Easy-Loading Thermal Printer GPT-4352(-60) GeBE Documen t No.: SMAN-E-41 3-V4.0 Printed: 09.07.20 07 Status: 18.01.2005 German: SMAN-D-4 12 Op e rati n g Ma n u a l A ctiv iti es at GeB E Printer: GeBE Elektr onik und Feinwerktechnik GmbH • E-Mail: [email protected] • www.oem-printer .com Key boards: GeBE Computer & Peripherie GmbH • E-Mail: [email protected] • www.tastatur en.com Inter net applications: www.GeBE.net The GeB E log o is a reg iste red trad em ark of GeB E Ele ktro nik und Feinwer kte chnik GmbH. All other bra nds nam ed in this bro chure ar e pro perties of the respec tive compan ies. Erro rs and change s res erv ed. The tec hnic al data given are non-co mm itta l informa tion and do not rep res ent any ass ura nc e of certain feature s. Our terms of pay me nt and del ivery app ly. Copyrig ht © 200 7 GeBE Ele ktro nik und Feinwer kte chnik Gm bH. All rights res erv ed. GeBE Elektr onik und Feinwerktechnik GmbH Beethovenstr. 15 • Germering • Germany • www.oem-printer .com Phone:++49 (0) 89/894141-0 • Fax:++49 (0) 89/8402168 • email: [email protected] GeBE E + F Gm bH • www .oe m- printe r .co m • GeBE Dok.N r .: SM AN-E- 413-V4 .0 Easy-L oad ing The rm al Printe r GPT-43 52( -60) 2 C onte nt 1 C onte nt 1 Con ten t 2 13 Option Mag netic Card Rea der 19 2 Saf ety Instruc tions 3 14 Charac ter Sets 20 14.1 GeBE Sta ndar d Charact er Set 20 3 Pac king List 4 14.2 Optiona l Cha rac ter Set s 20 4 Inst allation 5 15 4.1 Inst allation in a front panel 5 4.2 Par tial inst alla tion in plastic cas ing 5 16 Options Access orie s 22 4.3 Exa mple for inst alla tion and applica tion 5 16.1 Option s 22 16.2 Access ories 22 5 Con necting the Printer 6 16.2 .1 Mount ing fram es 22 5.1 Con necting the power sup ply (1) 6 16.2.2 Paper 22 5.2 Pow er Down (2) 6 16.2 .3 Power sup plies and char ging dev ices 22 5.3 Con necting the Char ger (3) 6 16.2 .4 Batteri es 22 16.2 .5 Cables 22 6 Prin ter Con figurati on 7 6.1 Con figu ration ove r Initi alisatio n-T extP r ese rve 7 17 Ser vice 22 6.2 Ent ries into the "TIN IT" 7 6.3 Sold er Brid ges 7 18 CE Certific atio n 23 7 Inte rfac es 8 19 Tech nica l Data 24 7.1 Ser ial Inte rfac e 8 7.1. 1 Ser ial inte rfac e RS232 (V.24) at connec tor J2 8 20 Mec hanical Dimens ions 24 7.1. 2 Tim ing der serielle n RS232 /TT L Sch nittstel le 8 7.2 Par alle l Interfac e 9 7.2. 1 Centr onic s Ada pter 9 7.2. 2 PIN-sei zure at the SUB-D 25 of the adapte r 9 7.2. 3 Tim ing of the Par allel Inte rfac e 9 7.3 Infrar ed Interfac es 10 7.4 US B 11 7.5 Blu eto oth® Wireles s Tech nolo gy 12 8 Ope rati on 13 8.1 Wh ich therma l paper is suit able ? 13 9 Key Functio ns 14 10 OPD-Menue® 15 11 Sta tus Mes sages 17 12 Bat ch File s 18 GeBE E + F GmbH • www .oe m- pri nter .co m • GeBE Do k.Nr .: SM AN-E- 413-V4 .0 Easy-L oad ing The rm al Printe r GPT-43 52(-60 ) Sa fety Inst ruct io ns 3 2 Safe ty In st ruct io ns Read ope rati ng manua l befor e ope rati on! During inst allation : Always disconn ect the power . Safe ope ration of this dev ice is only warrant eed , if the instruct ions in this operatin g man ual have been complie d with . Usage in accor dan ce with the ope rating man ual is requ ir ed for produ ct warrant y . If the user atte mpts to r epair the pr oduct, all factory war ranties will be null and void . Only use man ufactur er's par ts and acc essorie s! Mak e sure that the prin ter is saved against ove rvoltage after EN/IEC 609 50. • The device may only be opened or repair ed by autho- rized personal. Never open the device or carry out re- pairs yourself. Always contact an authorized technical servicer. You can find all necessary service information in the chapter "Service and Maintenance". • It is no longer possible to safely operate the device, if: • Before the device is tur ned on, make sure that the - the housing has been damaged. system voltage of your installation matches the supply - moisture r eached the inside of the device voltage of the device. The device characteristics are - smoke is coming from the inside of the device printed on the name plate and in the technical data. - the power supply cord is damaged - The name plate is located on the underside of the -the device stopped working properly . device. Tur n off the device immediately, when a failure occurs, as - For the technical data of the device, r efer to the mentioned above, and contact GeBE customer service. chapter "Technical Data". See chapter "Service and Maintenance". • The peripheral devices that are connected to the inter- •W e explicitly state that all product liability and guaratee faces and the DC cir cuits of this device have to meet claims are null and void, if the device has not been used the requir ements for safety extra-low voltage (SELV) in in accor dance with the instructions in this operating ma- accordance with EN/IEC 60950. nual or on the device itself! • Switching off the device does not completely discon- nect it from the power supply. Your device is only dis- connected completely, when the power plug is unplug- ged. • Please make sure that the power supply cable is run • Risk of explosion in case of incorrect battery exchange. in a way that nobody trips over it, and it cannot be da- • Please read how to safely exchange batteries in the maged by other devices. chapter "Exchanging Batteries". L as er K la ss e I • During operation, surfaces in the surrounding area of the print head may heat up. Therefor e, dir ect contact • The printer versions with an infrared interface contain a with the print head must be avoided to prevent bur ning light emitting diode of laser category I. This infrared accidents. transmitter does not pose a threat for the human eye or Do not put heat sensitive objects close to this heat skin, even with long periods of exposure. source. • The device complies with laser category I in accor dan- • Avoid constant high humidity and condensation. Pro- ce with EN60825-1/A2:2001 tect the device from being splashed and from getting in • It is pr ohibited to operate the device, if the housing is contact with chemicals. damaged. Please contact GeBE Service. You can find • Only use spare parts and accessories supplied or the information under "Service and Maintenance". For authorized by GeBE. The use of unauthorized parts or the description of the infrared interface, please r efer to accessories may affect the function and safety of the page 10. device. All parts included are listed in the chapter "Pa- cking List", while the original accessories are listed in the chapter "Parts and Accessories ". GeBE E + F GmbH • www .oe m- printe r .co m • GeBE Dok.N r .: SMAN -E-413 -V4.0 Eas y-Load ing The rmal Pri nter GPT-43 52( -60 ) 4 Pac ki ng Li st 3 P ac king List All printer sets GPT-4352(-60) contain: - tanspar ent LEVER (exchangeable) - 5 paper r olls: GPR-T01-058-031-007-060A resp. GPR-T01-058-060-007-0 60A for GPT-4352-60 - operating manual: SMAN-E-413 In addition the differ ent sets contain: GPT-4352 GPT-4352-60 SET1 GPT-4352-LV-82-24 -LC-at SET1 GPT-4352-60-LV-82 -24-LC- at • GKA-406: RS232 interface cabel, 500 mm • GKA-406: RS232 interface cabel, 500 mm • GKA-410: Power cable, • GKA-410: Power cable, one side open, 250 mm one side open, 250 mm SET2 GPT-4352-LV-82-24-V.24-EVAL-at SET2 GPT-4352-60-LV-82-24-V.24-EVAL-at • GKA-406: RS-232 interface cable 500 mm • GKA-406: RS-232 interface cable 500 mm • GKA-416: Connecting cable for charger, • GKA-416: Connecting cable for charger, 190 mm 190 mm • GNA-4,8V-1,6Ah-NiMH : Battery, • GNA-4,8V-1,6Ah-NiMH : Battery, 4x Mignon (AA) 4x Mignon (AA) • GNG-6V-0,8A-U : Charge r • GNG-6V-0,8A-U : Charge r SET3 GPT-43 52- LV-82- 24- SPI(4,5 V)-EVAL -at SET3 GPT-43 52- 60-LV- 82- 24-SPI (4,5 V)-EVAL -at • GKA-407: Connecting cable 12pol.
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