April 3, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5029 The Kid-Care idea began to take shape at SELF-EMPLOYED HEALTH INSUR- I further announce that, if present Christmas 1989, when Carol came on a group ANCE ACT—CONFERENCE RE- and voting, the Senator from Oregon of children eating out of a McDonalds’ dump- PORT [Mr. HATFIELD] would vote ‘‘yea.’’ ster. ‘‘I saw Third World conditions a stone’s Mr. FORD. I announce that the Sen- throw from where I live,’’ she says. Two The Senate resumed consideration of years later, Kid-Care was created as a non- the conference report. ator from Alabama [Mr. HEFLIN], the profit organization. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Senator from Vermont [Mr. LEAHY] the These days, the Porter’s three-bedroom ate will now resume consideration of Senator from Michigan [Mr. LEVIN], bungalow is hemmed in by Kid-Care vehicles. the conference accompanying H.R. 831 and the Senator from Georgia [Mr. Industrial-size cans of beans, tomatoes, corn NUNN] are necessarily absent. and spaghetti sauce line shelves tacked up in f I also announce that the Senator the family room. Bags of disposable diapers, CLOTURE MOTION from Florida [Mr. GRAHAM] is absent bulk rice and dozens of loaves of bread are because of illness. stacked alongside. in the center of the room The PRESIDING OFFICER. The hour I further announce that, if present is a banquet table, where the sandwiches are of 12 noon having arrived, under the prepared in a huge assembly line. In the next previous order, the clerk will report and voting, the Senator from Vermont room, a magnet stuck to one of four refrig- the motion to invoke cloture. [Mr. LEAHY] and the Senator from erators reads, ‘‘Carol’s Kitchen.’’ ‘‘Hah!’’ The assistant legislative clerk read Florida [Mr. GRAHAM] would each vote snorts Carol. ‘‘This hasn’t been my kitchen as follows: ‘‘aye.’’ in years.’’ The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 83, Until late last year, Kid-Care provided not CLOTURE MOTION nays 0, as follows: only brown-bag lunches but also hot meals. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- [Rollcall Vote No. 126 Leg.] That was when the Houston health depart- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the ment forced the Porters to suspend cooking Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby YEAS—83 operations until certain code violations were move to bring to a close debate on the con- Abraham Dorgan McCain remedied. That problem should be solved by ference report to accompany H.R. 831, Self- Akaka Exon McConnell May, When the Porters hope to move kid- Employed Health Insurance Act: Ashcroft Faircloth Mikulski Care into its newly acquired 11,500-square- Robert Dole, Bob Packwood, John Baucus Feingold Moseley-Braun Bennett Feinstein foot building equipped to produce 4,000 hot Ashcroft, Orrin Hatch, Richard Lugar, Moynihan Biden Ford Murkowski meals a day. That is, of course, if they can Lauch Faircloth, Larry Pressler, Thad Bingaman Frist Murray increase their funding. Carol Porter’s tire- Cochran, Trent Lott, Pete Domenici, Bond Glenn Packwood less fund-raising has given Kid-Care high vis- Rick Santorum, Larry Craig, Alfonse Boxer Gorton Pell ibility among corporations—Quaker Oats D’Amato, Hank Brown, James Inhofe, Bradley Grams Pressler Breaux Grassley and long-distance company Heartline Com- and Slade Gorton. Pryor Brown Gregg munications are sponsors—but most of the Reid CALL OF THE ROLL VITIATED Bryan Harkin Robb current annual budget of $500,000 comes from Bumpers Hatch The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Rockefeller individual donations. The couple supple- Burns Helms BROWN). Pursuant to rule XXII, the ments Hurt’s $2,000-a-month stipend from Byrd Hollings Santorum Kid-Care with a contract to oversee Houston- chair now directs the clerk to call the Chafee Inouye Sarbanes area daycare providers for the U.S. Depart- roll to ascertain the quorum. Coats Jeffords Shelby Simon ment of Agriculture. Hurt III earns $1,000 a Cohen Johnston The legislative clerk proceeded to Simpson month managing Kid-Care’s transportation. Conrad Kempthorne call the roll. Coverdell Kennedy Snowe Carol, whose dream is to seed Kid-Care Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I ask unan- Craig Kerrey Specter groups across the country, draws no salary. imous consent that the order for the D’Amato Kerry Stevens ‘‘People ask me what’s in it for me,’’ she Thomas quorum call be rescinded. Daschle Kohl says. ‘‘And I tell them to go the route with DeWine Lautenberg Thompson me and see my kids’ faces. That’s what’s in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Dodd Lieberman Thurmond it for me.’’ objection, it is so ordered. Dole Lugar Warner Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I ask unan- Domenici Mack Wellstone f imous consent—and it has been cleared NOT VOTING—17 by the Democratic leader—I ask unani- Campbell Hutchison Lott WAS CONGRESS IRRESPONSIBLE? mous consent that the live quorum Cochran Inhofe Nickles THE VOTERS HAVE SAID YES under rule XXII be vitiated. Graham Kassebaum Nunn Gramm Kyl The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Roth Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, for 3 Hatfield Leahy Smith years I have made daily reports to the objection, it is so ordered. Heflin Levin Senate regarding the exact Federal f The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this debt as of the previous day. VOTE vote the yeas are 83, the nays are zero. We must pray that this year, Federal Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- spending will begin to be reduced—it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen and sworn having voted in the af- hasn’t yet. Indeed, if we care about question is, Is it the sense of the Sen- firmative, the motion is agreed to. America’s future, Congress must face ate that debate on the conference re- Mr. DODD addressed the Chair. up to its responsibility to balance the port accompanying H.R. 831, the Self- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Federal budget. Employed Health Insurance Act, shall ator from Connecticut. As of the close of business Friday, be brought to a close? Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I ask unan- March 31, the exact Federal debt stood The yeas and nays are required. The imous consent to proceed as if in morn- at $4,864,115,841,256.92, meaning that on clerk will call the roll. ing business. a per capita basis, every man, woman, The legislative clerk called the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there and child in America owes $18,464.61 as Mr. DOLE. I announce that the Sen- objection? his or her share of the Federal debt. ator from Colorado [Mr. CAMPBELL], The Chair hears none, and it is so or- It’s important to note, Mr. President, the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. dered. that the United States had an oppor- COCHRAN], the Senator from Texas [Mr. f tunity to begin controlling the Federal GRAMM], the Senator from Oregon [Mr. debt by implementing a balanced budg- HATFIELD], the Senator from Texas PERFECT SEASON FOR UNIVER- et amendment to the Constitution. Un- [Mrs. HUTCHISON], the Senator from SITY OF CONNECTICUT WOMEN fortunately, the Senate did not seize Oklahoma [Mr. INHOFE], the Senator Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I am hold- their first opportunity to control this from Kansas [Mrs. KASSEBAUM], the ing up in my hands the front page of debt—but rest assured they will have Senator from Arizona [Mr. KYL], the today’s Hartford Courant, which reads another chance during the 104th Con- Senator from Mississippi [Mr. LOTT], ‘‘Perfect.’’ It shows a photograph of the gress. the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. NICK- University of Connecticut women’s If the Senate does not concentrate on LES], the Senator from Delaware [Mr. basketball team and the score of the getting a handle on this enormous ROTH], and the Senator from New game, 70 to 64, over Tennessee. debt, their constituents are not likely Hampshire [Mr. SMITH] are necessarily Mr. President, you will certainly ap- to overlook it 2 years hence. absent. preciate the fact that there is a certain VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:44 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S03AP5.REC S03AP5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S5030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 3, 1995 amount of local pride in the Nutmeg in congratulating all the people in- and me, but they had to go back to State this morning. The women’s bas- volved in this great season. their schedule and practice, so they ketball team completed their tremen- Mr. BRADLEY addressed the Chair. could not get in to the White House. dous season, 35 and 0. It is the best The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Yesterday, the coach asked the Presi- record ever compiled by a men’s or ator from New Jersey. dent if this time they might be able to women’s basketball team, culminating Mr. BRADLEY. Mr. President, I come through the front door of the in the NCAA title against Tennessee. would like to offer my congratulations White House. The President extended The other team that went undefeated, as well to the women’s team at the an invitation to them to visit, and it is 34 and 0, was the University of Texas in University of Connecticut, and I would going to be a pleasure to go there with 1986. like to call attention to a quote by its them and have them walk in the front What makes this team unique is the star player, Rebecca Lobo, in this door of the White House as the na- intellectual as well as the athletic abil- morning’s Washington Post. When she tional champions.
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