FOI F0009332 - DFT live contract as at 31st July 2012 KEY DfT (C ) DSA HA DVLA VOSA MCA VCA GCDA Business Contract Contract Start Actual End Contract Title Let Value Contractor Name Unit Number Date Date DfT(c) PPRO 04/084/002/ 31/08/2011 30/08/2013 BFBS Consultants Ltd Overseas Aviation Security Training 2 (OAST2) DfT(c) PPRO 04/084/002/ 31/08/2011 30/08/2013 Redline Overseas Aviation Security Training 2 (OAST2) DfT(c) PPRO 04/084/002/ 31/08/2011 30/08/2013 £950,000 Ronalt Ltd Overseas Aviation Security Training 2 (OAST2) DfT(c) PPRO 04/047/061/ 2ND TRANCHE LAPTOPS 4 HS2 02/07/2012 01/08/2012 £223,230 SCC LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/005/018/ AADFS Migration and Hosting Project 08/06/2006 31/12/2012 £362,933 1Spatial Limited DfT(c) PPRO 04/027/054/ ADOBE ELIR LICENSING 23/11/2011 22/11/2012 £101,769 Insight Direct (UK) Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/063/006/ ALFRESCO SUPPORT & MAINTENANCE 01/04/2010 31/03/2013 £99,414 ALFRESCO SOFTWARE LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/023/012/ Appointment of Professional Advisers for RAIB relocation to Farnborough 25/11/2011 24/05/2013 £106,000 Capita Symonds DfT(c) PPRO 04/006/036/ Archiving Police Fatal Road Accident Traffic Reports - Phase 7 10/10/2011 09/09/2012 £112,110 TRL Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/047/062/ B-CRYPT SOFTWARE 28/06/2012 27/06/2013 £33,652 SCC LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/019/ Bloomberg Subscription and Terminal Hire 16/02/2011 15/02/2013 £35,000 Bloomberg LP DfT(c) PPRO 04/063/007/ BOW TIE TELEVISION 01/04/2012 31/03/2013 £25,000 BOW TIE TELEVISION DfT(c) PPRO 04/024/017/ British Social Attitudes Survey 2012 -14 13/03/2012 12/03/2015 £355,500 NatCen DfT(c) CRNP09007 BSOG Debt Recovery Services 21/10/2009 30/11/2012 £14,000 Clarke Willmott DfT(c) PPRO 04/027/047/ Capscan Software Licence for TIMS system 30/09/2010 29/09/2013 £47,797 Capscan DfT(c) PPRO 04/022/016/ Car Parks and Points of Interest Ccontract 29/03/2009 31/03/2013 £574,790 Landmark Solutions DfT(c) PPRO 04/047/048/ CITRIX MAINTENANCE 21/08/2011 20/08/2012 £20,056 PHOENIX SOFTWARE LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/069/002/ CLASS Services for Security Team 18/12/2009 17/12/2012 Acumen Consortium DfT(c) PPRO 04/069/002/ CLASS Services for Security Team 18/12/2009 17/12/2012 NetworkersMSB DfT(c) PPRO 04/069/002/ CLASS Services for Security Team 18/12/2009 17/12/2012 £150,000 Parity DfT(c) PPRO 04/022/029/ collation & mgt of public transport data 01/03/2012 31/08/2013 BASEMAP LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/022/029/ collation & mgt of public transport data 01/03/2012 31/08/2013 ITO WORLD LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/022/029/ collation & mgt of public transport data 01/03/2012 31/08/2013 £351,411 Landmark Solutions DfT(c) PPCA09033 Consultant Diversity Manager 02/03/2009 01/09/2015 £110,838 Hays Recruitment DfT(c) PPRO 04/026/006/ CONTRACT FOR HOSTING, SUPPORT & FOR RIAB 30/03/2010 31/10/2012 £327,245 Epic Group plc DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/006/ Corporate Finance Framework 17/10/2007 15/10/2012 Cambridge Economic Policy Associates Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/006/ Corporate Finance Framework 17/10/2007 15/10/2012 Citigroup DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/006/ Corporate Finance Framework 17/10/2007 15/10/2012 KPMG LLP DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/006/ Corporate Finance Framework 17/10/2007 15/10/2012 Lexicon Partners DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/006/ Corporate Finance Framework 17/10/2007 15/10/2012 Merrill Lynch DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/006/ Corporate Finance Framework 17/10/2007 15/10/2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/006/ Corporate Finance Framework 17/10/2007 15/10/2012 Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/006/ Corporate Finance Framework 17/10/2007 15/10/2012 UBS Investment Bank DfT(c) PPRO 04/048/006/ Corporate Finance Framework 17/10/2007 15/10/2012 £10,000,000 Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited DfT(c) PPRO 04/006/038 Crime and Casualties - Predictive Analysis Research Project 31/08/2011 30/08/2012 £122,645 South Yorkshire Police DfT(c) PPRO 04/012/070/ Cycle Safety Research 01/03/2012 31/03/2013 £44,948 TRL Ltd DfT(c) PPCA09088 Data Link between Great Minster House and GCDA 09/11/2009 08/11/2012 £39,125 Telewest Business DfT(c) PPCA09061 Data Links for London Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) 01/10/2009 30/09/2012 £128,574 Telewest Business DfT(c) PPRO 04/010/006/ Data on Seafarers 2012 - 2014 26/07/2012 25/07/2015 £48,970 The Chamber of Shipping DfT(c) PPRO 04/045/016/ DATA SITE PROVISION FOR PROCUREMENT 15/03/2010 31/03/2013 £78,501 CONNECT INTERNET SOLUTIONS DfT(c) PPRO 04/066/006/ Development of ULEV Consumer Choice Model 01/03/2012 31/07/2012 £38,300 Element Energy DfT(c) PPRO 04/049/021/ DfT Communications Planning 12/07/2012 11/07/2014 £110,724 Carat Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/049/015/ Dft Corporate Website Aplication Support 23/06/2011 27/06/2013 £210,000 SCC DfT(c) PPRO 04/049/019/ DFT CORPORATE WEBSITE HOSTING SERVICES 03/04/2012 02/04/2013 £90,000 CENTERPRISE INTERNATIONAL LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/045/022/ DfT GPC Card 2011- 14 25/07/2011 24/07/2014 £0 Barclays Bank plc DfT(c) PPRO 04/036/004/ DfT Internal Audit Co-Source Audit Provision 04/05/2011 03/05/2013 £1,000,000 PricewaterhouseCoopers DfT(c) PPRO 04/003/029 DIADEM Software User Support 16/07/2012 15/07/2014 £60,546 Atkins Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/047/053/ DISPOSAL IT EQUIPMENT 21/05/2012 20/05/2014 £9,940 Remploy Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/049/018/ Drink Drive Strategic Development Research 03/05/2012 02/07/2012 £83,000 Oxford Strategic Marketing DfT(c) PPRO 04/045/023/ e COLLABORATION WEB BASED COLLABORATION TOOL 01/07/2011 30/06/2013 £160,000 BravoSolution UK Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/001/068/ Economic Tool for Assessing Spped Limits 15/12/2011 14/10/2012 £167,605 Arup DfT(c) PPRO 04/068/004/ EMERGENCY CAPITAL HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE 12/08/2009 11/08/2012 £480,000 Atkins Highways & Transportation DfT(c) PPRO 04/012/056/ Euro NCAP Testing 01/08/2009 31/03/2014 £305,000 TRL Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/006/029/ Evaluation of Investment in Cycling 17/02/2009 31/03/2013 £1,974,695 Faber Maunsell Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/068/002/ Expert Advice on the Provision of Cableway Installations 08/10/2010 07/10/2013 LECS (UK) Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/068/002/ Expert Advice on the Provision of Cableway Installations 08/10/2010 07/10/2013 £60,000 A F Cruden Associates DfT(c) PPRO 04/027/055/ EXT MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT BUSINESS OBJECTS 12/10/2011 11/10/2012 £4,466 SOFTCAT LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/055/020/ EXT MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT FOR RAILWAT IT SYSTEMS 01/04/2012 31/03/2014 £337,713 ATOS DfT(c) PPRO 04/054/015/ ext maintenance & support web hosting 24/07/2012 23/02/2013 £0 NETFUNDI LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/073/003 Extension of the "Revisiting the Elasticity-Based Framework" 15/08/2011 14/12/2012 £30,000 Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/027/033/ FIELD TECHNOLOGY PROJECT 06/06/2010 05/06/2014 £970,688 CACI (REPLACEMENT TIMMS) DfT(c) PPCA09042 Flight Data Recorder Hardware and Software Support 01/11/2009 31/10/2013 £93,081 Bassom Computer Consultancy DfT(c) PPRO 04/052/002 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Support to the Road Pricing Framework Division's Road 28/03/2007 27/03/2017 Atkins Highways & Transportation Pricing Programme DfT(c) PPRO 04/052/002 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Support to the Road Pricing Framework Division's Road 28/03/2007 27/03/2017 Deloitte & Touche Corporate Finance Pricing Programme DfT(c) PPRO 04/052/002 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Support to the Road Pricing Framework Division's Road 28/03/2007 27/03/2017 KPMG LLP Pricing Programme DfT(c) PPRO 04/052/002 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Support to the Road Pricing Framework Division's Road 28/03/2007 27/03/2017 PA Consulting Services Ltd Pricing Programme DfT(c) PPRO 04/052/002 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Support to the Road Pricing Framework Division's Road 28/03/2007 27/03/2017 PricewaterhouseCoopers Pricing Programme DfT(c) PPRO 04/052/002 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Support to the Road Pricing Framework Division's Road 28/03/2007 27/03/2017 Roke Manor Research Ltd Pricing Programme DfT(c) PPRO 04/052/002 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Support to the Road Pricing Framework Division's Road 28/03/2007 27/03/2017 TRL Ltd Pricing Programme DfT(c) PPRO 04/052/002 Framework Agreement for Consultancy Support to the Road Pricing Framework Division's Road 28/03/2007 27/03/2017 £32,000,000 Detica Ltd Pricing Programme DfT(c) PPRO 04/045/012 Framework for Transport Related Technical & Engineering Advice and Research 20/02/2012 19/02/2015 Arup DfT(c) PPRO 04/045/012 Framework for Transport Related Technical & Engineering Advice and Research 20/02/2012 19/02/2015 Atkins Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/045/012 Framework for Transport Related Technical & Engineering Advice and Research 20/02/2012 19/02/2015 TRL Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/045/012 Framework for Transport Related Technical & Engineering Advice and Research 20/02/2012 19/02/2015 £0 Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd DfT(c) PPRO 04/027/051/ FTP ELECTRONIC LINK TO INDUSTRY 25/08/2011 24/08/2015 £260,000 CACI DfT(c) PPRO 04/047/043/ GATEWAY SERVICES REPLACEMENT PROJECT 14/09/2011 13/09/2016 £2,800,000 SOFTWARE BOX LTD DfT(c) PPRO 04/039/002 General Lighthouse Fund - Investment Management Services 26/09/2006 25/09/2016 Baillie Gifford DfT(c) PPRO 04/039/002 General Lighthouse Fund - Investment Management Services 26/09/2006 25/09/2016 HSBC Bank plc DfT(c) PPRO 04/039/002 General Lighthouse Fund - Investment Management Services 26/09/2006 25/09/2016 £0 Martin Currie DfT(c) PPRO 04/039/005/ General Lighthouse Fund - Investment Managers 06/03/2012 05/03/2015 BNY Mellon DfT(c) PPRO 04/039/005/ General Lighthouse Fund - Investment Managers 06/03/2012 05/03/2015 £0 Baring Asset Management DfT(c) PPRO 04/028/023/ GMH Reconfiguration Works Phases 1b and 3 14/03/2012 13/11/2012
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