<hn* • • Tttmr wm OORBIT At ESTEB. HtmI 4» u SSL* 4* 11 B 16 «* • »M #S M XS2R&4U. The ainton Kiiinm f«MjtdtM MH(*, I l —I *T UK »4 |i All SMitm* Air »WVr*' a nftM A* tii Imm < |>iiUlc«|Mft (A* Mk« Wwuh. JOlft PHIMIMW VOL. XIV-NO. 11). ST. JOHNS. MICH., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12.1880. WHOLE NO. 695. 4* ft11 hl*«* •« !•» rri»U«l ti*cuit4 •••III mm4 pr««iplly» ■ ehwvt native. Vrlrsil Prlrc*. «, making n tnm ATK rei RT rustoa (^my. m 1C riflIT R4TI«RAi —Have you paid your suharriptloti ? Pionrrr HMorj of fliflUn (a. cattle reached the Thorn-apple river whisk led I Ikey paid Hit per as U«rs M tWales te MatesHrhs I.!. I aril*, tka asalter of tke satata of *AlI. V AXX, HOME MATTERS. —Those oat meal t rackers sold by • they turned easterly and were followed Iks city ef Y., during tke total ef $6,004.02 W, see IS, se4 > |(W« (4 «f asAl s v ' 4 of Hid s«*r nl.knUh «sr*—sd C. P. U lekes arc splendid, | to a |M»iut a few utiles south-west of preceding winter holding several Ou the t$ih of June, 199ft. the members ll, vita MfUii nen sillies, also, Wu X 4, I? sa4 huttmm Is korrty fives tkai tka tlaia of LwaOaf II, UmI u>rM Ism quit Wolford woIsm said dery —d vttl he ounli A RUHR SHOP. Uhheeil bed ulim m belli peat A Paper Ncs4 si Its* Assssl »Icr». meetings for omisnltnium, twenty-sii per- ( of ihs company met at the office of Kdnanl jull t.lale*. —Go to Headquarters for coin, cits, laiisiug, and driven hours by the huut- ™ Ophelia A Pains to II rim L t nriu, tUidiv 1,, a *4 UjuUd by Iks u4»r*fMd, at Iks PrwkaAe! fl xpec laity. lag si Use Wit Alenas flserrr ss» ft-oi, nearly all Leads of families, met on . If Evermt, in K«Kkeslsr, and proceeded •Torn M’. perbu. At Ueadquarters. flour, meal and ground feed. clslf• Wrl4 las llse • spllwl City , ers, w ho had followed them for six h» aar it, »a4 • t. of v U mi nil ■ v >4 of <*.l ssr ||, <iflrft In M. Johns. Use I •Ik dar ef f all at nr minon —c. I*. Wk k'4 iui a uk« KniiUnci —T.. T., T. C. 1*. Wick** sells the t'fkrssry llh. ss4 Alh« 1**0. by days, and who, during this time had iks 2Vlli of Febreary and adopted Articles draw their shares. At so adjourned meetIt- { with rsrtaln rssrnstfuas, and • \ of • U of m k Mnrcli« A D. IMS, si 1# set*rlork s n — I ssr 14, all la f>v si. %«m qUH OaTa I. »>r *mij 4. tSM At serif dawa ae tnosy eeww. fur sab*. best in low u. \«IU. Iliiiin.ii.l M| ,ol m. Jsbm. lived on bread and raw |»ork, slept on ef AseoctaUon, with the following prsface : (jog the nett day they voted uiuuiimousiy to A ad a«t as good a Hair Cut and kkaoa < tu 1 Curtis is Mates I. (Wrtls, # Uof a v I4 of JOEL II CEAJfkng. As a earlier om gave. — B»*l» loi(vr«oll Iiai drcUivl to make — Abram Bcuuctt, of Watertown, By an act of the legislative Council the ground, ami crossed the rivers oil Wo.e, insthe subscribers, bringliving desirous V> **11 si piuhiifi auction to tlie highest bidder, c It, tad s M sftsl n w U. sar II «uh (« Judas ef Ptohate. certain•rtain r«n. rvnti»na. and 1 k of • h uf ooq, sr Te share a man 1 Imago hU future home. has sold his farm w ith a view to etui- of the Terrin»f) of Michigan, approved ! rafts made of poles. purchase lands in some western slats or tor- a water privilege on Maple River, on sec­ Wa karr a dinar. ntory, on which wa may asttle, in the sn- Ifll. sUo, lots 1,4, 17 and IS, Uock 4, all In isvnt, |s*s* —Got** Hefulqoartert for buckwheat grating to Nebraska. July .KMh, HUM, Die county of Kelauia- While they were searching for the tion 29, capable of running two saws sad quit Claim fl We do sot meaa a dime in treat. floor. —W tj Invite the attention of ow ners soo was organised. By the same Act oxen the rest of the cattle started to go fnestof aootely and itsaUmflant Meesiugs, thru# run of atones, and that (he purchaser *«ao W Curtis u» Hrka L Curtis, samedascrt|4Ion For tkst eeuid aoake a Iertv U* BdVIM A Mil l ll* —You cad get better bargains of C. of stock horses to our tine and varied the counties of Calbouu, Barry and back to Ann Arbor, and David aud Cvs sssocialsd togetlier for tkst purpose j should give hoods in tlie sum of $3,000, as Is.1 oboro vrtuea, PM Quit < lalai and do hereby mutually covenant and conditional that ba would *m» ooe saw, Wlta»rd K < arils to Helen L Curtis, onnoe dsacrlp- P. WlckeA than aiijt other uiau In town. liue of cuts. L.aoii, together w ith all that part < f jC harlefl, hors «*f 1-^.1 li, ovagfltah tion as fthova Rnrsi Quit Hlsim. lit: 01.at aid AI.WAY9 — Reooileci ihe school meeting next —Roll. Hathaway's new portable the Territory of the lower (teuinsula iu in Shiawaaace county, twenty- •ach for hunaelf, severally with eaoh and pot it in full operation within a veer; Islvard O Curtis to Helen L OurUs. same korrip VALUABLE STOCK T Morniav evening at the main building feed mill located ju*t south of the fair* lying north of Barry and Eaton. meat |seven miles from home, and drove them T • •tiicrs, j unity and aeveraliy, as and that a grist mill should be ererten, and tion as il«v«, |*u0 Quit Claim -AT- I follows. ■ ,111 in diM-ialion I .1 H il1 m» *!■> Nler■ nvi Willems, undivided. >n-ii»4 U. —C', P. Wicke* «ells a choice line of | ground, is doing active sen Ice dally. | of the |>ritui|>al meridian, and cast of «• same day, walking fifty four at least one run of stone# mil in operation . ^ , w ^ . w f,T * 4, ye is, Bengal, |S5o Quft Soap# and washing Crystals. I —t’ (', Nelson la getting tbt neces- (the towns in range I'J, were attached miles In one day. Article one provided that the Association within two years from that date. Also that Ctalso.o ‘ fl RELIABLE should be called and known as "The — Mrs. Hi own, of Westphalia, w»» aery materials together for the erection j th«»relo lor judicial purpose*. In the tneau time (’apt. Scott had at- 20 per cent of tlie purchase money sliuuld Jvuiksn P lilleoa to Weils *uuiras, 1 M serm of Roc heater Colony.** The articles provided a Usf 0 • 14. sac 11, iHiptain, Mw. Quit llaun. , on the verge of death last week. I of a new brick store just north of the By an Act of the Council, approved ! tallied such a reputation as a landlord, be |«aid down, and the balance in four an­ for the raising of aflund with which to pur- Serah l.you and Jane A Has Ur to Hland H IU* - —Owing to the publication of the ! St. .lolius House this summer. March 23, 1831, (hat portion of the .i v to • nlarge Ids nual mstsiluienU. Tbs water privilege was ur, n s 1, uf n « k, sac >4, Lebanon. Iistm. Quit . .hfter lands, and authorise any person to be- oiiiiT pioneer history much of our local »|*ace -Messrs. Briggs A Ingraham are above territory designated by the t . S. j “hotel,** which was done by buildings struck off mod sold to Willis Theni|M»hsil, < Lai in i come a member aud be eutitied to a vote, Jacob C KiU to Jonooa Kits, v^ofl^ of • a The nndemlgRftd will iiaa t*een employed. | non fully prepared to renovate pillows, survey a* towns &, 6, 7 and K north of lean-to, about 10x20 feet, on one side of |. ... , M1„_ fur the sum of $1,115. AUCTION!*™|flMH|flIbr oals at jwklk M erect- ** •wkaohbtag for one share of $125, and sar XU, Victor,|8 W» QuUflal 1 auction, at.kls hotel stand, in flryttbush. — Business, as well as people, are 1 fiatlier bed* and hnlr mattrasses. In a ranges 1, 2, 3 and 4 west, was set off the main building. This also w Early in Julr, 1863, Julia Esrdoo, Sam­ loMoctn< m Doty»»viy 10te Tkomas1 is* mu ms A flkktiihia , •li . Oluf m• /%1 . uf uay mg $5** down,* awl* thea !•«hulalance ace onmi oali Very much depressed owing to the ab­ pleasing manner, corner of Oakland into a county and named C linton, after ed without the aid of a saw -mill. And uel Barker, sou Oliver Be bee, started from • >_ of n • 1m*r S*. KUfty, f !•»» Quit* tain: J am \Fsm mwIs A 100 A Wm. BKSLKY, Prop’r. •Juarph Hoawr, Edward K. Everest and Wm. ItrUftjr H Hr>*an to l*S)l«»n 1# CanJr Id. • 1 iiniSLld. V. Md.rLn.^. TOPLli • and ( ass street*. HeWiu C liiitou, a former Governor of w lien on one occasion, a year or two the city of Rochevter, with their families, to • .•« twassaw^ |HNS«ai svvv sence of sleighing. G. KusftsU, were chuveo as tke agent* of the Q«‘ —J.
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