
April 17, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E559 and refills, FDA has decided that it wants to applauded. I am proud to represent a district the others ``the promise of a new tomorrow mandate this aspect of pharmacy practice and that includes people with such tremendous and he knew they needed someone to reach to restrict pharmacists so that only the infor- volunteer spirit, and I am pleased to recognize down and give them the opportunity to serve.'' mation that FDA deems appropriate is distrib- am Shalom's community leadership and to Ron Brown was truly one of a kind. uted to patients. praise the outstanding contributions of every The son of a hotel manager, Ron Brown In other words, FDA knows better than your participant in the April 28 Mitzvah Day. grew up in black America but bridged the gap personal physician and your pharmacist re- f between white and black from the earliest garding the information you should receive. years of his life. Attending white private And on top of this, FDA wants everybody to CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 2854, schools, Brown went on to be the only African- get the same information, no matter whether FEDERAL AGRICULTURE IM- American in his class at Middlebury College, you are elderly, a young child, male, female or PROVEMENT AND REFORM ACT where he forged the desegregation of his fra- pregnant. OF 1996 ternity. He later attended St. John's University The cost of this particular FDA initiative, SPEECH OF Law School and subsequently worked as a called the Medguide Program will exceed prominent attorney in the largely white world $100 million each year to mandate what phar- HON. MICHAEL BILIRAKIS of law. After that, Ron Brown became the first macists are already doing voluntarily right OF FLORIDA African-American chairman of the Democratic now. FDA's Medguide Program is unneces- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES National Committee. As former National Urban sary, very costly and is the wrong approach. Thursday, March 28, 1996 League chief John Jacob said, ``Ron could ac- Additionally, I should mention that FDA's Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- complish anything, because he didn't believe Medguide Program exceeds the agency's stat- port of the conference report for H.R. 2854, he coundn't do it. utory authority. While FDA does have legal the ``Agricultural Market Transition Act.'' This As Commerce Secretary, Ron Brown authority over the content of a drug manufac- measure reforms numerous laws affecting the worked tirelessly to promote our economic in- turer's labeling and advertising, FDA has no business of farmers, including dairy farmers. terests both here an around the globe. He authority whatsoever over the professional In modifying laws that pertain to dairy farmers, firmly believed that free, but fair trade was one practice of pharmacy. Standards of profes- H.R. 2854 has the effect of amending the of the best ways of advancing our country's sional practice, including patient care, counsel- Food Drug and Cosmetic Act [FFDCA] as it national interests as we move into the 21st ing and the dissemination of written informa- pertains to standards of identity and nutrition century. It was for this reason that Ron Brown tion to patients has always been and still are labeling requirements for fluid milk under milk enthusiastically led his mission to Bosnia. He the responsibility of state boards of phar- marketing orders. As Chairman of the Commit- believed that the untapped possibilities of the macyÐnot FDA. tee on Commerce Subcommittee on Health war-torn region held untold possibilities for the In summary, Mr. Speaker, the legislation I and Environment, I would like to note the juris- United States. am introducing will prohibit the FDA from dictional interest of both the full Committee I personally have had the pleasure of work- using any of its funding to implement its pro- and my Subcommittee in these modifications ing with Ron Brown on a number of occa- posed Medguide Program. of our country's dairy program. sions. Before his untimely death, he and I had We don't need this costly mandate from the Portions of the language in the conference been developing a unique initiative of sustain- FDA when the competitive retail pharmacy report regarding dairy programs supersede able development for my congressional dis- marketplace is making great strides in provid- certain provisions in the FFDCA by making trict. We both eagerly looked forward to har- ing consumers with meaningful, accurate and them inapplicable in some circumstances. The nessing the creative energy of public and pri- easily understood written information about FFDCA is a statute within the exclusive juris- vate enterprise to forget this new national prescription drugs. I urge my colleagues to co- diction of the Committee on Commerce. model. sponsor and support the Pharmacist's Patients Therefore, the amendment to the FFDCA in I don't believe a day has gone by since the Protection Act of 1996. Let's stop the mis- the conference report for H.R. 2854 is also tragic accident that I have not mourned what guides Medguide Program. within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Com- this country will miss without Ron Brown, and f merce Committee. In accordance with rule X the others aboard his plane. While the impor- of the rules of the House, I look forward to tant work of the Commerce Department will RECOGNITION OF CONGREGATION surely continue, America will never recapture AM SHALOM'S MITZVAH DAY continued exercise of our legislative jurisdic- tion in this area. the potential that traveled aboard that flight. f We can never replace the enormous possibili- HON. JOHN EDWARD PORTER ties that traveled with Ron Brown. OF ILLINOIS TRIBUTE TO RON BROWN f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN RECOGNITION OF OFFICER Wednesday, April 17, 1996 HON. SAM FARR KENNETH L. PONTIOUS OF CALIFORNIA Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise today to recognize Congregation Am Sha- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK Wednesday, April 17, 1996 lom of Glencoe, a synagogue in the 10th Dis- OF CALIFORNIA trict of Illinois whose members are making a Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, it is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES positive and wonderful contribution to our with great sadness that I rise today to salute Wednesday, April 17, 1996 community. a man who did more to advance U.S. eco- Congregation Am Shalom has designated nomic interests at home and abroad than any Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, today I would like Sunday, April 28, 1996, as a Mitzvah Day. In other in our nation's distinguished history. Ron to join my constituents in commemorating the the Jewish religion, a mitzvah is a command- Brown, whose other accomplishments include retirement of Officer Kenneth L. Pontious. Offi- ment to perform acts of kindness to others. revitalizing the Democratic party and advanc- cer Pontious is retiring after 28 years of serv- Mitzvah Day will be a voluntary, ing race relations in America, died tragically 2 ice to the community and citizens of Union congregationwide community service endeavor weeks ago on a trade mission in Bosnia. City. to reach out with philanthropic hearts and res- As Commerce Secretary, Brown was ac- During his 28 years of service, Officer olute hands to the surrounding community and companied by 34 other brave Americans, one Pontious has contributed to the Union City Po- to help people in all walks of life. of whom was my constituent. Adam Darling, a lice Department in many different capacities. As many as 1,000 Am Shalom volunteers 29-year Commerce Department assistant who He has served as a Motorcycle Patrol Officer. will take part in worthwhile projects on that offered to bike cross-country from his Santa In addition, he has worked as a Traffic Officer day, including repairing and painting homes, Cruz, California home to promote Bill Clinton's and a member of the Special Enforcement Re- delivering home-cooked meals to the home- 1992 presidential campaign, also lost his life sponse Team. bound and the elderly, taking children on out- on that terrible flight. I had the honor of salut- Officer Pontious has also assisted the com- ings, and cleaning up local parks. In all of ing Adam's life last Friday, along with the First munity as a School Resource Officer giving these ways, they will touch the lives of others. Lady, his family and friends at a touching me- his time directly to our young people. Finally, Mr. Speaker, Am Shalom's commitment to morial service. He will be sorely missed by all. Officer Pontious has worked as a Field Train- make a difference through these various Adam was on board, because as President ing Officer, Rangemaster and Police Explorer projects should not only be recognized, but Clinton put it, Ron Brown could see in him and Post Adviser. E560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks April 17, 1996 Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I come before you MEMORIALIZATION OF BRIG. GEN. returned to the United States. The 321st re- today celebrating with my constituents the ca- RICHARD J. DIRGINS, U.S. ARMY activated as an Air Force Reserve unit under reer of Officer Kenneth L. Pontious. I hope RESERVE CENTER 15th Air Force and designated the 321st Bom- bardment Group (Light) on March 31, 1946. It you and my colleagues will also join me in was again inactivated on June 27, 1949. congratulating him for his contribution to the HON. TODD TIAHRT The 321st reactivated at Pinecastle AFB, community. OF KANSAS Fla., under Second Air Force as the 321st IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bombardment Wing (Medium) Dec.
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