O O UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION e ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD Before Administrative Judges Louis J. Carter, Chair * Frederick J. Shon Dr. Oscar H. Paris ______________________________________________x In the Matter of: : Docket Nos. CONSOLIDATED EDISON COMPANY OF NEW YORK : 50-247 SP Inc. (Indian Point, Unit No. 2) , 50-286 SP : POWER AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK July 23, 1982 , (Indian Point, Unit No. 3) : : ______________________________________________x - Testimony Submitted on Behalf of "New York City Council" Intervenors By ASSDELYMAN AIBERP VANN This Document Has Been Filed By: l NATIONAL EMERGENCY CIVIL LIBERTIES COMMITTEE , 175 Fifth Avenue Suite 712 | New York, New York 10010 ' (212) 673-2040 CRAIG KAPLAN, i SPECIAL COUNSEL . 8207270484 820723 PDR ADOCK 05000247 T PDR I ^ O p 0 - THE NEW YORK STATE BLACK AND PUERTO RICAN LEGISLATIVE CAUCUS. INC. P.O. BOX 7197 CAPITOL STATION ALBANY, N.Y.12224 OFFICERS Assembivm.a Aioen v.nn. ca.,rm.n m,,, My name is Albert Vann. I am the Assemblyman from Osg.a M:nces. Voce Ch.orm.n nummym.n the 56th Assembly District in Kings County, New York and Ang:Ao Dei Toro Secref.ry ^CC'".no. rre..ure, Chairman of the New York State Black and Puerto Rican Le- A;3emblym.n ch.riu Jonnson. e re,. ment.nu gislative Caucus. L'EM BERS The focus of my testimony before the Atomic Safety Sanctor ' * " * * * " Licensing Board (ASLB) is to request that New York City be u semblym.n Thom.s Boyi.nd , , , , , , , , , , , , , included in any formal emergency safety plan relative to the cuaa,n o.ni .s An. moi Indian Point Nuclear Power plant. Glore 0.r.vis omen uurneirm.n Almost all of New York City is located within fifty Ange60 Del Toro I','n'u"U,"e" miles of the Indian Point facility. Well inside, what many Assemolym.n Hamut Farrell nuclear experts agree to be an area in which a " nuclear accident" Arumm,m.n '" " '' """* could produce lethal doses of radiation. ' Sen' tor Joseph G. liber In April 1979, a " major accident" at the Three Mile , e semoi,m.n j noce, creen | u ,,,no,,,,,, Island nuclear facility in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania alerted 1 Edward Gntfit% | | Aneme'vmu our nation to the tremendous potential dangers o'f nuclear . Charts Johnson y'u',,o , power. Within minutes, the over two million people living Aggemblyfh.n Louis mne in areas around the plant were in immediate danger of lethal Sxtor i "l' **"' exposure of radiation. But more significant was the f act A uemeiy,n.n Jo:e Sen.no that most of those two million people remained needlessly ex- An.moivm.n user, vann posed to the lethal threat of radioactive exposure much John Fl.to.u. Enocut've Director Offic:s Rm 442A teg,si.ii . ove.c. suiioing longer than necessary. Why? Because of the absence of a | 018)45S-5347 Assemblyman 1 cal emergency safety operations plan. Such a plan would i Woodrow Lewis have immediately established a local governmental structure to, Senator ; Israel Ruiz | 1 . f ^ b p W@N THE NEW YORK STATE BLACK AND PUERTO RICAN LEGISLATIVE CAUCUS. INC. P.O. BOX 7197 CAPITOL STATION ALBANY, N.Y.12224 OFFICERS I'50'a'n*n$a,,ma, among other things, (a) disseminate accurate information senaty Oiga u2nder, y,cs.Chasiman Concerning the Crisis situation and appropriate safety a n.mm, man anpo oei roro. secretary procedures; (b) maintain a clear channel of local telephone Assemttyman inom s Boyland. Treasurer i.n wyrnan and radio communication with the community and with respon- Chartcs Johnson, Parhamentanan sible authorities; and (c) if necessary, coordinate an orderly EEMBERS s.ncor Leon Bogues and speedy evacuation of all areas that could potentially be ^",***C'",,,, , exposed to a dangerous dose of harmful radiation. $'."$$*o7*."s Recognizing this failure, the NRC and the Federal A.ssemblywoman ci== Da's Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mandated emergency exercise t.ssemblyman """ ' ' ' ' plans for each of the nations 72 atomic power plants. Assemblyman These Artnur o Eve , , , , , , , , , , . , emergency plans, supervised by the local state government, were Herman Farteil to.mu, man required to be submitted to FEMA by April 1,1981. New York ThomC4 Fortune s.nct* Jos.pn caober State was the first state to submit its safety plan for review, Q',"'{,C,'" and also the first state to have its plan rejected. In August an.mbi, man Edeard Gntfit" of 1981, New York State's emergency safety operations plan was # c'*S.sn J'Ea".oa finally accepted by FEMA, but the plan did not include an s.noor ''' **" ** ! mu.mmvman emergency exercise plan for New York City. ! Louis Nene 3,y,, This brings me to my point. New York City is one of the uaor O..ns s.u.mm, man most densely populated cities in the nation. JoS9 seff ano It is located 6 ||y*y''*,*a, well within the danger area, and an accident at the Indian Point Jonn Fiateau. Enocutive Director Offices Rm 442A Power Plant could expose its inhabitants to lethal doses of Legisective Office Building N '*53" Assemblyman radiation. As a matter of fact, the Indian Point Plant has the Woodrow Lewis dubious distinction of having twice the neighboring population Senator Israel Ruiz of any other nuclear power facility primarily because of its _2_ I MIM THE NEW YORK STATE BLACK AND PUERTO RICAN LEGISLATIVE CAUCUS. INC. P.O. BOX 7197 CAPITOL STATION ALBANY, N.Y.12224 OFFICERS Close location to New York City. Yet, it has been 'li:ensed Assernolyman uwt vann ca-me 3,,,,,,, without a viable emergency safety plan that would meet the oiga Mydet Voca-chartman Ammurman safety needs of New York City residents. Angelo Del Toro, Secretary So*I'*oy*"and.rreame,Es When one focuses , on the special needs of New York City's - Assemblyman cnw.s Jonasoa. earna==rea over tnree million Black and Hispanic residents, it is clear MEMBERS that racial minorities tend to reside in highly compact, s.nator Leon Bogues homogenous and largely deteriorating communities. These areas AssceDiyman Thomrs Boyland assommy.oma, have extremely poor means of public transportation; the roads, Geraidine D-eis ast.,nwy.oman subway and buses are in disrepair, trains and commuter services Gloria Davis , g''*,6pa, ,,, are not readily available. There is also a poor inter-community I'tn'**E'*v'e" communications network because of the wide spread poverty, large ass.murman Hymen Fanell alien population and a significant non-english speaking popu- ' Assemmyman ' * *' """* lation. With such poor transporation and limited access to ' s.naior ! Joseon Galiber ,,, _ media communication one can readily imagine the tremendous and Roger Green as,e w, man increased potential for death among N.Y. City's minority Ed*ard Griffitn assemeyman community if a nuclear accident occurred. Charts Jonnson se"|'u"enoe, As a leader of the minority community, I strongly urge Assemblyrnen Louis Nine ASLB to take New York City's population into account, and re- senaar "1" * * " * quire that a separate, formal emergency safety plan be approved Assemblyman Jos) Syrano for New York City before the Indian Point nuclear power plant's Ass.moivn.an z wivaan continued use can be approved. Jonn Ficteau. Esecutive Director Offices Rm 442A / Legisttive Office Butiding Q16) 4515347 Assemblyman ,[ g Woodrow Lewis Senator Israel Ruiz -3-.
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