Grand Valley State University ScholarWorks@GVSU 1996-1997, Volume 21 Grand Valley Forum, 1976- 11-18-1996 Grand Valley Forum, volume 021, number 13, November 18, 1996 Grand Valley State University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/forum21 Part of the Archival Science Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Grand Valley State University, "Grand Valley Forum, volume 021, number 13, November 18, 1996" (1996). 1996-1997, Volume 21. 14. http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/forum21/14 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Grand Valley Forum, 1976- at ScholarWorks@GVSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1996-1997, Volume 21 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@GVSU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A Newsletter for the GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY Community Monday, November 18, 1996 Volume 21, Number 13 GVSU Makes a Difference At Aberdeen Tech/Math Academy Karen Maloley is looking for partners. She may be phoning Grand Valley faculty and staff members to ask for help. She will not ask you to pull out your checkbook. She'll be asking for your time. Maloley is looking for volunteers to become partners with Aberdeen Tech/ Math Academy as part of the Partnership in Education (PIE) program. PIE, one of Grand Rapids Public Schools' Public Education Fund programs, began in 1987 with 16 CVSU Sergeant Carmen Strazisai' visited kinder­ partners and has now matched mo re gartners at Aberdeen Tech/Math Academy in than 65 businesses and community October to teach them about her job and to talk about general safety. organizations with individual city schools. The program encourages the volunteers in the past when the school Lomabarclo thinks the Partnership exchange of people and ideas rather was located o n Fisk St. " program is worthwhile. He believes he than donations or funds. In 1995, Partners need not be mathematicians lights a little spark of interest in some 2,000 volunteers donated mo re than and scientists, said Robert Hagerty, of the students. "Perhaps some of them $290,000 of their time to activities dean of the School of Education. "We will go on to study Biology because o f ranging from tutoring to consulting on would like to see professors from the something they've learned," he said. system-wide policy reforms. broad spectrum of the university Ca rmen Strazisar, sergeant in the "Grand Va ll ey became a partner in become involved with Aberdeen, we're Department of Public Safety, has been a 1990," said Maloley, GVSU's Partner­ not just stressing science. We have this partner for four years and enj oys her ship in Education coordinator. At first, tremendous storeho use of experts at visits to the elementary school. She the university was paired with Ottawa the university. What a wonderful visited Aberdeen earlier this fa ll to Hills Tech/ Math Academy, but the o pportunity to share it with children, to fami li arize kindergartners with the ro les specialty schoo l relocated this year give them the idea of going on to of po lice offi cers and to teach them and is now known as Aberdeen. The higher education. It's an opportunity for about personal everyday safety. "The school, made up of students in grades us to stretch and share beyond the kids were excited and interested to K-6, is located at 928 Aberdeen, NE. It university. " learn about my job and the squad car," draws in children with a particular Michael Lombardo, associate profes­ said Stra zisa r. "They loved the ca r. They interest in math and technology. sor of Biology, has volunteered for the nearl y plowed me over to run to my ca r and play with the buttons." "We want partners to give of Partnership program for the past three themselves, to volunteer for academic years. He's making plans now to visit a Consider sharing a part of yourself presentations that dovetail with the second grade classroom at Aberdeen with young people. Leave a message school's curriculum," said Maloley. Tech/ Math and talk to them about the for Maloley at x2091 and help Grand "My goal is for every classroom in the natural history of bears. "I enj oy doing Va ll ey make a difference. "Our main building to have a GVSU pa1tner. I this," said Lombardo, "because the kids goal is to affect student achieveme nt " will be calling fa culty are so enthusiastic. They just soak stuff said Malo ley, "but clown the ladder ~f and staff members up. They want to hear what you have goals, GVSU can make itself known as who've worked as to say and they are anxious to tell what a possibility to these kids in the future. " they know." Signs Of The Season: Emergency Closing Policy Winter has arrived and severe winter Grand Haven- weather is likely to follow. The Grand Vall ey WGHN-AM 1370 WGHN-FM 92 .1 State University emergency closing policy is as Holland- fo llows. WJQK-AM 1260 WJQK-FM 99.3 In evaluating whether or not to close for Muskegon- snow-related reasons, the fo llowing criteria are WMUS-FM 106.9 used: 1) the ability of the university's road Television crews to keep campus roads and parking lots WGVK-TV 52 WWMT-TV 3 cleared; 2) the conditions of primary and WXMI-TV 17 WOOD-TV 8 secondaty roads in the area as repo1ted by the WGVU-TV 35 WZZM-TV 13 State Po lice as well as the Ottawa County When classes are cancell ed , a ll staff are Central Dispatch Authority; 3) weather reports expected to report for work unless the closing regarding the track of the storm and other announcement indicates that only "essential conditions (icing, thermal inversions, etc.). staff" need report. The following personnel are Grand Valley State University will close all considered essential and are expected to or part of its operations only in case of report: extreme emergency caused by impassible Department of Public Safety Services, Plant roads, violent weather, energy loss, or other Servi ces, Food Service, Housing, Informati on conditions seriously endangering the health Technology, WGVU-AM/ FM/ TV, Eberhard and safety of students, faculty and staff. Center Building Management, Fieldhouse Normally the Eberhard Center w ill close only Management, Library Services. when the All endale campus is closed. Unless Grand Valley State is offi ciall y The GVSU Forum is Announcements regarding Grand Va ll ey closed , fa culty members are expected to hold published by the Office of State University will apply only to the All en­ their classes as usual. Individual faculty University Communications dale campus and the Eberhard Center. Those members who wish to cancel a class or other every Monday when· classes are in session and biweekly during students taking classes in Ho lland, Muskegon event should do so only w ith permission of the summer. The submission or Traverse City should listen for announce­ their dean. In such cases, facu lty members are deadline is Tuesday noon. Send ments regarding Ho lland High School, responsible for notifying students for each publication items to Kathleen Muskegon Community College or NMC class they teach. The media w ill announce Adams, editor, c/ o the FORUM University Center in Traverse City. only complete closings, not cancellation of cc:Mail box. From off campus, individual classes or events. email fo [email protected]. Anno uncement of closing w ill be made Telephone: 616-895-2221. Fax: over the fo llowing area stations. For a more 616-895-2250. Visit FORUM detailed update on campus conditions and Overnight Parking ONLI NE on the World Wide Web area roads, tune to the Grand Va ll ey State Restrictions at: www.gvsu. edu/ radio stations, WGVU-FM 88.5 and WGVU-AM The Department of Public Safety Services Facul ty and staff members 1480. Every effort w ill be made to make the would like to remind eve1yone of the overnight can find an onli ne "Sketches" decision to close so that the announcement parking regulations on campus. Section 2.10, submission form on the Web can be made over the stations as early as Site. "Resident Parking," of the campus Traffic and possible, but no later than 6:30 a. m. for Parking Ordinance states, "No overnight parking daytime classes, and 3 p.m. for evening is permitted in any lot other than residential lots classes. except with petmission of the Director of Public Students, facul ty and staff should assume Safety Services. Parking between the hours of the university is open unless they hear 3 a. m. and 7 a. m. shall be considered overnight otherwise on the radio or television. They are parking." Also, "Parking overnight in Lots B, D asked not to ca ll the Grand Vall ey State and overfl ow C (resident lots) shall require a University switchboard to ask about closings, "Reserved" resident permit or a temporary but instead to listen for the information on the resident permit issued by the Department of radio and television. Public Safety Services." During snow removal periods, any vehicle found to be in violation Radio of the Ordinance will be subject to irnpound­ Grand Rapids­ ment. Any questions should be referred to the WBCT-FM 93.7 WGVU-FM 88.5 Department of Public Sa fety Services at WCSG-FM 91. 3 WKLQ-FM 94.5 extension 3255. WCUZ-AM 1230 WLAV-FM 96.9 WCUZ-FM 101.3 WLHT-FM 95.7 Also, overnight parking is prohibited at the WGNB-FM 893 WODJ-FM 107 3 Grand Rapids Campus except with permission of WGRD-FM 97.9 WOOD-AM 1300 d1e Building Management Office at 771-6700.
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