctor) Toronto 1958 Ancevich, F. " (Oa)cville Ont.) 1983-1964 Ancevicins, P. & E. Landmanis 1948 Anderson, A. (Barthel-Sask) 1943-1944_ Anderson, A.t.(Kapuskasing-Ont.) 1958 Anderson, C.W. 1943 Anderson, E.M. 1947 Anderson,Garfield 1947 Anderson,George (Baldwinto-Sask) 1952 Anderson,George (Vancouver) 1956 Anderson, J.C. 1949 Anderson, J.L.M. 1944 Anderson, John 1944 Anderson, J.W. 1947 Anderson, K.V.I. 1957-1958 Anderson, L. 1962 Andrew, E.H. 1967 Andrews, I.M. 1949 Andrews, J.R. 1943-44 Andrews, Q.M. 1960 Anglican Bishop of Ottawa 1956 Anglican Church of Canada (General Synod) 1962 Anglican Out Look (Montreal) 1955-1960 Anglican Young Peoples Assn.(Navan Ont.) 1957 Anglican Young People's Man. (Ottawa) 1964 Anglo Canadian Underwriters Ltd. 1944 Anhorn, Bill 1949 Anniversaries-Weddings Etc. 1966-1967 Anonymous 1949-1958 Anthony, Joseph 1944 Anti-Vivisection of Ottawa 1956 Antone, LeHigh 1956 Appell, Harold 1944 Appleton, Harry 1946-1949 Applewhaite, E.T. 1953 Applin, John A. 1944 /4 COLDWELL PAPERS - CORRESPONDENCE Vol. 2 April, J.O. 1944 It Arbour, C 1949 Arbuckle,D.A4.• 1944 Archibald, H.G. 1949 Archibald, R.J. 1958 Archives (Ottawa) 1958-1961 Archives Div. Legislative Library-Regina Sask 1963-1964 u Archives History Club-Ottawa 1966-1967 u Archives-Western Labour Parties 1932-Calgary & Regina 1966 I I "Archives" 1967-196ts Archives "Old Timer" 1969 Ardus, T.B. 1949 Argue, C.G. 1944 Argue, H. 1949-1958 11 Armstrong & Richardson 1958 Armstrong, Mary 1949 Armstrong, J. (Australia) 1943 If Army & Navy, & Air Force Veterans 1949 1.: Arsenault, L. 1949 11 Arnold, Hugh, E. 1944 Arnott, W.M. 1944 Arnold, Dr. W.C. 1946 p Arseneau, Pte. Norman 1944 It Arthritis (National Health & Welfare) 1946 It Arthur, W. 1947 it Arundel Conference 1956 It Argue, Hazen 1956-1957 p Ash, R.P. 1949 I I Ash, W. G. 1950 it Ashdown, D.S. 1943 11 Ashton, P.R. 1949 11 Ashe, G. 1944 It Ashe, Geoffrey 1947 n Ashley, Prof. C.A. 1958 If Asian Socialist Conference - Rangoon Burma 1954-1956 Asplund, Charles 1944 It Assaly, George, M. 1943 11 Asselin, A. 1944 It Asselin, L.G. 1944 I I Asselin, R. 1957 I I Assiniboia Lodge #49 1943 11 Associated Boards of Trade, Fraser Valley 1945 11 Associated Canadian Travellers 1947 Association of Canadian Clubs 1949-1962 Association of Canadian Distillers 1957 11 Association for Civil Liberties 1949 11 Association of Mayors & Reeves (Ottawa) 1956 It Association of Mayors & Reeves (Toronto) 1957 It Association of Superannuated CiVil Servants 1949 n Association of Universities & Colleges of Canada 1969 410 1101W~-l /5 COLDWELL PAPERS - CORRESPONDENCE Vol . 2 Athens High School 1949 Atkins, R. 1957 Atkinson, J .E . 1946 Atkinson, J. 1944 Atlantic Unity (Patrick Nicholson) 1962 Atlantic Unity (Declaration of) 1968 Atlantic Union Committee 1951 Atomic Bomb 1945 Atomic Energy Commission 1955 Atomic Energy Committee 1955 Attlee, Clement (Rt . lion .) 1945-1956 Attorney General (Sask) 1947-1956 Atwell, C .L . 1957 Atwood, W .T. 1944 Vol . 3 Aubuchon, P .H . 1949 Auchmuty, J. 1953 Aucla1r, M .C . 1958 Aucock, D .P . 1944 Auld, G .W. 1944 11 Austen, J .F . 1943 "Australia" 1946 Australian High Commission (Ottawa) 1944 Australian High Commissioner (Ottawa) 1954 Australian Truth & Mirror 1950 Automotive Transport Assn . of Ontario 194 3 11 Avant, W . 1944 11 Avery, A .R . 1949 Avonmore High School 1949 Aylwin, M.C . 1944 Babbage, R .H . 1956-1957 Babeuf, L .P . 1947 11 Bacon Contracts - Britain 1949 It Bagley, E .R . 1964 Bagnall, A .V . 1949 Bagshowe, D. 1944 11 Baig, S . 1949 Bailey, A.L . 1944 Bailey, P . 1957 Bailey, L .F . 1947 Baillie, D .M. 1944 Bain, J .T . 1949 Bain, T .A . 1943 Baird, A It .R . 1944 Baird, W . 1963 Baker, A.A . 11 1943 Baker, C .C . 1943 Baker, E . 1944-1957 Baker, G . to 1949 Baker, G .B . 1949 $111”1111ree, :! /6 COLDWELL PAPERS - CORRESPONDENCE Vol.
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