THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AUTHORIZED Folder Title: A Report on the Feasibility Study of the Prawn Culture Project of Hekou District - The Planning Committee of Hekou District - January 1988 - F28502 Folder ID: 30283655 Project ID: P003552 Dates: 1/1/1988 – 1/1/1988 Fonds: Records of the East Asia and Pacific Regional Vice Presidency ISAD Reference Code: WB IBRD/IDA EAP Digitized:4/13/2017 To cite materials from this archival folder, please follow the following format: [Descriptive name of item], [Folder Title], Folder ID [Folder ID], World Bank Group Archives, Washington, D.C., United States. The records in this folder were created or received by The World Bank in the course of its business. The records that were created by the staff of The World Bank are subject to the Bank’s copyright. Please refer to for full copyright terms of use and disclaimers. THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development Association or The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: I\\\\II Ill II \III I 11111\I III Ill II Ill III ll III ll I1 111 30283665 R1992-249 Other#: 86 30560B A Report on the Feasibility Study of the Prawn Culture Project of Hekou District - The Planning Committee of Hekou District - January 1988 - F2B502 DECLASSIFIED WBG Archives Projects of the Agricultural Comprehensive Development, Shandong, China A REPORT ON 'fl!E FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE PRAWN CULTURE PROJECT OF HEKOU DISTRICT . .. Project Committee of Hekou District January, 1988 Nome for the pro,ject : l'1·F1w11 CulLurP Pr·o.lecL of ll e kou District Unit responsible for t he project : Aqua tic Cult ure Corporation of Hekou District Chief of the project: Wang ~a Lu Chief of technological and economic affairs: Liu Wen Lu Unit in charge of feasible study : Project Committee of Hekou District Personnel participating in: Leading group : Yu an Zhu , Wang Zhi !Vlei , Liu Wen Du , Bu Chi Hua , Zhang Guo Dong, Sun Chin Yi Writers : Bu Chi Hua , Zhang Shi ll ua , Zhang Guo Dong, Zhang Guang Xin, Zhang Xue Wu, Chen Yi G.uan, Ding Dong Sheng, Zhang Zhao Dong, Liu Wei Ting, Yao Cun Ling Revisers : Zhang Guo Dong, Sun Chin Yi, Chen Yi Guan, Zhang Xue Wu , Zhang lhao Dong, Yao Cun Ling . ... CONTEN'I'S 1 . A general outline 1.1 Background for the presentation of the project, its necessity and significance 1.2 Data for the feasibility study 2 . Calculation of market demand 3. Basic conditions of the project area and plans for spot­ selection 3 . 1 Basic conditions of the whole area and the project area 3.2 Natural conditions of the project a~ea 3.3 Social and economic conditions of the project area 3 . 4 Scientific and technological conditions of the pro- ject area 3.5 Spot-selection for the project area 4. Kesources, material, fuel and .public utilities 4.1 Local resources related to the project . " 4.2 Supply condition of other materials and fuels 4 . 3 Amount of water and power able to be suppled; con­ dition of highways and other public utilities 5. Project design pl an 5 .1 Scale and details of construction 5.2 Plan of products 5.3 Technological plan, production and technological process 5 . 4 Ecology and environmental protection plan 5 . 5 Calculation of construction plen and investment 5. 6 Purchasing plan of facilities and materials 6. Organization and manse;ement of the project 6 .1 Chart of management system of the project 6. 2 Organizational set- ups of various units of the pro­ ject and quota of personnel to be provided 6. 3 'l'raining plan and expenditure calculation 7. Rate of implementation of project progress 7 . 1 Rate of construction of project progress 7.2 Yearly investment plan 8 . Ways for raising funds ann for repaying 8 .1 Yearly plan for r aising funds and for me ans of in­ vestment 8 . 2 Yearly plan for repayment and for means of repayment 8 . 3 Plan of income for repayment 9 . Financial and economic evaluation of the project 9 . 1 Calculation of production cost and sales income 9 . 2 Analysis of financial profit of the project 9 . 3 Analysis of economic profit of the project 9 . 4 Evaluation of effect to National Economy 9. 5 Analysis of sensitiveness and risks of the project 10. Conclusion of the feasibility study Appendixes . ' I . GENERAL OUTLINE 1.1 Background for the presentation of the project, its ne­ cessity and significance 'l'he municipality of Dongying was eslablished in 1983 , governing three districts and three counties. Hekou is one of the three districts and is located in the north of Shan­ 1 dong Province, in the east longitude 118°05 '- 11 9 •15 , the north latitude 37 ° 15 ' -38°15 '. Hekou District is noted in the province for possessing the longest coastline ( 254km) and the largest beach area (64, 500 hectc1 res) . Total area of the distr ict reaches 260, 000 hec., including 18 , 880 hec . of ar­ able land. 'l'he whole distric~ depends on industry, agricul­ ture, village and town enterprises and fisheries as main economic resources. 'l'otal value of agr icultural output in . .. 1986 reached 27 , 68o, OOO Yuan (R. M. B., based on the fixed price of 1980, and so with the price below) , of which fi ­ sher y output value takes up 730, 000 Yuan, equal to 2 . 64%. Prawn culture in the shallow sea and beaches in Hekou Dis­ trict h as been listed in the Spark Plan of the Science and Technology Program both by the state and by Shandong Pro­ vince. The Hekou District government has stressed the ex­ ploitation of the shallow sea and beaches and the increase of prawn culture as one of the i inportant measures to adjust fishery production structure anct to promote countryside eco­ nomy . The tendency to development is rising year by y~ar. Rekou District is rich in wheat, soyabean and peanut. Apart from tax grain to the state, grain ration to the re­ sidents, seeds and other needs, there is still 10 , 000 ton of grain left which can be invested in aquatic culture. Moreover, t he shal low sea and beaches are abundant in fishe ­ ry r esources, and can provide 40 ,000 tons of l ow- value but fresh and live feed such as fish , shrimps and mollus ks . • 1 • This, no doubt, lays a solid ma terial foundation for the de­ velopment of prawn culture. The internal structure of this district's fishery cir­ cle has been readjusted to be more reasonable and efficient. In order to make good use of the natural resources of the shallow sea and beaches, the ctistrict government has provided protection reguletions for mollusk resourr;es. It has formulated guide lines for development of fishery, encouraging "exploita­ tion and utilization of its resources, with emphasis placed on prawn culture, which will grow to a streamline production involving culture, freezing storage , process ion and trans­ 11 port by the year 1990 • This policy will give the green light to prawn culture. As is clearly seen, prawn culture has the advantage of short cycle, moderate investment, quick result and high profit. 'rhe coast of Hekou District~ is located around the es­ .... tuary of the Yellow River on the south shore of the Bohai Gulf, and is the main spawning grounds and rearing grounds for Chinese prawns. Since industrial growth is we ak in this area, the shores are not polluted , providing an ideal ecolo­ gical environment for the culture and growth of prawns. Since 1987 , the area for this project has been approved by the provicial government of Shandong as a major exploiting area for prawn culture. What is worth being specially pointed out is the abundant resources of fresh water as a result of the presence of the es tuary where the Yellow River rl:lns to the s ea . The inland of this district has been tapped for more than twenty years by the Shengli Oilfields and i'S equipped with a complete network of communic ation and sufficient power supply. All this opens up a wide prospect for marketing the product of this project. Based on the above condition, the present project is proposed . When the present project is completed, the total income • 2 • will be 43 . 6 million yuan, profit of t he enterprise 13 . 4 mil­ lion yuan, tax 2 . 13 million yuan and foreign currency 4 . 8 US dollars . /1.s this project i s profitable to the state as well as to the enterprise and the society, the need for the in~ vestment is justified and its economic significance is be­ yond doubt. 1.2 Data for the feasibility study The feasibility study of this project relies on data collected through investigations related t o the project. So the report is demonstrated from aspects of technology, f i~ nance, economy, organizational structure and society. Data or materials based on are as follows : 1. Five Year Plan of Marine Culture Development of the Peo­ ple's Government of Shandqng ~rovince (1987 ) 2 . Proposals for the comprehensive argicultural exploitation ... program of Shandong Province (by Shandong plan commission, 1987 ) 3. The seventh Five Ye ar Pl an of national economy development of Hekou District, Municipality of Dongying ( by Hekou Dis­ trict Government, 1987 ) 4. Statistical data of National Economy of Hekou District (Hekou Statistical Bureau, 1987) 5. Land Resources of the Yellow River Delta (Land Planning Office of Municipality of Dongying, 1985) 6.
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