Sjuttonhundratal Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies 2012 Sjuttonhundratal: Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies Published by Svenska sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier in cooperation with Suomen 1700-luvun tutkimuksen seura/Finska sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier and Norsk selskap for 1700-tallsstudier Editor-in-chief: David Dunér, Lund Co-editors: Johanna Ilmakunnas, Helsinki; Per Pippin Aspaas, Tromsø Review editors: Kristiina Savin, Lund; Henrika Tandefelt, Helsinki; Gerd Karin Omdal, Trondheim; Øystein Lydik Idsø Viken, Oslo Language consultant: Matthew Norris, Lund Editorial board: Anna Agnarsdóttir, Reykjavík; Marie-Theres Federhofer, Tromsø; Pasi Ihalainen, Jyväskylä; Piret Lotman, Tallinn; Anne-Marie Mai, Kolding; Jonas Nordin, Stockholm © Sjuttonhundratal & the authors 2012 Typesetting: Henri Terho Printing: Pozkal, Poland 2012 ISSN 1652-4772 Sjuttonhundratal 2012 DAVID DUNÉR, PER PIPPIN ASPAAS & JOHANNA ILMAKUNNAS: Introduction: Cul- tural Encounters | 7 KNUT OVE ELIASSEN & ANNE FASTRUP: Det orientalske despotis afvikling i Montes- quieus Lettres persanes | 12 LEOS MÜLLER: Svensk sjöfart, neutralitet och det väpnade neutralitetsförbundet 1780– 1783 | 39 HOLGER WEISS: Det svenska kolonialprojektets komplexa rum: om slaveri under svensk flagg i slutet av 1700-talets karibiska och atlantiska värld | 59 ANSSI HALMESVIRTA: Between the Darkness of Barbarism and the Light of Civilization: British Images of the Finn in the Late Eighteenth Century | 93 HEDVIG MÅRDH: Templet i Mälby | 110 DISSERTATIONS: MIKAEL AHLUND, Landskapets röster: studier i Elias Martins bildvärld, review by Anna Lena Lind- berg | 130 MAGNUS ANDERSSON, Omvälvningarnas tid: handelshuset Ekman i Göteborg på en europeisk kredit- marknad 1790–1820, review by Kristina Lilja | 135 CAROLINA BROWN, Liksom en herdinna: litterära teman i svenska kvinnoporträtt under 1700-talet, review by Johanna Ilmakunnas | 136 ØYVIND GJEMS FJELDBU, Éducation et images mentales dans l’Émile de Jean-Jacques Rousseau: étude d’un modèle cognitif et rhétorique, review by Charles T. Wolfe | 140 MAGNUS LINNARSSON, Postgång på växlande villkor: det svenska postväsendets organisation under stor- maktstiden, review by Mats Bladh | 144 JAKOB MALIKS, Vilkår for offentlighet: sensur, økonomi og transformasjonen av det offentlige rom i Dan- mark-Norge 1730–1770, review by Håkon Andreas Evju | 146 DANIEL MÖLLER, Fänad i helgade grifter: svensk djurgravpoesi 1670–1760, review by Anna Cullhed | 151 3 ANNA NILSSON, Lyckans betydelse: sekularisering, sensibilisering och individualisering i svenska skilling- tryck 1750–1850, review by Andreas Hellerstedt | 156 CLAES G. OLSSON, Omsorg & kontroll: en handikapphistorisk studie 1750–1930: föreställningar och levnadsförhållanden, review by Gunnar Broberg | 158 OSMO PEKONEN, La rencontre des religions autour du voyage de L’abbé Réginald Outhier en Suède en 1736–1737, review by Martin Wåhlberg | 159 MONA RAUTELIN, En förutbestämd sanning: barnamord och delaktighet i 1700-talets Finland belysta genom kön, kropp och social kontroll, review by Karin Hassan Jansson | 163 STEFAN RIMM, Vältalighet och mannafostran: retorikutbildningen i svenska skolor och gymnasier 1724– 1807, review by Nils Ekedahl | 166 MARTIN WÅHLBERG, La scène de musique dans le roman du dix-huitième siècle, review by Gina Rivera | 170 RIKARD WINGÅRD, Att sluta från början: tidigmodern läsning och folkbokens receptionsestetik, review by Iris Ridder | 175 LITERATURE: TORKILD BAKKEN, BRITA BRENNA, JOHN PETER COLLETT & al., Aspects of Johan Ernst Gunnerus’ Life and Work, review by Ernst Bjerke | 179 GILLES BANCAREL (éd.), Raynal et ses réseaux, review by Sven Björkman | 181 CARIN BERGSTRÖM, Självständig prinsessa: Sophia Albertina 1753–1829, review by My Hellsing | 187 RIC BERMAN, The Grand Architects: Political Change and the Scientific Enlightenment 1714–1740, review by Marcus Willén | 188 GABRIELLE-ÉMILIE LE TONNELIER DE BRETEUIL, MARQUISE DU CHÂTELET-LOMOND, Examens de la Bible, review by Sven Björkman | 190 CHARLOTTA DOHLVIK, JENNY JOHANSSON & CHRISTIAN PENALVA (red.), 1700-talets Göteborg, review by Brita Planck | 194 VIDAR ENEBAKK & NILS VOJE JOHANSEN, Christopher Hansteens annus mirabilis: reisen til London og Paris 1819, review by Per Pippin Aspaas | 196 PETER FORSSKÅL, Thoughts on Civil Liberty: Translation of the Original Manuscript with Background, review by Matthew Norris | 197 JENS GLEBE-MØLLER, I kamp mod dumhed og hykleri: om oplysningsmanden general W. H. von Schmet- tau (1719–85), review by Rolv Nøtvik Jakobsen | 199 STINA HANSSON, Svensk bröllopsdiktning under 1600- och 1700-talen: renässansrepertoarernas fram- växt, blomstring och tillbakagång, review by Daniel Möller | 200 ALEXANDRA HEIDLE & JAN A. M. SNOEK (eds.), Women’s Agency and Ritual in Mixed and Female Masonic Orders; JAN A. M. SNOEK, Initiating Women in Freemasonry: The Adoption Rite, review by Marcus Willén | 205 THOMAS IHRE, Abraham Bäck: mannen som reformerade den svenska sjukvården, review by Gunnar Broberg | 208 TEEMU IKONEN, 1700-luvun eurooppalaisen kirjallisuuden ensyklopedia eli Don Quijoten perilliset, review by Sanna Nyqvist | 209 4 TEEMU KESKISARJA, Kyynelten kallio: kertomuksia seksistä ja väkivallasta, review by Mona Rautelin | 211 GÖSTA KJELLIN, Sissi-Jaakko: en klassresa i svenskt 1700-tal. Med ett slutkapitel om Fru Johanna och klassresans sista bit av Johanna Enckell, review by Juha-Matti Granqvist | 215 MARGUS LAIDRE, The Great Northern War in Estonia: The Trials of Dorpat 1700–1708, review by Bengt Nilsson | 217 MICHAEL H. LINDGREN, Christopher Polhems testamente: berättelsen om ingenjören, entreprenören och pedagogen som ville förändra Sverige, review by Thomas Kaiserfeld | 219 ANDREAS ÖNNERFORS & ROBERT COLLINS (eds.), Freemasonry and Fraternalism in Eighteenth- Century Russia, review by Marcus Willén | 221 MATTIAS PIRHOLT (red.), Constructions of German Romanticism: Six Studies / Konstruktionen der deutschen Romantik: Sechs Studien, review by Jon Helgason | 223 MARSHA KEITH SCHUCHARD, Emanuel Swedenborg, Secret Agent on Earth and in Heaven: Jacobites, Jews, and Freemasons in Early Modern Sweden, review by Marcus Willén | 225 KARIN SENNEFELT, Politikens hjärta: medborgarskap, manlighet och plats i frihetstidens Stockholm, re- view by Andreas Hellerstedt | 227 TORGRIM SØRNES, Uten nåde: de henrettede i Norge 1783–1814, review by Erling Sandmo | 230 NILS JOHAN STOA, Kjødets lyst: fortellinger om synd og straff, review by Øystein Lydik Idsø Viken | 231 ADRIAN VELICU, Civic Catechisms and Reason in the French Revolution, review by Victoria Höög | 233 KUSTAA H. J. VILKUNA, Djävulens krig: förrädaren Gustav Lillbäck och stora nordiska kriget 1700– 1721, review by Kasper Kepsu | 234 MARTIN WÅHLBERG, Opplysningens sorte får: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778), review by Es- pen Schaanning | 236 CONTRIBUTORS | 239 5 Introduction: Cultural Encounters In the eighteenth century the world was expanding. Unknown geographies were explored, foreign cultures encountered, new trade routes consolidated. Alterna- tive ways of living and understanding the world were noticed. New products were exchanged, unusual languages heard, different faces seen. The eighteenth-century world seems to show a greater mobility, a greater interest in the outer world, in landscapes and cultures beyond the horizon, on the other side of the mountains and the ocean. These encounters with foreign cultures challenged the everyday conceptions of what it meant to be human. This volume of Sjuttonhundratal is about cultural encounters, how people in a small corner of the northern hemi- sphere became aware of other cultures beyond their local community. Although this volume is a so-called open volume, having invited scholars to submit articles on any topic relating to the long eighteenth century, it sometimes happens that the realities of the present become so pressing that they influence the scholarly debate across disciplines. Thus, in our age of globalization in which every intel- lectual is forced to take a stand regarding ongoing encounters between cultures, ideologies, and economic systems, our approach to the sources of the past is likely to become affected. That may have been the case here. As editors of this volume, we have found that the theme of cultural encounter serves as a common link be- tween the five articles. The first article can be read as a comment on the concept of Orientalism. In the late sixteenth and early eighteenth centuries, Christian Europe consolidated itself vis-à-vis the Muslim World. The Ottoman Empire was pushed back from the doorstep of Vienna and gradually from the Balkans as well. In contrast to the Turks, the Persians, who had once posed such a great threat to the ancient Greeks, were now seen as an exotic, harmless, and philosophically inclined peo- ple. The ‘orientalism’ of the time was thus based less on fear than on curiosity. As KNUT OVE ELIASSEN (Trondheim) and ANNE FASTRUP (Copenhagen) argue, 7 Sjuttonhundratal | 2012 Western intellectuals now turned to the East for the sake of satisfying their curi- osité, not as preparation for hostilities. But perhaps there were other lessons to be learned from the remote Orient beyond satisfying the desire of readers for sen- sational stories? In their interpretation and contextualization of Montesquieu’s Lettres Persanes (1721), Eliassen and Fastrup analyse how the French philosophe used the genre of the epistolary novel as a means to probe the inherent weaknesses and strengths of absolutism and despotism. By situating his main character,
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