Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish Welcome to Our Parish! Immaculate Conception - Calais St. James - Baileyville Thank you for worshipping with us! St. Joseph - Eastport St. Anne - Peter Dana Point St. John - Pembroke St. Anne - Pleasant Point P.O. Box 898, Calais, ME 04619 - 31 Calais Ave., Calais, ME 04619 Phone: 454-0680 Fax: 454-0681 Email: [email protected] Our Parish Website: www.sktparish.org Like us on Facebook: St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish Sunday the 11th at the Immaculate Conception Download our Parish App: Church hall and lawn! 12:00 pm www.MyParishApp.com Our Parish Mass Schedule Pastor Father Kevin J. Martin MONDAY - July 12 4540680, ext. 2 [email protected] 9:00am Mass at Immaculate Conception in Calais Our Office Manager / Bookkeeper Cheryl Amber TUESDAY - July 13 4540680, ext. 3 [email protected] 9:00am Mass at Immaculate Conception in Calais Our Business Coordinator Kathy Lawrence THURSDAY - July 15 4540680, ext. 4 [email protected] 5:30pm Mass at Immaculate Conception in Calais Our Director of Faith Formation Marc Podschlne FRIDAY - July 16 4540680, ext. 5 [email protected] 9:00am Mass at Immaculate Conception in Calais Our Faith Formation Coordinators SATURDAY - July 17 Mary White St. James 4273481 4:00pm Mass at St. James in Baileyville Sr. Carol Letourneau Peter Dana Point 7962359 5:30pm Mass at St. Anne, Peter Dana Point Native American Pastoral Life Coordinator SUNDAY - July 18 Jillian Mendoza Indian Township 7962653 8:00am Mass at Immaculate Conception in Calais [email protected] 10:30am Mass at St. Joseph in Eastport Our Christian Initiation / R.C.I.A. Leader 12:30pm Mass at St. John in Pembroke Lisa Howard 2148381 All celebrations at Immaculate Conception will be aired LIVE-stream on the Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish Facebook Page Sacraments of Initiation Baptism: Call Fr. Kevin at the office ahead of time to arrange details and preparation. Confirmation: Call the office to learn more about our process of preparation. Eucharist: See Mass Schedule. For a homebound visit or sick call, please call the parish office or Fr. Kevin. Sacraments of Healing Reconciliation: Saturday afternoon from 3:00 3:45pm at St. James. Sunday morning from 7:15 7:45am at ICC or call Fr. Kevin for an appointment Anointing of the Sick: Please call Father Kevin at the parish office for an appointment. Sacraments of Vocation Marriage: Contact Fr. Kevin at least one year prior to the date of your intended wedding. Holy Orders If you think God is calling you, call Fr. Seamus Griesbach at 2077736471 or email at [email protected]. Website: www.portlanddiocese/vocations FMI about Consecrated Life: Sr. Rita Mae Bissonnette at 7736471 or via email: [email protected] The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 11, 2021 Finance and Administration SKT Parish Prayer Requests For our 2021-2022 budget, our parish needs a Please remember in your prayers those who weekly offertory average of $3,115.00 have died recently, Fr. Joseph Koury and also for all those who have died due to COVID-19. The July 4th offertory will be reported in next week’s + Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let bulletin due to the Holiday perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls, and Thank you for your regular and faithful support to help us all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy meet our parish expenses! Your regular financial of God, rest in peace. Amen contributions are critical to help balance and meet our For those with particular needs: Melody Sky Altvater, Betty parish budget needs. To mail in your support for the Bailey, Jayleen Bair, Judy Barthukur, Manny Bettencourt, Peter parish: Make check payable to SKT Parish - and send to Cole, Mildred Cummings, Marjorie Drotar, Patricia Duquette, SKT Parish, P.O. Box 898 - Calais, ME 04619. Thank you! Thomas Foster, my Granddaughter, Mary Ellen Gordeau, Peter Gregson, Denise Harlow, Joseph Jordan, Barbara Kendall, Ron Weekly Prayer for Priests Giannetto, Albion Goodwin, Cheryl Greenlaw Kircher, Ida Kneeland, For my friend and their family, Karen Landry, Lloyd July 11 - Bishop Emeritus Joseph J. Gerry OSB Lund, My grandson, Polly Martin, Sarah McLaughlin, Rhonda July 12 - Rev. Thomas M. Lee and Rev. James Doran Miller, Christine Morris, Josephine Ramsdell, Wendy Roussel, July 13 - Rev. Apolinary Kavishe and V.Rev. Thomas M. Murphy Bruce Rowe, Anna Seeley, Kellie Sprague, Lila Taylor, Bill July 14 - Rev. Timothy J. Nadeau and Rev. Gerald A. Levesque Tracy, Jr., Rosalie Williams, Loraine Wilson, Tom Wood, July 15 - Rev. Renald D. LaBarre and Rev. Hyacinth N. Fornkwa Grace Wright. For all those who are sick. For all those who are July 16 - Rev. Brad Morin and Rev. Theodore Letendre in nursing homes. For our homebound parishioners and their July 17 - Rev. Antony Alexander Marie Doss and Rev. Albert Roux caregivers. For those facing or recovering from recent surgery. Please call the parish office at 454-0680. Sanctuary Candles July 11 - July 17 Pray for those serving in the Armed Services AW2 Christopher Maddux USN, Cadet Haley J. Donovan ICC - The Caws Family by Janet Wooding USAFMA, Lt. Col. Joe Payner USAF, Alana Winston USA, Lt. Commander Ryan P. Kelly - Cpl. Mark Zyble, II USMC, St. James - The Parishioners of St. Kateri Parish PFC Nicholas Zyble VTANG Mass Schedule - July 10 through July 18 Our Masses at ICC will be LIVE-stream on our Facebook page - Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish DAY DATE TIME MASS INTENTION SAT July 10 4:00pm - St. James—Baileyville Janet Pettit by Mary White, Paula Johnson and the Girls SAT July 10 5:30pm—St. Ann, IT G. E. Dana by the Estate SUN July 11 9:00am - St. Joseph—Eastport George W. Stoll by the Family SUN July 11 11:00am - ICC - Calais Parishioners of St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish SUN July 11 12:00pm - ICC - Calais Parish Picnic - ICC lawn - hope to see you there! MON July 12 9:00am - ICC - Calais A Special Intention by Jim Will TUE July 13 9:00am - ICC - Calais Guy Williamson by Jean Rohmiller WED July 14 NO MASS NO MASS THU July 15 5:30pm - ICC - Calais Becky Cole by Mom and Dad FRI July 16 9:00am - ICC - Calais Francina Pelletier by Her Friends SAT July 17 4:00pm - St. James—Baileyville The Parishioners of St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish SAT July 17 5:30pm—St. Ann, IT James Perley, Jr. by Mom and Dad SUN July 18 8:00am - ICC - Calais The Spires Family by the Estate SUN July 18 10:30am - St. Joseph - Eastport Velma Morin by Ryan and Brianne Burtt and Family SUN July 18 12:30pm - St. John - Pembroke Adam and Rachael Jamieson by the Family From the Desk of Father Kevin Congratulations and Welcome to Ezekiel Kip Tiess, Timothy Leroy Tiess, and Julian Oliver Borden, who were baptized in our parish recently. May God bless you and your families with many graces as you begin your journey of faith within the Catholic Church. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Father Joseph Koury who died recently and for the consolation of his family and friends. + Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Please remember the special schedule next Sunday, there are two Masses on July 11th - 9am at St. Joseph in Eastport and 11:00am at Immaculate Conception in Calais as we celebrate our parish patronal feast of St. Kateri, hope to see you there! We're pleased to announce the availability of FORMED, an online service for accessing thousands of Catholic videos, audios and ebooks On Demand anytime, anywhere! This free resource will surely be a wonderful way to learn and grow in our faith. Access this great Catholic digital platform by visiting formed.org, click sign up, select “ I Belong to a Parish or Organization”, find your parish by zip - 04619, enter your email, and you’re in! St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish ministries and buildings rely on the financial support of all our parishioners. Your generosity of time, talent and treasure help to spread the Gospel and build our parish. Please prayerfully consider your commitment to support our parish. If you want to register and/or begin receiving envelopes, place this form in the collection basket, mail it to the parish office or visit www.sktparish.org __I am not currently a registered parishioner but would like to register. Please send a registration form. !Send me envelopes ! I’ll sign up for WeShare __I am registered, but not receiving offertory envelopes. ! Send me envelopes ! I’ll sign up for WeShare Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City____________________Telephone________________ Knights of Columbus - Council 149 Bingo! Monday Nights at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Doors open 4:00pm Games @ 6:00pm Need Knights to Volunteer! July 12,19, and 26 We invite all Catholic Men to join our St. Croix K of C Council #149, see Marc Podschlne or any other Knight! St. Kateri Tekakwitha’s All aboard for fun at: Rocky Railway St. Kateri Tekakwitha’s “Jesus’ power Vacation Bible Camp! pulls us through!” Vacation Bible Camp We are inviting all The Vacation Bible Camp children grades (VBC) will take place on: K through August 1,2,3 (Sun/Mon/Tue) High School from 9am to Noon. to participate! Please help make this a huge success! Thank you for all your support! Please contact Mary White at [email protected] to register. If you would like to assist, make some baked goods for the children, or need more information, contact Director of Faith Formation Marc Podschlne at 4540680 ext.5.
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