4 The Clinton Republican. YOL. XLII.-NO. 36. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1897. WHOLE NO. 2,219. CHRISTMAS SATURDAY. CROWLEY BADLY INJURED- BU8INE8S LOCALS. BUSINESS LOCALS. y Boucher & Pestch have the finest line It pay* to trade at John Hicks’. OUGHT NOT TO DK The Store a are Filled With Eager Buyer*. HE WILL HE LAID UI* ALL WINTER of trimmed hats to select from. Auction Sale. Next Saturday will bring around the Eugene Crowley, who sustained a H. J. G., Royal St. John, and New I will sell at public auction on Decem­ best of all the holidays, Christmas, and compound frseture of the leg last Ideal best Gc.cigars on the market. 2w ber 31, A. D. 1897, at 2 o’clock, P. M. at Neither Should They Play with it lots of happiness and good cheer, Isaac Ellsworth Has Plead Thursday, by falling from a high ladder the premises occupied by the St. Johns while putting an electric light wire in Holly for sale at D ewitt's. Spring Company in St. Johns, Michigan, judging by the way people are buying the following described property: 1 pair the gable at Moinet's house, was very Cards, holiday goods. It is greatly to be hoped Guilty Fruits, Oysters, Candies and every ­ Reynold trucks, 1 grinding machine, 2 that the various societies will cover the badly hurt. Dr. Dodge, assisted by Dr. thing to tickle the people at D ewitt'b. iron wheelbarrows, 1 drop press, 1 geared ground so thoroughly that there will not Weller, reduced the fractute, and the punch press, I buffalo blower, 1 lifter for Or Attend Theatrical Entertain ­ And is Awaiting Sentence for the doctor says he will have a healthy, good Innurance. Miner A Peach drop hammer, shafting be one poor child in St. Johns, but will and pulleys, boiler and Betting, 20 horse leg in time, but it may never be as good Fire, life and accident D. L. Hunt . ments. receive some little thing to make the Theft of Wilkins’ Team. power; 1 engine 12 horse power, 1 pair day glad and the world seem brighter. as the other one. Crowley also had one For the best trimmed hats at the low scales 1,(XX) lbs., 1 buffalo forgo, 1 hand- Systematic work to this end is being done. arm dislocated, and that, too, was so est prices go to Boucher A Pestch 's. bull dozer, 1 anvil, 1 harrow tooth ma ­ Quick and Clever Work of Sheriff badly hurt that it will require some time chine, 1 pocket fire, 4 galvanized iron Rev Martin Preaches on the Duties Friday evening the Cougregationalists Where to Buy. tanks, 1 Prentice vise, 1 set steel dies for to mend. A wire slipped off an insulator of Church Members. will give a supper in the rooms adjoining Dunn. At John Hicks ', (of course) drop-hammer for dropping, etc., also The Republican office, to which a large and threw him from the ladder. ‘ building which contained the above. G. Brown, Alias Ellsworth, Alias number have been invited. A Christ­ For ClirlMtinaM I’rescnts —Sugge-tlon- The property to be sold either in par­ Withington, but whose name is probably A Nice dress pattern cels or all together, as seems most profit­ mas tree will follow the supper. TRACY A WINNER After elaborate preparation and Isaac F. Ellsworth, who hired a team at A stylish jacket able at the time of sale. All bids to bo previous annou ncement Rev. Martin, of UHRISTMA8 SERVICES AT ST. JOHN'S Wilkins livery December 6th, and failed A silk umbrella subject to ray approval. Co-1- If 1m Neighbor* $500 to Tar and Nice table linen Ou v ek L. Spaulding , the M. E. church, preached a sermon CHURCH. to return, was traced to Toledo by the last Sunday night oi ♦ !*•' subject, “Can Feather Hint. A pair of kid gloves Assignee of the R. M. Steel Co., Ltd. Christmas Day will be observed at St. clever work of Sheriff Dunn, arreste . *<y Handkerchiefs of many kinds W. A. N orton A John C. D ooling , a member of any church be true to that John's Church by a celebration of the the police there Friday, and broug' t to Moses Tracy, well known in St. Johns, A ladies muff and boa Attorneys for Assignee, St. Johns, church and be a patron of th? dance, Holy Communion at 10 o'clock a. m. St. Johns by Mr. Dunn Saturday. He who lives near Perrinton, was tarred and John Hicks ’. Michigan. card-table or the theater.” feathered by his neighbors last July, who Full Christmas services and sermons was taken before Justice Lyon Monday Dewitt will sell you at wholesale or Public entertainments and holiday A very large audience was present ’ will bo deferred till Sunday, the day fol morning and plead guilty, will probably charged him with indecent conduct. He retril. (Try). parties will find it to their advantage to some becauso of entire sympathy in the hr mght suit against ten of his neighbors, purchase their goods at D ewitt's. lowing. Subjects of sermons will be be sentenced this week. Thus the mills Nile (Jot a Divorce. well known position of the preacher, and after a four days trial at Ithaca got “The Incarnation, ” in the morning; and of justice grind out swiftly the offender The judge grauted a divorce on the liny Cloak- »t Jolm Hicks. others out of curiosity. Mr. Martin “Christmas Lessons, ” in the evening. who only takes something of trifling a judgment of £5( 0. ground that the poor bread made was burned his bridges on the start by The following musical programme will out of inferior Hour and made bad digest­ CliriMtiiiitM Flowers. value. Interfiling Lecture. Christmas and its pleasant associations announcing his opposition to these be rendered Sunday morning: ion, you can avoid this if you purchase Mrs. Noble’s lecture on “Passion your Hour at D ewitt’s. comes but once a year. Then each per­ things. The sermon was a strong one Ant em—‘ Let us now (to even unto Beth­ son likes to give and receive tokens of from hispointof view, vigorous and clear, lehem” .........................................................Hants Play Impressions," at the Congregational friendship. Vemte—"O come, let u» shir unto the Lord ” church, Monday night, was very interest ­ Dewitt carries prunes, appricots, like all of his utterances. He quoted (iloria Patria................................................Alzainora peaches and raisins in one pound pack­ What better token of friendship could Tel»eum in G)................................................. Steel ing. The audience listened with wrapt you give than a nice boquet of cut statistics from the book of an ex dancing Jubilate Deo (chant) ............................Woodward ages, keeps them clean and sweet. Hymn —"Angels from the realms of glory" attention to the portrayal of chief inci ­ llowers? We can furnish you with master, “From the Ball Room to Hell,” Handkerchief- For ChristinaH ...................................................................... Smart dents of the life and death of the Saviour either or both for less money than you stating that a very large per cent, of the liloria Tibi.......................................................Garrett ohn icks can buy them elsewhere. If you send llyinn —‘ It came upon the midnight clear” At J H ’. women in houses of prostitution traced ...................................................................... Willis as represented every ten years by the away for llowers, you will pay tho retail The greenhouse is the place to buy their condition to dancing. A girl could (Iffertory (anthem )........................................ Barrett Bavarian peasants at Oberamergau. The prices, the telephone and the express Recessional —“Shout the glad tidiugs". Avison story was made doubly interesting by llowers for Christmas. charges. If you buy them here, you will not indulge in the waltz in full dress The .Sunday school services will bo pay the same retail price and save the and retain her finer feelingof modesty, nor held at the church next Monday even ­ the grace and eloquence of the speaker. Dewitt wants your butter, eggs, apples telephone and express bills. and potatoes. could a well developed man waltz with ing, after which tho children will be en At the close Mrs. Noble gave “Nearer We can furnish you with as good tertained in the Ladies' Library room by girls in full dress without loosing some­ My God to Thee,” in pantomime, while Bargain- In Clonk- at John Hick-’ flowers as are on the market. The stereopticon views from the life of our it was sung by Messrs. Perkins and largest could do no more. thing of his finer feelings of respect for Saviour. A general admission fee of 10 Dewitt’s Graham'Flour is the best in If you want cut Howers for parties, womankind. cents will be charged at the hall for Washburn and the Misses Malthouse. town. or weddings, or designs for funerals, con ­ He said the Methodists had been those who are not connected with the This, also, was greatly appreciated by sult us. school. the audience. Mrs. Noble was enter ­ Call at Dewitt’s on Friday and get a C. F. A F. W. K napp . singled out as way behind the times in cup of Charco Mix. At the M. E. church there will be a tained by Mrs. F. A. Travis, who is a their opposition to so-called popular Excelsior diaries for 1898, at Hunt ’s Christmas tree Friday night and appro- graduate of her school of elocution, and Bargain- In Cape- at John Hick-’, amusements, but he would read the riate services morning and evening Drug Store. discipline, which he did, and show that Sunday. When Ellsworth came to St. Johns he who gracefully introduced her former When planning for your Cnristmas teacher to the audience.
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