UB Adolescent & Family Development Project: Summer Newsletter The History of the American Flag’s Celebration! On June 14th, 1777, the Celebration of Flag Day across five city parks. Special points of Continental Congress passed an caught on, and on June 14th, Inspired by these three dec- interest: act establishing an official flag for 1889, George Balch, a kindergar- ades of state and local celebra- the new nation. The resolution ten teacher in New York City, tions, Flag Day– the anniversary The Flag Act of ordered “that the flag of the planned ceremonies for the chil- of the Flag Resolution of 1777– 1818 stated that a United States be made of 13 dren in his school. These cere- was officially established by the star be added for stripes, alternate red and white; monies were later adopted by Proclamation of President Wil- any new state on that the union be 13 stars, white the State Board of Education of son on May 30, 1916. While Flag the Fourth of July, in a blue field representing a new New York. In 1894, the gover- Day was celebrated in various following that state‟s constellation.” nor of New York directed that communities for years, it wasn‟t admission. Flag Day, observed June on June 14th the Flag be dis- until Aug. 3, 1949, that President Students first said 14th, is celebrated across the played on all public buildings. Truman signed an Act of Con- the Pledge of Alle- country with parades, parties, Enthusiastic about the gress designating June 14th as giance in 1892, the and patriotic songs. The celebra- country‟s honoring of the Flag, National Flag Day. 400th anniversary of tion of Flag Day originated in Cigrand, along with the help of Christopher Colum- 1885, under the direction of B.J. Leroy Van Horn, formed the bus‟s arrival in the Cigrand, a school teacher in the American Flag Day Association in Fredonia, Wisconsin Public Illinois. The purpose of the asso- Americas. School, District 6. In the follow- ciation was to promote the hold- In 1983, the world‟s ing years, Cigrand continued to ing of Flag Day exercises around largest flag was dis- enthusiastically advocate the ob- the country. Under the direction played in Washing- servance of June 14th as „Flag of the organization, on June 14, ton D.C., measuring Birthday‟ or „Flag Day,‟ by ad- 1894, more than 300,000 chil- 411 ft. by 210 ft., dressing the public and publishing dren participated in the first gen- and weighing 7 tons. articles in magazines and newspa- eral public school children‟s cele- pers. bration of Flag Day in Chicago Issue 4 Observing the Summer Solstice June 2009 According to the U.S. cal event that occurs twice each The word „solstice‟ is de- Naval Observatory, this year, when the tilt of the Earth‟s rived from the Latin sol (sun) and Inside this year‟s summer solstice will axis is at its furthest point from sistere (to stand still). This is be- issue: begin on Sunday, June 21, at the equator. During the summer cause at the solstices, the sun 5:45 U.T., marking the first solstice, the sun reaches its stands still in declination– that is Sun Safety 2 day of summer season in the northernmost point, with the the apparent movement of the northern hemisphere. U.T. North Pole tilted directly to- sun‟s path north or south comes stands for Universal Time, a wards the sun, at about 23.5 de- to a stop before reversing direc- Independence Day 2 timescale based on the rotation grees. The degree of the earth‟s tion. of the Earth. tilt causes the summer solstice to The term solstice can also have the longest hours of day- Kid Activities 3 The date of the summer be used in a wider sense, as with solstice varies from June 20 to light for those living north of the the equinoxes, to represent the June 22, depending on the year in Tropic of Cancer. Consequently, start or separation of the sea- Buffalo Events 4 the Gregorian calendar. The for those living to the north of sons. Like the solstices, equi- Gregorian calendar is the calen- the Arctic Circle, the sun re- noxes also occur twice a year, mains visible throughout the Kidz Corner 5 dar system used in most western when the tilt of the Earth‟s axis is countries, including the United night, known as the “midnight inclined neither towards or away States, which has 365 days in a sun,” while those living to the from the sun. During this time, south of the Antarctic Circle, will Answer Page 6 year, or 366 days in a leap year. the night and day are approxi- not see the sun on this day of A solstice is an astronomi- mately equal in length. the year. Page 2 Sun Safety for Summer: Important “Need-to-Knows” Summer is a time to be Proper Uses of Sunscreen skin begins to feel the negative effects of outdoors and have fun. -Apply the sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure, it is best to go inside. Being Yet, many people are un- being in the sun so the lotion can be fully in the shade does not protect you from UV aware of the harmful ef- absorbed into your skin rays. Protecting yourself and your family fects the sun can have on from the sun‘s harmful rays will ensure our skin. Skin cancer is - When buying sunscreen look for a brand many safe and enjoyable days under the the most common of all that protects you against UV-A and UV-B summer sun. rays since both are potentially cancerous cancers which makes it important to know According to Coolibar's survey, the how to protect yourself and stay safe dur- - Many people don‘t know that sunscreen ing the summer months. has an expiration date. Always check the top ten dermatologist recommended sun- Sunscreen is the primary protector bottle before applying to make sure that screens, listed in order of preference are: against the sun‘s harmful ultraviolet rays. the active ingredients haven‘t expired. 1. Neutrogena 6. Aveeno Using a sunscreen with a Sun Protection Along with using the proper sun- Factor (SPF) of 15 or higher will be the screen, there are other important things to 2. Coppertone 7. Oil of Olay most effective way to prevent skin dam- know in order to have a fun and safe sum- 3. Anthelios 8. Vanicream age. What many families do not know is mer. Make sure to check your child‘s and 4. Blue Lizard 9. Bull Frog the sun‘s UV rays can damage skin with your own medication for side effects re- only 15 minutes of sun exposure. Even on lated to sun exposure. Some medications 5. Solbar 10. Ombrelle cool and cloudy days, the sun‘s rays are increase sensitivity to sunlight and will capable of causing skin damage, so putting cause skin reactions. Some examples are The survey was conducted at the 2007 Ameri- sunscreen on during these times is a wise acne medications, antibiotics, and blood can Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting. choice as well. pressure medication. In addition, if your Celebrating the Fourth of July Q. Which president‘s beagles On July 4th, 1776, the Second unofficial beginning of the war for min Franklin, Philip Livingston, and can be found on the cover of Continental Congress adopted the independence. Roger Sherman. Their purpose was Life magazine? Declaration of Independence, an- After nearly a year of trying to draft a document that would for- nouncing the colonies‘ separation mally sever ties with Great Britain. Q. Before he became to work out their differences with from Great Britain. Of the thirteen England, the Second Continental After several revisions by Franklin, president, who was president colonies, 9 voted in favor of the Congress met in May 1776. Repre- Adams, and ultimately by Congress, Declaration, with Pennsylvania and the resolution was approved on July of Princeton University? senting the Virginia delegates, Rich- South Carolina voting against; ard Henry Lee addressed the Con- 2, 1776, and adopted on July 4, Q. The Statue of Liberty was Delaware was undecided, and New gress, declaring that ―these united 1776. a gift of friendship from York abstained from voting. colonies are and of right ought to be To make it official, John Han- Leading up to the signing of cock, President of the Continental which European country? the Declaration, was growing unrest Congress, signed the Declaration of Q. Which President Bush among the colonists surrounding the Independence. The following day, taxes that they were required to pay. copies of the Declaration were dis- played first base for Yale The major objection was ―Taxation tributed to each colony. On July 8, University? without Representation‖ -the colo- the Declaration had its first public nists had no say in the decisions of reading in Philadelphia‘s Independ- Q. On Dec. 7, 1787, which English Parliament. Frustrated, ence Square to cheers of crowds and state was the first to ratify the delegates from the 13 colonies were the ringing of Province Bell, later to sent to Philadelphia, PA to form the free and independent states, that be named Liberty Bell. Constitution? First Continental Congress in 1774, they are absolved from all alle- Since the 1800s, Independ- Q. In order to amend the to discuss issues concerning the giance to the British crown, and that ence Day has been celebrated Constitution, what percentage citizens. all political connection between throughout America with parades, Rather than negotiating with them and the state of Great Britain picnics, concerts, and fireworks.
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