INDEX A CreateFile, 398, 409 DeviceIOControl, 397, 398, 409, 462, accept function, 548 511, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520 accessing registry. See also web server ReadFile, 398, 409 application WriteFile, 398, 409 during development process, 136 message queue, 378–379 web server application, 550–561 CloseMsgQueue(), 378, 384, 538 ActivateDevice, 398 CreateMsgQueue(), 378, 382, 538, ActivateDeviceEx, 398, 405, 462 539, 543 Active Template Library. See ATL ReadMsgQueue(), 378, 379, 506, 538, ADC (Analog to Digital Converter), 340, 369, 539, 541 604, 615, 628 WriteMsgQueue(), 378, 505, 539, Adobe Flash Player 10.1, 39 542 advanced application development, 485–574. power management, 414–415 See also managed code; real-time Stream Driver, 449–466 applications; USB camera application; web stream IO, 409 server application CloseHandle, 397, 398, 409 Advanced Build Commands, 82, 143, 144, 145, CreateFile, 398, 409 153, 225, 228 DeviceIOControl, 397, 398, 409, 462, Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller 511, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520 (APIC), 348 ReadFile, 398, 409 AdvertiseInterface, 407, 413 WriteFile, 398, 409 aggressive fl ushing, 129, 133 Watchdog Timers, 375–376 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), 340, 369, Win32, 13, 175, 184, 494, 512, 514, 567 604, 615, 628 application deployment. See also deployment animation COPYRIGHTED MATERIALCAB installation package, 398–399 Adobe Flash Player 10.1, 39 local storage, 299, 300–301 SWE, 512 managed code smart device application, SWE_Hello application project, 287–288 213–215 APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt options, 297–301 Controller), 348 part of OS run-time image, 300–301 APIs (application programming interfaces) RFID Reader application, 595–598 application streaming, 409 Win32 smart device application project, CloseHandle, 397, 398, 409 200–201 659 bbindex.inddindex.indd 665959 88/2/11/2/11 55:21:01:21:01 PPMM application development – \BINCOMPRESS application development, 173–180. See also PCs v., 175 advanced application development; auto Phytec phyCore-LPC3250 (ARM9) SOM launching applications; CoreCon; embedded Board, 468 database applications; KITL; managed code support, 11, 12, 15, 53, 658 applications; native code; .NET Compact x86 processor-based device, 195 Framework; real-time applications; Silverlight ASP COM object, 547 for Windows Embedded ASSERT, 139, 453, 454 advanced, 485–574 assert macros, 454 application-specifi c resources, 174 ASSERTMSG, 453, 454 connectivity asynchronous I/O, 399, 409–410, 421, 423 CoreCon, 179 ATAPI block storage driver KITL, 179 MyBSP, 58–60 development process step, 33 ATL (Active Template Library), 173, 195, effectiveness, 180 512, 526 effi ciency, 180 ATL Smart Device Project, 178, 525 framework resources, 173–174 ATM cash machine, 545 library resources, 173–174 auto launching applications, 289–295 managed code applications, 176–177 registry, 132, 290–292 native code applications, 177–178 startup folder, 292–293 .NET Compact Framework, 173 AutoLaunch utility, 81, 153, 191, 587, 649–650 PCs v. embedded devices, 4–5, 174–175 AutoLaunch_v200_Compact7, 70, 78, 179, real-time applications, 175–176 191, 195, 209, 293, 587, 589 application notes, 39, 40 MyCompact7 OS design project, 153 application programming interfaces. See APIs MyVPC OS design project, 293–295 application streaming APIs, 409 automatic marshaling, for pointer types, 517–520 CloseHandle, 397, 398, 409 Azure database, 265 CreateFile, 398, 409 DeviceIOControl , 397, 398, 409, 462, 511, B 516, 517, 518, 519, 520 ReadFile, 398, 409 BasicTest, 437, 438, 439, 623 WriteFile, 398, 409 BATTERY_DRIVER_CLASS, 408 AppVerifi er, 647 BeagleBoard (Texas Instruments OMAP3530 SOC architectures (ARM-7)), 468 device drivers, 349–366 best practices generic heterogeneous application, 510–513 build system, 146–148 interrupts, 370–373 development station preparation, 19–27 power management, 413–414 BIB (Binary-Image-Builder) fi les Stream Drivers, 396–397 CE.BIB, 102, 142, 147 archives, OS design projects, 148 defi ned, 64, 102 ARM processors Modules section, 293, 404 BeagleBoard (Texas Instruments OMAP3530 OSDESIGN.BIB, 179, 189–190, 599 SOC (ARM-7)), 468 Stream Drivers, 401, 404 bootloader framework, 308, 317 string buffer project, 429 BSPs, 43, 54, 467 Binary-Image-Builder. See BIB fi les NAND Flash, 310 \BINCOMPRESS, 323 660 bbindex.inddindex.indd 666060 88/2/11/2/11 55:21:03:21:03 PPMM BIOS – BSPs BIOS storage device preparation, 324 purposes, 309 subdirectories, 322–323 serial port registry, 129 VHD confi guration, 333–335 BIOSLoader, 308, 314, 316–317, 321–325 defi ned, 313–314 BLDR, 324, 333 Eboot, 118, 311, 314, 315, 316, 321, 322, BSECT.IMG, 323, 324 470, 472 CE Splash Generator, 325, 653 framework, 90, 308, 317–319, 471 CESYS.EXE utility, 323, 324 Loadcepc, 315–316 directory, 322 Sboot, 314, 315 DiskPrep power toy, 329–333 target system, 470–472 image, 324 BOOTME messages, 89, 91, 94, 222, 223, 224, startup parameters, 321–322 314, 317, 642 startup splash screen, 324–325 \BOOTSECTOR, 322 storage device preparation, 324 boxing, 509, 522 subdirectories, 322–323 $BPHITCOUNT, 452 VHD confi guration, 333–335 breakpoints, 98, 203–205, 216–217, 391, 439, bitmap, 324, 567, 569, 571 452–453 blddemo -c -qbsp, 146 BSECT.IMG, 323, 324 blddemo clean -q, 146, 147 BSPs (board support packages), 53–68, 467–484. blddemo -q, 82, 143, 144, 145, 146, 153 See also bootloaders; OAL; specifi c BSPs blddemo -qbsp, 145, 146, 225, 228 ARM processors, 43, 54, 467 BLDR, 324, 333 bootloaders, 470–472 block drivers, 360–362 cloning BLOCK_DRIVER_GUID, 408 customization, 57–68 Bluetooth ICOP eBox3300 BSP, 56–57 components, 365–366 wizard, 43–44, 56–57 driver stack, 351–352, 362–365 common codes, 55 32feet.NET, 651 components, 32, 54, 469–470 BMP, 564, 567, 571, 572, 573, 574, 653 confi guration fi les/folders, 476–478 board support packages. See BSPs CTK, 167–168 Board Support Packages selection screen, 71–72 defi ned, 32–33, 36, 43, 53, 344 boot sector image, 323 developing, 479 \BOOTDISK, 322 development process step, 32–33 BOOT.HV, 127 device drivers, 344–345, 478 bootloaders, 313–319, 470–472 directory structure, 55 BIOSLoader, 308, 314, 316–317, 321–325 environment variables, 40–41 BLDR, 324, 333 folders, 470 BSECT.IMG, 323, 324 Freescale i.MX27 3DS, 43, 54 CE Splash Generator, 325, 653 ICOP eBox3300 CESYS.EXE utility, 323, 324 cloning, 56–57 directory, 322 Platform Builder, 43, 54 DiskPrep power toy, 329–333 installation order, 22 image, 324 KITL, 475 startup parameters, 321–322 MyBSP startup splash screen, 324–325 add components, 57–63 661 bbindex.inddindex.indd 666161 88/2/11/2/11 55:21:03:21:03 PPMM BSPs – button_Click() BSPs (continued) BSP_SERIAL_DEBUG, 67, 68 ATAPI block storage driver, 58–60 BSP_VORTEX86DX_9120A, 41 customization, 57–68 Build All SDKs, 85, 590 hive-based registry support component, build confi gurations, 78–79, 138–139 60–61 Checked, 78, 138–139, 450 ICOP eBox3300 BSP clone, 56–57 Debug, 78, 138, 450, 480 memory confi guration component, 65–66 Release, 78, 138, 139, 450 MyCompact7 OS design project, 70–76 Ship, 138, 139, 450, 453 serial debug messages enabled, 67–68 build errors, 101–102, 564 serial port driver components, 66–67 build options SOURCES fi le, 141–142 OS design, 79–80 USB audio driver component, 63–65 Build OS phase (pre-Sysgen phase), 139 X86/Device Drivers components, 75–76 build phase, 140–142 Z9s XGI Display driver component, 61–63 build process, 137–149 MyBSP.pbcxml catalog fi le, 58 build release directory NEC NE1-TB : ARMv6, 43, 54 build problems, 147 OAL, 472–475 CELOG.CLG, 118 parameter fi les Copy Files to Release Directory, 144, 441 config.bib, 66, 476 defi ned, 36, 37 PLATFORM.BIB, 64, 65, 476 _FLATRELEASEDIR, 42, 83, 118, 142 platform.dat, 476 .NET application deployed over KITL, platform.db, 476 634–635 PLATFORM.REG, 62, 63, 64, 135, 476 NK.BIN, 83 sources.cmn, 477 Open Release Directory, 43, 145, 310, 634 Platform Builder, 43, 54 OS design fi les, 79 _PLATFORMROOT\MyBSP, 55 PB7_Win32.exe, 228, 229 _PLATFORMROOT\MyBSP\Bins, 55 registry fi les, 134–136 _PLATFORMROOT\MyBSP\Catalog, 55, 58 build release phase, 142 _PLATFORMROOT\MyBSP\Cesysgen, 55 build system, 137–149 _PLATFORMROOT\MyBSP\Files, 55 best practices, 146–148 _PLATFORMROOT\MyBSP\Src, 55 command-line build method, 145–146 quality, 32–33 graphical representation, 138 SDKs compared to, 470 Platform Builder IDE, 143–145 Sigma Designs Vantage 8654, 43, 54 remedies for problems, 147 test, 167–168 tools, 142–146 Texas Instruments OMAP 3530, 43, 54 Build Window, 43, 145, 310, 634 Virtual PC, 639 BUILD.ERR, 83, 102 defi ned, 39, 43, 54 BUILD.LOG, 83, 102 Virtual PC:x86 BSP, 72, 76, 220, 276 built-in drivers, 395 BSP_DISPLAY_NOP, 41 bus drivers, 360–362, 395–396 BSP_NIC_RTL8139, 41 bus enumeration, 395 BSP_NO environment variables, 40 BusEnum2, 646 BSP_NOAUDIO, 41 button1_Click(), 212, 215, 216 BSP_NOUSB, 41 button_Click(), 284, 285 662 bbindex.inddindex.indd 666262 88/2/11/2/11 55:21:04:21:04 PPMM C# managed code application – code-behind C starting, 608 using, 609 C# managed code application. See managed code CECONFIG.H, 103 smart device application CEDB database engine, 236 CAB fi le installer/uninstaller, 76, 182, 195, 208, CeDebugX, 465 298, 299, 588 CEDriverWiz, 434–440 CAB installation package, 398–399 CEComponentWiz v., 607 $CALLSTACK, 453 DebugMessageZones option, 454 Cambridge Silicon Research (CSR), 362 description, 650 _Cancel, 357, 397, 398, 401, 410, 422 IOCTLs, 440 CancelIO, 398, 410 Platform Builder Scripts, 435 Catalog Stream Driver creation, 438, 443–444, components, 344 483–484 defi ned, 36 test applications, 417, 439, 450, 458 drivers, 345–346 using, 436–440 $(_PRIVATE)folder, 346 CELOG.CLG, 118, 119 $(_PUBLIC)folder, 339, 345, 346, 348 CEPC BSP, 43, 54 Remote Display application, 152–153 CERDISP.EXE, 153 Catalog Editor tab, 56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, CERHOST.EXE, 77, 154, 155 66, 67 \CESYS, 323 Catalog Item Notifi cation screen, 73, 74 CESYS.EXE utility, 323, 324 catalog item registry, 135 CETK (CE Test Kit), 14, 39, 49, 157.
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