THE SPECTRUM VOLUME L V. Z 545a STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1940 NUMBER 25 `BLUE KEY TURNS' SMASH HIT Audience Sings Guy, King New Sure-Cures, Independents Two Added To Spring Term Registration Decrease Normal, Says Praises Of Annual Chiefs Ally In Try To Lick Moderns `Hall Of Fame' Parrott; 1531 Enrolled Bill Guy, junior in agriculture, and Frame politics, featuring a coali- missioner of campus—John Carlson, Saddle and Sirloin voted recently Registration at the end of the Brevities Show Gorman King, sophomore in applied tion of Sure-Cures and Independents, M, and Cliff Nygaard, S; commission- to hang the pictures of Wallace first week of the spring Quarter arts and sciences, were named edi- will again dominate the general er of finance—Betty Critchfield, M, Brown, deceased Amenia farmer, and showed a normal decrease of ap- Final Showing Tonight proximately 10%, from the win- tor and business manager respective- spring election, an examination of the and Margery Fjeld, S; commissioner Arthur White of Bottineau, North Da- At 8; SAE, Phi Omega slate shows. Voting will take place of athletics—Bernie Bermann, I, and kota, in the Hall of Fame sponsored ter term, according to A. H. Par- ly of the 1941 Bison yerbook, it was in the registrar's office Thursday, Earl Marquardt, M. by the club. Each year students se- rott, registrar. Pi Win Sales Contest announced Wednesday night by the The 1531 students now attend- April 11, from 8 to 5:30. Junior member of the board of lect one or two men who are out- By JOHN LYNCH Board of Publications Control. Guy Candidates are as follows—(M- publications—Leland Stenehjem, M; ing N. D. A. C. as compared to standing in the state for their service "A really swell show"—that was has worked one year on the Bison Modern frame; S—Sure-Cures; I--In- freshman member of the board of and achievements in the field of agri- the 1256 enrolled for the spring quarter of 1939 are registered as what an enthusiastic first night audi- business staff and one year on the dependent): president of the student publications—Robert Pile, M, and culture. commission—Larry Tanberg, M, and Charlotte Bahe, S; junior member of follows: agriculture, 349; applied ence had to say about The Blue Key editorial staff. King has been a The unveiling of these pictures will John Fisher, I; commissioner of so- the board of athletic control—John take place at a banquet to be held arts and sciences, 343; chemical Turns, the Bison Brevities of 1940, member of the business staff for the cial affairs—Harriet Shigley, M, and Abbott, M, and Arnold Johnson, S; April 16, when Mr. White and rela- technology, 98; home economics, which made its debut yesterday. Only past year, and in addition has worked Kathleen Benson, S; commissioner of sophomore member of the board of 268; engineering, 299; pharmacy, tives of Mr. Brown will be present. dark cloud on the entire production on the Spectrum editorial staff. Guy elections—Gilmore Schjeldahl, I, and athletic control—James Fletcher, I; 89; education, 68; farm folk, 17. Well-Known Breeder was the size of the audience which and King will take office next fall, Carroll Eian, M. board of public speaking control— Despite the decrease in regis- Mr. Brown was a well-known bree- succeeding Connie Taylor and Le- Commissioner of judiciary—LeRoy Ann Murphy, S, Lawrence Lange, I, tration, a record enrollment has filled Festival's main floor but which der of shorthorn cattle and furnished land Stenehjem, present heads. Carter, M, and Betty Olson, S; com- and Elaine Nygaard, M. been established for the spring should have overflowed the balconies breeding stock for many breeders in term.—R. M. the northwestern part of the U. S. to do just tribute to what is sincerely and Canada. He was outstanding hailed as the best show this cam- Cornelia Otis Skinner Ends Lyceums for his service to the state and his pus has seen for years. ,wn community, Saddle, Sirloin Set "I hate to miss a minute of it. By BILL NARUM Livestock Judge Will be back in half an hour," said Behind the large, green curtain of Student Judging Mr. White is nationally known as a a Fargo doctor when called from the Festival hall will gather a complete breeder of Percheron horses, and as a show during the middle of the per- theatre next week. When the cur- livestock judge. Although having to Contest For Apr. 15 tain is parted, however, NDAC ly- overcome the material handicaps of Sponsored by Saddle and Sirloin ceum-goers will not behold a stage- Trophies for selling most Brev- drouth and reverse times, Mr. White club for all upperclassmen in the full of variegated players, but only ities tickets in inter-fraternity has forged ahead in the field of live- school of agriculture, the annual stu- one person—Cornelia Otis Skinner. and sorority competition go to stock breeding undaunted. dent judging contest will be held Within herself a complete theater, Phi Omega PI and Sigma Alpha Monday, April 15. The pavilion will the actress appears in a program of Epsilon. Sales chairmen are be the scene of the contest in the original character sketches, as the Jane Broiling and Don Husted. morning, but the afternoon portion of final number of the twenty-ninth an- Henry IV To Be the competition will take place in formance. And the entire audience nual lyceum series, Tuesday evening, Morrill hall. April 9, at 8:15. showed it felt the same way by its The results of the contest will he vigorous applause and demand for No Supporting Cast LCT Selection announced Tuesday evening at the several curtain calls. Doing all her sketches without Marking the 376th anniversary of Hall of Fame banquet, stated Dave benefit of a supporting cast, Miss Comments of the first-nighters as the birth of William Shakespeare will Robinson, manager of the affair. Skinner assumes a half-dozen or more they left Festival hall showed that be The Little Country Theater's pro- Awards to be presented are as fol- parts, balanced between comedy, sa- young and old felt alike that music, duction of Henry IV, Part One, to be lows: Medal to the high individual tire, and pathos. drama, dancing, costumes and stag- sponsored on April 23, the bard's in the contest; ribbons to the second Her ability is such that Time ing effects were blended together birthday. and third high individuals; and rib- magazine called her a "top notch into an extremely entertaining pro- To enrich the Shakespearean at- bons to the high man in each class sorceress" in being able to conjure up duction that should pack Festival mosphere of the occasion, A. G. Ar- of livestock. a score or more unseen yet real hall to the rafters for tonight's vold, as William Shakespeare, will people that appear with her in the - All upperclass students in the show at 8:15. And that's what will open the play with a prologue. Dur- course of her program. school of agriculture are urged to happen if the campus and Fargo- ing the intermission between acts, Daughter of Otis Skinner, a cele- compete. Moorhead heeds what last night's refreshments typical of Shake- brated actor of his time, Cornelia audience has to say about the show. speare's day will be served the Otis Skinner moved stageward from There is little for which this show her earliest days. In Baldwin and audience at a small fee. Ir k addition, an exhibit of interest to Shakespear- has to apologize because it is an Bryn Mawr she was drafter for Brastrup Choice ean students will be open to the audi- amateur show—very little. The last school dramatics, once playing oppo- ence in the Theater's Green room. act, a television broadcast, reaches site Ann Harding. a truly professional peak in music, The story of Henry IV concerns Of Ag Group Play-Length Sketches lighting and staging. the uprising of a group of Welsn On a larger scale, she wrote, prod- Robert Brastrup has been elected and Scotch . noblemen against the Bouquets are too numerous to pass uced, and acted "The Wives of Henry president of Saddle and Sirloin, ag- CORNELIA OTIS SKINNER usurper king, Henry IV, who has re- out in short order but bouquets are VIII," "Mansion on the Hudson," and riculture group, to succeed Roger fused to ransom the rightful king, due to every one of the more than other sketches of regular play length. Toussaint. Al Artz was named vice NOTICE! Mortimer, being held a prisoner by 100 students who gave Fargo-Moor- Her latest venture into solo costume president; Joe Kufner, sercetary; Mrs. Eversull Slated Upper classwomen students the Welsh. head the best amateur musical enter- drama is her adaptation of Margaret Ivan Johnson, treasurer and mana- who wish to apply for scholar- tainment it has seen for a long while. Ayer Barnes' novel, "Edna His Wife." The king's wayward son, Hal, ger of the Barn Dance; Reuben Ruud, ships for the school year 1940- Likewise has she written several To Speak M Annual and his favorite companion, the rol- assistant treasurer; Richard Crock- 1941, or who wish to bring appli- books, first of which was "Tiny Gar- licking Falstaff, are rudely jostled ett, publicity manager. YW Geneva Banquet cations already on file up-to- to reality at the news of the up- Group Will Accept ments." Her second, "Excuse It, BISON FURROWS date, do so in the Dean of rising, which is led by Hotspur, the Please," achieved instant success.
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