“The one thing I ask of the Lord - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his temple.” Psalm 27:4 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES DAY 1: The Betrayer Matthew 27: Tetelestai / Greek for “Paid in Full” This is truly a tragic portion of scripture! We see in this portion of scripture the devastating effects of sin in full force and what happens when we turn from Jesus, never allowing Him into our hearts. Judas allowed Satan to use him for evil. Instead of drawing close to Jesus, Judas drew close to the enemy of our souls, Satan. Judas made a decision and then acted upon it. Yet, Jesus washed his feet and at the last supper, gave Judas the left-hand seat of honor. Judas had walked with Jesus, learned from Jesus and stood by Jesus, and yet, He turned over his friend to be arrested and killed. Judas betrayed the one he claimed to follow! But he never really followed Jesus with his heart and life, and sin reigned in him. Finally, Judas is described as having remorse for his action but not desiring forgiveness for his telltale deed. “There is a huge difference between being sorry about your sin, and being sorry for your sin.” (David Guzik) And because Judas did not turn to Jesus for forgiveness, Judas allowed Satan then to lead him to destroy himself. If you have ever felt the sting of betrayal, rest assured that Jesus knows it too, as we will see as we open Chapter 27 of Matthew. R RECEIVING God’s Word Open in Prayer Read Matthew 27:1-66 Today’s Scripture Focus: Matthew 27:1-10 E EXPERIENCING God’s Word 1. Matthew 27: 1-2 tell us four things happened to Jesus. Fill in the blanks below based on these verses. A decision was made to ____________________________. They ________________________ Him. They lead Him _______________________. They handed Him over to _______________________, the governor 2. According to verse 3, why was Judas filled with remorse? What was his response? © Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 27 • Day 1 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES 3. Who did Judas go to with his sin? What was their response in verse 4? How was their response different than what Jesus would have told him? Who alone can forgive sin? 4. There is a very critical word used in verse 4. What word does Judas use to describe Jesus’ blood? Judas was a man who knew Jesus well, what does this tell you about what Judas witnessed over the years as he followed Him? 5. Luke 22:3 says “Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.” What do you notice about the connection between Satan entering Judas and Judas’ actions in verse 5? (Hint: John 10:10 says that Satan comes to rob, kill and destroy.) 6. Matthew 27:6-8, What do the chief priests decide to do with the money Judas threw at them? What hypocrisy do you see in this action? 7. Read Zechariah 11:12-13. How does this fit Matthew 27:9-10? Why does Matthew say the word was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet when it is recorded in Zechariah? i. Some think it could be a copyist error. Perhaps Matthew wrote Zechariah, but an early copyist put Jeremiah instead. ii. Some think that Jeremiah spoke this prophecy and Zechariah recorded it. This may be the word spoken by Jeremiah, but recorded by Zechariah. iii. Some think that Matthew refers to scroll of Jeremiah, which included the book of Zechariah. (David Guzik) © Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 27 • Day 1 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES A ACTING on God’s Word Judas’ behavior is something worth examining because when we find people in the Bible who sin we can learn from their mistakes in the hopes of not repeating them. Judas made a series of bad choices. First, he allowed Satan to get his eyes off Jesus and onto wicked desires. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 tells us to take every thought captive. Judas did not do this! Can you think of a time that has happened to you? Next, Judas’ thoughts moved into actions. In Matthew 26:14-16 we learned that Judas went to the chief priests and asked what he was willing to give him to betray Jesus? He accepted money and then “watched for an opportunity to hand him over” (v. 16). The opportunity then arose for Judas to do his sinful deed and Matthew recorded it in chapter 26:48 for us. “Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: the one I kiss is the man; arrest him.” Notice how our thoughts can quickly turn into actions! Judas still had a chance to reverse what he put into motion, but he did not! When have your unholy thoughts turned into action either with an attitude or a behavior? What resulted? By morning, Judas was filled with remorse. But he turns to an unlikely source for help, the ungodly who Ied him down a more dangerous path, further away from God. I assume that Judas did not feel like he could turn to Jesus (a trick of the enemy) and therefore took his own life out of desperation regarding his sin. Had Judas humbled himself and turned to Jesus, oh how the outcome could have been so different for Judas! Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t take your sin to the Lord? Have you ever been so filled with remorse but, couldn’t own up to your sin before the Lord? He is waiting to forgive you if you would only just turn to Him and repent! What have you learned from Judas’ example of what not to do regarding sin? D DELIGHTING on God’s Word Isaiah 1:18-20 “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool, If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.’ For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Close in Prayer © Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 27 • Day 1 “The one thing I ask of the Lord - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his temple.” Psalm 27:4 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES DAY 2: Crucify Him Matthew 27: Tetelestai / Greek for “Paid in Full” R RECEIVING God’s Word Open in Prayer Read Matthew 27:1-66 Today’s Scripture Focus: Matthew 27:11-26 E EXPERIENCING God’s Word 1. Where has Jesus been brought in verse 11 and what is asked of Him? How does Jesus respond? 2. Who are the main accusers according to verse 12? “They led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate: The Sanhedrin gave Jesus over to Pontius Pilate, the Roman appointed governor over Judea, because they did not have the authority to put Him to death. The Jewish leaders had reason to expect a favorable result when they went to Pilate. Secular history shows us that he was a cruel, ruthless man, almost completely insensitive to the moral feelings of others. Surely, they thought, Pilate will put this Jesus to death. Essentially, they did this on the basis of three totally false, politically motivated charges: that Jesus was a revolutionary; that He incited the people to not pay their taxes, and that He claimed to be a king in opposition to Caesar.” (Guzik) 3. What was the custom of the governor according to verse 15? What feast is being referred to? Who is Barabbas? 4. Notice something very interesting in verse 18. What does Pilate recognize about the motivation behind those accusing Jesus? What does this say about them that even a disinterested governor recognized this attribute about them? © Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 27 • Day 2 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES 5. I cannot fail to point out something I read in verse 19 that screams of irony. What seat is Pilate sitting in? Who is standing before Him? What irony do you see? 6. What is the essence of the message Pilate’s wife sends to him in verse 19? 7. Can you imagine the scene described in verses 20-23? The influential chief priests and elders persuading the crowd, the shouting of choices given and then the answer that came from the mob…what was it? Is Pilate’s question in verse 23 ever answered, why or why not? 8. What does Pilate want to avoid according to verse 24? Does he seem to really care about justice? Why or why not? What is his final action and statement regarding Jesus? 9. Probably one of the most disturbing statements in this passage is found in verse 25. What are the people saying and how would it affect the future? 10. In the end the people got what they wanted, what was it? Roman floggings were so horrific that sometimes the person died before they were taken to be crucified. © Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Matthew • Chapter 27 • Day 2 DELIGHTING in the LORD BIBLE STUDY SERIES A ACTING on God’s Word By now you have probably noticed that I have quoted David Guzik many times already regard- ing this chapter.
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