23618 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 25, 2005 and being the floor manager for this erybody whose application is accepted, lows: job well done; let’s look to the fu- important bill. and normally there are 1,000 to 2,000 ap- ture; let’s continue to build a better Mr. Speaker, I am proud to be the plications filed that are winnowed America. primary sponsor of H. Con. Res. 269, a down by the staff of the White House Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I urge resolution to recognize the 40th anni- Fellows to about 500 or 600. Those then all Members to support the adoption of versary of the White House Fellows are read over several weekends by House Concurrent Resolution 269. program. As has already been pointed former White House Fellows and that Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance out, this is a program that was estab- application pool is winnowed down to of my time. lished first by President Lyndon John- approximately 150. If you are one of the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. son to be a leadership forum for young 150 what are called regional semifi- PETRI). The question is on the motion Americans of all walks of life, of all po- nalists, you are invited to a regional offered by the gentlewoman from Ohio litical persuasions, all ideological phi- interview over a 2-day period where (Mrs. SCHMIDT) that the House suspend losophies, to give them a window on you sit down face to face with a panel the rules and agree to the concurrent Washington for a year and then encour- of leaders in your local area and are resolution, H. Con. Res. 269. The question was taken. age them to go and be leaders in build- asked all kinds of questions. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the ing America. Since its inception in Each region picks three finalists to opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of 1964, over 600 Americans have served as go to the national finals. There are 33 those present have voted in the affirm- White House Fellows. I was privileged national finalists. You come to Wash- ative. to be a part of the class of 1981 and 1982 ington for a weekend where the na- Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, on that where I served in the Department of tional panel interviews you. From that Energy. I demand the yeas and nays. group of 33, they pick the class that is The yeas and nays were ordered. The best thing about the Fellows pro- anywhere from 10 to 15 Fellows. I think gram are the Fellows. You get to meet The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the largest class has been 19. You then ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the the most amazing people. In my class, spend the next year, if you are picked, we had the police captain from Oak- Chair’s prior announcement, further working as an assistant in one of the land, California; we had an Indian chief proceedings on this motion will be Federal agencies, up and including the from Oklahoma; we had a law professor postponed. White House; but every week you meet from Utah; we had a Navy captain from f with your class and you meet world the Navy; an Air Force officer from the leaders, local leaders. My year we met CONGRESSMAN JAMES GROVE Air Force; a tank commander, an in- with Tom Foley who was the majority FULTON MEMORIAL POST OF- fantry battalion commander from the leader, I believe, in the House. We met FICE BUILDING Army; and you had somebody like me, with Tip O’Neill. We met with the ma- Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I move JOE BARTON, from Crockett, Texas, jority leader in the Senate. We met plant manager. to suspend the rules and pass the bill There have been, as I said, over 600 with the President. We met with the (H.R. 3256) to designate the facility of Americans serve in the program. Some Vice President. We also met with cor- the United States Postal Service lo- of them are names that we now know poration leaders. We met with commu- cated at 3038 West Liberty Avenue in as household words. Colin Powell, who nity service leaders. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Con- was Secretary of State and Chairman And you get to go on several trips. gressman James Grove Fulton Memo- of the Joint Chiefs, was a White House We had two domestic trips where we rial Post Office Building’’. Fellow. Elaine Chao, Secretary of the went to Chicago where we studied the The Clerk read as follows: Department of Labor, is a former architecture of Chicago. We went to H.R. 3256 White House Fellow. Wesley Clark, who the west coast where we went out and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- was former Allied supreme commander studied agriculture in California. I got resentatives of the United States of America in in Europe, is a former White House Fel- to take my class to Texas and we Congress assembled, low. In my class, David Karnes was a showed them Houston, TX, where we SECTION 1. CONGRESSMAN JAMES GROVE FUL- met with leaders of the oil industry; TON MEMORIAL POST OFFICE Senator from Nebraska. Paul Apple- BUILDING. garth was a senior officer at the World and then we went to Austin, TX, where (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the Bank. Mike Ullman is currently presi- we met with State leaders. We also United States Postal Service located at 3038 dent and CEO of JCPenney Corpora- went on one international trip. My West Liberty in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, tion. Members who have served in Con- class went to Europe where we studied shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Con- gress or in the Senate since they were NATO issues. gressman James Grove Fulton Memorial Post Office Building’’. Fellows include Tom Campbell; SAM This is a wonderful program. You make lifelong friends, but it also helps (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, BROWNBACK, who is currently the Sen- map, regulation, document, paper, or other ator from Kansas; former Senator Tim facilitate that ephemeral quality record of the United States to the facility re- Wirth, who started out as a Congress- called leadership. The goal of the pro- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to man from Colorado and then became gram as established by President John- be a reference to the ‘‘Congressman James Senator from Colorado; and of course son back in the 1960s was to give young Grove Fulton Memorial Post Office Build- myself, who is currently serving in the Americans who had shown potential in ing’’. House of Representatives. their early career the opportunity to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- As has been pointed out, this is a have a window on Washington and then ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from nonpartisan program. You are asked to go out, whether they go back to their Ohio (Mrs. SCHMIDT) and the gentleman fill out an application that is about 30 community, whether they stay in from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each will con- pages long. It is the most extensive ap- Washington, whether they change ca- trol 20 minutes. plication I have ever had to fill out. reer paths, to hopefully be a positive The Chair recognizes the gentle- You are asked what your life’s ambi- force for change for America. I can woman from Ohio (Mrs. SCHMIDT). tions are, what you consider your nota- honestly say after 600 Fellows, after 40 GENERAL LEAVE ble achievements, what you hope to years, that the program has delivered Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I ask achieve, and you are even asked to give beyond the wildest expectations of unanimous consent that all Members a policy recommendation to the Presi- President Johnson. may have 5 legislative days within dent of the United States. Pretty It is with a great deal of pride that I which to revise and extend their re- heady stuff when you are a young plant am allowed to be the primary sponsor marks and include extraneous material manager in Crockett, Texas, like I was for this resolution. I think Senator on the bill under consideration. back in 1981. BROWNBACK is the sponsor in the Sen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The interview process is extensive. ate. I say to the past 600 Fellows, the objection to the request of the gentle- You start out at the regional level. Ev- current 15 Fellows and to future Fel- woman from Ohio? VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:41 Mar 01, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK17\NO-SSN\BR25OC05.DAT BR25OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE October 25, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 23619 There was no objection. b 1500 he began what became a nearly 27-year Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I yield While still serving in the Naval Re- career in the U.S. House of Representa- myself such time as I may consume. serve, Mr. Fulton was elected to the tives. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 79th Congress. He was reelected to 13 His primary interest in the House 3256, introduced by the distinguished succeeding Congresses, and served from was to facilitate U.S. innovation in gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. 1945 until his death in 1971. science technology. He rose to become MURPHY). This bill would designate the Former Representative Fulton will ranking member of the House Com- post office in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- be remembered for his work with the mittee on Science and Astronautics.
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