VOL 64 — NO. 41 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1946 Bishop b Present Chief OmnJan Plans Made For LeoRyii iunn When Local Priest Orders Brownout Christmas Bazaar Will Be Unopposed It takes a great deal of study ins aad long years of living.to ac- Marks Anniversary For This Chy Of Christ Church For Fireman Post quire even a snull portion of the knowledge which has been Rev. Urbanik Of Sacred Emergency Measures Will Be HeW~A t Parish Annual Department asaaaed by the human race over Heart Church Celebrated Taken By Jersey Central Houae On December 6th. Election WiU Take Place the centuries. 25th Ordination Power And Light. Monday Evening. Lately, considerable Interest Anniversary Sunday. The annual Christmas Basaar was created over a contest stag- In compliance with orders re- of Christ Episcopal Church will The annual election of officers One of the outstanding events ed by the United States Army ceived from the Civilian Pro- be held in the Parish House on of the South Amboy Fire De- In the history of Sacred Heart With a modern calculating duction Administration on Wed- Friday. December 9th. Supper triment will be held Monday Parish, took place on Sunday, machine pitted against the an- nesday. Chief of Police David will be served from 5 until 8 evening in the Broadway fire when the Rev. Walter Urbanik. cient Abacus, simple counting Qulnlan has ordered a brown- o'clock. house. pastor of the church, celebrated machine used for centuries by out of til unnecessary lighting Those in charge of booths According to the preelection the twenty fifth anniversary of the Japanese and the Chinese. here, to aid in the coal conser- will be: Miss Marie Uhler. grab- talk, Leo Ryan, a member of his ordination. Qreater interest in the con- vation program. bag, Mrs. Ruth Dexhelmer, he Enterprise Hook and Ladder In addition to the Most Re- test was created by the fact that The order bans all unneces- Craft Shop, Mrs. Frances Kirk, Company, will be the unopposed verend William A. Griffin, bishop the abacus was able to beat out sary outside lighting, display and Handkerchiefs, Mrs. Russell Har- candidate for selection as the » of the Trenton diocese, there the modern calculating machine otherwise, although street light- dy and Mrs. Helen Plerson, cakes second assistant chief of the were more than fifty priests in In many phases of the contest. ing and traffic lights are except- and pies, Mrs. H.- 8. Weyrich department, which according to attendance, and more than WO Until word of the contests was ed. Also banned. Chief Qulnlan and Mrs. Oretchen Delbert, tradition will be his first step people were present at the ban- published, there were a great explained, is all lighting in dls- Country store, St. Martha's toward the post of department quet given In honor of Father many people who had never play windows that may be seenlOuUd, Dry Goods, Junior Young chief. Urbanik. heard of tone abacus, and a great from outside the widow. The People's Oulld, Mrs. Harold Flls- At the first of the year. Martin At 11 o'clock Sunday morn- many more, who while they had rules are similar to ttoose In ef- kov, chairman, aprons. Acolyte Keays of Protection Engine Co... lac, the Rev. Urbanik celebrated heard of It. had never heard Us fect during the war. Outld, Arthur Bailey, chairman at present, first assistant chief. a pontifical man In the presence name, and had only faint Ray Ketohell m charge of the sand dune. Mn. Arthur Chap- will become chief, to succeed^ of tht Btohop. Assisting at the about how It was operated. local power plant .of the Jersey man, novelty shop, Arthur Chap John O'Leary of the Enterprise were the Rev. Andrew Wls- No matter how much we apply Central Power atfil lifht Co., man, treasurer, Supper commit- Company, and Frank Leonard niewski of Woodbine, N j. as ourselves, there Is a peat deal declared that there Is no Im- tee: Mrs. Fred Petty. Miss Alice of Independence Engine and and tht Rev. John Qra- of knowledge none of us will mediate danger of difficulty at VanSant, Mn. John Bodenman Hose Company, will advance bowski of local Sacred Heart ever acquire. For matanoi the plant bars at result of the Mrs. William Coward. Mrs. from second to first assistant Church as thesob-deaoon. few of us really know how to coal gjtnatlirtit he declared Blanche Switser, Mn. Marjorle chief. live lift to its fullest extent? The Very R4v. Emmet Mona- that a supply to take care of Nteltopp and Mrs. Nellie Mills. i on Fate IS) • • • the load put on the plant for a Mn. Constance Keasby is the LEGION PLANS The recent decision of school period of over thirty days. Is on general chairman of the com- TESTIMONIAL FOR authorities and miiiirs of the hand. mittee. PAST COMMANDER council here, to acquire add! Two Local Men In Mr. KeteheU seid Shat all pos- 4 ttonal land adjacent to the pre- sible emergency —wires are Plans for a testimonial dinner aami Oeorge Street property, for being taken at all stations ope- Woman's Club to former Commander Albert school recreational pm puces. Is Leading Roles In rated by the company, aad it 1* Helm, sre being nude at Luke tadecd. as Superintendent of possible to secure a considerable A. Lovely Post, of the American Scnool Tustln has called it, "A Theatre Guild Play savin* of coal because of the fact Makes Plans To Legion. The Woman's Auxiliary progressive step forward". that all stations are Intercon- of the Post will assist in prepa- In the present day setup, re- John Lucitt And Richard nected, and all coal supplies sre Nark Anniversary rations for the event. Com- creational facilities for students Hotton To Appear In being pooled. mander Foley has appointed Jo- are regarded as almost as im- "Junior Miss". He explained tha tthe power Christmas Party Will Also seph Coluccl and Albert Sorren- portant as class s>Sm facilities loads are being so shifted as to Be Held At December 3rd ino. chairmen of the commit- and educators realise the truth Leading roles will be taken by put as much of Hie load as it Meeting. tee. two local men In the comedy, of the old proverb, "All work 1 Is capable of handling on s plant Meanwhile the post basketball and no play, makes Jack a dull "Junior Miss , to be presented burning anthracite coal, and Plans for the celebration of team has been organised under boy". They realise that know- by the Tierney Theatre Guild of this plant at present is being the 34th anniversary of the the direction of Joseph Levan- ledge can only be grasped and Perth Amboy on Saturday, No- operated "around the clock" and founding of the South Amboy doskl. and a schedule of retained by a healthy brain, and vember 30th and Sunday. De- iol is being used for fuel, wher- Woman's Club, and the annual is being arranged. cember 1st. a healthy brain can only dwell ever possible. Christmas Party, which will be m a healthy body, made so by John Lucttt of this city, will held In conjunction with this KNIGHTS ANNOUNCE play the leading male role, that celebration, were outlined at a Wholesome exercise and fresh MISS NANCY BURKARD TURKEY WINNERS air. of Uncle Willis, whose young meeting of the club's Executive niece. Judy, arranges a thrilling CLASS TREASURER AT Board, which took place on The winner* In the recent tur- The land which has been pur- TRENTON TEACHERS chased will be ideal for the pur- romance for him Mr. Lucitt has Monday afternoon at the home key drawing conducted by Knights of Columbus Council pose for which it is intended. been active In productions of of the President, Mrs. O. O. r Miss Nancy Burkard, No. 426 were: C. F. SpiUane. after It has been cleaned off the Tif> "' "heatre Guild, hav- Carr. on Second street. of Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Burkard Charles Spent, S. Loiak of Port (Continued on page live) ing PI1.J j roles in "Oeorge This affair will be held on Washington Slept Here", "Buds of 430 Ferris street, has been Tuesday site noon. December 3. Reading. Carolyn Orlmley of in Your Eyes". "Kind Lady", and chosen treasurer of the Fresh- at Christ Church Parish House, David street and Maurlta Flem- WBAT! Me bet water? Better "Stage Door". man Class at Trenton State and the Rev. Malcolm 8. Pitt, ing of David street. Teachers College. bl Ms—«bsa. TeL 1-MM, oer. Richard Holton also of this D. D.. a former missionary to e •» Miss Burkard, a graduate of Ave> aad DavM St. city, will play the character India, and dean of the Hartford Under the auspices of the the Harold O. Hoffman High lead, in which he portrays the 8emlnary, will be the guest Young Adult Fellowship of the School, Is majoring In mathe- father of July. speaker, with his topic "Christ- First Methodist Church, a cafe- For totter plumbing and matics-science at the college. teria supper and fancy tabtrwtf •fttof service at moderate Leaders of the Theatre Oulld, mas in India". The fieeolu* «l describe "Junior lUss", si In Hoffman High Bchool will fur- be held on Wednesday, Decem- mt«a\ see A. J. HSBMH 11« LEGION TO PRESENT ber 4th. The supper will be serv- Aujruata street, telephone extremely entertaining comedy nish the entertainment. All CERTIFICATES i*OR members of the Woman's Club ed from 5:30 until 7:00 P.
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