
'rrEl,r.-u Assembly of Western European Union DOCUMENT 1653 10 June 1999 FORTY-FIFTH SESSION FFfth* ' tT e?, i. -.' -t'l " '';;:,;! tuif, -- "'i Monitoring the situation in the Balkans REPORT =q submrtted on behalf of the Politrcal Commrttec b1' Mrs Squarcialupr. Rapportcr,rr oN $ \ \ ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN LINION 43. avenue du President-Wilson. 75775 Parrs Cede.r I6 Tel. 0l .53.67.22 00 - Far 0l 53 67 22 0l E-mail. assemblr' T.rreu rnt Intcrnct. hftp //uls' u'cu. int/assemb lr-/rlelcomc. htrnl / Document 1653 10 June 1999 Monitoring the situtrtion in the Balkans REPORT' submitted rm heholf of the Politicol Committee) h!, Mrs Squarciolupi, Ropporteur TABLE OF CONTENTS DRAFT RECOMMENDATION on monrtoring the situation in the Balkans EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM submitted bv Mrs Squarcralupi. Rapportcur I, Introduction II Albania (o) The polrtical implicatrons of thc Kosovo conflict (b) The rcfugee problem (c/ Multinational Advison Poltce Element (MAPE) III Bosnia and Hcrzegovma (a/ Return of refugees and displaced persons (b) The rule of lalr and human rights (c/ Missrng persons (r./) Pcrsons indictcd for rrar crimcs (c/ Demimng (l) Militan and secttrttr issues (g/ Intemational arbitration or cr Brcko @/ Dismissal of President Nrkola Poplasen (y' Consequences of the Kosovo conflict in Republika Srpska (/ Reducing SFOR'I (t/ Assistance to Bosnia and Hcrzegovina t Adopted unanitnouslv bv the Con-muttee. ? Assts. .\lenrhers s.f the ('ontrtrtttee'.Mr Baumel (Chairman). MM Urbain. Blaaurv (Vrcc-Cluirmen). MNI dc Bianchi. Behreldt. Brancati, Sir St'dncl,Chapman (Alternate: flattcock), MM Ctrsimano. Dias. Mrs Dttmont. Mrs Durrieu. MM Ehrmann. Et,angeltslr, Evskens. Haack. Homhues. Lortl krkhrll. MM Lemoine. Lrrrpt.s. Van der Maelen (Alternale: Slae.s). Marshall. Martinez. Martinez Casari. Michelol'iannis. Lord Portsonbl'- MM puche Rodriguez. Recoder. Rrppinger (Alternate: Kolltelter). Roseta. Schmttz. Skoulankrs- Stcrztng. Timmernrans, Verhagen.Volcic (Altcrnate: -\Ir^s Scluarctalupr). Wral' (Alternate: I i'r)' -1 ssoct a te n t e n t h e r'. Mr G wt de r.s e tt. N.B. fte natnes o.f those takmg part tn the t'ote are pnntecl rrr rtolrcs' DOCUI\IENT I65I IV Bulgaria V. Romanra VI. Croatra VII Hungary VIII FYROM (a/ Economr. (b ) Inter -ethnrc relations (c) Foretgn relatrons (r// Refugees in FYROM /e/ Assocration urth the European Union (l) Unfied Natrons Preventrve Deplor ment Force (UNpREDEP) IX Kosor o (a ) The Rambourllet negotiatrons (h) \\h1 drd Rambourllet fail'l /c/ Opcration Horscshoe. the defeat of thc KLA and deportation of Kosovar Albanians ftl) NATO air operations (e) Pcace initiatir cs (/) A pcace settlement for Kosovo (g) Indictment of Prcsrdent Miloseric for u,ar crimes and crinres against humanrtv (h) Some prelimman'conclusions regardrng thc Kosovo conflrct X Greecc XI Montenegro XII A u'elcome rcgional mitiative Multrnational Peace Force South-Eastcrn Europe (MPFSEE) XIII European action rn south-eastcrn Europe (ai Partnershrp for prospentr,'/ (b ) lntial fi nancial support (c') The Stabilrtv Pact fbr south-eastern Europe (cl) Sanctions agarnst the Federal Republic of yugoslavia (FRy) (e i Enlargenicnt of the European Unron (fl The fight agarnst orgarused crimc and corruption XIV Conclusions APPENDIX The tcn points of the Kosor-o peace plan DOCUMENT I653 Drult Recommenclation on monitoring the situutittn in the Balkans The Assemblr'. (t) Noting u'rth relief that the first "European \\'ar sincc 1945. prtting NATO against the Govern- ment of Serbia. and the ethnic cleansrng engaged in bt'the latter in Kosovo for some vears. have been brought to an end. and deepll' regretting the loss of life among the ethnrc Albanian. Serbran and Monte- negrin populations. (it) Recognising that in the uake of the collapse of the communist s),stem and thc gradual tntroduc- tion of uestem-stvle democracl'in central and eastern Europc. the deep-rooted differences betr,reen the constituent nations of former Yugoslavia rnevitabll'led to the dlssolution of the countrv: (in) Conscious that Westem Europe uas ufiollv unpreparcd fbr the determinatton shoun bv the protagonlsts in Yugoslavra's drssolutron and the violence thev unlcashed tn order to attaln therr oblec- tive: (*) Regretting that rn even' crisis that has broken out in south-eastem Europe over the past cight vcars. the EU and WEU acted too late and too ineffectrvely to pre\'cnt it escalating tnto unacceptable vrolence. the most hornfic examples being the \\'ar ln Bosnia and Hcrzegovina follorved b1' the conflict rn Kosovo: (v) Consrdering that after too many vears of ineffoctil'e forergn and securitv pohcl'. the EU and WEU must undertake a thorough reappraisal of their responsrbrlrties and capabrlrtres in this field. on the basis of Artrcle l7 of thc Amsterdam Treatr'. (vr) Au'are that follouing the farlure of more than a vear of drplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Kosovo. there lvas no choice othcr than to take mrlrtary actton agalnst Mr Mrlosevic's regrme. rvhrch I'as committing rntolerable cnminal acts. including ethnrc clcansing. agalnst its orvn population; (vr) Convinced that a halt to the armed conflict is onll'thc first stage in estabhshing peace ln Koso't-o and that it lr rll not be possible for the deportees to retum to therr homes immediatell', (vut) Confirming that thc United Nations Securitl' Councrl has prime responsrbilitr for the matnte- nance of international peace and securitv - a fact rvhich confers lcgitimacl' on enforcement action under regional arrangements or bv agencles - and regretting that it drd not adopt an addrtional enabling reso- lution follourng the failure of the Rambouillet conference and the Paris talks: (rx) Noting uith brtter irony that the conditrons acccpted bi'the Serbian Parliament are ven'similar to - and even more restnctive than - those rejected at the end of March and that thousands of human liles might have been spared. as u'ell as the considerablo damage rnflrcted on Serbta and. more recentlr'. on Kosovo. (x) Au'are that the lack of European capabilities to mount a large-scalc mtlttan' operation left Europe rvith no chorce othcr than to go along urth the US policl'of arr operations and support NATO's militan,action against the FRY ainied at ending the suffenng of tht: Kosorar Albanians and securlng their return to their rightftll homes under cflectivc internatronal protectton. (n) Acknou'lcdging Russia's leading role in the medratron process. conducted under condtttons of extreme difficultl': (nt) Considerrng that Albania - a countn, suffering from senous deficicncies ln rts public admini- stration. at the same time havrng to contend rvith u'idcspread cnmtnalrtl' and still recovering from the conseqllences of the serious crisrs of earll' 1997 - needs extensive support and assistance to cope u'ith the manv reperclrsslons of a dramattc tnflur of reftigces from Kosovo. DOCUNIENT l(,51 (xnt) Considerrng that the Multinational Adrison Pohce Element (MAPE) is providing the Albanian Govemment urth help through training. assistancc and adrlcc ln re-ostablishing a viable police force uhrch rs essentral for thc flrrther der,'elopment of the rule of lali in Albanra. (vv') Notrng that the manv refugecs s,ho har,'e found shelter in thc homes of Albanian families or in refllgee camps could present Albania u'ith an rnternal sccuntr- problcm given the w'rdespread povertv and precanous socral and political situation in thc countn': (*') Arvarc that a vrsrble presence of forcrgn militan and police forccs n'ould be a positive contribu- tron to thc sccuntv of both the Albanian population and tho rofugees- (rvt) Conscious that the rnflux of refugecs from Kosovo is causrng scnous problems in FYROM u'here lt lxav harc a negative cffect on the dctenorating socio-economic situatron and thc finelv draun cthnrc balance. (:r.tt) Wclcomrng the fact that despite rts.justrfied concern ovcr the posrtlon of the Hungarian minoritl' rn Vo.p odina. Hungan has put rts airspace and a number of malor ground facrlitics at the disposal of the Atlantrc Alhance rn ordcr to help rt implcment rts arr operation agarnst Serbia: (wrrr) Wclcomtng the posttn'e attitude of Bulgarra and Romania. rihich hare also put their airspace at the disposal of thc Atlantrc Alliancc notrvithstanding the fact that each of these countries rs suffering hearr cconomic losscs as a rcsult of thc conflrct rn Kosovo. (nx) Welcomurg the posrtion the Republic of Montenegro adopted dunng the conflict in order to de- f-cnd rts dcmocratrc po\\cr and give shclter to the Kosorv'ar refugees noturthstandrng Serbra's hostile and thrcatcnrng stance and thc damage caused bi'the NATO bombardments: (xr) Notrng that after a peace scttlement in Kosovo- Europe uill have a specrfic responsibilitl'for the consolidatton of peacc and prospentt'in the rogion of south-castem Europe as a uhole and that this uill nou be an cxtrcmelr costlv process- (rn) Consrdering that WEU. urth rts post-conflict experience of pohce force restructunng. should be gtven the task of fbmrrng polrcc forces in Kosovo to guarantce the securitv and peaceful co-existence of thc diffcrcnt communltlcs and marntain the mlc of las'- (rnt) Noturg that the confltct in Kosovo has accclerated the dobate on a much-needcd European se- curitr and dcfencc poltcv uhrch u'ill enable Europc to manage and solve regronal criscs and conflicts on its ternton'u'hen thc Untted Statcs docs not u'ish to be involvcd- (xntt) Consrdering that EUAVEU membor states should urgcnth rmplcmcnt their commitment to de- lelop a more effectrve militan capabilrtl br reinforcing their capacrtv for rndepcndent rntelligence-gath- ering- strategtc transport and command and control. thus complcmenting NATO capabilities- (rxrv) \\'onderrng. hotr.evcr. uhethcr strengthening the common European policv on securitv and de- f'cnco. as envrsaged b1 the European Council in order for rt to assume rts responsrbilities. is the right ans\\'cr if tts purpose rs mcreh'to take on board Pctersberg missions at thc loucr end of the scale.
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