WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) -Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly THIRTY-THIRD PARLIAMENT SECOND SESSION From 1 May to 23 December 1990 390 ELIZABETH 1I VOLUMES 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288 and 289 GARRYL DUFfFLD. Gavsnent Pvtitnr Wn in Auwal 1990 iii I CONTENTS page Committees . .. .. .. x Index to Parliamentary Debates - Index to Subjects . (1)... Index to Questions and Sp e e c h es.......................... (255) Legislartu of Western Australia . ............ ............. ..nv-ni Members of rho Legislative Assembly .......... ....-. "..... vmi Members of the Liegislative Council .............................. vui ministry ... .I. .I. .I. tv-n, Officers of Parliament.. Papers tabled during the Session - Legislative Assembly .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .8958 Legislative Council ... 8943 Public Bills of the Session ................................. xvwi Public Statutes of the Session ................................ ii Report of Debates .................................... I iv LEGISLATURE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Governor HIS EXCELLENCY THE HONOURABLE SIR FRANCIS THEODORE PAGE BURT, AC, KCMO Lieutenant Governor HIS HONOUR MR JUSTICE DAVID KINGSLEY MALCOLM LAWRENCE MINISTRY (RECONSTITUTED) From 13 March 1990 Premier Treasurer Minister for Public Sector Hon CARMEN MARY LAWRENCE, B Psych. Management; The Family:, Aboriginal Affairs; Ph D, MLA Multicultural aod Ethnic Affairs; Women's Interests Deputy Prer Minister for Fnance mnd Hion IAN FREDERICK TAYLOR. B Econ (Horn), Economic Developmem; Goldfields JP, MLA Autoriey General;Minister for Corrective Services; Hon JOSEPH MAX BERINSON, LL B, QC ?LC Leader of the Government in the Legislative council Minister for Planning; lands: Heritage; Minister Hon ELSIE KAY HALLAHAN, BSW, JP.,MLC assisting the Minister for Women's interests;, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council Minister for Mines; Fuel and Energy; Mid-West: Hoo JEFFREY PHILLIP CARP, BA, IP, MLA Small Business Minister for Resources and Trade; The Arts Hon DAVID CHARLES PARKER, BA, JP', MLA Minister for the Environment; Leader of the Rouse Hon ROBERT JOHN PEARCE. BA. Dip Ed, IF, in the Legislative Assembly MILA Minister for Health Hon KEITH JAMES WILSON, MLA Minister for Productivity and Labour Relations; Hon GA VAN JOHN TROY, B.Bus, FAN, IP, Minister assisting the Minister for Education with TAFE; Minister assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management Minister for Transport; Racing and Gaming; Hon PAMELA ANNE BEOGS, 11P, MLA Tourism Minister for Agriculture; Water Resources; North- Hon ERNEST FRANCIS BRIDGE, MIA West Minster for Local Government; Fisheies; Sport Hon GORDON LESLIE HILL, JF, MLA and Recitation; Youth, Minister assisting the Minister for Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Minister for Police; Emergency Services; The Aged Hon GRAHAM JOHN EDWARDS, MLC Minister for Housing- Consumer Affairs HoD YVONNE DAPHNE HENDERSON, BA, Dip Ed. JP, MLA Minister for Community Services;, Justice; South- Rion DAVID LAWRENCE SMITH, LLB, IF. NMLA West Minister for Works; Services; Regional Hon PAMELA ANN BUCHANAN, 11P, MLA Development; Minister assisting t Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Education; Parliamentary and Electoral Hon GEOFFREY IAN GALLOP, B Ecou, MA, Reform MI Phil, D Phil, MifA Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet: Williamn Ian Thomas, Esquire. B A, MIA v LEGISLATURE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Governor HIS flCELL.ENCY 77-B HONOURAB3LE SIR FRANCIS THEODORE PAGE BURT, AC, KCMG, QC Lietmnant Governor HIS HONOUR MR JUJS7ICE DAVID KINGSLEY MALCOLM, QC LAWRENCE MINISTRY (RECONSTITUTED) From 30 April 1990 Prnier, Treasurer Minister for Public Sector Hon CARMEN MARY LAWRENCE, B Psych, Management; The Family; Aboriginal Affairs; Ph D, MLA Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Women's Interests Deputy Premier, Minister for Finance and Hon IAN FREDERICK TAYLOR, B Econ (lions), Economic Development; Trade; Gold~fields JP,MLA Attorey General; Minister for Resources; Hon JOSEPH MAX BEINSON, LI. B, QC, MLC Corrective Services; Leader of the Government in tire Legislative Counrl Minister for Planning; Lands; Heritage; The Arts; Hon ELSI KAY HALLAHAN. BSW, P, MLC Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legisative council Minister for Mines; Fuet and Enrigy; Mid-West; Hon JEFFREY PHUflI.IP CAMP BA, JF, MLA Small Business Ministe for the Environment; Leader of the House Hon ROBERT JOHN PEARCE, BA, Dip EdA JP, in the Legilative Assembly MLA Minister for Health Hon KEITH JAMES WILSON, MLA Minister for Productivity and Labour Relations; Hon GA VAN JOHN TROY, B Bus, PAlM, JP, Minister assisting the Minister for Education with MLA TAFE, Miniser assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management Minister for Transport; Racing and Gaming; Hon PAMELA ANNE BEGGS, JP, MOLA Tourism Minister for Agriculture; Water Resources; North- Hon ERNEST FRANCIS BRIDGE, MLA west Mintswr for Local Government; Fisheries; Sport Hon GORDON LESLIE HILL, 3P, MLA and Recreation; Youth; Minister assisting thre Minster (or Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Minister for Police; Emergency Services; The Aged Hon GRAHAM JOHN EDWARDS, tALC Minister (or Housing; Consumer Affairs Hon YVONNE DAPHNE HENDERSON, BA, Dip Ed, JP, MLA Minister for Community Services;, Justice; South- Hon DAVID LAWRENCE SMITH, LLB, IP, MLA west Minister (or Works: Servces; Regional Hon PAMELA ANN BUCHANAN, IP, MLA Developent: Minister assisting the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Education; Parliamentary and Electoral Hon GEOFFREY IAN GALLOP. B Econ, MA, Reform M Phil, D Phil, MLA Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet: William Ian Thomas, Esquire. BA, ML1A Parliamentary Secretaries: Hon John Halden, Hon Mark Nevill. Hon Torn Stephens vi LEGISLATURE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Governor HIS EXCELLENCY THE HONOURABLE SIR FRANCIS THEODORE PAGE BURT, AC, KCMG, QC Lieutenant Governor HIS HONOUR MR JUSTICE DAVID KINGSLEY MALCOLM, QC LAWRENCE MINISTRY (RECONSTITUTED) From 20 December 1990 Prenier Treasurer, Minister for Public Sector Hoc CARMEN MARY LAWRENCE B Psych, Management; T1he Family: Aboriginal Affairs; Ph D, MLA Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs: Women's Interests Deputy Premier Minister for State Development; Hion IAN FREDERJCK TAYLOR, B Econ (Horn). Goldfields JP, MLA Attorney General; Minister for Corrective Services; Hon JOSEPH MAX BERINSON, LL. B, QC, MLC Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council Minister for Planning; L ands; Heritage; The Arts; Hon ELSIE KAY HALLAHAN, BSW, JP, MLC Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council Minister for Mines; Fuel and Energy; Mid-West Hon JEFFREY PHILLIP CARR, BA, JP, MLA Minister for the Environment, Leader of the House Hoc ROBERT JOHN PEARCE BA, Dip Ed, 3?, in die Legislative Assembly MLA Minister for Health Hon KEITH JAMES WILSON, MLA Minister for Productivity and Labour Relations; Hon GA VAN JOHN TROY, B Bus, PAlM, IP, Minister assisting the Minister for Education with MLA TAFE; Minister assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management Minister for Transport; Racing and Gaming; Hon PAMELA ANNE BEGGS. JP, MLA Tourism Minister for Aguicultrue; Water Resources; Hon ERNEST FRANCIS BRIDGE, MLA Northi-West Minister for Local Government;, Fisheries; Sport Hon. GORDON LESLIE HILL, J3?. MLA and Recreation; Youth; Minister assisting the Minister for Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Minister for Police; Emergency Services; The Aged Hon GRAHAM JOHN EDWARDS, MLC Minister for Hotusing; Consumer Affairs Hon YVONNE DAPHNE HENDERSON, BA, Dip Ed, JP, MLA Minister for Community Services;, Justice; South- Hon DAVID LAWRENCE SMITH, ILB. JP, MILA west Minister for Works; Services; Minister assisting the Hon PAMELA ANN B UCHANAN, J?, MLA Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Education; Parliamentary and Electoral Hon GEOFFREY IAN GALLOP, B E6coa, MA, Reform; Minister assisting the Treasurer M. Phil, D Phil, MLA Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet: William Ian Thomas, Esquire, BA, MLA Parliamentaiy Secretaries: Hon John IHalden, Hon Mak Nevili, Hon Torn Stephens vii MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL THIRTY'-THIRD PARLIAMENT - Second Session President Hon CLIE EDWARD GRIFFITS Chairman of Committees HON JAML BROWN Deputy Chairman of Committee: Hon GARRY KELLY Hon DOUG WENN Hon J.N. CALDWELL Hon D.J. WORDSWORTH Hon MURIEL PATITERSON Member Region Party Berinson, Hon Joseph Max, LL B, QC ...... North Metropolitan ........... ALP. Brown, HoD James McMillan ........ Agricultural ............. ALP Butler, Hon Thomas George ............ East Metropolitan ......... ALP Caldwell, Hon John Norman ............ Agricultural ............. Nfl Cash, Hon Samuel George Ernest, JP ...... North Metropolitan ............ Lib. Charlton, Hon Eric James ............. Agricultural ............. NPA Davenport, Hon Cheryl May.................... South Metropolitan .................... ALP Davies, Hon Reginald Elliott, JP................ .North Metropolitan.................... Lib. Edwards, Hon Graham John.................... North Metropolitan .................... ALP Evans, Hon George Maxwell, MBE, FCA ........... North Metropolitan.................... Lab. Foss, Hon Peter Gilbert Da Conceicac, BA, LL1 B .... East Metropolitan ..................... Lib. Griffiths, Hon CJive ]Edward.................... South Metropolitan.................... Lib. Halden, Hon Stanley John, BA, JP ................ South Metropolitan .................... ALP Hallahan, Hon Elsie Kay, BSW, JP ................ East Metropolitan..................... ALP Helm. Hon Thomas Richard.................... Mining &
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