'BOh^.jLu^i:Mlli^aaj c0kami^^ *$5.95 t^ftiAA?-^ Commodore Annual 1 989 The C64 - still king of home computers <^ Beginners Guide c^. Best games to buy ^^ Why buy a disk drive? c^ Introduction to machine language K^ Which word processor? c^ Using Easy Script B^ Complete Software, User Group and BBS guides Registered b/ Australia Post Publicatfon No NBG 6656 'Recommended retail price TAKE YOUR PERSONAL COMPUTER OUT INTO THE BIG WIDE WORLD. WITH TELECOM VIATEL t-T-Tl-l H mvtrM^ri-rrrrrr, Until now, your personal computer was generally limited to your information input. Or to the software available. Now Telecom Viatel opens up a whole new world for PC owners. Utilizing the existing telephone network, Viatel distributes a wide range of information and services via a central computer. Direct to your home or office. Become an identity on the bulletin boards. Send electronic mail clear across Australia. Join clubs and user groups, Get the latest news on the computer industry, as well as advice from the experts. There's teleshopping for hardware, software and peripherals -24 hours a day. Even download new computer programs onto disk or cassette for your own use. Your persona! computer can be adapted to emulate a Viatel terminal. All you need are a Telecom approved 1200/75 baud modem and the appropriate software. These are now readily available for most PC's, Your dealer will know what is best for your particular PC. Talk to him first about your needs. To get more information on Viatel phone 008 033 342 (for the cost of a local call). Telecom READER INFO No 39 lATEL ^B Telecom Australia AUSTRALIA'S NATIONAL VIDEOTEX SERVICE viW Better for Business TM844 ^ Arcade Classics R^^ |t=3T^'— 1 Super Pac-Man^ Pole Position' Jr. Pac-Man^ mAm IRAC-MANI fpf^V. 1)^^111' Galaxian^ MS. Pac-Man^ Pac-MaiiT Dig Dug^ Available on the fotlowing BLAST formats: IBM, Apple CBM €4 ROM THE PAST runrnirHinr Tiir TiiiiHinrn fN/V^^/SA^v/ 5-6 Gladstone Rd, Castle HiU, NSW 2154 (02) 899 2277 FAX (02) 899 2348 TIUNDER MOUMTAIM 1 r ^'SJ Commodore Annual 1989 Contents Introduciion some of these: Super Snapshot Slide Editorial 3 Show Creator, Cockroach Graphics Utility, Prefoce 3 Animation Station, The Lightpen. Beginners start here! 4 Jusf geffing inio computers? There's lots Geos to learn Geos Roundup 42 Care of your Commodore 10 Some of the many programs available With a little extra care, it will give you with Geos - GeoWrite Workshop, many years of service GeoPublish. GeoCalc. GeoSpell, Geo File. * GeoProgrammer, Deskpack Word processing Word processing - whot's it all about? 12 Deskiop Publishing ' Word processors fertile C64 and CI 28 13 Desl^op Publishing on your 064/128 46 Which one is best for you? Newsroom, GeoPublish. Paperclip Publisher Easy Script, The Fleet System. Fontmaster 2. GeoWrite Worl<shop, Mini Office II, Communications Paperclip 2, Paperclip 3, Pocl<et Writer, What it's about and how to get into it 52 Super Script. Wordpro 128, Word Writer, Software, hardware The Write Stuff All about Fidonet 55 Getting the most out of Easy Script 18 Education Basic Getting into Education Software 58 Getting into Basic 24 Get started on programming -a hobby Getting into machine code 61 that will l<eep you amused for hours Difficult to understand at first, but once Basic Tips 27 it clicks, the sky's the limit. Disk Drives Adventure Why buy a disk drive 28 Welcome to the wonderful world of Disk versus cassette, how to handle adventuring £5 drives, the Commodore 154 Adventurer's Realm - pick of the bunch 68 1541 alternatives 30 Pactronics drive, Excelerafor Plus User Groups All about user groups 6? Entertainment List Of user groups in postcode order d? Gomes Roundup 32 Impossible Mission II, LA Crackdown, Bulletin Boards Out Run, Pirates, Skate or Die, Complete list of bulletin boards and 74 Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Simulator. FidoNet numbers Project Sfeaifh Fighter, Road Runner ^ Software Guide (A Graphics 38 Comprehensive guide to software, hardware There's no excuse for uninteresting and peripherals available in Australia, with graphics on the Commodore. Try out distributor and recommended retail price '' Commodore Annual 1969 Cover graphic Advertising'. Ken Longshaw • Australian Commodore and Amiga Review This graphic was imported (02) 398 5 1 1 1 or (02) 8 1 7 250? 21 Darley Road, Randwicl<, NSW 2031 from the Amiga and Production; Brendo Powell Phone: (02) 398 5111 demonstrc]tes the C64's Layout: Tristan Mason Published by; Saturday Magazine Pty Ltd. ab iiity to reproduce digitised Distribution: NETWORK Editor: Andrew Farr©il rnulti-co lour images Printed by: Ian Liddell Pty Ltd * The Australian Commodore and Amiga Review Editorial Preface an industry best noted for dramatic change, the Commo- Indore 64 stands out as an irony. A constant entity. Years after its launch it remains unchallenged as the best value formoney liome and hobbyist computer around. Although catering primarily for the entertainment market, the C64 also has a serious side. In this year's Annual we've examined many different aspects of the C64 from the begin- ner's point of view. The majority of the articles enable you to either use the machine better, or decide what products will pleased to be able to help you get more out of it. I'mwelcome you to the For more experienced users, tliere's an overview of getting second Commodore into machine code, a memory listing, BASIC tips and a com- Annual of the Commodore plete User Group and BBS listing. and Amiga Review. Last Newer owners will find the BASIC tutorial, Wordprocess- year's effort was incredibly ing and Graphics Roundup, Beginners Guide, Care of your well presented and provided C64 and Communications inuoduciion invaluable. informative reading, and! - There's something for everyone reflecting the general at- despite being a hard act to [ mosphere of our monthly publication, the Australian Com- follow pales in comparison | find tutorials, modore and Amiga Review. There you'll regular to this one. product guides, reviews of new games and help on just about Commodore computers both Australia and worldwide have every aspect of the 064 and C128. We also cover the Amiga been experiencing increasing success widi sales of our products L range for those of you considering upgrading at a later date. The C64 remains the world's most widely sold computer I've always found much joy in wriLng my own programs. with over TEN MILLION sold worldwide, despite tough com- When you've finished playing games, and writing reports on petition from the Amiga 500 that has sold 50,000 in Ausualia your wordprocessor, give the C64's BASIC a try. It's chal- alone. lenging, and fulfilling. get instant results every time. You The PC COLT is also a winner for Commodore as our Don't afraid to experiment. your work in be Always SAVE IBM compatible designed specifically for use in both the office progress. In the the this publication software guide at back of and home. Our philosophy has always been to provide "high- is a list of books. Many of these are ideal for the learner, and tech at low cost", and so the COLT continues to be the best cover everything from simple filing programs to animation value entry level PC on the market. and music. This Annual provides some solid information for Commo- Give programming a go. That's what the C64 is really all dore users, regardless of whether they're first-time or long-time for the hobbyist. course, if have to play a game, about Of you devotees. The software Guide is the most recent compilation we review all the latest releases in our monthly magazine. currently in circulation and provides an excellent reference; Some of our favourite reviews from past issues are included similarly the articles on wordprocessing and graphics should be - it least or inside these pages pays to have at one two good of value to the Commodore user. excuses for a diversion on a rainy day. Although here in Aus- One final point 1 would like to stress is that our success at likely trying get out of the heat - tralia, it's more you're to Commodore is due to you, our end user - thank you for your Melbourne excepted. Anyhow, Enjoy! support. Tony Serra Managing Director Andrew Farrell Australia/Asia Pacific Editor Commodore Business Matliines C 64 Annual Beginners Start Here! by Andrew Farrell Just getting into computers? There's lots to learn! The many small legs. Inside this largish rec- tangular shape is the silicon chip itself, following article will help explain some of the concepts you which is only the size of your smallest need to know. Every month, in the Australian Commodore fmgemail. and Amiga Review, you'llfind articles that explain different Computer programs and information aspects of using your computer just like this one. are stored in these chips. Two types are used in particular. Hardware vs Software equivalent to the floppy disks, or cas- settes used in a computer. Random Access It's an often used, but very true There is one fundamental difference. phrase, that if you can kick it, it's hard- Memory As you play a track off your favourite ware. Everything from the computer it- Random Access Memory is the com- record, the music is picked up hy the self, to the many appendages we can con- puter's workspace. Information is stored needle, and played through the amplifier. nect, is referred to as hardware. The nuts and can be changed in RAM.
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